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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. 12 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    This articles explains why NBC is likely to cancel it. But it ends on a positive note saying the show likely will air somewhere next season.

    As for the delay in announcing...bad news is often released to the press on Friday afternoons to bury it with people rushing off to start their weekends so that wouldn't surprise me if we found out then.


    Not to be the downer, but it didn't say the show would "likely" air somewhere else next season, it just said it "may" air somewhere else next season. That's a pretty important difference. I do agree that it's odd that NBC hasn't made an announcement yet. With upfronts come and gone, it doesn't look very good for Timeless returning to the Peacock. 

    The issues for Timeless are that

    1) As the article states, studios are much more likely to gravitate to their own production house, the biggest recent example being NBC saving the Universal produced Brooklyn Nine Nine and Fox saving the 20th Century Fox produced Last Man Standing. Unfortunately Sony doesn't really have a broadcast network of their own to host Timeless. 

    2) Timeless doesn't have an extensive back catalouge (there's only 26 episodes) so that lowers its appeal for streaming services who usually rescue shows that have a lot of content that is bingeable (for example, The Mindy Project had over 60 episodes before it was saved by Hulu, Community had almost 100 before Yahoo! stepped in) because they strike a deal for streaming rights, and getting the extra content is an important part of the deal. It's one of the main reasons cited when Netflix and Hulu were asked why they didn't pick up Pitch when it was cancelled last year. 

    Hopefully someone decides to take a chance on it, but the longer that NBC maintains radio silence the less likely it seems that our show is coming back. Sigh. 

  2. 5 hours ago, ganesh said:

    I only saw the second half, but the Celtics just out hustled the Cavs in the 3rd quarter. It's not like everyone was shooting lights out; they moved well without the ball and got easy baskets and pushed for fast breaks on every turnover. And they got all the defensive rebounds on long shots It's not like they had some complex game plan. 

    There's got to be an automatic ejection for pushing a player with two hands in the back when they're in the air going to the basket.  

    That was just pure garbage. I can't believe he only got a Flagrant 1. That's a move that's gonna paralyze a guy one day. 

    • Love 2
  3. Bat Gadgets - Bruce has the car, now time to get some other stuff. Gotta see some kind of rudimentary batarang at least. 

    Robin - Don't need to show an origin, but I'd like to check in with the Graysons again, or possibly even Jason Todd or Tim Drake. Todd would be pretty easy to write in since he grew up on the streets. 

    Batgirl - I'd like to see some progression here on Barbara Gordon. I don't see Jim naming his daughter after his certifiably insane ex, but maybe he could adopt a girl already named Barbara? 

    Talia al Ghul - Ra's has become a main villain, time to introduce his daughter. Maybe a little love triangle action between her, Bruce and Selina. 

  4. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    Is it possible NBC has passed but Sony has another interested network/channel and they are going to cancel and announce the move at the same time? I am assuming from what I read that Sony owns the show. Is that true?


    edited to add - I wish there was at least one network where good, intelligent (or at least fun) family friendly shows had a home. Shows like Burn Notice, Psych, Librarians, Eureka, Warehouse 13 etc used to run on several channels but now no one wants anything like that even though lots of viewers do. *sigh*

    I suppose it's possible, but it's pretty unlikely. 

    IMO Sony would want NBC to publicly cancel it so they could openly shop the show to as many streaming services or networks as possible.

    The only way I could see this not being the best path is if the production/distribution house owned a channel of their own that could house the property, and AFAIK, Sony does not. 

    • Love 1
  5. Really hoping the Celtics just continue to dummy the Cavs. 

    Nothing against Cleveland, but I just feel that the more the Celtics run over the Cavs, the more embarrassing it looks for Masai Ujiri and the Raptors. And the more embarrassing it looks for them, the more likely they are to attempt sweeping changes. 

    This house of cards may finally be falling. 

  6. That's a shame it was cancelled, but you really can't be hitting your stride in the last episodes. 

    Gotta strike gold at around episode 3 to have a chance nowadays. 

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

    I know I’m grasping at straws for even a little hope here but yesterday Sony posted ‘Must Save Rufus’ on Twitter. 

    Maybe that means they are taking so much time while they come up with where and how to renew it. 

    NBC hasn't actually passed yet, so I don't think they are allowed to start shopping it. Hopefully they make up their mind one way or the other, ideally they'll decide to pick it up for a 3rd seasons but the longer it takes the harder it'll be to find a home elsewhere if they do decide to pass. 

    I'm convinced that's one of the reasons Brooklyn Nine Nine was saved so quickly. Fox dropped it as early as they could and gave everyone else a crack at it. Whatever you say about Fox, at least they didn't let the show twist in the wind. 

  8. 2 hours ago, JackONeill said:

    At the risk of getting ahead of myself and possibly jinxing everything, do we know if the 3 main actors are locked in contract wise?

    I’d hate to go through the turmoil of waiting and hoping for a renewal, only to find out once renewed that so-and-so refuses to go forward without more money!!!

    Ceratinly, TPTB would make certain of that before getting involved in deep negotiations with networks and production companies, right?


    Typically all actors (main and supporting) are locked in to 7 year deals before a pilot goes into production. 

    It's (one of) the reasons HBO was hoping to wrap on Game of Thrones by Season 7, because then all contracts need to be re-negotiated and if a show goes 7 seasons typically the actors are in high demand and can ask for buttloads of money, you may have remembered this happening with mega hits like Friends and Seinfeld. 

    We're a long way off from Timeless having to worry about that. 

  9. 13 hours ago, wilnil said:

    Fingers crossed ?. But in the Star Trek tradition, it should probably have some alliteration, maybe Timeless 3: The Rescue of Rufus?

    Not to get all nerdy here but only 2 out of 13 Star Trek movies  have alliterative titles. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    Honestly, as a non-American I've never understood that much about the differences between your TV networks. Other than Fox are evil and CBS make a lot of shows I would never watch. But I've always liked NBC. Sure, they cancelled Community, but they still aired it for five seasons, when there were few expectations that they would. The same with Chuck and Friday Night Lights. I feel like they've always tried their best to support shows that they think are good, regardless of ratings.

    And even though this looks like season six will only be a mid-season pickup, I feel cautiously optimistic that there might be a season seven as well.

    Fox deserves a bit of a defense. 

    I mean they cancel some good shows, but they take a lot of chances on stuff that really are low bets for the majority of the TV Watching audience. They aired stuff like Pitch, Firefly, Arrested Development and Fringe, when it was very unlikely that they would be hits, even though a lot became cult hits. And they kept Arrested Development on the air for 3 seasons, when it never really gained a decent audience and they kept Fringe on the air for 5 seasons and 100 episodes, when judging by ratings they deserved about half of that amount. With Fringe, the show was pretty much just hemorrhaging money with it's high production values and did not really deserve a final 5th season and Fox let them produce one which was pretty much just a 13 episode love letter to the fans. Even more shocking was that Fringe was produced out of house (by Warner Bros.) and Fox still chose to keep bringing it back. 

    If ratings are falling and Fox has the opportunity to get a guarantee like Thursday Night Football (which is what happened here) I can't really begrudge them for taking the guarantee. 

    Also it should be said that Fox has never really been that big on comedy shows, beyond their Sunday Night Animation block, not at all surprised that the comedy shows were the first to get the axe. 

    • Love 11
  11. On 5/7/2018 at 11:27 PM, roamyn said:

    So much for playing for pride.  Will Casey be the first COTY to lose his job? 

    Well he was voted COTY by his peers and just got fired by the Raps. We'll see if he wins the writers award for COTY too. 

  12. Nobody dies in Gotham. Sofia Falcone got shot in the freaking head and she still somehow didn't die, she's just in a long term coma and will be back if they ever have need of her. Selina is gonna be fine, wouldn't be surprised if she's running around in the latter half of next weeks Season Finale. 

    Gotta think it would've been much better to end the entire season on the gun shot though. Letting us stew over the summer would be a fantastic move. 

    • Love 3
  13. 27 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

    It has happened before, but the Raptors are the first #1 seed since 1971 to be swept before the conference finals. 

    These are all the sweeps in NBA history up to 2011, I can't find a more up to date listing of all of them for some reason


    Then 2015 the #1 seed Hawks were swept by the Cavs at #2 seed

    This appears to be the lowest seed that has swept a #1 seed in history except for the Rockets a #6 seed in the finals sweeping the #1 seed Magic in 1995

    It just proves that seeding doesn't really matter. 

    The Cavs really should not have been the 4 seed, and this is, frankly, what every Toronto fan was dreading when the Sixers surged and the Cavs fell behind. It's also the same reason why teams in the lower half of the playoff picture will try and game the system to get a favourable 1st round match up. The Wizards thought they had a chance against Toronto and bet hard on that because they had beaten Toronto before, 1 seed or no. The Nets did the same thing back in 2013/14, purposefully losing to get Toronto in the first round, and they were both right, Toronto was the best match up because they are mentally fragile, because they disappear when things matter the most. 

    Basketball puts way too much emphasis on the seeds and home court. I'm not gonna say home court doesn't matter but it doesn't matter that much. 

    • Love 1
  14. 13 minutes ago, DrSpaceman said:

    That by the Raptors has to be the most pathetic showing in history by a #1 seed in the playoffs.  Not only being swept, but a 30+ point loss? 

    Even the Pacers in the pre-injury Paul George era limped to the playoffs one year as the #1 seed and managed to still at least make the ECF and 6 games vs. the Heat. 

    Has any #1 seed ever been swept in the playoffs?

    That was just awful.  Yes, they are going against Lebron, but still, its not a great team.  Its a team that's basically only been together for 3 or 4 months. 

    Yes, multiple times. 

    Most recently Atlanta was the 1 seed in 2015 and got swept by... You know what? You can finish this sentence yourself cause you know who it was. 

    BTW, Atlanta also lost Game 4 by 30 points. 

    • Love 3
  15. Mercifully it is over for my Raptors. I'm somewhat glad, getting swept obviously sucks, but that's just the way the NBA is. It seems like most of these 2nd round series are gonna end in 5. I'm honestly not that surprised, the Raps #1 seed did seem to be a house built on sand. They got there by beating up on all of the weaker teams, and then would fail to show up when they played the Cavs, Celts, Warriors etc. They were good at taking care of business, but they weren't the best team in the East, not by a long shot. 


    8 hours ago, Fukui San said:

    Well, hopefully voters will vote correctly and give Brad Stevens that award.

    I don't know what to do with Toronto. They're too good to blow up, but... 

    Just keep it together and hope LeBron bolts for the West Coast? Hope to steal a Finals appearance before Boston and Phillie really get it together?

    I'm honestly not sure where the Raps go from here, this has gotta be the same feeling tons of fans have experienced during the Celtics, Lakers and Bulls dynasties. You can keep ramming your head against the wall or you can accept that sometimes there's just nothing to do in the face of great talent. We just don't have someone like LeBron, or on the lower end in the East, Kyrie or Embiid. This is a team built around DeRozan, and Lowry and while they are great players, All Stars even, neither is the kind of player that's gonna steal you a series. We knew that coming in, and that has been reinforced. 


    Seriously I don't think LeBron's going anywhere, he's a smart guy and knows that it's easier to coast to the Finals in the East then it is to try and beat the Warriors out West. Worst case scenario is he joins the Sixers, so I'm gonna assume that happens, and be happy when he stays in Cleveland with his less than stellar supporting cast (no offense Cavs fans, but come on. You gotta admit that LeBron would be a lot more terrifying next to Embiid, Fultz and Simmons.)


    Anyway I'd say "Good Series" but it really wasn't, was it? Congrats anyway Cavs. Good luck against Boston and possibly Golden State/Houston. 

    • Love 2
  16. 29 minutes ago, Notwisconsin said:

    What's with the last letter there? I know the "Q" was added for esthetic effect, but the last "A?"

    The "You have to become a Lesbian" plotline was interesting, to say the least..."


    Don't ask me what kind of rights the asexuals are looking for, you'd think they'd be fairly self sufficient. I guess they just don't want to be discriminated against if they choose to proudly declare their asexuality.

    • Love 1
  17. 3 hours ago, BooBear said:

    Rittenhouse is kind of stupid... instead of killing Christopher they could have turned her to Rittenhouse's side. That would have really changed things. 

    Eh, they're anti women's rights, they are very white for the most part, to the point where you might call racism. Sure we've seen a couple black sleeper agents, but the higher ups have all been old white men and their wives. Would not be surprised if they were anti-LGBTQA rights. I mean they are anti-rights in general since they are trying to set up a dictatorship masquerading as a democracy.

    They might have a hard time turning an Indian lesbian.

    It's also much easier to just delete her from the timeline. A bullet to the head is 100% effective, turning her may or may not take. 

    • Love 7
  18. 1 hour ago, roamyn said:

    I’m sorry, @Maximum Taco.  Trust me, us Clevelanders DO know how you feel.  MJ always seemed to have our number, too.  And Elway.


    Haha, no need to be sorry, I can't begrudge Cleveland of it's success, before LeBron (Part II: Electric Boogaloo) you guys were probably the saddest city in sports. Now it's probably Buffalo, especially with all the turmoil during the reign of the Pegulas. 

    And it's not so bad in Toronto, everyone is making the playoffs (except maybe the Jays), the Jays are just ending a period of sustained excellence when they easily could have won the World Series, the Leafs are one of the youngest and most exciting teams in the NHL, the Raptors, for all my griping are a decent team, they just can't put it together in the postseason, and TFC are the reigning MLS Champions (and arguably the best team in the league's history.) 

  19. 49 minutes ago, Magog said:

    Damn that felt good!! Another day. Another game-winner from Le Bron James. 

    BTW, tonight's game was pretty good, though nerve wracking to watch. Thankfully, it ended very nicely for the Cavaliers.


    34 minutes ago, roamyn said:

    Yeah, by the 4th I was getting a little nervous, how they let the Raptors creep closer & closer.  But what an ending!

    Ah the thoughts of people whose team wins. 

    Unlike you two I was under no illusions that my Raptors could pull out a win. 

    They have broken me of foolish hope. 

    • Love 1
  20. 13 hours ago, roamyn said:

    LeBron has taken up lounging on a couch in the brains of the Raptors, and they jump to meet his every need.

    If the Cavs get past the Raptors, I don’t see them beating Boston.

    It's not just LeBron. It's every playoff team. 

    Each of these years the Raptors were the higher seed, at least in the 1st round. 

    2013/14 - Lost to the Nets in 7 

    2014/15 - Swept by the Wizards

    2015/16 - Beat the Pacers in 7, Beat the Heat in 7, Lost to the Cavs in 6

    2016/17 - Beat the Bucks in 6, Swept by the Cavs

    2017/18 - Beat the Wizards in 6, Likely Swept by the Cavs. 

    The Raptors can never close out a series in less than 6 games, even when they come in as the overwhelming favourite.

    The Raptors are the San Jose Sharks or the Washington Capitals of the NBA: Great regular season, Come in as the favourite, Shit the bed. 

    PS: Sorry for the hockey references, I am Canadian, to make this abundantly clear the Sharks and Capitals are teams known for having regular season success and none in the playoffs. 

  21. 1 minute ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    I still think it’s possible Hiram set it all up, he’s crazy. And I don’t think Hermione knows how deep he is in with the red circle and mob of teenage boys. I doubt she knows he’s paying them now.  And why is he adamant she keeps running for mayor when she’s clearly having a panic attack? 

    Plus Freds Black hood note was fake. It really was. It just looked and felt off when fred showed it.

    Oh I'm not saying it isn't possible. This show makes no freaking sense, anything is possible. 

    But if he's doing it, why? Most of it seems counter intuitive to what he wants. All this stuff (trying to get Fred to cancel the debate, setting up a shooter, undermining the credibility of the sheriff he hand picked to replace Keller, starting a gang war in the streets) will not make it easier for Hermione to get elected Mayor, and yet he doesn't want her to drop out of the race.

    What's his freaking end game? I mean I almost hope that there is oil under the town or something and he's just trying to get everyone to leave as he slowly acquires all the land. 

    • Love 3
  22. On 5/3/2018 at 1:20 AM, WhosThatGirl said:

    I think Hiram not only set up the debate shooter but that he also sent Fred a faux black Hood note. That note felt off to me and I’m sure he knows all about the Black hood notes from his fire place chats with Archie.

    I actually thought that too, but it doesn't make any sense. He went to so much trouble to start the Black Circle going again so Hermione could sting Fred with it at the debate. Why would he threaten Fred and then try to get him to call off the debate? I mean if he thought Hermione was going to get blown up at the debate that might make a bit of sense, but they held all the cards to ruin Fred. 

    Also, Hiram and Hermione wanted to push the fact that they had made the town safer by getting the new sheriff and locking up Fangs, but organizing a shooter just proves Fred's point that they didn't make the town safer and that Fangs probably isn't the killer. 

    Unless it was all just a ridiculous Batman Gambit to get Fangs released and then spark a war between the North and South Side by instigating his murder. But even then he'd have to know that 

    a) Fred would push for the debate to continue

    b) The town would still think that Fangs was guilty even after the shooting

    c) The sheriff would decline to prosecute (this maybe makes sense, cause the sheriff is in his pocket, he could just tell him to not press charges)

    d) Reggie would have absolutely no problem killing a guy and also would still think Fangs was guilty after the shooting

    It seems horribly convoluted for very little payoff. It's not even really a conspiracy, it's just random crap. 

    • Love 2
  23. 22 hours ago, xaxat said:

    As a Pens fan, I would have rather had a five minute major after the hit.

    Seriously? You'd rather have had a 5 minute major instead of the Caps losing their top line winger for 3 games? He's a dirtbag, but he's a Brad Marchand style dirtbag who is also a top line player. 

    The Pens have already taken 1 with Wilson out of the lineup, and I think the Pens have a good chance of winning all 3 with Wilson out. These kinds of suspensions are crippling, and if Wilson gets 5 for the hit, he almost certainly doesn't sit for 3. 

  24. Sigh. 

    I knew this would happen. I try to have faith in the Raptors, but they just crumble under pressure. 

    Really just feels like they aren't a playoff team. They can be strong and find ways to win in the regular season and always seem to be tops in TCB (they can beat the teams they are supposed to beat), but then the postseason starts and they can't finish off the 8th seed in less than 6, and even then they never looked dominant against the Wiz the way a top seed should. 

    I'm not surprised at all that they are crumbling against Lebron, they honestly just don't have it. 

    Prove me wrong Raps. Prove me wrong. 

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