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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. 18 hours ago, Last Time Lord said:

    Would Grundy be allowed to just up and leave town like that, with the ongoing murder investigation and everything? 

    They live in America, which is not a police state. The cops can't prevent Grundy/Gibson from going about her business, which includes moving if she wants to.

    Even on cop shows like Law & Order, when the cops say "Don't leave town" it's not an order that they can enforce, it's a threat "Don't leave town, cause if you try to we might think you're trying to flee, and innocent people don't flee." If anyone actually did try to leave town they couldn't do anything to stop them, unless they were willing and able to arrest them. 

  2. 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Best episode so far! We got more Van, more world building (everything with Atlantis was really fun), and the office peeps were actually funny, and not just mean to Emily for no reason. Although I question the lady's plan to find out if their co-worker was a superhero. He could have faked that, or maybe he's strong but only when he is exerting energy, or maybe chairs or his weakness, I feel like there are explanations. I did enjoy their subplot though. Its the kind of thing you could really only do in a show like this.

    Thanksgiving with the Wayne's must be an absolutely miserable day for everyone involved. No wonder Bruce would rather spend his days chasing after an evil clown.

    "Stephen Baldwin is just a character played by Alex Baldwin."

    The only joke that didn't really land for me was Teddy and office lady being weirded out that Ron and the Atlantis guys were from the same place. Isn't Atlantis just an American city that happens to be under water? They all have American accents anyway. Isn't that like people being amazed that a black person and a white person can both be from Chicago? Or is Atlantis its own, super insular country?

    Atlantis is super insular and most Atlanteans distrust outsiders to an extreme degree. So much so that their own King (Aquaman) is under frequent scrutiny due to being half human.

    Atlanteans living on the surface would be exceedingly rare.

    As to the race thing I believe black Atlanteans are also pretty rare.

    • Love 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Just got to get this link our of the way first.

    I'm surprised Mr. Wayne didn't snap at Van and say, "Your cousin's parents were killed when he was a child. Why couldn't you be that lucky? Or me?!?"

    I think there's an Olympian in the old DCU . . . I believe he was on the Global Guardians. I know that the "ancient old-timey" attire wouldn't have matched Alpha Centurion, but that's where my mind went at first. Of course Ron would be convinced the new guy was Olympian. Cute that he thinks Bruce Wayne is Flash. Hey, he wears a cowl, and only the eyes, nose and mouth are exposed. Wouldn't be that far-fetched.

    There were actually 2 Olympians.

    Aristides Demetrios was the first Olympian, and a founding member of the Global Guardians, he gained his Shazam-esque powers from the mythical Golden Fleece.  

    Achilles Warkiller was the second Olympian, he was a demigod created by Zeus when he became displeased with the Amazons. He later became a member of the Outsiders. I believe Achilles is the Olympian that Powerless is adapting, his costume matches with the one seen on the show, and also the new guy's name is Alex. If Achilles was going to take a low key American name, it would obviously be Alex.

    Bad news for Jackie if it turns out Alex is the Olympian, cause Achilles Warkiller is gay, and has a boyfriend (Patroclus.)

    • Love 4
  4. The characters actually are starting to grow on me after this one, even Emily, although she could do with a little toning down.

    I am a little annoyed with how they just seem to be madlibbing the DCU in the fantasy broadcast in this one though. I mean why is Sinestro fighting the Flash? How the hell did he gain access to the Phantom Zone? Superman has got to be concerned with that.

    It honestly felt like the line was "Flash was attacked by {insert random villain here} with {insert random incapacitation here}" Cmon Powerless, Flash has his own Rogues Gallery, and he regularly gets trapped in time, or the Speed Force. Try to stay in your lane.

    But it was definitely an improvement over the pilot, so I'm willing to give it the 4 episode test.

  5. 7 hours ago, jay741982 said:

    LOL that's a weird theory 

    Also one that makes no sense.

    Jughead has clear interactions with people other then Archie. Archie's dad asks him if he's staying for dinner, Reggie accuses him of murder, Betty asks if BOTH of them want to join her and Veronica, Veronica comments on his unique name. Is Archie imagining his dad and friends interacting with his imaginary friend?

    And if that's the case how can we assume anyone is real? Maybe EVERYONE is a figment of Archie Westphall's special mind.

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

    Veronica's mom got delivered a bag of money in the premiere, so I'm assuming that they are keeping up the pretense of a lack of funds but have hidden stashes of money from Veronica's Dad.

    I would still expect Hermione to give Veronica a talking to about it.

    Mani-Pedis at the local spa is one thing, but flying in cupcakes from NYC is not exactly being discrete about your secret stash of funds.

    • Love 3
  7. My school had a student council lounge. It's intended purpose was so student council could plan events after school. But we'd frequently just use it as a hangout during lunch or if we had a free period.

    Of course it wasn't as nice as Riverdale High's lounge, but we had couches, a mini fridge and even a little TV with a SNES (later N64). Also of course it was only large enough to accommodate the 10 or so members of student council.

    • Love 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Last Time Lord said:

    He introduced himself as Jughead Jones III to Veronica at Pops. Though, I suppose I could just be really bad at detecting sarcasm.


    16 hours ago, kariyaki said:

    I remember Jughead's real name in the comics being Forsythe P. Jones. I can't decide which is worse, his parents gave him no chance, did they?


    15 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I too was surprised they kept the name Jughead, but for a different reason; I thought it was a name bullies would give to a guy with protruding ears (before it became acceptable for guys to have long hair). Then when I heard he was "Jughead III" I thought it was kind of cool that they were acknowledging that these teens would have to be the grandchildren of the original Archie comics characters, and thought maybe Jughead would explain to Veronica (and the audience) that his grandfather had ears that stuck out like jug handles, but that he co-opted the nickname and branded some successful business with it and even made it his legal name. Yeah, I thought way more about this than the writers did.

    In the comics Jughead's real name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (his dad being Forsythe Pendleton Jones II)

    He doesn't like the name though because the first Forsythe Pendleton Jones was a notorious womanizer who had the distinction of being married 9 times. Asexual Jughead no doubt would've wanted to avoid the footsteps of the first Forsythe Pendleton Jones.

    • Love 5
  9. 1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

    There was a black football player who I'm assuming is Chuck, the coaches the son. They were black in the comics. Josie was white, Valarie was the black Pussycat. There was also Nancy, Chuck's girlfriend. The rest were white. There were no Asian main characters. On this show they made Reggie, Asian. Race wasn't really talked about in the comics, unless they went to different countries and met a bunch of racial stereotypes. The newer comics have added some more diversity. 

    There were some minor recurring characters who did live in Riverdale.

    There were three Hispanic characters: Frankie Valdez, Maria Rodriguez (who had a dad who was Weatherbee's Asst Principal), and Ginger Lopez.

    There was one Indian character: Raj Patel

    There was one Japanese character: Tomoko Yoshida (I didn't even remember her name, had to look it up, because she appeared so rarely)

    But yeah for the most part Riverdale is a Caucasian town.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    They need to fan wank some dialog about how the time machine can only get within an hour, that the settings aren't that precise.  Because otherwise, why not go back 30 minutes and meet the plane? 

    He can't go back 30 minutes and try again, because then there would be two Wyatts and two Rufuses (Rufi?) existing in the same time. Suppose, they show up at 1:30 discover the plane landed early and then go back to 1:00. When 1:30 rolls around again there would be two of each of them (the two that showed up at 1:30 and the two more that showed up at 1:00 and let half an hour pass.) They've already said they can't visit a time where they already exist, that includes the time traveller versions of themselves, not just their past selves.  

    It's the same reason why they can't just go back to the Hindenburg crash (or any of their previous trips) and save Lucy's step-dad to get her sister back (or fix history, or try again to catch Flynn), they were all present in that time.

    • Love 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    Fuck Trump.

    I thought of a great idea for a reality show.  We put cameras on Gropenfuhrer and the entire country watches...him take the citizenship test!  And if he passes, he can stay President.  And when he fails we oust his ass right the fuck out.

    Fucking hell I hate him.  

    I only watched one season of "The Apprentice" and Clay Aiken came in second in something, again, and I have no desire to watch Arnold's version because the entire franchise has the taint of Drumpf but what I fervently wish is that Arnold barks out "you're fired" in his natural accent and that becomes a catchphrase and everyone crows about how much better it is when Arnold says it.

    Please. Arnold's catchphrase when he cans someone is totally gonna be "Get Out!"

    • Love 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

    If you need to look forward to something tonight, try Epic Rap Battles. The Charles Darwin/Ash Ketchum episode is two weeks old, and it's still buzzing in my head. Also: massive CW crossover starting with Supergirl. I'm gonna watch that "live" and record Gotham.

    Timeless is my show tonight. In this fucked up present it's nice to think about the possibility of changing the past.

    Tonight: What if Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never landed on the moon?

    • Love 1
  13. 43 minutes ago, okerry said:

    Sorry but I must point out: We heard a gunshot and saw the muzzle flash in the room as Ford walked away. We didn't actually see who or what was hit, if anything. (Hey, I want Bernard to stay around, too!)

    We also saw Bernard (or a shadow that looked very much like him) collapse to the ground.

    It's nice to think he may have found a way around Ford's command, but it seems super likely that he shot himself in the head.

    Of course, he's a freaking robot, so shooting himself in the head is hardly an end impossible to come back from.

    • Love 7
  14. Just watched it again, can't get enough of Pimento's work fantasies

    "I guess I could be a teacher....

    Sorry Travis the answer is obviously Istanbul--

    What did you say to me?!

    No! Maybe YOU'RE wasting YOUR life!!

    Sorry Principal Reynolds I didn't see you there.

    Wait, Travis is YOUR son?!

    Ha ha, well I guess you're just gonna have to fire me.

    FIRED?! ME!?! How dare you sir! We will settle --- see it just wouldn't work."


    "Ooo PI huh? I like that...

    Hello Mr. Branville, I found out where your wife's been going at night. Have a seat you're not gonna like this. She's cheating on you.

    What do you mean you knew that already?

    YOU killed her? And are framing ME for the murder?! I just left my prints all over the crime scene! OH you are an evil gen--- This. This I could get on board for."

    • Love 5
  15. On 2016-10-29 at 9:39 AM, marinw said:

    Just popping in here with a question/plot hole:

    Do they still use money in this world, or are people paid in ratings? If it is the former, then why not pay people to give you stars? That may not be legal, but there must be a huge black market in buying rating points. As in so many other things, the rich could buy rather than earn their status.

    This is an interesting idea.

    I wonder how much of a market there would be in ratings fraud. For instance in this day and age you can pay someone to play a video game for you, essentially them doing the clicks you are too bored to do. Could you pay a guy to just keep giving you 5's, essentially doing the same thing (clicking things on his phone)? How many 5's are you allowed to give someone per day? Would some kind of authority police this?

    Law and Order: Ratings Fraud Unit -- CHUM CHUM!

    • LOL 1
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  16. On 2016-11-16 at 10:41 AM, Blackcanary said:

    I was thinking about that mini three episode arc and wondered whether the line from the episode 11 press release: 'As the virus begins to spread in Gotham, the laboratory that is developing a cure is compromised' could suggest that we end this current arc with a full-scale outbreak in the city. 

    It's quite curious that the guest cast are also missing from that 3.11 press release - might we be getting a surprise return?

    It does say Selina meets an unexpected face. If that doesn't scream surprise return I'll eat my cowl.

  17. 12 hours ago, ElleMo said:

    who was the masked guy?

    You mean the one who killed the Whispers?

    I'd assume he's working for the Court of Owls. In the comics the Court has agents they call Talons to do their bidding.

    • Love 1
  18. 18 hours ago, possibilities said:

    The show is implying that Mike is a hot property, but if that's the case, why would the Padres want to get rid of him? I get that sometimes you just need a particular skill in your line up, but if Mike spent his entire career as a catcher with the Padres, and they no longer think he's worth keeping, why would another team think he would be a better catcher for them, either? It's not like they are trading him for someone else who is dynamite at something they lack, they're just trying to get rid of him... why? To save money? Because they think he's useless? I don't really get how it adds up that another team would be so eager to have him if that's true.

    It all has to do with how deep a small market team can afford to be.

    A team like the Yanks, Red Sox, or Dodgers would absolutely keep both Lawson and Duarte and let Duarte develop as Lawson's backup, both staying competitive this year and also looking towards the future and developing their next catcher. The Yanks and BoSox also could swap Lawson in at DH for some games to extend his career and keep his bat in the lineup, while giving Duarte exposure at catcher.

    A smaller market team like the Padres though may not think it can afford to keep both, if they are confident Duarte will be their starting catcher next year, it makes more sense for them to move Lawson (who is on an expiring contract?) for prospects that can help them, instead of letting him walk for nothing, or signing him to a contract extension when they already have a guy they like at catcher.

    Conversely a team that is right in the thick of the playoff hunt but a little anemic on offense would value a bat like Lawson a lot, and would be willing to sell their future (prospects) for a few months and a playoff run with him.

    • Love 4
  19. 58 minutes ago, Tetraneutron said:

    Besides, if Amelia is supposed to be this superagent genius, wouldn't she have tied up Ginny's money and put Will on an allowance or something? You know, actually solve the problem instead of keep dropping (her own?) money on Will and hope it goes away.

    Ginny honestly probably didn't have a ton of money before. When she was in AAA or AA she was probably making just enough to get by. And remember Amelia was very careful about not letting her sign any long term endorsements when she was in the minors with the fear that she'd be held to those deals in the majors. 

    Even now she's just a rookie, who's played under a season making the league minimum. The majority of the money she has now probably is from that endorsement deal with Nike. And she just signed that deal very recently. 

    It makes sense that Amelia has been floating Ginny (and her brother) with her own money in hopes of a big pay day (like the Nike deal or a multi million contract when she hits free agency), it also makes sense that now is the time the brother would come to see her with his hand out, her new endorsement deal with Nike means she has a LOT of money to potentially help him. 

    • Love 7
  20. 1 hour ago, memememe76 said:

    Can someone help me out? I thought the trade deadline passed. So how can Mike be traded?

    The MLB has 2 deadlines, and neither of them actually prevent trades.

    July 31st is the non waiver trade deadline. Trades completed before this deadline can be done without putting the player on waivers. This makes trades much easier to complete.

    Aug 31st is the waiver trade deadline. This is the deadline to acquire players to participate in a potential post season run. 

    Trades can still be completed after the waiver trade deadline too, but any player acquired is ineligible for the postseason, he however may play in all regular season games. 

    • Love 7
  21. 10 minutes ago, Janet Snakehole said:


    How ridiculous would a Ye Presidency be?

    He'd wear Adidas track suits to state dinners.

    The State of the Union would be a hot track he dropped, and would probably debut on the billboard top 100. 

    Kim Kardashian would be the First Freaking Lady. 

    Truly terrifying that it's a viable possibility. 

    Even more terrifying that a part of me desperately wants it to happen. 

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