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214 Excellent-
One of my pet TV peeves is when the plot is moved forward solely by people being unconscionably stupid. Tonight‘s episode was a perfect example of that. Gee, Kate, you need to get someone out of the city without anyone seeing? Don’t you have a friend in National City who can be there in 5 minutes and fly Beth out of there? And who has access to a high tech lab? Maybe they can’t do it for BTS reasons, but they could at least address it in the show. Then Alice was in the room with freaking Batwoman, plus a couple other people. She’s not a meta-human nor particularly well trained. Kate and Luke could’ve taken her down in about four seconds. And THEN both Beth and Alice were incapacitated, which would’ve been a perfect opportunity to break both of Alice’s kneecaps and haul her in to the Crows. And Kate didn’t do it, because...the person she has no idea how to help “needs your help”? Dude, you’ve kind of earned all the pain coming to you. Make better choices.
S03.E08: Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt
piperkat replied to Athena's topic in Stranger Things
OK, I have to call BS on one tiny, but critical point – no one in 1985 would’ve referred to the original Star Wars as “A New Hope”. Nope, not even pretentious video rental clerks. Yes, there was a limited release in the early 80s that tacked on that extra title, but anyone who was around for the original Star Wars run in ‘77 would refer to it as “Star Wars”. Thank you. I just had to get that off my chest. -
Beth quietly stole the show for me this episode. She didn't have a lot to do, but she made it count. "I'm proud of her but I'm too WASP to look." :) Both her and Valencia's expressions during that confrontation were gold.
I guess I'm in the minority, in that this episode really didn't gel for me. I liked a lot of specific parts (Most things Nora, Mick grinning at Nate getting punched, Mick misunderstanding words...yeah, everything Mick) but both Ava and Hank felt more like caricatures to me than real people. Ava definitely seemed way out of character, or at least out of 4th season character. 3rd season Ava I could see as being totally by the book and all "no shipping the inmates!" but I feel like 4th season Ava would have at least tried to explain the reasons behind the rules. As for Hank, he was a nightmare. Arrogant AND incompetent. Not only was he complaining over a budget that someone else correctly pointed out is a rounding error in government work, but his approach to the monster hunting was totally ridiculous and he nearly got several historic figures killed. A reasonably bright 9-year-old could have told him what he was doing wrong. I frankly would have just taken the WaveRider and dropped him off in prehistoric times--hey, it's his fault for just beaming on the ship with no notice and not telling anyone where he was going. Actually, I'm really confused as to what his actual role is. When we first met him Nate definitely made it sound like he was a contractor, someone like Raytheon or Lockheed. Nate said something like "taking fat government contracts". Next, he's in the Time Bureau and deciding on their budget? That's not the role of a contractor, that's the role of an entire Congressional Committee. At the very least, it's the role of a very senior government official. Then tonight Nate called him "Captain." Captain of what, exactly? If they're implying he had a military career, I've gotta say Earth 1 pays their officers WAY better than our Earth, given that mansion they showed us where Nate grew up. Maybe Hank is an anachronism and that's why he's inconsistent? I can only hope.
What's interesting to me about both the history stories this season is that both occurred within living memory. Yaz's grandmother was "the first woman married in Pakistan" and she's still alive to tell the tale. (Probably about 90 years old, but alive). The "Rosa" storyline also feels like eons ago, but really, both Grace and Graham could have easily been alive when it happened, even if they weren't really old enough to remember it. Just kind of a reminder that "history" happened to real people, and some of it wasn't really all that long ago.
Honestly, I didn't see a sympathetic villain. I saw an entitled jerk who got really pissy that everyone wasn't bending over backwards to fix his problems. Lena and James both took time out to talk to him, even though he ambushed Lena at work where she had every reason to blow him off. Then even when she tries to help later, he's so wrapped up in his own anger he won't even take her help. Both of them actually listened to him and responded to him, but he didn't like the answers, so he threw a years-long tantrum. Guess what, Ben -- every other business that's survived has done so by adapting. Every other steel mill has modernized or closed. You and your dad are't special. You are just bad at business. Also, not only are you responsible for reading your own insurance policy, but is CatCo the only media in the world? Superman has been fighting villains and destroying buildings for like 15 years now. Did no one else on TV or the internet ever mention the fact that homeowner's insurance doesn't cover super damage? James and Lena aren't responsible for Ben's ignorance and his father's crappy business sense. But he's angry that the world isn't revolving around him, so he starts using his class to rant about aliens and how they don't belong. And when someone eventually complains, he stalks the student he's been harassing in class and tries to assault her. This is not the action of a good guy at his wit's end. This is the action of an asshole who thinks he's beyond consequences. Screw you, Agent Liberty. You're not a misunderstood hero. You're a child throwing a tantrum.
Sometimes it takes someone from outside your circle to point out what's happening inside of it. I think the fact that the main characters are British played really well into the episode. I don't think the cops/locals etc would have been as tolerant of them if they'd been Americans, even from another part of the country, but the sheltered locals (many of whom had never even left Alabama, much less the US) would have looked at Brits with a sort of "well, they're foreigners, who knows what THEY'RE like" sort of attitude. Like a lot of posters, I liked the fact that the Rosa's actions weren't caused by a white man making a grand speech, but more than that, I loved the fact that the spark, if any, came from a quiet conversation with Yaz. Can you even imagine what it would be like for someone in Rosa's situation to hear a young woman of color casually talk about becoming a police officer, like it's the most normal thing in the world? She could literally see a world in front of her where cops weren't just white male thugs. She could also look at Ryan and realize that wherever he came from, it was a place where a young black man didn't fear getting lynched for speaking to a white woman. That had to blow her mind. Again, the Britishness plays well into that. It would have been too farfetched to for her to believe if the characters had been American, but since they were from somewhere else, inside her head she could think "You know, maybe it's possible. Maybe there's a place where things aren't LIKE THIS." Yes, the bus protest was planned in advance, but I can't believe her conversation with Yaz wouldn't be weighing heavily on her mind when she got on the bus that night. And yes, I know that historically Britain had plenty of race issues of its own, but for purposes of the story, the nationality of the characters worked out nicely.
OMG, everything about that "hack" was totally ridiculous. The only part I sort of understood was Mercy throwing her laptop, but only because by that point *I* was about ready to throw my TV out the window. Thats...not how that works. It's not how any of this works. <aggrieved sigh> Agree with the poster wondering why Brainy is even using an LCorp image inducer. You have much better tech that doesn't depend on a network connection, Brainy, use it! Finally, so all the image inducers are being sold to aliens? I can't believe no humans are buying them in order to improve their own looks, or play pranks, or do criminal things...
I thought that was a really great moment when Darrel's daughter AND ex told him he was a good dad. He just looked so genuinely HAPPY, like it was the greatest thing in the world. It's nice to see that portrayed positively. On a related note, Josh was really cute with Heabecca. Maybe he just needs to find a sugar mama and become a stay at home dad. He'd actually be pretty awesome at that.
S03.E10: Oh, Nathaniel, It's On!
piperkat replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend [V]
I was actually kind of hoping Trent would show up and give Rebecca the money. You know he’s just crazy enough that he has to have millions of dollars behind him. -
Man, this feels like Smallville....Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) had insane chemistry with everyone and everything (especially Clark)--everyone, that is, except for Lana Lang. The show put them together and even married them off temporarily, despite Lana literally being the only person he had no chemistry with. Now Supergirl is forcing Lames even though there is like negative chemistry there. I agree that if they have to put Lena with someone, at least she has chemistry with Winn and they share interests outside of "uh...I guess you're hot." Huh....Lana took over the Talon with zero qualifications / James took over CatCo with zero qualifications....I guess James really is the Lana of the show.
Also, that staph infection was WAY advanced. That looked like over a week of infection, not an afternoon. By that point he should have been running a high fever and in so much pain he couldn't talk. Most people would have come into the doctor before it got that bad. (Not all people--there are some crazy folks out there--but most). By comparison, I had an infection about 1/4 that size on my leg once and it seriously hurt to walk until it was treated.
Agreed. It's no different than if Dart had been a lion cub or a coyote pup who grew to full size in a few days. I felt terrible for Mews(?), but I can't blame Dart for following his nature. Even though I think it's easier for the viewer to hate/fear him because of the way he looks, he really is just like any other predator.
It's like the new Trolley Problem: You are on a out-of-control spaceship, and you can either stay on course and mangle Mon-El, or throw a switch and run over Ruby. Which will you choose? :)
On the one hand, I liked seeing Robert as a good guy, and really liked the ending with Wynonna protecting Waverly. But, the episode didn't quite work for me because it had a couple plot holes. First off, Robert only went to hell because he was killed by Peacemaker. The second Wynonna realized she could interact with him at the end, she should have killed him with something else so that technically, he wasn't killed by Peacemaker and never went to hell. Hence, no Bobo. Also, Nicole was just carrying around the test results with her? Did she ever think of leaving them at home? In a drawer? Instead of in her unattended purse in front of Waverly? Bad OPSEC, Deputy. Finally, if she died enough to bring back the revenants, then she's not the heir anymore so they may as well evacuate the Triangle and just bomb it. The revenants can't leave, so just tell everyone there's been a toxic spill, get them out, and send in a missile. Done.