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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. 53 minutes ago, Philbert said:

    I'd be interested in knowing your opinion of Jack Nicholson's Joker then (assuming you've seen the 89' "Batman") because Cameron's Jerome really reminded me of that performance. On the other hand, his Jeremiah strikes me as being much closer to Ledger's Joker in "The Dark Knight," which I think is really awesome. This is a really talented actor who is taking a truly iconic role that's been played by some true acting legends and making it his own.

    Jerome's Joker seems much more like Ledger's IMO. Brilliant, but steeped in anarchy. They don't really have a plan beyond causing chaos. It's all dynamite and gasoline. More so he seems very concerned with dragging Gordon and Bruce into the muck with him, very similar to how Ledger's Joker was seeking to corrupt Harvey Dent and Batman. He's big and brash and unapologetic.  

    Jeremiah's Joker seems much more like the Joker from The Dark Knight Returns (the comic that partially inspired Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice). In that comic 


    The Joker feigns sanity in order to get onto a talk show. He then murders everybody in order to set up a final confrontation with a 55 year old Batman, who he frames for murder by committing suicide. 

    He's very clearly insane. But he has a very calculated and well thought out plan, something Ledger's Joker would never even bother with. He's understated and quiet and Machiavellian when the situation calls for it. He's also very practical, he's not going to act out a magic trick and shove a pencil in your eye socket, he's going to casually shoot you. 

    • Love 2
  2. On 4/16/2018 at 10:48 AM, stillhere1900 said:

    Colorado Avalanche did. GO AVALANCHE!!!!!!!


    We are down 2 games. :-(


    Not really the same thing, the Avs weren't an expansion team, they were a relocated team. The Nordiques were quite good the previous year finishing first in the division.

    Only down one now! Nate MacKinnon putting the team on his back just like Taylor Hall in Jersey.

    16 hours ago, redfish said:

    I can't watch the Bruins/Leafs game anymore, it's becoming predictable. The Bruins will do goalie interference or crash a player into the boards and the refs do not see anything wrong. But when a Leafs do something similar it's PENALTY BOX/3 game suspension. It feels like the series is rigged so unevenly it's not funny anymore.

    Meanwhile Bruins fans are going insane about the botched Delay of Game call last night (admittedly a bad call, but it wasn't exactly a crime of epic proportions) and the missed icing that led to Auston Matthews' goal. 

    They still think the reffing is biased towards Toronto after Kadri got suspended for half the freaking series. Meanwhile Marchand can take a two handed baseball swing at Rielly and it's coincidental minors. 

    Leafs still won last night though. Thursday night the Leafs can climb back into this series, and then we get Kadri back for Game 5. 

    • Love 1
  3. 12 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

    This looks to be the last season that my ECHL team is affiliated with Toronto so go Leafs!

    I love the Solar Bears, but I understand where the Leafs are coming from here, they really like taking a firm hand on their prospects and it's easier to get to a Canadian team, and it would also be great if they could own the team. It would be even better if they could somehow buy the Brampton Beast or found another team closer to Toronto, but failing that moving their own team into St John's would improve accessibility over being affiliated with the Solar Bears.  


    Sigh. I'll miss you though Shades. 

    But more importantly, GO LEAFS GO! 

  4. On 4/9/2018 at 6:22 PM, LittleIggy said:

    Every time they return to the present, things should be changed due to what they did in the past, IMO. 

    I know. I'm getting annoyed this season. 

    First season, they tried really hard to preserve history and small things changed because they killed a few largely inconsequential people, or influenced an already impressive person in a way where they were encouraged to either go about their life in the way history dictated they always did, or with a minor change. 

    This season they are seriously screwing with the past. Changing major historical events, and largely diverting important peoples lives. 

    • Love 6
  5. Last day of the season! Everybody except the top 16 get outta the pool!

    Lots left to decide on this Wednesday.

    In the East, looks like the Cavs can still climb into third with a little help and the Bucks, Heat and Wiz are still moving around at the bottom of the bracket. Not to mention my Raptors can climb to 60 wins for the first time in franchise history with a win!

    In the West it's a freaking mess, the Rockets and Warriors are waiting at the top of the bracket, but nothing else is certain. The Jazz and Blazers play tonight for the 3rd seed and the T Wolves and Nuggets are tied in the 8th and 9th spots right now and play each other tonight! Gotta love a winner take all match!

    Let's get this over with and start the second season!

    • Love 2
  6. On 4/9/2018 at 10:56 AM, stillhere1900 said:

    GO AVALANCHE!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Avs have probably the toughest matchup. 

    Rough stuff drawing the Preds in round one. Hopefully MacKinnon stays hot and can steal a game or two for them. 


    I have foolishly chosen my bracket with my heart this year and have my Leafs going all the way. But they called me crazy when I picked the Pens two years ago and Nashville last year, and I won both of those brackets!

    Good luck to all the teams starting us off tonight (Minnesota/Winnipeg, Philadelphia/Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles/Las Vegas)

  7. Yes! My Leafs drew the Bruins!

    It's not gonna be an easy matchup for either team but man will it be fun. 

    • Love 1
  8. YES!

    For the first time ever, my Raptors have clinched the top seed! The road to the Final runs through the North!

    Still gotta worry about the Cavs, and the 76ers, and hell you can't even sleep on the Celts, (even without Kyrie.) But nice to know that any series the Raps play will require the other guys to win in Toronto. 

    • Love 1
  9. 2 hours ago, kariyaki said:

    We have our first foul beer ball of the season. The guy next to her had a glove and he didn't catch it.

    Shameful. You can't bring a glove and then not catch it. 

    • Love 3
  10. Always fun when it comes down to games 81 and 82!

    Flyers, Panthers, Blues and Avs still fighting to get in

    Bruins, Bolts, Pens, Blue Jackets, Devils, Kings, Sharks and Ducks all jockeying for position. 

    Good luck sports fans. 

    • Love 1
  11. On 3/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, Kel Varnsen said:

    They made it super obvious during the scene outside the courtroom where Stone spoke to the parents and the teacher.  They kept the camera on the teacher for a few seconds at the end of that and totally gave it away. The only way it would have been more obvious is if they did a tight close up on his shifty eyes. 

    One thing I didn't get was how did the locket end up in the trunk. Was one of his moves to show the girl he brings home his awesome trunk? 

    I didn't feel bad for that guy especially since thanks to the news show a lot of people will probably think he is a murderer.  Would he be able to sue the nypd and the da? What does that do to Jack McCoy's approval rating? 

    Didn't he have a van? So his trunk would've been an open area, and she could've easily tossed the locket back there. 

    No, you can't sue the NYPD for investigating you, and you can't sue the DA for prosecuting you as long as they go about it in a typical manner. Well, that's not true, you can sue anybody for anything as long as you have the cash to pay for it, but you would have a hard time winning. 

    In order to win such a case, you would need to prove that the NYPD and the DA specifically had it out for you and went above and beyond to get you wrongly convicted when they knew you were innocent (or at least had a strong reason to presume your innocence.) Or they were grossly negligent in their investigation. 

    In this case the NYPD was well within its duty for investigating the guy. He doesn't deny he was with the girl the night before she disappeared, and the NYPD legitimately found suspicious material involving him (video of the girl scared, locket in his trunk, blood stained boa in his bathroom, video of him dumping suspicious luggage on the night she disappeared etc.) And while the DA had a weak case, they didn't concoct evidence, or withhold anything in order to try and pervert the course of justice. In fact, if the DA had gone for a lesser charge than out and out murder (kidnapping, assault, attempted murder etc.) I wouldn't be surprised if the jury returned a guilty verdict based on the evidence she planted. 

  12. I hate the NHL's playoff format. 

    My Leafs are about to set a franchise record in wins and very likely points. Franchise record for a 100 year old team, and they are gonna draw Boston or Tampa Bay in the first round.

    They are the third best team in the conference, they are the sixth best team in the league and their round one opponent is gonna be the second best team in the conference or the (possibly) third best team in the league. And if they win they get to play the other, the possibly best team in the league in the second freaking round. 

    I'm so unbelievably salty, and the regular season still needs to wrap. 

    Now I know how Washington feels every year drawing the Pens in either round one or round two. 

    Oh my god NHL, can you stop being a laughing stock for one freaking season and just look at what EVERY OTHER LEAGUE, all of them more successful than you, are doing with their playoffs. 

    • Love 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

    If the text came from Jessica- why? She obviously didn’t expect him to show up there. More likely the text came from Rittenhouse so they could lure Wyatt out of the hiding place. Possibly didn’t like the death of their third sleeper agent. Did the guys Dad die too? 

    There's really too many possibilities to speculate on that I think. I mean it could've just been a really nonchalant text like 

    "Hey Wyatt, are we still on to meet tomorrow?"

    And Jessica's talking about a meeting with their lawyers to finalize their divorce so she can marry the other guy she is engaged too, since it really looks like she was wearing an engagement ring and not a wedding ring when she hugged Wyatt. 

    Wyatt on the other hand sees a text from her, and just goes straight to her job, because he knows where she works obviously, and she's all "Why are you here?"

    Of course you are right and it could've come from Rittenhouse, as a lure as well. 

    • Love 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    I knew as soon as Wyatt got a text that he figured out Jessica was alive. I don't get how though. Even if they were still married, he's been living in the bunker so she wouldn't be expecting him to come home. I expected to wait at least one episode before they brought her back, but I guess it is a short season.

    Or maybe she thinks Wyatt turned into a criminal or something, since this mission is no longer really sanctioned by the government. That could be one reason for not being happy to see him. It looked like her ring was an engagement ring, not a wedding band, but who knows.

    I had the same thought. 

    I'm thinking she's engaged to someone else and when Wyatt shows up she's like "Why is my ex-husband here?"

  15. 20 minutes ago, dttruman said:

    Would you say they have been using that gimmick too much where the perp is put on trial and they're pretty sure he (or she) is guilty, but during the trial there is a major twist in the case and someone is the guilty party?

    This one was even worse, because not only could they not prove that he was the murderer, they couldn't even prove that she was murdered. 

    All SVU is doing is making me terrified of the law enforcement system. 

    • Love 8
  16. Yawn. 

    If you couldn't see this one coming from a mile away you were just blind. 

    The incest angle was something I guess, but it hardly had an impact on the story, except to squick everyone out at the end, and let Olivia Benson, PhD in Special Victims Studies do something other then force Stone to go to trial on a case he was going to either horribly lose, or send an innocent (albeit creepy) man to jail. 

    • Love 5
  17. 6 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I agree with countries which have laws that say unless you specifically choose not to be a donor, then you are.

    I do too. But the purpose of that law is to provide an option if the people are unable to give consent not a method of getting around consent for people who are unwilling and haven't explicitly said so.

    For example, say a child dies in an accident and her parents are either unreachable in the immediate aftermath or unable to come to the hospital. Or if someone dies with no next of kin. Or if someone dies and they have no means of identifying them. Those kinds of scenarios are the purpose of laws of implied consent. 

    The scenario in this episode is completely different. Here the doctor was able to seek consent and chose not to for fear of rejection. Even in those countries where consent is implied I have to believe that the doctor would atleast approach the parents and give them the option of refusing donation before just proceeding.

    • Love 8
  18. 6 minutes ago, rhys said:

    ∆∆∆because the kid who was supposed to get the heart, Henry, testified in court.

    So? I am aware who Henry was, I did just watch the episode. I still fail to understand why Manhattan SVU would be their first call.

    First of all, it's none of their business. Its not a crime, it's not in Manhattan. 

    Second of all, the parents would likely view the state (especially Benson and Stone) as people who took a heart away from their boy and then sent to jail the doctor who was trying to help them. 

    There is literally no reason they would want to tell them what happened. Unless their first thought after their child died was "Hey! Now I can make that prosecutor and cop I met once feel super bad about their decisions! That'll help me mourn Henry!"

    • Love 2
  19. Here's a question: Why the crap is a hospital in freaking Buffalo calling Manhattan SVU to report on the death of child they all barely know? What parent would consent to letting every shitty cop in NYC in on their very real personal private pain?  


    Gee I'm sorry about your loss Mr Johnson. But it's in the Hippocratic oath that I have to inform St. Benson about the death of every child so she can make this about her instead of you.

    • Love 15
  20. Ugh I could not stand that completely unnecessary final scene, and I skipped through most of it.

    Remember when Law and Order used to just fade to black after the courtroom scene in order to let you draw your own conclusions, instead of hammering the message through your skull?

    Not only does St. Benson manage to be the best detective ever she also has the time to make sure everyone stops their bullying at Hudson High School without judging anybody.

    Hooray for St Benson. Barf. 

    • Love 16
  21. Just now, MrWhyt said:

    yes because other people have been to antarctica to report back to other people who reported back to other people, who wrote in books and so on and so on.

    Common knowledge isn't fact. To ask why Tarly would side with Cercei when he "knows" that she blew up the sept is assuming he actually knows it to be fact.

    Alternative theory: A terrible accident involving a lost cache of wildfire.

    Nobody in the show has voiced that alternative theory though, you just made it up.

    Everyone seems to believe it's Cersei who burned the sept down.

    Not even Cersei seems to be disputing the fact that it's her who burned down the sept.

    • Love 4
  22. 4 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

    He know's this? or is it what he's heard? People "know" that 9/11 was an inside job, what proof has been offered to the populace of the 7 kingdoms that Cercei was behind the destruction of the great sept?

    He knows it. It seems to be fairly common knowledge, and there aren't a lot of alternative theories out there. Just because he hasn't verified it himself doesn't mean he doesn't know it. You ask Hot Pie "Who burned down the Sept of Baelor?" he's gonna answer "Cersei"

    I for instance know that it's really cold in Antarctica. I don't need to verify this knowledge with first hand experience. I'm comfortable saying I know it to be a true fact based on other people telling me, and nobody disputing it.

    • Love 3
  23. 1 minute ago, MrWhyt said:

    and they know that she set off the wildfire?

    Hot Pie knows. So I'm assuming Randyll Tarly probably knows.

    Unless you somehow think Hot Pie is more well informed then a lord of  the Reach.

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