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Everything posted by alias1

  1. I'd be happy with either one also, but I would love it if Buzzy did the Tournament of Champions again.
  2. Well, now there is "buzz" about Buzzy Cohen. I would be over the moon if he hosted at least the next Tournament of Champions. I would love for him to be the permanent host of regular Jeopardy. Has anyone else seen these teasers and do you think he's just trolling us?
  3. And this is where I prefer Ken even to Alex (and certainly to Mayim). Alex often made these interviews about himself (bless his heart) and Ken lets the contestant tell their story. He doesn't have a stock phrase and his comeback is usually very specific to their story. He absolutely excels in the interviews. I know a lot of you don't care about the interviews (and I didn't before Ken) but it's made the show even more interesting for me.
  4. Speaking of Celebrity Jeopardy (have they confirmed her as the host?) I think she needs to be a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy. Then I might take her seriously as actually being smart in more than one thing.
  5. It's too late for me. Ooh, there's a daily double!!! She says it that way almost every time someone hits on a DD. And why is she always looking at her cards at the end. Apparently things do have to be scripted for her. I hope her movie does well. Her true calling. I did like her blue blouse. One of the better things I've seen her wear.
  6. This, times 1000. I like Rachel a lot but she didn't do MSNBC any favors here. I would watch him over anyone else who is there now.
  7. Thank you for posting this. I sent them a message too.
  8. That's exactly what I did. I know nothing about the country.
  9. Yes, and Amy would have probably bet more and had even more money, since she's the only one who got FJ right.
  10. I am delighted that it won't be just Mayim. I enjoy Ken's hosting so much more. I would really miss him.
  11. I was so sad that they didn't get to that last clue. It was Cindy's last chance to pull ahead of the guy who won. She was only $200 off the lead.
  12. I have no problem with Mayim's clothing. I don't love it or hate it, I don't even focus on it. It's her style that bothers me.
  13. I really hate that commercial, not only that she hawks that stuff, but the smug way she does it. It completely affects my view of her. I can't wait for Ken either. One of my stations has been running reruns of when he hosted and I like him a lot. He wasn't my first choice (go Buzzy) but I'd be ok with him.
  14. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I like Mayim less and less as host. Is there any campaign going to get Buzzy? He's still my first choice.
  15. He was great today. He's so natural. Unless he screws up the rest of the week, he's my choice now. No one is more surprised than I am. Is he a serious contender?
  16. I'm in the minority here, apparently. Of all the female hosts, Robin was my favorite (and I loved her Thursday outfit). I'd like to see it go to Aaron Rodgers. I think he could really grow into it. LeVar Burton has to pretty much walk on water to impress me now. But who knows? It will probably go to Ken, anyway.
  17. I agree. I was really looking forward to her hosting until she started hawking this stuff (and had to explain to us that she is a real neuroscientist).
  18. I think Aaron Rodgers did fine. It was his first show and I'll cut him some slack. I think he was being very careful about pronunciations, and his interaction with the contestants was pretty good. I'll reserve judgment until he's had a few more outings. For FJ, the first person that came to mind was Alex Trebek, even though the daytime part of the clue didn't fit him.
  19. I read Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. Translated from the Polish. I highly recommend it. Fabulous writing in my opinion. Loved the main character. The author won the 2019 Nobel Prize for literature.
  20. I can't believe it's been five years since Station Eleven came out. I really enjoyed it. I don't think she would ever do a sequel. It stands alone. Emily St John Mandel has a new book coming out in March, The Glass Hotel. It sounds good.
  21. I thought it was funny that Alex pronounced "Enclave" (twice) the way it looks, and the champ kept pronouncing it the way I always thought it was pronounced, "on-clave."
  22. The entire Sidney/Violet romance was too unrealistic and developed too fast. I was getting really tired of the boozing, cigarette every minute Sidney. I'm actually glad he's gone. Violet deserved much better than him. He still seemed way too conflicted about life to make the life changing decision that he did. I'm glad the story won't be following him to America. On the other hand, I loved Geordie.
  23. I read BIG SKY by Kate Atkinson, the 5th in the Jackson Brodie series. It's been 8 years since the last one. It requires a little bit of patience in the beginning. There are a lot of characters and a lot of seemingly unrelated plot threads. Jackson Brodie is a wonderful character because Kate Atkinson is a wonderful writer. We get her usual wry humor and perceptive commentary throughout. I don't think you need to have read the previous books to appreciate this one. I guess you could call the plot kind of dark and yet the book is a delight to read. I think she leaves a little tease that there might be a Jackson Brodie #6. I hope so anyway. I loved her book LIFE AFTER LIFE but I think she has more fun with this series.
  24. I never read House of Silk, but I read his other Sherlock Holmes book, Moriarty. It was pretty good. I read Magpie Murders, which I liked a lot, very clever. It's my favorite of all his books that I've read. I also read The Word is Murder and I can't remember anything about it (not a good sign, I guess) but I think others really liked it. I just read his prequel to Ian Fleming's 007, Forever and a Day and I enjoyed that.
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