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Tara Ariano

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Everything posted by Tara Ariano

  1. @Lola16: we have to merge story threads with episode threads manually...and last night one of us may have gone to bed at 9:30. (me.)
  2. Well, as you heard, I talked myself into writing about Rags To Riches. Here's the first installment.
  3. People didn't like this one?! I thought it was the best in ages.
  4. Niki Walker covered Once & Again. I think I even did one.
  5. Leah is indeed one of the world's best moms, so it's very sweet of you to shout her out, Carrie Ann!
  6. GAH, YOU'RE RIGHT. I even looked it up on IMDb to get all the guest stars and knew that and screwed it up on record day! I have no excuse except that we were so tired.
  7. Sarah's post was gorgeous, of course, and QuintoRage lived up to the hype for me. It's clear now that, whatever her hiccups during filming, Anna is the actual professional who can potentially have a career in this business and understands what collaboration actually means. As for Shane: someone PLEASE tell him no one cares as much about his hair as he thinks they do. SETTLE DOWN, FOOL, YOU AIN'T CONNIE BRITTON.
  8. I finished watching my screeners last night and will have an advancer on it this afternoon. It's pretty great.
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