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Talented Tenth

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Everything posted by Talented Tenth

  1. Marge didn't start the rumor. The Gorgas are friends with actor Nick Barotta and his wife Liz. They were hanging out a lot. Someone named Tom does PR and knows all parties involved. Tom told Margaret he opened the door of a car and saw Melissa making out with Nick. Margaret then told her best friend Laura of 40 years. If you can't trust your best friend since childhood, who can you trust? Now that Laura fell out with Marge and didn't get cast on the show, she's revealing things said in confidence to try to hurt Margaret.
  2. I don't think it's problematic for Candiace to point out that Ashley called her the least accomplished and threw it in her face that she wasn't 100% financially independent (via generational wealth) while Ashley herself isn't 100% financially independent. Everybody on the show wants their children to have generational wealth. It was stupid for any of them to take digs at Candiace for it.
  3. What's worse: falsely accusing someone of sexual assault or saying someone has a dwindling uterus (which is true)?
  4. Maybe you should watch Potomac again too. Mia brought up Wendy's business with Peter in front of everybody, it had nothing to do with Mia and the she tried to school/check Wendy about something she knew nothing about. Wendy telling Mia that she doesn't operate the same way in her marriage that Mia does isn't "screaming at Mia" about her marriage. Mia then first assaulted Wendy by throwing a drink on her. After the assault, the gloves were off. You can't do wrong to someone by starting verbal conflict and assault them, then tell them how upset to get. Words are not and will never be on the same level as a physical assault and Wendy didn't say anything inflammatory until after she was assaulted.
  5. If people need to keep their hands to themselves there is no "but". There is nothing anyone could say that could provoke me into hitting them because I don't use violence as a way to resolve conflict. Candiace did not provoke Monique; Monique had been gunning for and picking on Candiace all season. Candiace finally had enough. The premise of all of the franchises is watch people's relationships, family and drama. Every single Housewife has been in an argument, disagreement and/or conflict but if one of them can't fight with their words, it's the other person's fault for "provoking" them?
  6. It's interesting that people are still suggesting that it's doubtful that Kathy said what she said. Rinna confronted her to her face, said she said cruel things, had a psychotic break, needs help and has a black heart. Kathy didn't push back on anything and apologized multiple times to Kyle and Rinna. The hate for Rinna and Erika is clouding people's judgment. Also, why would Kyle "defend" Kathy about a meltdown in which she was bashing Kyle? Why is Kyle getting heat for being silent but Kathy is getting no heat for bashing Kyle?
  7. Because right is right and wrong is wrong whether or not we like the person.
  8. At some point is there going to be honest conversation? What dummy is going to voluntarily admit to slurs which would be reputation damaging. Again, no one on the cast ever said Lisa accused them of saying something they didn't say but because it's "likable/funny" Kathy, let's accuse Rinna of a lack of credibility and suspend critical thinking, logic and sense. My original post was about the probability that Kathy used slurs but most of the responses are about Rinna's behavior which is a perfect example of deflection. Two of Kathy's children have been caught on video using racist and anti-gay slurs while a third was there when they were used going along with it. Kathy is friends with at least one prominent racist. Her persona on the show is an act. Along with no denial and leaked messages from a cast member saying she's a homophobic racist, we're going to pretend it's far-fetched that she could've used slurs? So, if Kathy used slurs it's okay because she's not an elected official, sometimes people say slurs when they're angry but really don't mean it and Rinna is a bad guy so it cancels out Kathy's bad behavior even though Kathy's behavior wasn't aimed at Rinna, she was only there to witness it. At least I know where you stand.
  9. Rinna's credibility is inconsequential in this instance because Kathy denied nothing Rinna said to her face, denied nothing Rinna said in confessionals, didn't deny Rinna's leaked texts about the slurs yet Kathy has been very active on social media retweeting several negative things about Rinna. Kathy apologized multiple times in front of Rinna and made excuses for herself. I think people hate Rinna so much and fell in love with Kathy's "Rose Nylund" act that they don't want to even entertain the possibility that she's a homophobic racist despite the strong circumstantial evidence. People bury their heads in the sand. It's easier to just go with "Rinna doesn't have credibility (despite the fact that no one on the show has ever accused her of putting words in their mouths) and has behaved badly, so let's just focus on that".
  10. There were leaked instagram DM's from Lisa Rinna that said Kathy used slurs which is the biggest part of my theory regarding why Lisa went so hard on Kathy in Aspen. It's not just based on rumors. Yes, Kyle needled Kathy but people don't think about possible dynamics between Kyle and Kathy outside of the show and things Kathy could be doing to Kyle behind the scenes. I know it's hard to judge based on unknown things, but it's clear that Kathy is playing up the "dumb blonde" stereotype like Paris played on The Simple Life. It shouldn't be far-fetched to people that Kathy is different off camera.
  11. The bias blinds people. Kyle was bashed for not "defending" Kathy, but Kathy skated for trashing Kyle.
  12. Rinna's bad behavior doesn't cancel out Kathy's. If the discussion is about Kathy's bad behavior and possible slur usage, bringing up what Rinna did is a deflection.
  13. I think people will ignore a lot of things for personal benefit. Paris is on video using slurs yet Garcelle went to her bridal shower and wedding. Like Dorit said, Kathy is considered "super elite". A lot of people are happy to associate with her because it's a good look. After Paris' slurs were exposed there were Black celebrities who still associated with her too. Yes, some do but I also saw a of "I hate Rinna so I'm going to ignore, downplay or dismiss the possibility that Kathy said/did anything bad". To Kathy's face, Rinna said she needed help, had a psychotic break, said cruel things and had a black heart. Kathy denied nothing, did not push back and apologized multiple times. Kathy also denied nothing Rinna said in confessionals that were filmed after the season although Kathy is busy on social media retweeting negative things about Rinna and shading Kyle.
  14. I totally understand that a lot of people dislike Lisa for her behavior all season, especially the yelling at Sutton. Sutton is a fan favorite and some of the women seemed to pile on to her and bull her which turns people off. I definitely understand the "mean girl" sentiments as well. When I assess a situation, I don't let my personal feelings about a cast member color my commentary. I use facts, reasoning, logic and critical thinking. Whether one likes Lisa or not, here is my take: In May of 2022, there were leaked messages from Lisa Rinna saying Kathy was a homophobic racist and that "they" were going to try to cover it up big time. Then according to a source: According to the source, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast was at a club in Aspen when Kathy “called the bouncer or a DJ the N-word and also called another worker a F—– (homophobic slur) because she wasn’t getting VIP treatment.” Kathy apparently “had a tantrum,” which is when “Lisa pulled her out, and they went to Kyle’s house.” When they got back to the house, Kathy reportedly “had a full-on fit” where “she was screaming and yelling.” During the tantrum, Kathy “said she hated Kyle and called her all kinds of horrible names behind her back.” Now, fast forward to the sit down between Lisa, Kathy and Kyle. Before Lisa entered, Kathy apologized to Kyle multiple times. It's clear that Kathy admitted to saying bad things about Kyle to Lisa and that what she said in Kyle's face on a camera was a contradiction to what she said privately. Kyle even said in a confessional she was skeptical about the apology. When Lisa entered to confront Kathy, she got Kathy to admit she said horrible and "cruel" things. I think there are probably a few reasons Lisa was itching not to keep it private and sweep it under the rug. 1. She didn't like Kathy coming in as a friend of the show trying to silence a vet. 2. Kathy's behavior was having a big effect on the cast. It wouldn't make sense not to address it. 3. Talking about a Kathy meltdown would be explosive for the show. 4. Kathy voluntarily signed up for the show. Being a Hilton and Kyle's sister doesn't give her a pass -- her bad behavior will be addressed like everyone else's. It makes sense to me that Lisa Rinna said Kathy has a black heart and needs help if Lisa heard her say racist and gay slurs. Kyle wasn't saying anything because racist and homophobic comments are indefensible. Kyle was stuck between a rock and a hard place so silence was her safest option. Kathy wanted everything swept under the rug. Kathy did not deny or push back when it came to anything Lisa confronted her about. We know Kathy has money, conducted an investigation about leaked stories and had other stories killed in efforts to protect her reputation/public persona. Notice that during the season, no one said any specifics when it came to what Kathy said. I'm not sure if Lisa held back on her own or if she got word from her bosses not to speak on the anything and especially the slurs. Kathy is a fan favorite and a big get. It wouldn't be a good look for Bravo or the cast to have another scandal. During the finale, Lisa said she's being protective. I believe she's referring to the slurs. I think it's really bothering her that every other cast member gets put on blast but Kathy is being protected. My other thoughts on a slight tangent: Notice also, that Lisa only gave specific quotes in confessionals which were added after the season was done. I also saw a report that alleged the cast did not get to see the last two or three episodes like casts normally do to prep for the reunion. It's my theory that at some point it was decided that Kathy wouldn't return or that they wanted to blindside Kathy at the reunion with some of the statements. If they showed Kathy the last episodes that included Lisa revealing some of the things she said about taking down Kyle, Bravo and NBC, there was a risk Kathy wouldn't show. I think they finally sanctioned Lisa to spill in the confessionals. On social media, I have not seen a single denial from Kathy about anything. All she has been doing is retweeting negative comments about Lisa. Kathy knows she's a fan fave and lot of viewers are blindly supporting her. She doesn't have to do much to keep people on her side. Housewives and insiders all say that Bravo doesn't like litigiousness and legalities. I didn't think Kathy would return but I see that she's going to be at Bravocon. It's my thought that it's a contractual obligation or that Kathy agreed to only return if her slurs weren't exposed on the show. Lisa Rinna is also going to Bravocon now. I think maybe Lisa's disasterous social media this year was because she felt like she was being seen as the bad guy, while, in her mind, the actual bad guy was a fan fave, she had been told not to mention the slurs and she was frustrated having to choose between her job or revealing the truth.
  15. None of my comments attacked Kathy. I'm going to wait for more information to come out, but it's clear that she behaved badly and said some bad things. So many people are ready to downplay and dismiss it simply because she's been funny and kooky on the show and because it was Lisa who saw the worst of the meltdown. Yes, Erika and Rinna have behaved badly, but that doesn't mean that Kathy gets a pass. If they need to be held accountable for their behavior, so does Kathy. She doesn't get to be above it all. She voluntarily signed up for the show just like them. Also, Kathy 'raised' Paris and Baron who both have displayed reprehensible behavior. I've always side-eyed her.
  16. Social media and message boards are a study in bias. People who have likable personas are given passes and the benefit of the doubt while everything is spun negatively about people who are deemed unlikable. We don't even know everything Kathy said yet or what she will admit to, yet people are already sweeping it under the rug. Why? Because she pulls off her Rose Nylund act? None of us really know her.
  17. Nobody knows what's in Erika's heart. People want to browbeat Erika into saying and acting how they want her to act, but that wouldn't be genuine. I appreciate that she isn't playing to the viewers or trying to be liked. I think Erika has a level of compassion but also had the rug pulled from under her. Her lifestyle and marriage are gone and she is constantly being attacked on social media and in the press for something she didn't do. I think the solution is clear. It should be figured out how much money was misappropriated, Tom's assets should be liquidated and anything Erika has that was purchased by Tom should be turned over if there is a balance. I do not believe she should pay out of her own earnings for money she didn't steal.
  18. No matter how much anyone dislikes Erika, there is no proof of her doing anything wrong. Being disliked shouldn't be a fireable offense. The audience is so fickle -- they love you one minute then hate you the next.
  19. I'm sure it's exciting for anyone on the show to be in the spotlight and get all of the perks that go along with being a Housewife.
  20. Was it just me or did the episode seem to be weirdly edited and jumped weirdly from one scene to the next at times? For instance, they were excited about the pizza arriving and the next scene immediately showed them eating it.
  21. You should read the Hollywood Reporter article that was posted within the last couple of weeks. It goes into great detail about the last season and what led up to the cancellation. The producers and Debmar Mercury did everything they could but they lost contact with Wendy for months, so there was no choice but to cancel when they had to answer to the networks. Wendy had a clear mental unwellness before the last season. Her manager kept taking her to doctors and none of them could tell what was wrong but Wendy did have an issue with alcohol after her divorce. I hope it's substance abuse and that she can get back to herself instead of it being a cognitive decline.
  22. I actually liked the reunion a lot. It was interesting when Andy asked the women about the backlash Bravo faced for doing a show in Dubai and about women's rights and homosexuality. Ayan had a good point -- the right to abortion was struck down by the supreme court and various countries have laws that are restrictive and nonprogressive. When it comes to homosexuality, they claim that gay people are able to live in peace there and nobody can do PDA. Does anyone know how it is for gays?
  23. Her being entertaining on the show and/or liking her is relative. Debmar-Mercury didn't "wake up". Her show was cancelled because the networks had to know if she would be well enough to continue. Since there was no communication with her for months, there was no answer to the state of Wendy's wellness so the networks had not choice but to cancel.
  24. She gossiped just like we do and billions of people across the world. The was in the world of entertainment news and gossip along with providing her opinion. We come to Primetimer and give ours -- Wendy just managed to parlay her gossip into a multimillion dollar career. I'm not seeing how anything she said is so much more worse than anything people say on forums, instagram, twitter and across the world to their friends, families and co-workers. There are so many vloggers and YouTubers who do the same thing. I don't understand the "karma" sentiments. There are millions who will have health issues, some good, some bad and some in between. There are revolting people who live long healthy lives and babies who die or have serious illnesses.
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