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Maximum Taco

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Everything posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Oh I know it's in Missouri, do people not do shorthand for the city and always call it Kansas City? Sorry if that's the case, honest mistake. I shall remember for the future.
  2. Whew. Got to the game today, and am glad I didn't have to see my Jays eliminated and got to send them off to Kansas with a cheer and some hope. Estrada was absolutely lights out. Unbelievable performance with his back up against the wall. Glad I got to see a win in the postseason in person.
  3. He's starting tomorrow. The question is how long will he last? Cause John Gibbons apparently thinks the Knuckleball is so unreliable that it can result in 6 runs from a single pitch, and is willing to pull Dickey when he is one run away from being in line for his first post season win but will let Price and Stroman piss away as many runs as they want. I hope he atleast gets 5 innings like he totally should've in Texas.
  4. Jake: Looks like we've both got a pretty bad case of jerk boss Holt: Yes, yours is an idiot and mine is a forked tongue lizard witch.
  5. Mets and Cubbies. That's gonna be fun.
  6. "Oh Joey, you waited that ball you were takin' It was low and away Oh Joey But the next one was history makin' for those Toronto Blue Jays Oh Joey."
  7. First off, almost no protests are upheld. MLB backs their umps vehemently. Even if there was a problem with the officiating (and IMO there wasn't here) it's unlikely the protest would've been upheld. Secondly, almost every team withdraws their protest upon winning the game. Gibbons withdrew the Jays protest when they won. So there is no protest effectively now. But let's suppose there still is a protest for the purposes of your question. The short answer is that the League would apologize but it wouldn't affect the game. The game is only affected if the Commissioner feels that the play under protest directly affected the protesting team's ability to win the game. Since the Jays were the protesting team and they won, the play obviously didn't affect their ability to win. Now let's assume the Rangers won the game. In this case if Commissioner felt that the play did affect the Jays ability to win and the protest was upheld then the game would be replayed from the point of the contested play. Essentially they would restart the game in the top of the 7th inning, with the score at 2-2, Odor on 3rd, and Choo at the plate with a 2-2 count and 2 outs in the inning. Also. MY JAYS WON!!!! YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!! Ok I'm done. Thanks for indulging me everyone. Also also, I do hope everyone realizes that most Torontonians are not jerks who would throw things from the upper deck. When the Leafs lost back in 2013, we all went home quietly and were sad, when the Raptors lost last year we all went home quietly and were sad. This was just an unfortunate anomaly, and what I hope were reletively few jerks in a crowd of 50,000.
  8. Nothing like a pair of series that go the distance! Can't wait for Wednesday!
  9. I'm dying inside. Don't get swept today Jays. I realize how unlikely an 0-2 comeback is. But just don't get swept today. Don't get swept today.
  10. Alright then. Pete Rose is a dick, and he's not worth my time. Good to know. In other news looks like Beltre is out today. He must've really tweaked his back on that slide.
  11. All negative blood types are fairly rare. O is more common then A, B, and AB blood though. Currently only about 8% of the US Caucasian population is O neg, and it's even rarer among other races. It doesn't justify a decent sized hospital not having a supply though, especially since it's the universal donor blood and blood drives are known to specificially campaign for O neg donors.
  12. Pete Rose was the pioneer of the head first dive. And that was before batting helmets. I don't doubt he probably was and felt concussed multiple times and kept playing. That's not to say Donaldson should do that too, but to explain Rose's thinking. On another note: Home field isn't counting for much these playoffs eh? 4 games, 4 road victories.
  13. I think they mean an "official" rain delay in the fact that it's a delay triggered by the officials, and not the home team. Before the game starts the home team is in charge of determining whether there is a rain delay or not. Afterwards its the officials, namely the head umpire.
  14. Ugh, that was not a good outing for Price. Oh well, lots more baseball atleast. Hopefully Stroman can put up a fight tomorrow.
  15. Here's the other problem that I just realized. None of the characters are at all likeable as protagonists, I feel the need to root for nobody. Pretty much everyone is an unsympathetic asshole. The only one who is remotely likeable is Bentley's John Lowe, and he's so hard boiled that it's hard to care. The scenes with his daughter helped to soften him a bit I guess, but I still don't care about him. In every other American Horror Story there was someone who was genuinely good, or at the very least nice but flawed, and also vulnerable who you could root for. Is it because Evan Peters is usually that guy every season and he hasn't shown up yet? If that's true, not only do we need that guy in episode 1 but there needs to be more. In Murder House we had the Harmons who were all likable. In Asylum we had Lana and Grace. In Coven there was Zoe, and Misty. In Freak Show there was a ton of them.
  16. This was terrible it was all jump scares. American Horror Story used to have a little subtlety, especially back in Murder House and Asylum. There was a genuine creepy vibe, it wasn't all gore and rape. Sure there was SOME gore and rape, but it wasn't ALL gore and rape, and that's what it seems like in Hotel. You don't even have time to settle into a tense "what's gonna happen?" vibe because it just happens immediately. BO-RING. I'll keep watching for a few more episodes, cause I've loved American Horror Story up to this point, and I had hopes they could overcome the loss of Jessica Lange, but if this is it I'm gonna start giving it a hard pass.
  17. Mike Bell's an idiot. The only thing he "didn't get" was that you can't get away with misogyny in 20 friggin 15. Now everyone will call you on your jackassery, and you can't hang up on the internet like radio shock jocks used to be able to do with callers they didn't like. Also if I was managing a baseball team I'd probably rather have Jess Mendoza at the plate facing that 95 mph cutter then Mike Bell.
  18. The Pirates are not sharp to start this one. Nerves?
  19. Well to be truly prophetic the Cubbies would need to sweep the series against a Miami team.
  20. Yankees got nothing tonight. I kind of expected them to come storming out as soon as Keuchel got pulled. Also kinda expected Ellsbury to be in the game by now.
  21. Jays and Rangers are playing at 12:45 on Friday. That not daytime enough? Or did you want a daytime game in the Championship Series? Or were you just disappointed there was no daytime baseball today specifically?
  22. I don't know if Gotham is even supposed to become Batman anymore. They've already veered so far off DC canon that it feels like an alternate universe in DC's 52. That actually seems more fun for me, cause it means you can't really expect anything to go the way you know it does in all the Batman media you've already seen.
  23. Only in Illinois do October midterms get rescheduled for interfering with the Cubs/Pirates NL Wildcard. http://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2015/10/04/chicago-cubs-nl-wild-card-student-exam-professor RA Dickey is also campaigning for a federal holiday in Canada. 5 day weekend (we get monday too for Canadian Thanksgiving)! https://twitter.com/RADickey43/status/651148035171332096 Gotta love October baseball.
  24. Almost certainly. He hasn't made an official announcement yet, probably cause he doesn't want to distract from the postseason, but everyone's expecting it. If he had made 2 innings today he would've become only the 5th pitcher in MLB history to pitch 200 or more innings in 15 consecutive seasons. EDIT: Buehrle said after the game he hadn't made a decision yet, but he saved the ball in case it was his last game.
  25. I agree. I'm not positive but I think they might have given up on this game before it started because they knew that Kansas was throwing everything including Johnny Cueto at the Twins, and the Twins (with nothing to play for) put up a skeleton lineup, benching most of their regulars. It was gonna be a walk for the Royals, and if the Royals won, it didn't matter what the Jays did. Frankly if they wanted to win today, they would've started Price, Stroman or Dickey. Starting Buehrle on 1 day of rest was asking for a loss. I had faint hopes the bullpen could carry them this game, but I never expected them to. Toronto's goal today was just to get Buehrle 2 innings so he could get to his goal of 200 IP this year. And the only reason they put out the main line up was to make sure Buehrle had a decent defence behind him and to give everyone another chance to bat. Unfortunately Buehrle just had nothing left in his tank after going 6.2 innings on Friday and got pulled in the first. It was a shame, that's not how he, or the Jays wanted him to end his career.
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