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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. Sigh. Very disappointed, I had hoped it would get at least a second season.

    I really think FOX botched it by rolling it out during the end of the regular season and the playoffs last year. Pitch was great and I DVR'd all of the episodes, but it was nowhere near good enough to beat out the Hunt for October my team was going through. September baseball is always going to supplant fictional baseball, and October baseball is going to supplant pretty much everything. Should've had a spring/summer premiere to key in on the whole "Boys (or rather Girls) of Summer" mystique people associate with the start of the season. And then the games are not as important and more people would be willing to miss one a week for Pitch.

    It could've been great with a better strategy for marketing and roll out.

    But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Ginny has struck out.

    • Love 11
  2. 3 hours ago, highway61 said:

    A little preachy. It would have been better if Terry's initial instinct, to work it out with the bad cop, had succeeded. Or even Holt's initial instinct to not file the complaint.

    But how did we get from "I want more responsibility" to "Go apply for a different job"?

    It's not a different job, he'd still have his current position.

    It's an added assignment. He'd be 1PP's liaison to the City Council in addition to his responsibilities at the 99.

    Kind of like when Amy became the precinct's union representative in season 2, she didn't stop being a detective when she became the union rep, it was an added responsibility.

    • Love 2
  3. I loved the eyebrow pumping scene. Especially how it was 'risky' to end on a double pump. Died laughing. Only to die again when we met Jake Peralta 'the grossest pervert of all time'

    I am so glad Brooklyn Nine Nine missed absolutely no beats during their hiatus.

    • Love 3
  4. Boyle: You just go up to him and say 'Commissioner Grayson, how's your... wife?'

    Holt: Commissioner Grayson, how's your wife?

    Boyle: No that just sounds like you really want to know how she is. Insinuate. Maybe add a pause before 'wife'

    Holt: Commissioner Grayson how's your............................................ wife?

    Boyle: Too long.

    Holt: Felt it. Ugh, this is not my strong suit.

    Boyle: No no, sir, sir, sir, you're doing great! Just forget the pause, use your eyebrows, like this: 'Commissioner Grayson how's your pump pump pump wife?'

    Holt: How's your pump pump pump wife?

    Boyle: Eh, it was a little bit better in my head. Try this: 'How's your pump wife pump pump'

    Holt: End on a double pump?! That's risky, he'll see right through me. How about 'pump pump How's your pump'?

    Boyle: You forgot to say 'wife'

    Holt: Ugh! Good note.

    Boyle: How about this? 'How your pump wife pump Grayson pump'

    Holt: That's the one.

    • Love 8
  5. On 2017-04-16 at 10:48 PM, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    I remember reading that officially they have already slept together, but the Rebellion comes first.

    I don't think getting a little action would derail the Rebellion.

    I'm sure Han and Leia had some amourous activities in ROTJ before the Battle of Endor.

  6. On 2017-04-11 at 4:22 PM, morriss said:

    I nominate the Toronto Maple Leafs for the "Sad Sack Franchise of the Century."   First they say they are going to be a shitty team for 4/5 years while the Shan-a-plan takes shape.... Then they over achieve and make the play-offs........Now what better way to repay their loyal fans-   charge absolutely outrageous prices for play-off tickets.   (Don't be surprised if they get wiped out in 4 straight)    

    They aren't that outrageous.

    Toronto is just an expensive city. Look at tickets for the Jays or Raptors when they make the playoffs. Toronto loves a winner and is willing to pay, why shouldn't they make money? Also the money they make is poured right into the franchise, Toronto never balks at paying players and has the most expensive and extensive front office and scouting staff in the League, which is why they drafted/traded for guys like Nylander, Brown, Hyman, Komarov, when other teams passed them by. It's why they can afford to own and base their AHL team in the same city, and therefore take a strong hand on their player development. Almost all the Leafs (except Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner) have spent time with the AHL Marlies.

    Not to mention the money the Leafs make also help to support the Raptors (also in the playoffs for the third straight year) and TFC (went to the championship game last season.) MLSE is pocketing some money, no doubt they are a business, but they are doing their all to produce a winner for the city.   

    No one will be surprised if they get bounced in 4, the Caps are a much better team, even if they didn't play like it in game 1. But you'll struggle to find any upset Leafs fans in Toronto.

    • Love 1
  7. On 2017-03-17 at 11:41 AM, Stephanie1216 said:

    I was glad to hear Gendry is back and the rumor that he snatches his dads war hammer as his weapon of choice. My ending that I haven't heard anything about is:  after all this stuff blah blah, when they wrap up the show in a happy ending, Dany is on the iron throne and legitimizes Gendry as a Baratheon and gives him Storms End. He and Arya fall in love and she marries him and makes her base at Storms End. I don't care if she keeps "working" or if, like her dad told her once, she would change her mind about being the Lady of a castle and having her own family. But I want Gendry at Storms End as a Baratheon.

    Personally I don't think Daenerys would think House Baratheon needs to continue. Remember the Baratheons are the ones who killed her family and extinguished her line (if in fact she is barren.)

    It would seem poetic, perhaps even just, for their line to also be extinguished. Even after accepting the fact that her father may have been mad, that doesn't mean that she has to like, or forgive, the House that led to his death and put the rest of her family to the sword.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    That's fine, but I shouldn't have to do outside research to clarify what I saw in the episode. If they feel the need to do that, then they didn't do their job. I think the discussion here is more nuanced done we were basing it on what we actually saw than waiting for someone to tell us what we should be seeing. 

    I agree.

    It's poor storytelling to have us try and glean what they meant. There's such a thing as too much subtlety.

    I have the same opinion of the Hera/Kanan possible romance. They keep hinting at something, but if they're together they should be a little more explicit. Give us a kiss or something.

  9. 4 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

    If everyone has an iPhone that travels as a pair with a golden android phone, probably not.  So I would give you that if it is shown that the pairing of R2-D2 and C-3PO units is common.

    Also, in CW it has been shown in more than 1 occasion that Anakin had special attachment to his particular R2 unit, which is very unusual for Jedi (as you pointed out).  As his best friend, shouldn't Obi Wan recognize his best friend's particular droid?

    I don't think so.

    Do you recognize your best friend's possessions? Maybe a few of them, but not a lot. For instance my best friend has a penchant for flamboyant Hawaiian shirts. However I don't think I could pick out one of his shirts in a line up. I don't really pay that much attention. If I didn't see him, or his shirts for 20 years I have even less faith in my ability to pick one out.

    And I think Obi-Wan would pay even less attention then I do, because he cares less about possessions.

    R2 units are pretty ubiquitous across the galaxy. How many R2 units do you think Obi-Wan has seen, I'd bet it numbers in the 100s maybe even 1000s. Should he assume every blue one is Anakin's? And even if he did colors can be changed.

    Finally, droids frequently have their memories wiped, Obi-Wan probably assumes that C3P0 and R2 did too. And why wouldn't he? C3P0 doesn't recognize him. Why should he assume R2 is Anakin's droid when 3P0 doesn't also purport to know Anakin? Why would he assume they decided to wipe 3P0's memory and leave R2's intact?

    • Love 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

    I'd think I remember my best friend's iPhone if it saves both my and his lives on multiple occasions, especially when it travels with golden android phone that would not shut up :D 

    Would you remember it if everyone had the exact same phone, and 20 years passed?

    Also would you remember it if you were part of a monastic order that preached that possessions (possessions like Droids) are meaningless, aside from being a tool to accomplish a task and attachment to such possessions leads to evil?

  11. On 2017-03-17 at 2:13 PM, DarkRaichu said:

    Sure, but I hope Maul kicks him hard enough on the head to explain why he forgets R2 in New Hope :D :D :D

    Why should he remember R2?

    Droids, for the most part, are like glorified cell phones in the Star Wars universe, and R2 units are largely built to the same specifications. And every starship captain has an R2 unit, many have more than one. The Jedi Order at the time of the Clone Wars probably had hundreds or thousands of R2 units at their disposal.

    You expecting Obi-Wan to remember R2 is like expecting someone to recognize their old iPhone from 20 years ago. Actually Obi-Wan never actually owned R2, so it's like expecting someone to recognize their best friend's iPhone from 20 years ago.

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ganesh said:

    They confirmed Anakin was the chosen one in APM, so it's not like Kenobi doesn't know that. Kenobi actually says it to Anakin in their last battle. It may be that Kenobi thinks he was wrong. I don't know if I buy that. Just because he believed Vader was irredeemable doesn't mean he wasn't the chosen one. I could argue just as well that Kenobi wrote Vader off because he feels guilty for the whole thing. Or he's in denial. He told Luke that "Vader killed his father." "Anakin was the chosen one but Vader killed him. I still think my interpretation of Maul's death has merit, however given his overall character arc of being slighted for a higher position of influence and bent on revenge. 

    I was just saying that if everyone assumes Kenobi is dead, I'm surprised someone wouldn't be like, "Him? Dang. I didn't think anything could kill that guy. He beat down Grevious with a single blaster." I'm not calling bs on the show for having him 'suddenly' be dead. I was speculating whether he set something up to fake his death. Do people think Yoda is dead too?

    IMO, I think the plot diverged from your interpretation when Maul said "He will avenge us." Maul has hope that the chosen one will avenge him against the Emperor. And while he is correct, I don't think either Kenobi or Maul expects Anakin/Vader to be that person. It's a new guy who will do that. Maul doesn't know who it is, but Kenobi clearly thinks it's Luke. Anyway, we'll agree to disagree?

    In regards to Kenobi's death, he really doesn't need to fake his death. Imperial propaganda will do that for him. The Empire's official position is that all high ranking Jedi (and the majority of other Jedi) are dead, that would definitely include Kenobi and Yoda, members of the Jedi Council. The Empire probably is spreading a story of his death, maybe even saying that Vader killed him on Mustafar. The Empire would do this because if the Rebels believed two legendary Jedi were alive they would probably try to find them and draw them to their cause, and even if they couldn't it would give them hope ("Don't worry guys! One day Obi-Wan Kenobi will come back and save us! All we have to do is keep fighting!"). Hope is not good for the Emperor and the Empire.

    The only people who know that Kenobi and Yoda are alive are Yoda and Kenobi themselves, Bail Organa (wouldn't dispute the story to protect Kenobi, Yoda, Luke and Leia), Owen and Beru Lars (wouldn't tell anybody to protect Luke), Darth Vader (wouldn't tell anybody because he wants to be the one to kill Kenobi), the Emperor (wouldn't tell anybody because having people believe Kenobi and/or Yoda are alive would foment rebellion), and now Ezra, who seems willing to keep Kenobi's secret.

    • Love 1
  13. 13 hours ago, ganesh said:

    Kenobi isn't guarding the "chosen one". The only reference to the "chosen one" was Anakin. The Jedi council talked about this in the prequels. Kenobi said this himself in their ROTS battle, "You were the chosen one!" Maul was asking Kenobi if Anakin/Vader was actually, really the chosen one because in the episode where he blinded Kanan, Maul was complaining about he should have been in Vader's position with the Emperor. Maul was asking Kenobi if Vader was really the chosen one because he realized, as he was dying that his life was useless and he was always a pawn. Sidious treated him like a bitch, and he died like a bitch. 

    I can buy that Maul surmised that Kenobi was on Tatooine to protect someone to go against the Emperor, but given he was out of the main loop in TPM, there's no way he'd leap to Vader/Luke. 

    So it looks like Luke and Ezra are the same age. I hope we end up finding out what Ezra was doing do all the major movie points. 

    I'm surprised that everyone thinks Kenobi is dead. I'd like to know why or how that came about. Literally no one could kill him ever. He beat the actual living Force. 

    I disagree, they are talking about Luke, at least Kenobi is.

    Of course we know Anakin is the chosen one, because we know he's the one who eventually defeats the Emperor and brings balance to the Force. Also Lucas has confirmed that Anakin is and always was the chosen one.

    However it's doubtful that Kenobi believes that at this point in time. In ANH/ESB/ROTJ Kenobi is adamant that Vader is irredeemably evil, only Luke believes there's still good in him. It's more reasonable for Kenobi to believe that Luke (or perhaps Leia) is the chosen one at this point. That their actions and presence will be the deciding factor in defeating the Sith and bringing balance to the Force. He's, very understandably, written Anakin off.

    And of course everyone thinks Kenobi is dead. Yes he was a powerful Jedi, but there were a lot of powerful Jedi in the days of the Old Republic, they all (or at least most of them) died. The argument the Rebellion has is that if Kenobi was alive he would be helping them fight the Empire, not holed up on some backwater Outer Rim Planet. And it's a fair argument, if Kenobi didn't have to protect Luke he probably would be on the frontlines with the Alliance, fighting the Empire. Since he isn't helping them, they've assumed he's dead. Of course they don't know about Luke and Leia.

    • Love 3
  14. 4 hours ago, xaxat said:

    Looks like the third place team in the Patrick Metropolitan might have more points that any other division leader. 

    The Metro is freaking stacked. 

    I feel sorry for the 2nd and 3rd seeds. They are gonna be the 2nd and 3rd best teams in the league, and their reward? They get to play each other in round 1.

    • Love 1
  15. 15 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

    Oh the Forms. I used to remember what each does thanks to playing Knights of the Old Republic 2 :D

    Form III (Soresu, the Way of the Mynock), is usually Obi-Wan's chosen form. It favors defensively minded duelists. A true Form III master is said to be impenetrable. However it is difficult to move to the offensive.

    Form IV (Ataru, the Way of the Hawk-Bat), is usually Anakin's chosen form (as well as Yoda's), it features acrobatic moves and quick attacks.

    Form V (Shien/Djem So, the Way of the Krayt Dragon), is usually Darth Vader's chosen form (along with Form VII), it features a system of Form III style defense followed by rapid counter attacks designed to overwhelm the opponent and end fights quickly.

    Obi-Wan was a master of all three forms. The stance he took at the beginning of the fight was the starting stance of a Soresu duelist. The two handed stance he took afterwards could have been either Form IV or V, but the rapid block and powerful overhand blow he delivered has me thinking it was a Form V move.

    • Love 1
  16. Iron Throne - Gone. The 7 Kingdoms break up, either into civil war or a tenuous peace.

    Dany - I just think it's a little too clean for her to end up on the Iron Throne. And if she's not on the Iron Throne, she's dead. Dragons are also dead, or possibly gone wild after Dany's death.

    Tyrion - A quiet life, maybe he makes it to the Summer Isles (the domain of the God of Tits and Wine). I don't see anything glorious here though. He's a hideous ugly dwarf by Westerosi standards. As much as we might feel differently as the viewers/readers, I just don't see anyone accepting him as their Lord/King. But I also don't see him dying, George (and Benioff and Weiss) likes him too much.

    Jon Snow - Dead. I don't know exactly how, but I think it'll happen. In the books, at least, the resurrected don't really have a lot to live for. Beric Dondarrion had justice and Lady Stoneheart had vengeance. These are the fires that kept them burning. Jon has the fight against the Night's King. Once the Night's King is defeated I suspect he won't have much to live for anymore. Just like Beric and Cat he's destined to return to death.

    Bran- Like others, I think that magic will probably fade out of this world. Bran will either die, or he'll be turned into a tree, or holed up in a cave as the last of his kind.

    Sansa - Queen in the North, an independent North. Might be wishful thinking, but I like Sansa. And she does have a very political bend to her arc.

    Arya - I honestly have no idea about Arya. She seemed like she had a plot to begin with, but it got severely derailed when she went to Braavos and they decided to make her into an ultra cool assassin. She could easily end up back with her family, or as a remorseless killing machine. No clue, and I really don't care; Arya kind of bores me. She'll be alive though.

    Theon - Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet. He's one of the characters that might actually welcome death. So he's not getting it. Also it'd be a fun play on the mantra of the drowned god. Theon is pretty much dead inside and "what is dead may never die."

    Davos - Maybe a Northern Lord? Maybe Sansa's Hand of the Queen? Maybe dead.

    Cersei - Dead. Killed by Jaime.

    Jaime - Dead. Suicide after killing Cersei.

    Brienne - Dead. Suicide after seeing Jaime die (or learning of his death)

    Sam - Archmaester, whose Ring, Rod and Mask are Valyrian Steel, desperately trying to keep glass candles lit as magic fades from the world.

    Too much of a bummer? I kind of like unconventional endings.

    • Love 2
  17. 3 minutes ago, rcc said:

    This Red Sox fan wishes he would have stayed up there in Toronto. That will change only when he can win in the postseason. An 0-8 record and getting such a big contract is ridiculous.

    He was never going to be in Toronto. I don't think we even made him an offer.

    I'm glad he's not hurt cause he seems like a nice guy, but I'm also glad he's not in Toronto anymore, I think our rotation now is much better then it was when Price was here. I agree with you, I think the Red Sox bought a pumpkin in Price and the clock strikes 12 when the postseason starts.

    • Love 1
  18. The problem with Archie I think is he's clearly supposed to be a (if not the) main character, I mean the show is based on "Archie Comics" his name is in the company.

    However they haven't characterized him as a main character, cause a main character needs problems and flaws and rivals to deal with. He's great at everything, so far the only thing he's lost out on is the football team captaincy, that he actually won and graciously handed to Reggie. He has a stable home life, and all his problems are solved by simply sitting down with the person he has a beef with and talking it out, because he's a nice guy who everyone genuinely likes. Even people who are naturally combative like Reggie, Cheryl and Josie seem to cut Archie a whole lot of slack. This isn't a main character, this is like the main character's best friend who has everything come easily, so he afford to spend time worrying about the main characters problems. But Archie doesn't do that either, he just worries about himself and then succeeds harder then ever. Where's the drama?

    • Love 2
  19. Good news.

    As much as I want my Jays to rule the AL East this year, it's good to hear a nice guy like Price can catch a break.

    I hope to be able to boo him at Skydome in a few months.

  20. 29 minutes ago, King of Birds said:


    No one's seen the MRI yet. It's all conjecture.


    Just kidding. I honestly hope he's ok. Price might be one of the nicest guys in all the MLB.

  21. Wow David Price is hurt.

    Forearm Soreness, MRI on Elbow and seeking a second opinion from Dr. James Andrews. 

    That does not sound good. That contract keeps getting worse for the BoSox. 

  22. On 2017-02-26 at 3:00 AM, JZL said:

    Besides being a great show about a great sport and a great cause, Pitch is to a degree a commercial for Fox's own baseball broadcasts (we get the Royals on Fox Sports Midwest, e.g.) and for some of its own personalities, like the very-talented but little known Emmy-winner, Garbage Time host Katie Nolan. 

    So we got that goin' for us if the decision goes into "extra innings."

    The only problem is they air it starting in Sept. and then they have to compete with other baseball, and it's meaningful September/October baseball.

    A lot of times (read: most of the time) I skipped watching Pitch (although I did DVR it) to catch a real baseball game.

    It honestly may have been better as a summer show, they could've profited off the whole Summer Baseball buzz, when everyone is excited for baseball but the games themselves are only exciting if your team is playing. Or it may have been better having a winter premiere, when everyone misses baseball and Pitch could give relief to people experiencing baseball withdrawal.

    Pitch might do well to take a page out of The League's book. They had great success running their season concurrently with the NFL season, but closing before the final weeks of the season. If your show is about a real life season, use the real life stuff as free marketing, but realize that if the real life stuff is getting exciting, your fake season is gonna get ignored.

    • Love 6
  23. 14 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Of course there would be listicles on how to deal if you're dating a henchman. I like this world. I'm not even going to question why Reggie would get hit by (a) Green Lantern so hard that the ring would leave an imprint. With a GL, I'd imagine using constructs to toss the help around.

    I dunno. Kyle Rayner was definitely a constructs guy, but Hal Jordan, John Stewart and Guy Gardner were never opposed to a little fisticuffs when the situation called for it. I kind of like the idea of Guy Gardner punching Reggie so hard he leaves a ring mark on his face.

    • Love 1
  24. 43 minutes ago, MisterGlass said:

    My only guess for why Jiya was the only one affected is that she didn't have a belted seat.  Maybe the seats keep them synced with the ship movement and she got side swiped by the time stream.  Crazy enough?

    I was thinking it's more like a disease, and the others are all frequent time travelers so they've built up a kind of immunity.

    So my thoughts are, "Time Sickness" is a real danger the more people you are displacing through time, it's always safe to take 3, and gets more dangerous the more people you add. But people who are more used to time traveling are less likely to get "Time Sickness."

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