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Everything posted by Bessie

  1. You know what's really sad? So much of this backlash could've been avoided. Not mentioning #AKF when they kickstarted this campaign was bound to piss people off. I thought it was weird and most of my fandom related knowledge comes from reading this thread. It's not difficult to foresee that people invested in #AKF and/or Padalecki were not going to be happy about the lack of acknowledgement on either the creation or RA web pages. Obviously, they didn't have to do it and Padalecki doesn't own mental health issues. But sometimes a little graciousness goes a long way. I thought it was back on track with the first livestream. But the promotion for the campaign seems to have led to a backlash yet again. From what I can tell, people are upset that the actors are mocking their own tag line with stalking videos. Particularly within the context of a mental health campaign. I don't think it takes a genius to expect that some would think it's hilarious, while others hate it. I'm hoping the funny videos have run their course and the two will do a serious one talking about the cause because I think it's a shame if a worthy issue is not getting all the funding it deserves due to some people not being able to separate the promotion from the campaign. And that's not to put all the blame on fandom either. Like I said, I think a lot of the backlash could've been avoided and that's on whoever came up with the marketing for #YANA.
  2. I'm thinking all this foreshadowing might be about letting Cas go. And I think I'd be okay with that. I hadn't realized how much I disliked the angel politics storylines until we got a season without them. This season has felt far more cohesive and I think that's partly due to the lack of extraneous storylines. I don't want Cas to come back if it means a return to angel politics. I wouldn't be surprised if they stretched this story into next season. I'm really hating Lucifer, which is a good thing for a villain. MC's acting is steadily improving and I wouldn't mind lucifer sticking around for a while. But, they really do need to develop the Dean/Amara connection. She doesn't come across nearly as evil to me as Lucifer. Maybe they could get rid of her but keep Lucifer.
  3. I don't think this is true. Jensen was involved in #akf and, I believe he and Jared have a foundation which supports RA, among other organizations. I completely agree. But that doesn't make it any less strange to me that a campaign aimed at mental health issues of the spn fandom does not include the actor who many in that fandom associate with this issue. I wonder if it's being done purposefully in an effort to take some of that pressure off Jared. My understanding is that a lot of fans open up to Jared about their problems. And that can be a difficult thing to handle.
  4. Jared doesn't seem to be involved in this campaign, which weirds me out a little, to be honest. I think it's great that Jensen and Misha are doing charitable work together. It's just that this particular issue is so closely associated with Jared and when you go to the website there is literally no mention of him or his work with mental health issues. Almost as if this is some completely new issue. Puzzles me.
  5. This agreement needs to be renegotiated. Clearly neither Dean nor Sam is following the terms. And the renegotiation should happen ON SCREEN.
  6. I thought the apology scene was a very bittersweet moment between the boys. And the actors did a beautiful job. Dean's forgiveness was far more intriguing to me than Sam's words. Does he really forgive Sam? I'm not so sure. He's forgiven Sam in the past and then brought those same hurts up again years later. So, while I believe Dean is being honest in that moment, I'm not certain we won't hear about Sam's transgressions again. And if he's forgiving Sam because he wants to make Sam feel better, I really wish he wouldn't. It doesn't help either Sam or himself in the long run.
  7. The fact that he wants to keep his connection to Amara a secret from Sam indicates to me that he knew it was a problem directly involving him before the banshee came along. Although it's possible that the banshee encounter strongly reinforced that. I also think the fact that Dean is keeping it from Sam adds to his vulnerability.
  8. I suspect you're correct. I don't expect the boys to be honest about this with outsiders. Particularly, Lucifer or other demons/bad guys. I know you've explained this already, but I'm still not understanding why what Sam said is so worrisome.
  9. I would add that faith is not the equivalent of being a "yes-man". People question and doubt that which they put faith into all the time. It doesn't mean they lose their faith. My biggest complaint is Collins' acting. If they are going to give him any significant screen time as Lucifer, they have got to reel him in. I was laughing during the Casifer scene. Lucifer should be menacing, not hilarious.
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