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Maximum Taco

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Posts posted by Maximum Taco

  1. And it's officially over, atleast hopes for a 3rd season are. 

    I guess we'll sit around and hope for a 2 hour movie on NBC, I'm not holding out much hope for that either though. Maybe I'll be pleasently surprised. 

    • Love 1
  2. Awesome.

    I really hope Lonzo gets traded now. That would be the most delicious end to this ridiculousness. 

    • Love 1
  3. Hooray! My Leafs signed John Tavares!

    I've been waiting pretty much my entire life for the top free agent to choose Toronto, and it finally happened. Young player, easily the most sought after UFA and a former #1 pick choosing to come home to TO. 

    This must be a less potent version of what Clevelanders felt when LeBron came back. Obviously not the same, because as good as John Tavares is, he is not the best player in the league, and he doesn't instantly transform us into a Finals contender, but he does make us a whole lot better, and we were pretty good this year without him. 

    I am so happy. Happy Canada Day everybody!

    • Love 3
  4. On 6/22/2018 at 5:41 PM, DesertCyclist said:

    I'm surprised Hulu or Amazon hasn't snatched it up yet.

    You shouldn't be, it's very 11th hour, most networks and streaming services have already planned out their upcoming slate, and as entertaining as Timeless might be it doesn't have a lot of perks for a streaming service to pick up. 

    For starters ratings have never been very strong, it got cancelled in season 1 for a reason, and they didn't improve for season 2. Add that into the fact that they have very high production values, and thus very high production costs. Finally while technically Timeless has 2 seasons, they actually only have 26 episodes in their back catalogue, which is pretty much just one seasons worth for most shows. Streaming services like to pick up a show with lots of episodes so subscribers will binge it. That's why stuff like Lucifer gets picked up, which has almost 60 episodes over it's 3 previous seasons. Netflix picks up the tab for 10 episodes and essentially get almost 70.

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  5. On 6/22/2018 at 11:01 AM, roamyn said:

    Rumors this morning - per ESPN - are that LeBron has narrowed his choices to LA & CLE.   Apparently his family didn't like Houston; don't know why Philly is supposedly out of contention.

    If he goes to LA, he's an idiot.  I don't mind if he leaves CLE since I got to see our only once in a 1/2 century championship (f*g Travis Bauer & Jose Mesa).  I just think he's setting himself up for a bigger headache trying to control Papa Big Mouth, if he goes to LA.

    If LeBron goes to LA, I would be shocked if Lonzo is not shipped out.

    LeBron is one of the only players who will become the defacto GM on any team he joins, and he's not the biggest fan of the Big Ballers. 

    • Love 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    I thought the entire point of the Reverie was to appear as you fantasize yourself to be, not as you know you actually are.

    Fair. But when I fantasize I usually still look like myself in my fantasies. Like maybe I'm a bit more in shape, but I don't fantasize that I look like Idris Elba or anything. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Nessie said:

    I may have gasped out MOHINDER! when I saw him...

    Sounds like you put a lot more thought into this than I did with my tongue-firmly-in-cheek post.  :-)  (I do have a paper journal though.)  But I would hope I wouldn't be dead if I was paying them to put me into my dream world.  

    This whole discussion is moo though, after watching the 2nd episode where it seems you can create any world you want.

    Oh this is a Reverie for you? I assumed you were worried about how you would be represented in someone else's Reverie.

    Since the hardware is implanted directly into your brain you don't need to worry about your own Reverie; you are probably represented by exactly how you perceive yourself. I guess if you have really low self esteem (or a high degree of vanity) that could result in a "you" that was very different from reality but most people would probably be pretty close to the genuine article.

  8. On 6/6/2018 at 10:36 PM, legaleagle53 said:

    I have never seen a show go out of its way like this to delight and motivate its fanbase before, have you?

    Community had a lot of interaction with its fanbase. Deliberately working in bits that their fans came up with, and frequently poking gently at them. 

    I've never seen a show this motivated to get renewed though. At the same time I can't recall a time that a network has kept a show dangling this long with no news. 

    • Love 2
  9. 11 hours ago, WindyNights said:

    Stardust, Kick-Ass and X-men First Class were good imo

    True, but all of these had a novel/graphic novel/years of comics to provide the story framework.

    It's like you think Zack Snyder is a good film writer cause 300 turned out good, but then he puts out Sucker Punch and you're like "Oh, so that's what happens when he is left to his own devices"

    Obviously A Song of Ice and Fire has a lot of lore and stories to draw upon but the Battle for the Dawn and the Long Night are purposefully left ambiguous by Martin in order to cement their mythic status. Any one making a series about it is gonna be working without a map, unless Martin decides to provide one. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

    It occurs to me that if Sophie is indeed done and Thor (Gregor) is continuing to film, does that mean that Sansa isn't involved in Cleganebowl after all, even as a spectator?

    (Not that what Thor is filming now is necessarily Cleganebowl, but if he's busy filming stuff that we know is probably from either 8x05 or 8x06, one can make certain assumptions.)

    It's hard to assume anything. 

    If Sansa is involved it's probably as a spectator, unless we're buying into that (IMO very unlikely) "Sansa kills the Mountain" fan theory, and if she's just a spectator they could've easily filmed her parts already and just need to do the actual fighting, a stand in could probably be used if they want someone with her colouring in background shots.  

    • Love 1
  11. Gee what a fantastic finals, NBA. 

    Thrilling and unpredictable. Thanks for encouraging teams to skyrocket over the salary cap and not doing anything to encourage parity in this league. 

    • Love 2
  12. 35 minutes ago, glowbug said:

    Being burned alive by dragon fire is as rapid a death as beheading, and maybe even more so since often times it takes more than one strike to kill someone. Dragon fire is not like being burned at the stake, which takes a very long time, and is incredibly painful. It’s more rapid than hanging, being skinned alive, sent out the Moondoor, or being eaten alive by wolves. The outrage over Dany’s method of execution is lost on me. A “clean” death to me is one in which a person doesn’t suffer, which means a quick death. Dragon fire meets that criteria.

    I know the writers seem to want us to question Dany’s sanity by having Tyrion hypocritically be outraged by her executing the Tarleys and using dragon fire to do it, however, they did moderate her behavior by having her offer to join the Night’s Watch, and not showing Jon’s reaction to it. By the end of the season he’s saying she’s worthy of being queen, and bending the knee to her. 

    I don't really think any of us can say what being burned alive is like. I'm sure it is more painful then a beheading. We hear Dickon and Lord Randyll scream and we see them writhe in the flames. Was it quick? Arguably, but not as quick as a swift stroke to the neck. Was it painless? Absolutely not.

    She never actually does offer him the Black either, Tyrion suggests it but Randyll points out that she has no way to compel him to the wall, as only someone he has sworn to obey may do that. They also don't show Jon's reaction, but is that so he doesn't paint her as an enemy in our eyes, or is that so he can feel comfortable swearing allegiance to her afterwards? To me that scene was important because she doesn't get into specifics, she tells Jon that "she has fewer enemies now" but she doesn't tell him she publicly executed a House by Dragonfire, she instead paints her actions as the same as Jon's killing of the Bolton men at the Battle of the Bastards. 

    IMO, if we are building to a Jon/Dany standoff at some point, which I don't think is out of the question, it makes sense for him to see her cruelty later, so that he can lose faith in her. He can't exactly lose faith in her if he doesn't have faith in her to begin with. 

    Dany chooses to burn people alive, either slowly or quickly, or feed them to her literal monsters, or lock them in a vault and let them slowly starve to death, or disembowl and crucify them in eye-for-an-eye style of justice. She seems to do this, not for any real reason, but because she likes to do it this way, or possibly to cow the populace into following her through fear in a move straight from the Emperor Palpatine playbook (Fear will keep the local systems in line.) She seems as psychotic as anyone in the series so far, save for the Boltons or the Mad King. 

    • Love 5
  13. On 6/7/2018 at 3:48 PM, onyxrose81 said:

    The amount of grief Dany gets for the Tarlys is ridiculous.  Tarly Senior wouldn't bend the knee, and he said she didn't have the authority to send him to The Wall.  I wouldn't lug around a person like that and keep him prisoner, so he gotta go.  Dickon's decision to die was just straight up stupid; even Randyll was like "Bend the freaking knee."  Daenerys used her weapon, dragonfire, to kill them.  How would it be better if she ordered the Unsullied or Dothraki to kill them?  Her dragons are part of her.  

    So should the Boltons be allowed to skin people alive until they die? Should the Ironborn be allowed to drown them? Should the Arryns be allowed to huck them out the Moondoor? All these people are rightly seen as at best insane, and at worst mustache twirling cartoonish villains. 

    I don't have issues with Dany performing executions, the Tarlys were in open rebellion and said very clearly that they would never not be. But there's such a thing as a clean death, a beheading, a knife to the heart etc. This is why Ned and the Starks are seen as honourable in the eyes of both the characters and the audience. They don't take their criminals and let wolves eat them alive, because they aren't crazy.  

    Burning people alive does not fit into the category of a clean death. It doesn't matter if it's tradition, it doesn't matter if "her dragons are part of her." It's cruel and unusual and sane people don't burn other people alive. 

    Dany has a history of this too, she doesn't simply execute someone, she goes for a cruel and unnecessarily showy death, such as disembowling 100+ people or locking two people in a vault to starve to death. She's a freaking psychopath.  

    • Love 8
  14. On 6/7/2018 at 4:01 PM, Danny Franks said:

    Back in the mid-90s, Channel 4 in the UK got the rights to NBA programming, and it became popular, very quickly. I and the rest of the kids in my school quickly chose teams to follow. Some chose the Magic, because of Shaq and Penny Hardaway, some chose the Rockets because of Hakeem Olajuwon and Robert Horry. Most chose the Bulls, with their all-star team of Jordan, Pippen and Rodman. I, for reasons I don't even know myself, chose the New York Knicks. Just in time for the Bulls to go on their second run of three titles in a row. And then the Lakers to start winning back to back titles too.

    Nothing kills a kid's enthusiasm for a new sport more than his chosen team being useless. But I digress, because really I'm just agreeing that the Warriors being "evil" for going to four championship finals in a row is a bit silly. The NBA is a sport where it's normal for teams to have periods of prolonged dominance. It's a sport where the Bulls had a team that was untouchable, then Shaq went to L.A. to join Kobe Bryant, Robert Horry and Glen Rice, and then Lebron James formed his own super-team in Miami. So Durant wants to go to win rings with the Warriors? That's fine. It's just carrying on the longstanding tradition in the NBA.

    Yup, and people still watch so the NBA has no reason to change its format.

    Turns out basketball fans (at least most of them) don't want parity, they just want to see the same two teams meet up year after year. 

  15. I wanted more hockey. Not because I wanted the Knights to win or the Caps to lose, I just wanted more. Oh well atleast my Marlies are still playing for the Calder Cup.

    Congrats to the Caps, finally broke through after 40+ years. Congrats to Ovi, never made it past the second round before this year, but he only needed to do it once to make it all the way. 

    • Love 1
  16. 5 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

    I'm confused why there's not a fail safe built in to bring these people out of Reverie without any physical damage. Unless that was explained and I had already zoned out. I suppose there'd be no show then, though.

    In the first episode they said just unplugging someone from their Reverie can cause catastrophic neurological issues. 

    It does seem negligent that they wouldn't be working to develop some kind of way to safely end someone's Reverie if they refused to exit though. But at the same time it seems like Reverie is in some kind of beta test at the moment, so they haven't worked out all the kinks. 

    • Love 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I liked this as a follow up, it seems like a fun summer science fiction show. I do hope they get more serialized, and its not "save the client of the week" every episode, but I think its fine for now. I hope they can find some kind of decent balance, plus some character work. Some shows are actually better serialized than with a mythology, but its too early to see how this show will go. 

    I knew right away that Vater would be father, and this would tie into the woman's daddy issues, but I liked the spy simulation, and they do at least seem to be trying for something different in the different dream worlds. And it does seem like something people would do with this kind of tech. Plug into a genre you like and have your own little immersive video game. 

    I hope they can find more excuses to let Sarah Shahi kick some ass. She is just so good at it. And I hope we get more to her character then "sad and guilt ridden about tragic mistake/dead loved ones", because that doesn't make for a very engaging character. Also, whenever they mention her Tragic Backstory (especially in the narration) I just want to yell "MY WIFE WAS MURDERED BY A MAN IN A YELLOW SWEATER! ITS THE ONE CASE I CANT SOLVE!"*

    *Because theres always time for a Brooklyn Nine Nine reference*

    I'd like this a lot more if her partner was Bart Barley 

    • Love 1
  18. Damn it might end tonight. I don't mind that the Caps will win, but it'd be nice to see a game 6 or 7. 

    Come on Vegas, stretch this to another game. Get desperate!

  19. Just now, Kip Hackman said:

    I don't begrudge the Warriors, The core of that 73-win team was built through the draft.

    But when Durant jumped on board, I said "This is not good for the league." My opinion has not changed.


    I don't begrudge the Warriors their success, I begrudge the NBA for creating a system where this is even possible. 

    The richest teams in the league should not be allowed to spend 50 million more than the most frugal. The soft cap is stupid, especially in a league where one player can take control of a game. 

    • Love 3
  20. This episode was a little better than the pilot, but it still wasn't very good. 

    It's difficult to care about any of the characters since we get so little on all of them, except for Mara of course, and it's difficult to care about her when she's moving so goddamn slowly solving these cases and doing it in perhaps the stupidest way possible. I mean it took her for freaking ever to look into the laptop.

    Speaking of the laptop, it was a horribly contrived way to include Alexis.



    Mara: Hey Paul, I need to get into this laptop. I tried guessing 1234 but that's not the password. I'm a great cop BTW. 

    Paul: Oh have you done any reasearch? Or clicked the hint button? Most people don't make their password too complicated. 

    Mara: No I'm way too bored to do that. Isn't there some computer geek who can hack a way in for me? What about that girl I met before?

    Paul: Alexis? She's like our number one coder and is far too busy to help you with that. You could probably just ask Dylan--

    Mara: Alexis! That's her name thanks Paul! BYEEEEEEEEE!


    I find it difficult to believe that an AI that is sophisticated enough to go through decades of facial recognition in seconds wouldn't have been able to help her crack a normal laptop with normal security protocols. There was absolutely no reason for her to bother Alexis, and no reason for Alexis to humour her request, other then the fact that the writers are struggling to find ways to include her character. Hot tip writers, that's a sign of bad writing. 

    • Love 3
  21. 6 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

    I don't think anyone's really accusing him of that, at least not that I'm aware of.  I myself believe that he meant well and was only trying to help.  I just don't think he thought it through, that's all, and I'm glad for his sake, as well as the fans' and the show's, that the cast and crew more or less told him, "We appreciate the effort, but this really isn't the best way to show your support right now."


    I checked out his twitter link from the crowdfund post. Some of his recent tweets are like "I AM NOT OUT TO GET YOUR MONEY!"

    But it could be that he just misunderstood what everyone was trying to say about his gesture. I'm sure the cast wasn't accusing him of being a thief, moreso they just don't want the fans wasting their money in what will ultimately be a futile gesture because they know a few thousand isn't going to sway NBC. 

    • Love 2
  22. 23 hours ago, Nessie said:

    I liked it enough and I'm in for as long as it lasts.  I've always been interested in the concept of lucid dreaming, and I'm interested enough to see where this is going.  Plus, Sendhil Ramamurthy will be back on my TV screen, which is always a bonus, IMO.

    Charlie told Mara (yes, I had to look up their names) that the reveries are constructed out of the subject's social media, right?  So I guess people like me, who have virtually no SM presence, are screwed?  I really don't want to end up back in high school because a bunch of people have tagged me in old pics.  Maybe I would be in my favorite TV show from commenting on and liking posts here on PTV (both an intriguing and somewhat frightening thought!)?  Hopefully they wouldn't use my PTV avatar and land me in Loch Ness...LOL


    Your family could probably provide them with e-mails and pictures and texts and whatever (assuming they could get your password or your phone or whatnot) or even notes or a journal you write on *shudder* paper. I mean they don't have to respect your privacy anymore, you're dead (I'm assuming). But if you stay totally off the grid, then yeah, they're pretty much screwed. 

    I don't think you need to worry about "ending up back in highschool" because of old pics though. For one I'm sure the date would be taken into account. For two, it seems social media retrieval in this case is more to give a sense of personality. It'll help create a virtual approximation of you that is interested in the same things the real you was. If you post a lot about baseball, they'll make sure the virtual you is similarly interested in that, for example. 

  23. 15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    With Veronica Mars, it was for a movie, and the creator had gotten an agreement with their production company that if they could raise X amount of money, they would handle the distribution/marketing. And the actors had agreed to do the project and they had a script idea and some sense of budget and all that. I think some shows that have followed have had similar agreements in place.

    It sounds like this is just a fan suggesting people donate money without any kind of communication with the producers/actors/network. I get that he's trying to show fan support, but it really doesn't seem like it will accomplish anything. 

    That's a good point. There's a great chance that the shows that have been crowdfunded did have some kind of of "You raise X amount of dollars and we'll provide the rest!" agreement in place with their distribution networks. 


    8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    and also PJ is likely trying to warn away fans from sending money to another—perhaps opportunistic—"fan" who will raise a few thousand dollars, which will not fund even another episode. I hope "Sam," the Timeless fan from the UK at least has the decency to donate the money to charity, but it's more likely he'll deduct most of it for "expenses."

    Another good point. I hate to think that cynically but this has a lot of opportunity for someone to abscond with the money. 

    Apparently the poor guy who started this has gotten a lot of this kind of talk though, and it seems to have disillusioned him. I hate to think he was just trying to help out, and instead got a bunch of people accusing him of trying to make a quick buck. 

    • Love 2
  24. 19 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    And just when I thought I'd seen it all, I just heard about this from Patterson Joseph, who is telling people not to contribute to it:


    I've never seen it done spontaneously. But I have seen something like this. 

    The Veronica Mars movie got made through some kind of crowdfund/kickstarter thing (but that was started by creator and producer Rob Thomas), as have a lot of high production webseries like Wil Wheaton's Tabletop. 

    Nathan Fillion also jokingly suggested something like it for Firefly IIRC and got everyone riled up before he backed down and said that it's simply unfeasible. That also might be what Paterson Joseph is saying, something like Veronica Mars (minimal effects and stunts, not many sets needed, about a 2 hour runtime etc.) is possible to do via crowdfunding, main costs are gonna be towards paying people, and if its a pet project the actors might be willing to work for less, something like Firefly or Timeless, you'd need a huge sum of money, and you can't just pay less for effects and stunts.

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