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Posts posted by UsernameFatigue

  1. 2 hours ago, CruiseDiva said:

    It was a lovely gesture by Flagg but I think Tracy takes advantage of people. Her poor me act was so phony. She comes from big time family money and her low ball offer was insulting, particularly when she talks about all the "work" the house "needs" to suit her. If she can afford to make the changes to a perfectly lovely house, she could afford to pay the buyer's price. 

    I hope so!

    I thought Josh should have made the dog a part of the deal. I do wonder though if this was just another story line that never really happened as presented. If it did happen as shown,, Tracy is damn lucky to have a friend who would basically give her $200,000 so she could renovate, since that is really what Flagg did. 

    3 hours ago, SilverLake0315 said:

    I really wish they’d remove Fredrik from this show. Episodes without him are SO much more enjoyable. 

    Loved the Flagg/Tracy moment at the end. I just love Flagg. 

    Maybe it’s just because I’m not a rich Californian, but… why not just get your parents a condo? $6M is crazy for a house that only two people will live in, and not even full-time! Plus, Altman’s parents are well off, no? I get the “nice gesture” part of it, but I feel like they can afford to buy their own home to be near the grandchildren. 

    Altman's conversation with Heather seemed to me like another scene just for the sake of the show, rather than an actual consideration, for the reasons you have stated. At least Heather had the sense to point out that even 3 million is a lot of money to fork out for someone else.  I usually do not like mid century modern homes, but I did like that one along with the beautiful view. It will be interesting if the idea comes up again. 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    Yes .. the cutesy act is wearing thin.  She’s probably the boss of the house and is smart as a tack.

    I think she is likely sharp as a tack as well. What I did like about Kathy was that she wasn't into glam squads (did we ever see he use one?)and often didn't care what she wore. I found that refreshing, after the pretentiousness of the label wearing Erica and Dorito. She seems to be a person who is comfortable in her own skin, which I think is unusual in a howife. 

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    California is a community property state: Paul Kemsley is a British businessman, celebrity manager, and reality TV star who has a net worth of $50 million. Also known as P.K. Kemsley, Paul is a sports executive and property developer.

    LOL. I know who Dorito is married to. I don't believe PK is worth 50 million (which in the grand scheme of things is not that rich in any case) any more than I believe that he lost billions several years ago as he claimed several episodes ago while talking to the other husbands. 

    Edited to add: doesn't community property in California only come in effect after 10 years of marriage? Wasn't that always the reason people thought Tom Cruise divorced Nicole Kidman just before the 10 year mark? In any case Dorito and PK have only been married 6 years. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    Because I haven't watched the shows for several seasons--but DID watch the reunion shows (aka Erica Show), I can't understand how anything about Kathy Richards Hilton plays well anywhere.  

    She was very different that I expected, though I also think some of her persona is an act. I expected someone like Dorito on steroids, meaning someone who is really rich and acts like it. (As opposed to Dorito, who acts really rich but I don't believe is). I expected Heather Dubrow level of snobbiness, but did not find Kathy to be that way at all, or at least not for the most part. 

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  5. Still trying to figure out why Bravo thought RHoBH needed a 4 hour reunion. The only reason I can come up with is that there were no reunion shows for RHoNY, so they had to make that revenue up somewhere else. 

    Andy is such a bad interviewer. When Erica stated previously that her Bravo paychecks went straight to Tom, why did he not question that? I assume Bravo doesn't issue paper cheques, but that possibly they were deposited into an account for Erika Jayne's vanity shows, and controlled by Tom since he (or the widows and orphans)  funded her hobby? In any case, how did she apparently get access to her Bravo paycheques? Since a simple question, and one that Andy totally overlooked. I am sure I was not the only person yelling at Andy to ask the damn question. 

    I was really hoping for more from Crystal, since she said that she was more talkative at the reunion shows. She was , as others have pointed out, quiet as a mouse. Certainly in this 4th installment. About the only time she spoke up was to tell Sutton that lying was a strong word. As someone pointed out upthread, it isn't as strong a word as "violated", which Crystal threw at Sutton numerous times during the season. I really have tried to give Crystal a chance, but she brings nothing to the show.

    I was glad to see Garcelle admit that she felt bad for not coming to Sutton's defense when Erica was threatening her at Kathy's dinner party. I still blame Kathy though who, as the hostess, should have asked Erica to leave. I have enjoyed Kathy for the most part this season (a big surprise to me), but the loopy rich lady act doesn't play well in every circumstance. 

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  6. 5 hours ago, aemom said:

    Season 16 - Episode 2

    LVL Up Studio

    It made sense to me that Vince made a deal with them since he's in Montreal as well and can keep an eye on things, but I don't know that this is such a big money-maker.  I know that I would not set foot in an exercise space these days, but maybe that's just me...

    Also $30 a class?  I would never pay that much for a group exercise class.

    Common Sense Toilet Company

    I have a very hard time believing that closing the lid before you flush is almost as bad as keeping it open.  We do keep our lids closed, but our toothbrushes are also in the cupboard, not sitting out on the counter.

    Wide the Brand

    I liked him and I'm sure that men face these dressing challenges as well.  I hope that he does well with Arlene.

    Wildlife Outdoor Adventures

    I think that was a decent idea, but I agree with Michelle, that there not a lot in that box for the price.  For $45-50, I would expect more.  I think that was part of the problem - they need to keep the cost that high so that the entire business doesn't collapse because their cost of acquisition is expensive.

    Mobile Business Express

    Very cool idea by a hardworking immigrant who came to Canada with nothing.  I think that Wes will be a good partner for him.



    I didn't like the fitness studio, and question the amount of calories they claim a 30 minute workout would burn. For that intensity, I would think someone would have to be in pretty good shape to start with, or risk getting hurt. Also I think the pandemic has changed how many people work out. I know several people including two nieces who bought peloton bikes and now exercise at home to online workouts, and love the convenience of it. Personally I prefer to get my exercise through sports and outdoor activities, so gyms have never interested me. 

    I thought the Common Sense Toilet Company founder was lacking in common sense. I just kept picturing my back touching this ring as it protrudes from the underside of the toilet seat lid, as I sit on the biffy doing my business.  Eeeewwwww. I kept waiting for a Dragon to point that out. Another solution in search of a problem.

    I liked the guy selling the clothing line for husky men, but find the problem for people like my hubby is that he can find very nice clothes, particularly at a store called Big and Tall, but since he is tall but not big the clothes are usually too wide for him. It is hard finding clothes just for tall I find. But more power to him as men should be able to look just as nice as women if they care to. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, aemom said:



    Basecamp cards - I haven't heard anything back since I sent them my postal code.  I think that you need to have all your ducks in a row before your DD episode airs.  I wonder how much revenue she lost because people went to buy the cards, saw the insane shipping costs, and said "no freaking way am I ordering these at that price."

    They never got back to me either. The funny thing is I live in the city where they are made, or at least where the pitcher lives. I asked if there was a retail store where I could buy them. I could drive to the friggin' address on their website in less than 20 minutes and buy them in person (theoretically) so I am not spending over $13 to have the cards mailed to me. I also contacted a local independent store that sells games, etc. and they had never heard of them, but said another lady had been in that morning asking for the cards as well. So I directed the store to the website to contact them. Had I liked the first two sets that I was going to order, I would have bought several more sets as presents as I think the cards are a great idea. But their lack of communication is not impressing me.


    • Love 2
  8. I am so tired of Mark making an offer, and then telling the pitcher(s) that they have to take his offer right away and not listen to any others. So glad he was not able to bully them, and that Mark isn't the one who got the deal. 

    I guess the Shea Butter lady was unique in her connection to where she sources her product, but ya, it has been around for eons. I use it when my hands get really dry, but don't use it daily. Robert slathering his hands in it was pretty funny.

    I loved the cat lover dating app, as I am a huge animal lover, cats in particular. I always think I am so lucky that my hubby is as big of a cat lover as I am, and just as important to me is proud to admit it. If I were looking for a partner I would definitely look into the app. 

    My thought with the soap pen was that kids would write all over themselves, but not wash it off. : )   Or at least not until made to by a parent, which could take awhile if they have written all over their body. I did like what the guest shark did though, that was sweet. Shark Tank is hitting it out of the park so far this season with guest sharks. Such an improvement over many of the guests from previous years. 

    • Love 8
  9. 20 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    Egypt’s father was not her half brothers father.  So I doubt they will be spending time with them. DeWayne commented at the beginning that Chuck didn’t normally call him. 
    yes, the ring came from DeWayne and Egypts’ mother.  
    I didn’t care for Lindsay.  Making DeWayne and Kenny prove to her where they were the night Egypt was killed. If you are that suspicious, then don’t date the man. 

    Thanks, I missed that. 


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  10. I am so glad to see a post about the first episode of this season! 

    Regarding the Basecamp Cards, I just went on the website to order as well. I was ordering one set each of edition one and edition two. They came up at $17.95 per deck, plus $13.25 in shipping fees. And $2.46 in taxes, for a total of $51.61. Even at shipping two decks I thought the $13.25 was a bit steep, I know that Canada Post prices for shipping are often high even for small packages, but I decided to hold off for now. Please post here if you get a reply, aemom

    My thoughts were similar to yours above. Didn't the pop up chapel lady say that she had done 170 weddings over 4 years? Since she does 10 weddings a day at the venue, that is only 17 days of weddings over that time period which is not a lot. And what happens if she doesn't have 10 weddings to fill a particular venue on a given day? Does that mean she is losing money, or does she charge more? Too many unanswered questions, but in the end it certainly isn't something that would have interested me when I was planning my wedding.

    I thought the high BNB idea was ridiculous, and the SwiftGrade guy was brilliant. Talk about two ends of the spectrum, with ideas and valuations. 

    • Love 2
  11. 5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I'm a bit behind, but I have also really been enjoying the show. It is a quality show again. There's energy, laughter, and every host is likable. I think it's the only chat show I watch where there's a mixed group of men and women, and to be honest I like it. I did initially tune into because it was a women's show, but it's nice getting male perspectives. 

    I only started watching The Talk when Marie Osmond joined, though I had tried a few times previously but felt that I didn't gel with the hosts, if that makes any sense. Lol. I absolutely love the show now though. As you have said, all the hosts are likeable, and it is obvious they also like each other. It can be light hearted or serious, but no matter what the topic I love the perspectives of all of the hosts. Does anyone know how the ratings are? It would really be nice to see a quality show with nice and respectful hosts rewarded. Also maybe the producers have learned their lesson about interfering and bullying the hosts. Lets hope so. 

    • Love 5
  12. 1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

    Ugh, she ruined the show for me.  

    The title gave it all away….it was a DUPLEX.

    Lol. And I believe we even had Lindsey, who did not know Egypt, explaining the lay out of the duplex to us on camera. OMFG. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:


    Actually, one of the three mowed the neighbor's lawn. So police just started questioning people like that who had some connection and I guess this guy raised some red flags pretty quickly, then must have caved pretty quickly after that.

    Yes, I realize the connection with the guy who mowed the lawn, I am annoyed that they wasted almost two hours before getting to the state police taking over. Obviously he was the link, but I would still like more info on how it all unfolded, rather than guessing. They could have given Lindsey much less time, and the actual solving of the case much more. Even if they had done that, it could have been a one hour episode. But Dateline does like to milk their interviews and suspects, so it isn't surprising. But still annoying. 

    • Love 6
  14. Dear Dateline, please stop airing two hour episodes (or even one hour for that matter) and give away the answer to the mystery in the title of said episode. So annoying. And to top it off, after sitting through almost the entire two hours knowing it is none of the suspects presented, we have no idea how the state police came across the info/intell on the three people arrested. Sheesh.

    Agree with others that Lindsay was annoying. I guess Egypt's mother must have given her son the ring to give to Lindsay, as it appeared that his father and step mother were not big fans. Mind you I did zone out a few times as the story dragged on for ages. 


    • Love 11
  15. 1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    Much as Dorit hasn't been a fave of mine this season, she's beautiful and her nose, natural or not, suits her perfectly. That surgeon really thought she needed to get it done? I would never go to him. 

    You can see how some people end up addicted to plastic surgery when you have doctor's like that convincing insecure people that they need to improve their looks. Good on Dorit for having the sense and confidence to tell him no. 

    Crystal has said that she speaks up more at the reunion than she did during the season. Still waiting for that. I did find it interesting when Garcelle sympathized  a bit with Erica when she talked about Tom's mistresses. As I recall Garcelle's husband had had a mistress for 5 years before she found out? Like others though, I am wondering how Erica's  paycheck ended up going to Tom? Doesn't seem like Andy had a clue.....

    • Love 15
  16. I didn't know that this show has a forum, and am wondering if anyone is watching Season 3? I am enjoying it so much, after last season which I found hit and miss. (Loved Season 1).  My fav part of this season is Cale's character, which I haven't really cared for before, but find her current circumstances and living situation to be hilarious, and brilliant writing! 

  17. 3 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:


    All of that being said, I find most of the "rumors" around Harry to be pretty silly, and based on nothing but wishful thinking, if you will. I think that at this stage in their long-term relationship, Harry and Rinna have more of a friendship than anything else and that's fine.  But I think a lot of people attach rumors to Harry because they think it will somehow harm Rinna and really, that's not very nice. And usually, these rumors don't come with much evidence, so I've taken to ignoring most of them.

    I don't think it is possible to get to the length of relationship they have without friendship being the biggest component. Hubby and I have been together for the same length of time, and friendship is the most important part of our relationship. He is the only person that I never get tired of being around. I also have no doubt believing that they still have a healthy sex life - Lisa in only in her late 50s and Harry his late 60s. I have never seen anything on the show to indicate that they are not still attracted to each other. But their marriage is certainly an anomaly in Hollywood -by a couple of decades! 

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  18. 1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    My guess is Denise wanted to return, Garcelle thought she'd help with that, then Denise changed her mind. Garcelle did say at the reunion she's done about talking Denise. 

    I don't get WWHL, but when did  the episode air when Garcelle said that (to paraphrase)  Denise would return if they got rid of someone, meaning LR? In any case, if Denise did want Garcelle to talk about her, then complained about it, it sounds like she still has a problem with the truth, and made Garcelle out to look like she did something that Denise did not want her to do. For such good friends, it seems they have their wires crossed. 

    I don't know that the show would want Denise "Bravo Bravo" Richards back, as I doubt she is in any better head space now than she was the second year. With her oldest daughter saying living with Denise and Aaron was a nightmare (which of course may or may not be true) and the judge just ruling that Charlie owes no child support for either child going as far back as I  think it was 2018, I don't imagine Denise wants to deal with those issues on air. Brandy would look like a walk in the park in comparison. 

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  19. 9 hours ago, MsTree said:

    Yes, but let's face it...most of the stuff these women bring up is none of their business to begin with! Then to add insult to injury, they pound the same shit in the ground over & over, so by the time the season is halfway though, it's also old news.

    I think Garcelle suggested that Rinna make an effort with Denise because she truly cares about Denise and probably doesn't understand all the hostility over an alleged "affair" that wasn't any of Rinna's business in the first place...because all Rinna wanted to do is humiliate Denise.

    When you realize that was Rinna's main focus, and now you see her total support to Erika, someone who wasn't a 25 yr friend and someone who might be involved in a REAL scandel, then you have to wonder why Rinna wouldn't want to make any effort to repair her relationship with Denise, since she (Rinna) is the one who destroyed it for a storyline.

    Its funny because I was just reading that Denise herself is annoyed that her name was brought up at the end of the season, and that she thinks it is producer manipulation. So that would mean that her good friend Garcelle doesn't really care about Denise as much as she does about doing the producer's bidding. One would think that if she was as good of a friend of Denise's as she claims, she would know that Denise does not want her name brought up.

    I liked Denise in her first season, and found her to be a totally different person in her second. She herself said that she should never have done the second season because she was not in a good place. I don't know that Rinna had much to do with all Denise was dealing with, but do think Denise took a lot of her anger out on Rinna. If I were Rinna I would not be interested in renewing my friendship either. Some friendships are worth saving, some aren't. 

    I agree with your first paragraph as far as stuff the women bring up, and the same shit being pounded into the ground. Garcelle is the same as the rest in that way. The only genuine person of the group to me is Sutton. 

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  20. 5 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    That, and I think that there were some deeply serious mental issues Amy was dealing with that her mom wasn't acknowledging, either. 

    I just love that she went on Dr. Phil's show, of all places, to try and reach out to Amy. Lady, she was in far too deep at that point with her delusions and her out there worldviews and such. You seriously think this daytime TV pseudo-doctor huckster is going to magically help her instead of, oh, say, trying to reach out to some actual respectable professionals who might actually have the training to deal with people in cults? Okay, then. 

    I am not totally convinced that Amy was dealing with mental issues, I think she was more like Lori Daybell than not. I think she liked the power of being "Mother God", and the money that they managed to fool people into contributing to their fake cause. She had no problem moving on from one Father God to another, and pretty much did what she wanted. Until she drank too much of her own kool-aid, for want of a better description. 

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  21. Ya, the Mother God episode (and person!) was infuriating. While I agree that the cult members should have been charged with regards to the children in the house with Amy's body, I certainly didn't have any sympathy for her like the sister of one of her followers victims did. She had no regard for him, and he could have died had the good samaritan not rescued him. 

    Amy was a loser and a user. It wasn't enough for her to have one kid then find out it wasn't her thing, she had to go on and have two more before abandoning them. Her mother was in denial, blaming Amy's life on her getting in with the wrong crowd. Amy was the wrong crowd. Maybe I am being heartless but her actions affected both people who followed her, those who were taken in by her, and their families. Sadly, even if those who may have contributed to her death were charged, there will always be evil people to take their place, and gullible and lost people to follow them.  She is just one less person on this earth now to do that, thank goodness. And I am sure she has descended, not ascended. 

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  22. On 10/12/2021 at 9:05 AM, spaulding said:


    The Lion Latch is a solution looking for a problem.  


    Just got around to watching this tonight, and that is exactly what I said to my hubby. Mind you I say that about pretty much at least one pitch per episode. Besides being a useless product, the pitcher was rude. What was up with giving Kevin hearing aides? Smart move to insult one shark right off the bat. But yes, on the rare time I take off my rings, it isn't hard to find a safe place to put them. 

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