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Everything posted by Dean Learner
No confusion, considering she wrote the song.
We've seen Rory in all of two sexually intimate relationships- Dean and Logan- and both involved episodes of jealousy, infidelity, and doubt in Rory. So no, I would argue the opposite: we have no evidence that Rory is at ease with FWB situations or casual hookups; if anything she fails at her FWB attempts quite spectacularly. Her freak out over Mr. Wookie serves to underline that point. As for Paul, the fact that he was seemingly created for comic relief flattens his character considerably. But what we do know is that he had been dating Rory for two years, had met her mother, her grandmother, and her erstwhile stepdad- even gone fishing with him- and was on a first-name familiar basis with everyone in Rory's life. That's serious enough, all things considered.
Not exactly sure who this is describing, but it's certainly not a post-season 5 Jess.
Pete and Rory's son was born last fall. Link
All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
Dean Learner replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
See I did not get the impression that Jess has been actively pining over Rory for the last 9+ years. I'd like to think he's been in Philly, had relationships, career struggles, the usual living-life stuff*. Just because we aren't privy to it doesn't mean he or any of the other characters have been in cryo for the last decade. Rory mentions it's been four years since they last saw one another; considering their familial situation, wouldn't that suggest that if Jess was truly interested, even if in a distant way, that they could've had opportunities to reconnect sooner? I guess I just don't see Jess as that passive a character. I think it was proximity to Rory, being with his family (Luke) again, and later, the wedding, that stirred up feelings that he had set aside a long time ago. And once he met again with Rory, and heard her pitiful tales of woe, warning bells went off- he knows what happens when Rory spirals down. So it became a head/heart struggle, and come wedding time when they couldn't help but be around each other, he did the healthy thing of remove himself from Lorelai and Luke's house until time to go back to Philly. *Due to limited screen time (and possible sequel planning) Jess's storyline feels particularly truncated and unfinished; I wished we'd gotten a bit more sketched out about him because what we're left with is pretty unsatisfying.- 2.8k replies
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All Episodes Talk: Lorelai and Rory and the People They Love
Dean Learner replied to solotrek's topic in Gilmore Girls
What's stopping him? Probably the knowledge that Rory once used him as a rebound, and he's pretty wary of getting involved with her again. More importantly he also knows she's not in a great place, and understands that Struggling!Rory is not a person he should be in a relationship with- for his own sake, as well as hers. And while we can debate if his feeling are also romantic, he does care about her. Jess would not want to "mess up" her life; unlike Logan-- who also cares for Rory but not enough to remove himself from their fucked up situation-- Jess seems pretty self-aware of his own weaknesses. Remember back in earlier seasons, he appeared to do some hard work on himself and his issues; he's probably better versed in self-help than any other character on the show! I don't know if his look was one of love or longing or fondness or just nostalgia. And I don't think the Luke/Jess parallels are quite that clear cut- remember Jess yelling at Luke how he wasn't going to be a doormat, hoping one day the woman he loves finally wises up (ala Luke and Lorelai). Obviously the parallels are there, and the look was shown for a reason; but if there is more story told, and there is a Jess/Rory revival, it's going to be about Rory winning Jess, not the other way around. -
What I loved about the post credit sequence- and, I think, the point of it- was the ambiguity of Bedelia's fate. Was she a captive of Will and Hannibal, awaiting dinner? Or was this her sacrifice (in an episode full of them) in order to appease both her paranoia and the fear of Hannibal that lingers deep within her? Brilliant, in my mind.
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Breathless. Absolutely breathless. Maybe not the emotional gut punch of Mizumono but damn, what an ending!
This is so bizarre. I don't watch The Voice but by chance saw an article on the show elsewhere mentioning a Sarah Potenza- the little sister to one of my best friends in high school. She was a precocious brat, but in that endearing, kid sibling way. Always, always a performer. I listened to the two performances, Sarah and Hannah, and much prefer Sarah's though her style isn't at all my speed. Her arrangement and phrasing was much more interesting than the generic Carole King cover. Sorry to see her eliminated.
S01.E09: Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
My theory is that Annalise called Bonnie sometime during her make out with the hotel bar guy and told her she needed to secure Asher, the wild card of the evening who could possibly disrupt the Wes/Annalise conspiracy. Like Frank, Bonnie is more aware of what was going on that evening than has yet been shown. I agree with this and think it's going to be the end game. TPTB have gone to great lengths to show Annalise and Wes as two sides of the same coin (so much so they literally put in a coin toss at the moment Wes goes with Annalise's plan.) Wouldn't the ultimate irony be that, like Annalise, Wes was duped by the person he loved? A person guilty of the crime he was working so hard to defend them against? I can't see the Rebecca character continuing on after this arc is completed. There is nowhere for her to go, storywise, and it makes sense for her to be "the lesson" Wes learned in his development as the new Annalise. -
S01.E09: Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
After a rewatch, I'm pretty sure Annalise called Frank either immedietly after the discovery of Sam's body or after confronting Wes in the office. Wes may not have told her who was involved, or Annalise needed confirmation of Wes's story hence Frank calling Laurel to find out where she is. Even when Laurel was selling her sob story, he asked her if that was in fact the actual big bad thing she wanted to share... because he already knew the truth and was seeing if she would spill. Well played Anna and Frank. Well played. -
S01.E09: Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
I can only hope that once this season is complete, Wes and Rebecca's storyline is finished and the characters written out. Really, how much longer can that arc continue-- Annalise continually lording this knowledge over Wes's head. Til graduation? Seasons? Years? Laurel, Connor and Michaela are all ignorant of their pawn status, and each of them have on-going character development/relationships outside of the central murder. Keeping Wes makes little sense, storywise, outside of some sort of student/sensei thing they are attempting (and failing) to develop with Annalise. Poor Bonnie. Poor Frank. Players being played. Love them both. -
S01.E08: He Has A Wife
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
In Lila's case, it's mentioned in the first episode that her parents own a billion dollar tech corp. She's seems like a sheltered rich girl who parents could buy her way into and out of anything. This site put together a chronological video and timeline of all the events. It may prove insignificant, but there is a gap of time/place between the the initial killing of Sam and the removal of the body. Connor, Michaela and Laurel all hide in the woods while Wes carts Rebecca off to a motel. Wes then swings back by the house to grab the trophy. No one is with the body during this time. I wonder if Annalise (or someone else) discovers the body during this time gap, and this is a card to be played later. Another thing is that the scales are clearly missing off the trophy when Wes brings it to the woods. In fact, they're missing even when the trophy is lying in the bloodpool next to Sam's head, meaning their probably somewhere, bloodstained, in the house. I'm surprised none of the characters have yet noticed except... not really. -
S01.E07: He Deserved To Die
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
It has to be, yes? She may have been standing there when it happened- hence the blood spray- but was witness to, not the actual killer. I took her talk to be what she would say if questioned- another false confession.For all the talk of scratch marks this episode, there has to be some connection to the marks on the Wes's bedpost and Lila's murder. Maybe his studio was the scene of the crime. -
S01.E07: He Deserved To Die
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
If the ultimate triple lutz pretzel twist to this whole thing was Wes and Rebecca as a pair of co-dependent nutjobs pulling a long con on the rest of the crew, only to escape at the end of the season never to be seen again... I'd get that. I really really would. Farethewell, glad to know you, now lets get back to what is shaping up to be a really entertaining piece of pulpy candy goodness. And that's just it, Wes and Rebecca ain't cutting it. Their energy- Rebecca's especially- really doesn't flow with everything else on screen. If the show can get me invested in someone as snivelling as Connor, as haughty as Michaela, and as douchey as Asher- each of whom have at least some depth worth exploring- then at this point it's not just the writing. Laurel has a good, sweet, hot, kind, loving boyfriend in Kan. But I don't give a shit. As sole resident of Flaurelvania- those two can get it. I'm liking Frank more and more because there's some winning sincerity and vulnerability underneath the jerk surface. They work for me in a way sweet, nice, blah Kan and Laurel doesn't. The scene at the end with Bonnie and the Keatings hinted at how much more this show can be. There was such a great, weird dynamic between the three of them. She's obviously privy to so much of what is going on. I almost wonder... wild theory- but if Annalise and Sam had difficulties conceiving, maybe Bonnie was their would-be surrogate? It would explain the kind of maybe-sexual-but-not intimacy they all share with one another. -
S01.E06: Freakin' Whack-a-Mole
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
It's probably irrelevant because the scene was not included in the final product, but in the pilot script there is a scene that makes it explicitly clear that Asher is chosen because his dad is a circuit court judge. -
S01.E06: Freakin' Whack-a-Mole
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
Now I'm curious from where Bonnie and Frank's devotion to Annalise stems. Because to plant evidence in broad fucking daylight has to show some real devotion to the cause. Unless Annalise already knows that former sidepiece Nate is watching her and her team and all of this was part of her master plan to set Nate up. Who did Wes kill to get his spot off the wait list? Is this going to be a Runaway Jury situation where he's purposely playing his idiot role to sneak his way into Annalise's world? -
I'll give Amanda and the other designers a pass on backstage attire. You're often running around, kneeling on a dusty concrete floor fixing hems last minute, etc while still having to walk the runway at the end. Mileages vary, of course, but suede-- especially fringed suede-- seems a staple of the bohemian fashion diet, all the way back to hippies co-opting Native American culture and clothing. I've got a fringed suede jacket from my dad and fringed mukluks from my mom, all from the 60's.
S01.E05: We're Not Friends
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
This show is such a tropestravaganza, that even the hoariest of cliches somehow work for me. I like this show in spite of itself. It think it's clear they're going with beneath the jerkass lothario exterior beats the heart of a working class idealist thing with Frank, hence his attraction to do-gooder Laurel. Which, on reflection, isn't really all that different than Connor's relationship with his IT notboyfriend Oliver. Call it The Taming of the Manwhore. What's interesting is whether or not Laurel is exploiting his feelings to protect herself and the co-conspirators in the coverup. This episode proved she's willing to use amoral-- even downright illegal-- means to see justice done. As the show keeps saying, Laurel and Wes have both proved to be far more icy-veined than their emotional Type-A classmates. Whatever- I like Laurel and Frank and their weird, kinda cold fish chemistry. -
S01.E05: We're Not Friends
Dean Learner replied to Tara Ariano's topic in How To Get Away With Murder [V]
It's stated by Sam in the third episode during the couples' dinner party scene that he and Annalise have been together- or at least known each other- for 20 years. -
To my eye, Sean was the only one of the finalists to understand fabric, however overplayed his fringe hand may have been. His collection moved beautifully. Kini's attempted at feminine shapes with dry denim was a fundamental misunderstanding of how that fabrics works. I understand that he was trying to innovate, but it was a failure-- look at how stiffly the garments sat away from the models' bodies. I've attended a few of Amanda's shows here in Nashville and while she's had some cool t-shirts and jewelry pieces, she too struggles with fabric. It's especially obvious due to the amount of pieceing she does in her work. Sometimes a knit isn't meant to connect to leather connect to wool. With all kindness, the best thing Char can do to further her career is go to design school. She'll learn how to develop her concepts beyond meaningless buzzwords, understand the difference between "clothing" and "a collection", and hone her construction skills. I hope someone will give her that opportunity.