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Posts posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. 1 hour ago, gingerella said:


    Why on earth would K'Douche say that about kitchens? Such a bizarre statement to make IMO. You are one dude that in theory is schtupping these four women, so they're all sharing your peen but you don't want them sharing a kitchen? What the fuckity fuck fuck is that all about? Is he afraid cooking together will create a convivial atmosphere where his wives will share his ugly little secrets with one another? As if they couldn't do that already?!?

    And why do Janelle and Christine still opine polygamy when they are clearly in such loveless and emotionally manipulative 'relationships' with K'Douche?

    Oh, and I love how Douche Nozzle is always quick to diss monogamy, as if being plyg is some grand martyr's cross he bears for the world. You know what's more difficult than this charade of four 'wives' and your child army Douchey? Truly committing to one person for life, and making that shit work through good times and bad, through sickness and health, til death do you motherfucking part. THAT'S what's hard. Not your sad little parade of lameness. Fucking asshole.

    Love every word of this post! 

    As far as I can see, polygamy at least in Kody's world is for emotionally vacant, manipulative, and controlling men. He is only finding it hard now because half of his wives have woken up to his B.S.  And pretty much all of his children, certainly the adult ones. Janelle I think it was said that they raised strong willed children. They at least raised children smart enough to see what horrible lives their mothers' have had (other than Robyn's spawn), and want nothing to do with the lifestyle their mothers' have led. 

    • Love 21
  2. 1 hour ago, truebluesmoky said:

    I did a little Facebook digging and figured out that Molly’s son has a pretty cool life… he is disabled and in a wheelchair but has a supportive seeming dad and stepmom and a pretty serious scuba diving hobby! 

    I think the stuff with James’s daughter being in the wedding was him putting Molly off as long as possible. “Yes, honey, of course Emma will be in the wedding and get hair and makeup done with you.” “Yes, honey, of course Emma will still be in the wedding, but she’s going to get her hair and make-up done by a friend.”

    But could she be in the wedding without having actually having picked out a dress, etc? Or even met for that matter, other than the first time? I know Molly seemed fairly delusional, but that seems a bit much, even for Molly.  I think Molly likely did want her in the wedding (despite only having met her once and being introduced as a "friend"), and James likely kept putting Molly off, to the point that Molly was just happy to have her "step daughter to be" have her hair and makeup done with her. Which of course got changed as well by James. But who knows. This actually seemed more like a Dateline episode, where sooooo much was left out.

    Good to hear about Molly's son. They certainly let that drop in the show. Which makes me wonder if the ex got custody even before Molly was killed? 

    • Love 11
  3. On 1/8/2022 at 8:38 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    Amber seemed like a very nice woman. I felt bad for her and I hope she is in a loving relationship. No doubt Molly had issues that were glossed over as is often the case on these shows. I do think he preyed on her and her insecurities  but she was hardly a naive lamb, she knew he was married and demanded he break up with his wife but also wanted the daughter to be in her wedding…it is all so odd and delusional. They also hardly mentioned her son. Did she have custody ? He is disabled and needs a lot of care if I remember correctly.  I still don’t understand why he killed her. Wasnt this a smaller community? I think after 7 years the whole county knew what was going on. Again She is a victim of a horrific crime and her fiancée is 100 percent the villain 

    Not that Molly deserved to die, but she was hardly an innocent victim as you say.  She left her first husband for Amber, then left Amber for James. I did shake my head at Amber saying that she told James that he had broken up their family. But Amber broke up her own marriage, and Molly broke up hers, to be together. As the saying goes, the way you get 'em is the way you'll lose 'em. 

    Molly seemed extremely immature. I have never understood the need to do You Tube videos (or whatever SM platform she was using), or understand why someone would want to watch them. But Molly parading around in her wedding dress (one of two) for her audience was OTT. Not to mention, as a 35 year old divorced woman with a special needs son, she was planning a Disney themed wedding? WTF? 

    Hubby and I were wondering who the wedding invitations were sent out to on James' side? Did he intercept them, since of course anyone on his side would know he is already married. And did he really have three weddings/divorces before the age of 28 when he married his 4th wife? Seems unlikely.

    I don't think his daughter was to be in the wedding, I think Molly just wanted to have her there to get hair and makeup done. I would imagine the info of the daughter wanting to get hair and makeup done with a friend was relayed by James (or should I say made up by James) sine it seems that his daughter was at home with her mom, totally unaware that her dad was planning a wedding with another woman.

    I was also confused as to what happened to Molly's parents. She moved in with them after she left Amber which I guess was around 2011 since she was with James for 7 years. But when the brother talked about the balloon coming into his workplace, he made it sound like they had passed? Or maybe that was explained and I missed it.

    I did feel sorry for James' first or fourth wife, whichever she was. Naive yes, but at least she divorced him. I did say to hubby that any spouse who's significant other has a room that is off limits needs to check that room out. Stat. 

    • Love 13
  4. 2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    I’m going to have to somewhat disagree with this.  Terry cares very much about being on camera.

    Yep. Heather said in her first year that she did not want to do the show, that Terry wasn't happy (to paraphrase) until she agreed to do it. I assume that the reason they are back is because Terry no longer has Botched, and both really enjoy being in front of the camera. Heather is too old now for her acting career to go anywhere, so we are stuck with them.

    Heather looked much better (for Heather) with her hair down in her TH with her daughter. The ponytail does her no favours. It makes her look older, not younger. 

    I liked Gina last year, but her sucking up to Heather is vomit inducing. The scene at the race track where Gina discussed Noella with Heather in front of the other couple was ridiculous. Either Gina and Heather have no sense of what is appropriate (highly likely) or the scene was producer driven (just as highly likely). Heather riding Terry is likely the most action he has had in awhile, judging by the look on his face. 


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  5. 3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    Noella is one weird up chick but it seems like she has some dirt on Heather that she is going to be spilling and for this I in her corner. Heather has overplayed her hand this season and I really hope it backfires on her.

    Is this something we have seen in previews and I just missed it? If it is true, then I can put up with Noella to see Heather brought down a few pegs. 

    • Love 5
  6. 1 hour ago, Colfrmb said:

    @UsernameFatigue, In a recent post where she announced that she has a new boyfriend, there was a picture of her with a little girl and apparently that’s her daughter who is seven years old. I think I read somewhere that the daughter is by a previous relationship. This woman hits the ground running.  I remember that scene where she kept crying, “I need a hug! I need a hug!” and I could see her getting involved with another guy pretty quickly.

    I wondered as in the pic of her with her daughter, she said her daughter was on spring break and joining them in Puerto Rico. Which made me think the kid was from another relationship and lived with the father. But then she was identified as Coco Bergener. But ya, Noella seems like a mess. very needy, and immature. So has to be a one and done, but why can't she be done now? 

    • Love 4
  7. Has Noella even mentioned her daughter on the show? I googled and saw a pic of her with her daughter Coco (isn't that the nickname of one of the Dubrow spawn?) and her last name is Bergener as well. I do remember Noella talking in one episode about her miscarriages, and she mentioned two surrogates, so I wondered why there was only one kid with two surrogates? Guess the other kid is Coco, also by James?

    In any case I have no interest in "he said she said" regarding a howife that I do not know. I did see a post by James where he said his life with Noella was sex, drugs and rock and roll, and he has cleaned up his act. Guess the sex part includes the dungeon? In any case Noella's life seems like a mess, married or not. And that is saying a lot when her life is  too messy for this show.  Or just no one knows her, so how can we be invested in her woes? Big fail, Bravo. Big fail. 

    • Love 8
  8. I am enjoying this season more than any other that I can recall. Kody is coming unhinged because his harem and spawn refuse to be directed by him any longer.

    Christine has had her fill, and no longer looks at Kody with adoring eyes. About time.

    Janelle has chosen her children over Kody, which must really gall him because she was quite clear in the early years that she preferred working and leaving the raising of her kids to Christine.

    Robyn, who played her cards in order to become the only legal wife, is now stuck with KoDouche 24/7. I don't think she ever wanted him 24/7 -who would? -  she wanted him at her beck and call whenever she summoned him.

    Meri is my fav wife this season. I don't think she gives a flying f that Kody has rejected her, but she is playing the lovesick puppy to the hilt in order to earn those TLC dollars. Though I do think that Meri genuinely misses the rest of the fambly.

    That is what I have learned this season from The Learning Channel. That, and that Kody is scared shitless that with half of his wives and many of his kids rebelling, TLC will dump his sorry azz. 

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  9. 9 hours ago, albarino said:

    Fuck you David.  He has a "new" family needing protection.  Really?  I hate, hate, hate these divorced dads who disown their first family.  Fuck you David.  I hope one of your construction vehicles runs you over.

    What an asshole. I wonder if he is also worried that at some point his new daughter will see the naked pictures that he had posted of himself and ND's mother, all over social media? He certainly didn't think that his three daughters with Shannon needed protecting from that. STFU David. 


    • Love 9
  10. 53 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

    I don't know of any dog that Josh returned.  Josh's new dog, George, was returned to the breeder by the people who had him before, due to allergies.  It looks like George is still Josh's dog.


    Let's hope so. Just read an interview with Josh from September where he talks about how unhappy he is with the dog. I hope he is joking. Also saw a picture from Oct 2020 of Josh and Bobby with two little white dogs called Trouble and Jax. Have we seen those dogs? I only remember Tracy's dog Jake at Flagg's, but maybe missed them since the show makes a big deal of Josh taking Tracy's dog to his house. 

  11. I enjoyed the Josh and Josh show, mostly because of Bobby. And the fact that there is no Tracy. Bobby is such a gem. Altman typically didn't get it when both Bobby and Heather said they were more than just the spouses of Josh and Josh. Altman's reply? Behind every great man there is a great man or woman. Pretty much making it all about himself, and negating everything they had just said. He never changes.

    3 hours ago, Starlight925 said:


    I also wonder if they'll delve more into Josh & Bobby + a baby.  Now that they have their $25,000....dog!!, maybe a baby will make 4.

    Have Josh and Bobby ever discussed children? Fredrick always wanted children, so it was no surprise when he and Derek had them. But I can't remember ever hearing J&B talk about kids. I got the impression when Heather was talking to her daughter who was whining about her brother, that Bobby was quite happy to be childless. Or maybe that was just me projecting my feelings onto him - lol. 

    Is the dog they are showing the poor one that Flagg returned? I was annoyed when he complained that the dog took a dump - as he put it - on a $40,000 rug. First of all, accidents happen with new dogs. And if he took a dump, that means that you weren't taking him out to do his business often enough, Flagg. And finally the dog doesn't know -or care - that his pretentious owner paid $40,000 for a rug. I like Flagg, but that bothered me. If Josh returned a dog because it wasn't like Tracy's dog Jake, he should not have children. You can't return children if they don't have the personality characteristics that you prefer. 

    • Love 3
  12. So Kody wants to kick Garrison out of Janelle's house because he is not adhering to Kody's rules, but didn't he just complain last week that Janelle was also not adhering to his rules by travelling? And he complains that his wives do not have any time for Meri, but he as her freakin' husband has no time for her. Despite the fact that she is all alone and actually wants to spend time with the POS. I am surprised that KoDouche didn't suggest that Garrison move in with Meri since Kody doesn't care if he sees either one. 

    Why did Janelle not explain to Kody, rather than to us in a TH, that she has spent lots of time without Kody as one of 4 wives, so of course her kids would come first. Duh.

    I wonder if the reason Robyn has a nanny is that Kody is angling for a 5th wife? Though I think Robyn is the boss of Kody, and I don't think that will happen. At least until she gets tired of the manchild.

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  13. 58 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Dollars to donuts Heather negotiated that Terry got plenty of airtime...he's as thirsty as she is. Maybe they need to build another mega mansion to flagrantly throw in everyone's faces to prove how rich they are.


    I have never watched Botched, but when someone posted that it has not been renewed, it made perfect sense that this is now the vehicle for the Dubrows to continue to feed their narcissism. I came across an article where Heather said that her oldest kids will be on the show quite a bit, and that all of the kids are used to having cameras in the house because they are always filming something or other. Apparently Heather's oldest daughter has a podcast? Seems like the kids are following in their fame whore parents' footsteps.  🤮

    There are a third of the number of posts for this episode than there were for the first one, so I wonder if that is any indication of how many viewers have already tuned out? I am very close as I do not find any of it entertaining. What. So. Ever. Dr Jen is a bore, and I have no interest in yet another divorce storyline for a newbie that I have no interest in. 

    I must admit though that the scene of Heather reading her obnoxious text to Terry while he tries to get a word in, was pretty funny. The text, not so much. Hard to imagine that Heather has become even more full of herself. She is a failed actress who married for money. I have no reason not to believe that the Dubrows' house of cards will not come tumbling down, like so many others have. Heather's tag line is pretty funny too. Personally, in order for me to reach Heather's level, I would need a shovel, not a ladder. 

    • Love 20
  14. Sorry, but I had very little sympathy for Rachael. She was a thirty three year old woman still living at home, and using the excuse that she is Italian, and Italian adults live at home until they get married Maybe several decades ago, hardly in 2018. And why is she hanging around students and treating them like friends? Does she not have any friends her own age, other teachers, etc? 

    I thought the only truthful thing the mother said was that she didn't know if Rachael was more excited to be getting married, or excited about the 6 karat diamond ring. 

    The mother was a piece of work. Yes, sure, her baby was in a car with a 17 year old, a kid half her age, at 2 in the morning, because she was helping him out. Sheesh.

    I said to hubby that Rachael may still have been alive if mommy dearest hadn't insisted that she not sign the prenup. Maybe she would have gotten married and still be here. ONOH, apparently she had been having a relationship with the teenager for three years, so maybe not. In any case I think the ex boyfriend dodged a bullet (no pun intended) - he could have ended up with Lisa as a MIL.

    In any case Racheal is the one who, as a teacher, decided to have a relationship with a student. There would have been much more said about it had she been a male teacher having sex with a female student.  She didn't deserve to die, obviously, but as far as I can see she made some very bad  choices, and was not the sweet innocent person her parents wanted her to be remembered as. 

    • Love 10
  15. I didn't really understand why Dr Jen was looking down her nose at Noella because Noella doesn't have a job. Isn't Noella a SAHM? Dr Jen's husband is a SAHD. What is the difference? And while I don't think Noella is a great beauty, she is far better looking than Mr Jen. And likely has much better table manners. 

    At least there was an Archie sighting and a Shane scene. Unpopular opinion I know, but I am one who has always liked Shane. Much more than I like Emily. Though I did love Emily continually telling Nicole that she was already sitting down when she was sitting down.

    • Love 11
  16. Is there a TV version of the Razzies? Because Terry and Heather's acting would certainly qualify for worst performance in a comedy. Sheesh. Terry was hilarious when he solemnly proclaimed how annoyed he was that the party was cancelled and all that food went to waste. You doofus, your wife is the one who cancelled the party. It isn't like something horrible happened, like someone ate a bow on a cake.  OMFG.

    It appears that Heather has returned because she is a failed actress, so this is the best gig she can get? I did laugh at her "camera down" orders. Reminded me of Denise's "Bravo Bravo" when she wanted filming to stop. Actresses. Lol. 

    I did find it interesting that only Terry and Heather said that Nicole dropped the lawsuit. Nicole never did say that, which makes me wonder if she did or not. After all, why sue because your lawyer talked you into it, only to drop it? Did he talk you into that as well, Nicole?

    Gina, Gina, Gina. I have liked you for the most part but you are the one who screwed up, not Shannon. I did laugh when her defense to Shannon was that she didn't know Heather 12 hours before, when she made the promise not to say anything. I know friendships on these shows are often fake, but Gina took it to a whole new level. 

    I loved Heather proclaiming at her lunch with Gina and Emily that leopards do not change their spots. That should be Heather's tag line. 

    • LOL 4
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  17. The TruReal guy was one of the worst pitchers I think I have seen on DD. And they have had some doozies, even just this season. 

    Online wills in Canada already exist. Canadian Legal Wills is one online site, seems to be pretty much the same as Willful. And of course there have been kits around for making a will for ages.  Not sure if someone wants to forgo using a lawyer than Willful isn't already duplicating available alternatives. 

    The shoes wouldn't interest me, but I did think it was interesting that the pitcher said that older clients would not buy online, as I would think older clients would not really be her target market? If someone is retired, how often are they likely to want to wear heels anyway? Personally I never wear anything higher than a couple of inches, and even that is almost never. Lol. I did think they were ridiculously expensive though. Weren't the short boots over $500? For $500 I would want a name brand. But then I have never paid anywhere near that for boots or shoes. 

  18. I didn't really understand the plastic emergency vehicle. How would one know how safe it was if it was in an accident? For most emergency vehicles there are people sitting in the back- fire trucks, ambulances which carry both a paramedic and patient in the back, even police cars if they are transporting someone they have arrested. I was surprised than none of the dragons asked that question. 

    I agree that the soup lady was lucky to get a deal. She is lucky Wes was on the panel. Though I generally like Wes  I find him a bit all over the place with regards to some pitchers that he is rude to, and others that he maybe should be more leery of that he gives a pass to.  Of course that is true of all dragons but Wes seems to exhibit it more, Maybe because he is new. 

    Speaking of Wes, I never did hear back from the Basecamp Cards young lady, despite two emails and another indicating that I was waiting for an answer when I got an email reminding me that I had no completed the transaction. I am not impressed with the customer service, and would love to give feedback to Wes since the actual business owner doesn't see to care. 

  19. I didn't think Jasmine looked good either. I thought in particular that her hair looked limp and like it had a lot of split ends. Then I remembered that she is, or at least was, a hair dresser, which made it even stranger that it looked so bad. I remembered the hair dresser part as Kevin's mother was so rude to her about it.  She basically said in so many words that her baby boy was a hero as a fire fighter, and she was a lowly hair dresser. I wondered how Kevin's subsequent hook ups through the franchise (including the one from the Winter Games) fared with Mama Wendt. 

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