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  1. Crowley can't be a generic angel, as he was able to open a high clearance document because they didn't change passwords since the nebula times.
  2. Ok. I twisted my ankle and needed smth trashy to watch so I can make fun of it. this was perfect lol are we not gonna address that son of one blonde plastic clone has seaked out a relationship with another blonde plastic clone? Therapist wet dream lol also… my gaydar is beeping, yelling and flashing in regards to Gabriel… and he just happens to get with the religious mom. Who god put on that path lmao I just can’t.
  3. Latvia😍😍😍 Finland Austria UK Australia Moldova Czechia Slovenia Switzerland Italy
  4. I'm actually quite excited, since I'm going... and I was able to win in the ticketmaster fight and get a ticket to the evening preview for Semi 2. I also like how this year has so many different options in genres. You can get 5 friends name their top 10, and there will hardly be many similarities. and probably just 1 or two songs in all 5 top 10s. And it's more likely to be Finland than Sweden LOL
  5. I too thought it was a twin, esp since there was a Man in the Iron Mask reference just few episodes before...
  6. ok, I was able to finish the season and I'm angry. Did they cut things out of the first two books - yes. It's expected, books are gazillion pages long. but the way they cut up the third book... the reasoning behind major developments were dropped. so Baldwin just decides to back Diana out of the blue, sure... Benjamin just kidnapped a witch and let her go so she'd run to Sept Tours... uhu Science and research are dropped, Diana's arrival to her hometown coven is dropped... it's a skeleton of the story without any explanation or development.... also, i might need to go back to seasons 1 and 2, but was TP's American accent ALWAYS that bad? I don't remember being that annoyed at everything she said. might be an accumulated annoyance over the way they castrated the book...
  7. yeah, lol we had this "blizzard" today in Chicago area. I did drive. in my defense I have AWD and I wasn't in labor lol (filling came out, had to get to my dentist). controlled fishtailing on a couple of turns, but nothing major. lol I guess I can imagine a Texan or Floridian losing their shit in weather like that, but not apocalypse style stuff... but then again. it's Ryan Murphy, so there's that... lol Edit: to insert a joke my dad loves to tell when we talk about driving in snow. It's easy to drive on a snowy road, all you need to do is to be alert, watch the road and under no circumstance touch gas pedal, break pedal, or steering wheel.
  8. So we get a 4 episode season opener. 3.99 of that season opener are one or two days of the snowstorm, and .01 is WEEKS of TKs recovery, and house rebuilding. cool.
  9. I know him from Da Vinci's Demons. One of the most... delicious lol villains
  10. Came in for Baranski, but then I saw Blake Ritson. Definitely staying 😃
  11. ok we got it Texas was hit with the storm last year and we need to milk it. But the snow in Texas last year lasted shorter than two episodes of this show... At least the writers realize how ridiculously they are treating TK and his "frequent flier miles" at the hospital (coma mom joke) I mean i know southern people don't really know how to handle snowstorms and cold weather, but even they would know that whatever people are wearing in that blizzard isn't gonna last longer than 5 minutes. But suddenly all the major characters are competent winter drivers. or they are stupid and overly confident. 99 out of 100 midwestern drivers would be like... eehhhh... i'll just stay in, don't really need to give birth THAT badly lol
  12. Just finished it
  13. Ha! I see i'm not the only one who was wondering if it's suddenly 9-1-1: Friendly Manitoba. Come on guys. It's not THAT cold lol Paul was referring to his Chicago days, dude. we had lower single digit few weeks ago for days. (i finally closed my windows lol) I guess since all he was wearing was that thin undershirt and it was wet, i'll give it a pass. but still i think it would take more time for him to go into a barely conscious state at the temperatures Texas gives out.
  14. I almost didn't recognize Toby Regbo. Well I did, but i didn't think it was him. I though that it's Toby's younger brother (idk if he has any). How does he look younger than in Reign that finished filming almost 10 years ago!!! what kind of Benjamin Button shit is this? Will they skip over the whole research thing? with some of the students also... the email at the end... are thsy not gonna go into the story at all? how are they gonna explain Benjamin's agenda and how genetics supported his "research" stop neutering the book!
  15. Lol I do like this actor better. And not only in the shallow way lol when I was reading the 3rd book, with Baldwin being given a lot more “screen time”, I had hard time imagining the previous actor (almost not a spoiler, but just in case) Who knows, maybe the previous actor would have nailed it too. I just had hard time seeing it in my head. This guy. Yup. I can totally see the 3rd book Baldwin in him.
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