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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Exactly. When/If Michelle Fairley returns (please be when and not if) she probably won't be a main cast member and they can put her at the end. For instance Pedro Pascal was never in the opening credits even though he had a very extensive role this season, because he was never promoted to main cast. In regards to the episode, it felt very anticlimactic. The visuals were great, especially of Stannis' Army and Bran's scene, but I was expecting something with a little more umph. Stoneheart would've been that, but even with her out of it everything still felt a little lacking, especially for an episode where so many things happened. I did love Bran's scenes, and the Brienne/Hound fight was one of the best the show has done so far though.
  2. I don't like the character in the books a lot either. But I love Michelle Fairley, I'm really interested to see how she would do Lady Stoneheart. With such a great actress would they leave her as mute? Or would they use effects to make her voice sound hoarse? Would they let her do her own gravelly voice? Or would they just let her continue as normal? And yeah I wanna see her kill some Freys.
  3. Ygritte's death, but with appropriate soundtrack. OR, cause we're committed to giving you a choice here at Westeros Deaths INC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDX0E3LK6ow
  4. Hmm what would cause that much (a decades worth of) anticipation? The hopeful fan in me says Stoneheart. The pragmatic one says it could just as easily be Stannis at the wall, or Tyrion murdering Tywin. Stoneheart seems easily more exciting than the other two though.
  5. It follows GRRM's pattern of subtle clue (for the careful reader), obvious clue (for the less careful reader), outright saying what's going on (for the casual reader) The subtle clue is in a ASOS. Jaime is saying goodbye to the escort Roose Bolton sent with him to Kings Landing and a girl is going with them as they return to the North. She claims to be Arya Stark, but Jaime doesn't recognize her. When Jaime gives Brienne Oathkeeper, he tells Brienne that it isn't actually Arya Stark, just some girl with Northern colouring they pinned a wolf brooch on, so Brienne won't go off chasing a fake. There's nothing explicitly saying it's Jeyne Poole, but she's the only other Northern girl in the capital we know, so you could infer it's her, but it could still be some nameless girl we've never met. The obvious clue is in AFFC. Cersei tells the Small Council that Arya Stark is in Lord Bolton's custody but she think to herself that it isn't Arya Stark, but instead a "stewards whelp" provided by Littlefinger. Here you can easily infer it's Jeyne, since she is both a steward's daughter and a Northern girl. In fact it would be unlikely to be anyone but Jeyne. And this is the first confirmation of Littlefinger's involvement. The outright saying it is obviously in ADWD. "Jeyne, her name is Jeyne, it rhymes with pain."
  6. It's not just 4E08 either. I think in the season 3 finale he said he simply wasn't enjoying it anymore and he wasn't going to do reviews for the upcoming season. And I thought "Fair enough, I enjoy his reviews, but if he's realized they aren't fun, quality is gonna drop off pretty quick" and I quit watching his reviews then. I'm guessing some of his viewers must have pushed him into continuing. I don't need to watch someone just hate on the show. And that's not to say I have a problem with people criticizing the show, I criticized the hell out of the show, especially for their handling of the Robb and Talisa romance. But he seems to be getting absolutely no joy out of the show, and while it might be fun to watch one review like that. it's not something that'll have me coming back week after week.
  7. Really? But she's given interviews on doing the "walk of shame" scene.
  8. Oh Lena is gonna hear it on instagram if there's no Lady Stoneheart. Then again, she's read the books and knows she's gonna hear it. So she must be prepared for the coming storm.
  9. LOL! Stark probably would've been like a Hall Monitor or a Prefect. A guy who everyone didn't hate, but was annoyed with cause he kept enforcing the rules. *Bell Rings* *Pete Baelish is running through the halls* Ned: Ah! No running. You're late Pete, gotta give you a detention Pete: Ah c'mon Ned, for once in your life be cool. Ned: Nope. Sorry. Break the rules, get a detention. Just get here five minutes earlier next time. Varys would've been like the kid selling stolen test answers or homework. Robert: You have the history test? the one about the Targaryen kings. All those guys have the same names. there's like 40 Aegons. Varys: Oh I got it all. For a price.
  10. This is kinda of an insane expectation IMO. Before Mel, what supernatural powers were commonplace in Westeros? Who clearly had them? I guess you could cite Thoros and Beric, but it's not as if everyone knew about that either. Magic is still a very rare occurance in this world, otherwise the Lannisters would be taking steps to protect themselves. Nobody really is because nobody believes in it, except Stannis and his camp. It's kind of unrealistic to expect the Tyrells to know that Stannis has a blood sorceress working for him. And even then, it's not a theat they should be expected to take seriously. It would be like telling Barack Obama that Kim Jong-Un is practicing voodoo magic and expecting Obama to take that seriously. Also before this, Thoros, the only other Red Priest anyone knew, didn't have any real powers, he was really just a conjurer of cheap tricks. He was a priest and he didn't believe in the Red God's power. Why would anyone believe Melisandre is anything more without proof?
  11. Renly would've been a good king because as he said he inspires love and loyalty in the people and the people he chose to surround himself with he would probably leave to running the realm. Renly would have very clearly been a puppet for the Tyrells. Margaery and Olenna would have handled any necessary political machinations, Loras would have been a good wartime councillor. This would leave Renly to do what he did best, look good and be loved by the people. Really as long as he could manage to get hard enough to bang Margaery once or twice and get an heir inside her, he'd have been a fine king. It's like Tywin was telling Tommen, the best kings listen to their councillors long into their reigns.
  12. I don't even know why Larry Williams is still making these reviews, it seems like he hates it. I remember back in season 1, he was super pumped like every review.
  13. Do you see the wildlings as democratic people? I don't. They don't vote on things and do what the majority wants, they just do whatever they want, and if someone doesn't agree with them they, at best ignore them and at worst kill them. They are anarchists or a meritocracy at best. Even when Mance had united most of the clans he still had to kill a few people to get the others to follow him. And even Mance their "elected leader" can't promise they'll keep the king's peace once they settle on the other side of the wall.
  14. So sign of Tysha but Brienne mentions Catelyn. "I pledged my life to their mother Catelyn, I swore to her I'd bring her daughters home" Maybe I'm just holding on hope though. I so want to see Michelle Fairley return as Lady Stoneheart.
  15. I kind of thought he'd become more powerful too. After all Bloodraven can enter Bran's and Jojen's dreams and I think he can look through the eyes of ravens in a lot of places (1001 eyes and all that). I'm assuming Bran will be able to do that too (if in the end he ends up becoming a tree-man like Bloodraven) and then he'll be able to contact all his siblings, as they are all wargs too via dreamspeak. I'm just not sure they'll give Bran all that power right away in the show, since they might want the other kids to stumble about on their own. But I suppose there's no harm in letting him look in on them and not be able to contact them. Part of me is also imagining a Bran season-ending scene. Where Bran gets a mindblowing vision and then he opens his eyes in a replay of the scene where he comes out of his coma
  16. I could be wrong on this but I don't think there are differences in the Faceless Men's proficiency. Their standards are so high that they'd all do the job well and there's so many different ways to kill a man, so there's no such thing as "the best person" for the job. They wouldn't take the job if only one Faceless Man was capable of doing it. As to their expense, I believe that it's been stated that while they can be expensive, it is not a requirement. You go to them and tell them who you want killed and then a negotiation starts. Also, they will never charge a price that is impossible to pay. They might ask for all of your money for the next year (or for the rest of your life), or your first born child, or your life itself (either death or servitude), but if you really want to kill someone, and nothing else matters to you, you will be able to hire them.
  17. Rudimentary Google research indicates that she's 14 (15 in October) so that puts her at the right age, she's british, so she's got the accent, always important for child actors who probably can't fake it as well as the adults, and she's only been in like 2 or 3 things, which is GOT's penchant for usually casting unknowns, especially in the child roles. Sounds like a plausible rumour.
  18. John Noble was upgraded to a series regular on Sleepy Hollow, I don't know if he'd have time for a recurring role on another show. But it would be pretty awesome. I was touting him for Walder Frey back in the first off season, figured he could channel Denethor II from his LOTR days.
  19. They would need to change (or perhaps drastically excelerate) his ability for that. In the books he can't see everything, he can see through the eyes of the weirwoods. He wouldn't be able to see Sansa or Arya in the Vale, where the weirwoods are few and far between. He might be able to see Theon at Winterfell (if that is where he and Ramsay are going) or Jon walking beyond the Wall.
  20. Yes the Faceless Men do have rules like that. In ADWD there's a chapter where they are discussing a contract, two of the assassins reject it because they know the intended target but the third says "I will give this man the gift, I know him not" So it seems like you can't know the person at all to accept him/her as a contract.
  21. Brienne does know who Arya is, remember Hot Pie told her Arya was dressed as a boy and was in the company of the Hound. So when she meets the Hound with a boy, what's she gonna think? There are plenty of ways to make it work, and keep in the denial of mercy thing. Off the top of my head. Brienne defeats the Hound in combat, and Arya stops her from finishing him off. The Hound asks for mercy, and Arya says no, going off with Brienne and Pod after Brienne says that she was Lady Catelyn's sworn sword. This will give Rory McCann a nice send off scene where he can swear at them as they slowly walk off. Later on when they have gone a little bit down the road, maybe after they have stopped for the night, Pod says something about Tyrion, or Arya sees the friggin gaudy ass golden lion headed pommel of Brienne's sword (and remember she threw Joff's sword in the river, so she may be familiar with the practice of putting sigils on your swords.) In any case she's tipped off that she may well be in the company of Lannisters who are trying to take her back to King's Landing, so Arya bolts, maybe in the night after knocking Pod out who has taken the watch. This can trigger a chase scene after Brienne and Pod wake up where they try and chase down Arya and it makes it look that they might just catch her. Arya makes it to the sea and having no other options boards the ship to Braavos.
  22. Baelor was seen as mad too. He was loved, sure, because his madness caused him to raise a boy of 6 to High Septon and not say, burn his bannermen alive, but it was madness all the same. Maegor the Cruel was seen as mad due to his violence, he was a bit more subtle than the Mad King though. I believe in the books there were others that were deemed mad due to their hair triggers and penchant for violent outbursts. You could group Viserys in this category too. But as you said this could just be seen as a side effect to getting what they wanted with a minimum of backtalk. As another partial explanation for the madness
  23. Like Lady S. says it's a cool line. Later on when one of Khal Drogo's men says the horse does not mate with the sheep she says that the dragon feasts on horse and sheep alike. But I doubt she actually thinks she could kill a horselord on her own. You also should take into account that a lot of Targaryens have delusions of grandeur. Earlier in the thread we were talking about Aerion Targaryen who died drinking wildfire, I'm sure he thought a dragon couldn't die that way either. Or she might just be remarking on the ironicness of his death. It would be similar to someone saying "In the end Lysa Arryn proved herself more Fish than Falcon; a Falcon can fly."
  24. There's actually a third way it could've happened that my friend pointed out to me. And that's if he poured the wildfire into a cup, lit it, like he was a frat guy taking a shot of sambuca, and then tried to drink it. "Dude! I'm a dragon bro!"
  25. Jeyne Poole might be the most unfortunate person in the entire series to date. The poor girl.
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