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  1. Oh hey now, I’m from NJ and my daughter is currently a junior at the University of Alabama. It’s an amazing school and there are plenty of NJ kids there. My daughter never had a problem fitting in there. Roll Tide! We don’t want any Guidices though, ugh. Go to Penn State Gia!
  2. Well, I think Ryan was (and still might be) on a fast track to killing himself so if nothing else, she blew up his spot on tv which will make it a little harder for him to continue with his drugged up drives down the highway. I don't know enough about Ryan's time between the known rehab stint in 2012 and now, 5 years later. I'm pretty sure that you'd have to have some hard core proof to just pull all visitation forever, no? Even Amber was given another chance. I can't say that I've personally noticed anything pointing towards drug abuse in the past 2 seasons. (As someone said above, before that, I kind of thought Ryan was dumb as a rock mostly) Certainly if Maci continued to have knowledge of her ex's drug use after 2012 and allowed her son to go in the car with him, that would be wrong. I'm not aware of that information. I'm not going to make assumptions and call out Maci about something that I have no idea of. i honestly believe Maci didn't want to have to tell her son his dad was dead. Did she use it as a story, yeah. All of these people do. It's not right, I wouldn't do it, but they all do, season after season. As a mom of a 23-year old son, if someone stepped up with concern about my son's drug use, I would be thankful- especially if I witnessed that God awful video of him nodding off while driving. Thankfully, my son isn't a drug addict, so I guess I don't know for sure but I'd like to think I'd be thankful for anyone that possibly pushed my son towards treatment that could save his life. Like his mom and dad and Mac should have been doing. Whatever, we all see it differently. PS: so Mac and his mom and dad that he lived with had no knowledge of any drug use but we will hold Maci to a higher standard that she had to have known? Makes no sense. She barely sees him, she doesn't live with him and drug addicts are pretty good at not coming around when they're high.
  3. I actually took time out of my vacation to watch this mess so, really, I need help. Dr Drew is such a bad person for these shows. So he starts following a good line of questions with Matt isolating Amber and the money he has stolen but then he's like, "We all like you Matt, you & Amber just need some therapy" TF?! If that was his daughter, he would be ok with all of this? Amber, you simple girl, he played you on tv in front of all of us and it was humiliating to watch so I can't imagine how humiliating it is to actually be you. So he steals from you and isolates you and he's taking drugs so you can't trust his sobriety... but you're not broken up?! What does it take for a guy to get kicked out by you? I wish Dr Drew had played her lovely Instagram rant where she said everyone was jealous losers and how she's a real woman that stands by her man, blah, blah, blah. She brags so much about her money that maybe it's only fitting that she is being robbed blind. No class. And btw, all of the hundreds of girls that look up to her.... really? If your only option is to look up to Amber, you're screwed. She's not a nice person, she's always sitting on that couch doing nothing, she can't pick a good man to save her life, she never Parents her daughter and she can't even pay attention to all of those dogs that she holds hostage in her rental house. Moving on to the night's biggest train wreck... what is up with that Mackenzie chick and that childish, middle school open letter? Counting down the minutes? How 'bout you count down the minutes you let your drug addict fiancé drive down the road endangering innocent people? How 'bout you count me the seconds from when you told him you were getting married that day til he ran off to get his "haircut"... and by "haircut" I mean opioid fix? If you want to worry about people embarrassing your family, maybe look at that footage where you drag a guy stoned off his rocker to marry you in a parking lot with his mom bawling her eyes out because it was all so pathetic? You know, at first when Maci was like, "someone gave me info, I've gotta do something" I was first thinking, "Slow down, Maci, that ain't your man" but then that footage of everyone letting him drive like that and to think it could easily be Bentley in that car. Maci tried her best and Mac should be thanking her, not getting all rude on tv and stomping off like some drama queen. Now it's got me wondering what Mac's whole story is. Where is her kid? Does she have custody? Why would someone be so hell-bent to marry someone in that state? My hubby passed through the room and said, "he's gonna kill her in her wedding gown!" if Mimi-Jen doesn't find her spine and step up and thank Maci and come clean about Ryan's years of known drug abuse, I will have no respect for her. None. Dr Drew, you're supposed to be a drug expert and you NEVER asked Mac why she didn't make him pull over? You didn't ask her about the Xanax comments (lol, that was not Xanax). He just let Mac lie and kick Maci around for doing the only thing to make Ryan stop lying and seek help. He was in less than 30 days, it's not his first time and he got out and went to some river fest concert so I'm not real hopeful of this time at treatment working for him. It's sad. I hope MTV realizes if he dies, they played a part in all of this. Just like with Leah. Letting her yell "Monkey!" To avoid answering any real questions. These people forget that they agreed to be on a reality show. We didn't all just show up in their living room one day. They want the big paychecks but then scream privacy when we aren't ok with this knucklehead driving passed out down a public highway? Mac is so thirsty for fame that she married someone that wasn't even coherent? That's truly pathetic. ugh. Why I even wasted an hour of my vacation on this show, I'll never know.
  4. I am horrified by what I witnessed last night in that scene with Ryan nodding off while speeding down the highway. When they put up the disclaimer and he had the dog in his hands, I feared he was going to run it over or something. I had no idea. As soon as Mac said, we're gonna get married today and he was like, "I have to go get a haircut" and ran off, I knew he was off getting high and so did Mac. You could see it on her face. So what does she do? Goes to get a dress like she doesn't have a care in the world! And then, thinks nothing of getting into the passenger's seat when you knew those sunglasses were on for a reason. I've experienced being around a pill abuser and that was opioids right there. Not Xanax. She was giving him a cover story by saying Xanax. Which tells me how messed up in the head she is, that her first thought is to cover it up and turn off the cameras. Never once did she say, "Stop this car, let me out" or even, "let me drive"... and then she marries him like nothing happened?! Something is WAY off with that girl. I think the mom was crying bc she knew Ryan was high. What does it say when he can't even remember getting married? How is she not losing custody of her kid? How is Bentley going back there? He was in rehab for a month (maybe less)? First thing he did when he got out was going to some river music fest that no doubt had a lot of drinking and partying? Highly suspect. How long has MTV been covering up scenes like this? I'm truly horrified. It brought back some really bad memories and it's just not entertainment to watch Ryan almost kill himself, Mac and innocent people on the road. Imagine if he crashed into another car, while they were filming? It could have easily happened. Can the producer's car see the footage live? Do you think they could see him nodding off behind the wheel and didn't immediately respond by telling the, to pull over? I couldn't even snark over the other storylines because I was so disturbed that MTV thinks this is all ok.
  5. ?? somewhere Theresa Diguidice (however you spell it) is laughing her a$$ off at Amber flashing that cash and talking about how much money she has. Girl, I don't care how tough you want to tell me your Midwest a$$ is, the IRS is the baddest B in town and you just poured gasoline on their beef with you. Learn from Tre, they will get you and I can't wait. btw, her video, ? Tell me what a real woman you are and then explain why a real woman with so much going for her has to date some loser grandpa that chose her, like, 4th on his TeenMom-girlfriend hunt (after Farrah!) and is currently clowning her on her million dollar franchise every day. With results like that, you must be so proud. I was almost starting to feel bad for her because Matt is embarrassing her so bad but then she posts that rant and calls viewers losers and jealous and whatever else and I'm like, nah, let her get what she deserves. BewBew has her life on the farm with Gary and her ImprovementMom, so she will be ok.
  6. My thoughts on this episode: if Farrah was my daughter, she'd have a permanent apple imprint on her face because that's how hard I would hit her with her MAC is she spoke to me like that. She's gross. I fear what happens when Sophia isn't pretty enough for her. Maci, ehhh. At least her kids are clean and healthy. Amber & Cait with the anxiety/panic attack bs.... stfu. It's such an excuse for their lazy, pathetic a$$es. I went through 5 years of total hell because of panic attacks and anxiety and it was never an excuse not to raise my kids, go to work, pay my bills, take care of my home and pets, etc. Amber goes to NY but can't see her lovely kid, my kids made me happy when I was stressed... because I LOVE them. These girls seriously don't deserve to be moms. This bozo running his con on Amber. Omg, I know I should care but not one f will be given when he takes off with her money. She deserves what she gets. My bet is her weight is either from drinking or from Bozo breaking her down and making her feel bad about herself. That is not a happy person. I have despised Cait since the whole pot thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't care what anyone wants to do with their time but she was smoking in the car with her addict mom. That's scummy af. Her jerky boyfriend annoys me too but I loved the reaction he gave her during her "I need a horse" rant. He's gonna leave her a$$. He seems so checked out. And her needing an expensive horse that needs expensive care and boarding and vet care bc paying $30 to ride is so expensive. My math might be wrong but if boarding and whatnot are $1000 a month, that would be 33 hours of riding. Over an hour each day. Wth has time for that but a horseman who lives on a farm with his horses? That would be a lot of riding to break even. One serious health problem and she's $1000s in debt. I know this bc my FILis a horseman. And guess what, even with a barn and someone to care for them on the daily, feed them, etc my kids never even dared ask for their own horses. Because they aren't like a cat that you can (but shouldn't) ignore. They are 1000 pound animals that need A LOT of care and attention and money. When she has a panic attack she's gonna run right over, hope on his back and ride like the wind. Girl, please. When I had a panic attack I was generally in a ball, on the floor, trying to remember how to breathe again. This chick makes no sense. If animals help you, cuddle your 10,000 dogs and cats. My dog made me feel calmer when I was anxious. Sometimes I would take him along when I had to drive (bc fear of getting lost would make me panic but with my dog, I'd stay focused and calm bc I wasn't alone). But no, Crazy Cait has to buy something else, drag a new animal back to her private zoo. Ugh. That house smells like piss and poop. Thats all I have to say. These girls are all morons.
  7. Right?!?! OMG, you could not get a crackhouse in Trenton for $18k. We are definitely living in the wrong state. Not that I would move to Indiana. I've been there- Not my cup of tea.
  8. OMG, there should be a warning before posts this awesome. I almost choked on my oatmeal when I read it. For real, Farrah is evil. Debra is nuts, so is Michael. And wow, with Farrah dolling up her troll looking daughter with more make up that an average Vegas showgirl would wear. WTH? I realize it is dawning on her that the Lil one inherited some less than attractive facial features but putting piles of makeup on is not changing that. I guess we should be glad she hasn't scheduled her toddler's first plastic surgery yet. And yes, I realize I am headed directly to hell for talking about a little kid but then that little kid opens her offensive little mouth and I'm like, Gloves off! The only thing I can say in her defense is that with that ridiculous family she has, she didn't have a chance in hell of coming out normal.
  9. omg, thank God for you fellow posters bc I saw some ridiculously stupid people blowing smoke up Leah's ass all over twitter about how wonderful she is and how awful Corey and Miranda are. At least I know intelligent life does exist, if only here at PTV. Dr Drew doesn't deserve to keep his license if he thinks enabling Leah was a good thing to do. If she nods off in that car with her three children in the backseat on those mountain roads, someone could DIE. The fact that, probably every day they are with Leah, Corey and Miranda have to worry about that possibility is WRONG. Like, seriously FU'd wrong. Leah does not have the right to endanger her kids. We SAW HER fall asleep ON CAMERA numerous times this season and that is just on the few days the camera crew shot her. Imagine the stuff they DIDN'T catch? Noooo, Corey- and by extension Miranda - have justification for any anger, meanness, bitterness, etc that they hurl at that backwoods barbie train wreck. And shame on Dr Drew for being SO concerned with the stress level and comfort of Leah but none AT ALL for the woman in her LAST TRIMESTER, being attacked. Umm, ok. I feel like there should be a special place in hell for Sad Panda's role in all of this. The kids missing school… that is another thing that would make my blood boil if I were Corey. Attendance in school is like, the law, right? I know I can't let my kid just miss days, just because. Now, in divorce the parent that has the main custodial role has way more control over whether a kid makes it to school on time, etc but the other parent isn't expected to just sit back and watch it, right? I have no experience with divorce but I can imagine that would land the custodial parent in front of a judge real quick. I just don't understand how no one can make Leah be accountable. It made me sad to think that Corey cheated with Leah… I thought he was better than that. I hope him and Miranda work out. I am #teamMiranda all the way. I think she showed great restraint bc seeing all of the nonsense coddling of Leah in person would make me want to scream. And whoever above pointed out the double standard on Adam's behavior being wrong (and it is) but the same behavior by Janelle or Leah doesn't even get a mention was 100% correct. They are the main focus of the show, so their behavior should be called in to question more than the supporting people. Also, whoever pointed out that narcolepsy sufferers aren't allowed to drive: great point. Leah is so full of crap… even more than her car!
  10. that "monkey" bs is nuts. If you can't handle the heat, leave your MTV check at the door and get out of the kitchen. I'm gonna get in trouble if I discuss Leah on here because I truly dislike that chick but honestly, MTV… knock off the BS of letting this girl write her own script and give the viewers all a big FU. Leah is a cheating, drug abusing, poor excuse of a mother. And she is DEFINITELY jealous of Miranda. OMG, its so obvious. I just can't with this chick.
  11. So I can't speak for the entire Northeast but I know at my kid's elementary school (central NJ) we were not allowed to have a "Graduation" ceremony and had to have a "Moving Up" ceremony. We were told it was because "not everyone graduates and we can't make the ones that don't feel bad" Blahhhh… child coddling at it's best. Gotta love life in the Dirty Jerz. No one else has to call it a moving up ceremony? Just us? We are so weird in this area.
  12. I think the horror that Corey and Miranda live through every day wondering if Leah is gonna run off those mountain roads with the girlses in the car must be unbearable. If she was my ex, I'd probably be in jail for refusing to let the girls go with her. Seriously, Leah can make whatever choices she wants about HER life, but those twins are Corey's daughters and he loves them with all of his heart. And if Leah wasn't high as a kite, she would not want someone putting her girls in danger either. And Miranda is Corey's wife and takes part in raising those girls, like it or not. Her questions about Bad/good mom might have been a lil bit on the fighting words side, but I appreciate her frustration with the situation. If I ever heard someone put my nieces or nephews (not my children but ones I care about, similar to how a step mom cares about her step kids) into their car when they couldn't even stay awake mid-sentence, I would probably cut a b#%*$. If we are talking MY kids, yeah, I'd be in jail. And if she ever does drive off the road or something horrible, her mom and MTV should both take some heat for enabling her denial. The mom, Dawn, is so tied up with Leah being a Z-level celebrity in their hick town that she doesn't care about the safety of her granddaughters. Which is not really surprising since she doesn't even put them in booster seats in the car. And if anyone doubts that she is an opiate popper, I have a bridge to sell ya. Anxiety my ass. Labor complications my ass. Migraines my ass. And the revolving stories are a big give away. The pig in the house is not my cup of tea. Plus, in my experience, pigs can be aggressive. Maybe farm pigs are different then the house variety? But whatevs, she's taking good care of her always clean and dressed and fed daughter and has her own home so do what you want. Cole is a cutie and she must just laugh when she sees Adam. Dodged that bullet (except for coparenting with that a-hole till Aubs is 18, and college too probably. Kail is just so negative, nasty, with a horrible personality. She just barged thru Jo's door like a linebacker, lol. Then her comment about his house being a fixer-upper was just low. For his age it's a fine house and I bet him and Vee will make it a beautiful home in time. Sometimes doing yourself means more, you moron. I bought all my houses that way and my husband and I took great pride in each one. Of course, I don't hate my husband so working on the house together was fun for us. I am sure Kail would stab Javi with a sawblade if she had to interact with him that much. I really don't like Javi but I give him props for going to help Jo and his bro move in. That's a class move. I will guess he was raised well. Janelle, I barely paid attention to her scenes. It's always the same storyline, just change out one loser for another. Hearing Barb had an abusive bF in the house with Janelle growing up explains a lot. But that said, at some point in your life you start making choices for yourself and Janelle is the root of her problems. Dumb girl, dumb boys, dumb choices. Poor Kaiser Roll, I feel like he is screwed.
  13. Everyone's got the jokes in here this week. Thanks for that on this early morning. I am SO sick of the protected status Leah has achieved this season. It's complete and utter BS and makes me all stabby. I am not a fan of either of them (at all!) but why does Janelle's dirt get ran up the flagpole and Leah's doesn't? It's crap, it's not reality in the least. Let me get real honest here for a second... I've had more knee surgeries than you can imagine and for a period of time, we didn't know if I would ever walk and bend my knee again. For real. And I took some pain meeds to get thru this time bc there was no other way to get thru the brutality of all of those surgeries and the following PT (my husband has cried watching me suffer thru a PT session and my therapist- big burly guy, has has very moist eyes... It was no joke and I thank God every day that I kept fighting and regained full ROM and walk unassisted, even exercise. And I surrendered my Handicapped Parking Placard! (huge step, I was so proud). Sorry for all of that but I refuse to let people think I just "took" pain meeds. I wouldn't have survived without them. All this to say that I have NO doubt that opiates, taken in large quantities - usually not medicinal- will make you nod out mid conversation, sitting up in a room with other people. Without a doubt. It has also been my experience that there is much less side effect when you actually "need" the medicine... It's like the pain absorbs the meds and you don't truly get a high. I did not walk around (crutch) with pinned pupils and slurring words and falling asleep. So her back story doesn't compute with me, not at all. And her range of meeds was a little troubling... Most docs this day don't like to throw multiple painkillers at you. Surpressed breathing is no joke and can easily happen. I will tell you that there are some crappy docs out there that will still write a script for heavy duty stuff for the lamest stuff. That always bugged me bc you should really reserve that stuff for one day when you really might need it. I believe, with her MTV money and whatever she was skimming off Germy, she could easily buy painkillers on the street. They ain't cheap but she thought she was so flush with cash and then once the addiction kicks in, she didn't care about the money... She had to have those pills. And they aren't cheap, I believe it's a $1 a milligram and addicts can take 100 mg a pop, easily. Another side effect that we are seeing, and this one was a struggle for me, is that painkillers numb you to emotions, a lot. You just live in a fog enough that you forget how to deal with stuff. I actually went to therapy (hahaha, not rehab, but a shrink... And just office visits. I didn't take a month long vacation so I could take tie dyed selfless) to learn baby steps on how to start functioning in real life again.I actually developed anxiety and panic attacks and I think part of it was that my coping skills were crap. ( and so when Leah claims stress and anxiety are her problem, while she is nodding off like a pill popper, I don't buy it and I am offended that Backwoods Barbie thinks we are all that stupid). And another note... Her mom is such a damn enabler that I fear Leah doesn't stand a chance of ever admitting the truth. I think her mom thinks it would hurt leah's imagined "fame" to admit she's abusing drugs and she thinks she's the cats meow now that MTV agreed to play along with her bullshit. If something happens to those girlses while Leah is driving them high out of her mind, that mom of hers better look in the mirror bc she contributed to it. And MTV should also feel like shit if it ever comes to that. They are practically being her dealer at this point between giving her the money and helping her lie. And btw, those twins were not in car/booster seats or even seat belts on the way to the airport?!?! WTF?!?! 3 adults in that car and not a working brain cell between them. Disgusting. Ok, I've confessed enough of my deep dark secrets but now you know why Leah makes me so mad. Forget about the fact that junkies like her made me have a tougher time getting the meds I so desperately (& appropriately) needed.
  14. Once again, I have to call BS on MTV for editing Leah's story for their own version of the truth. So many people on Twitter saying they felt bad that Germy didn't stick around for "in sickness and in health"…. huh? It's not about sickness, or her dirty house and kids. She CHEATED ON HIM and she ran through ALL OF THEIR MONEY. This is not how happily married people behave. And again, all of her problems are her own doing so no, I don't feel sorry for her. You can have sex at 16 and NOT get pregnant. It's possible. And you can choose to not roll out of one divorce into ANOTHER MARRIAGE AND BABY (BOTH TIMES bc we know she is already living with a new guy). The only thing she has no real control over is (Ali? I can't keep all of the stupid A names straight) being sick… and that is horrible and hard to deal with and sad but she has MORE HELP then anyone I have ever seen in my life and she is a happy and well adjusted little girl in spite of her limitations so be thankful for that and take it a day at a time. Jesus. And let's just be honest here, she is the world's WORST MOTHER. Like, dramastically bad. (lol). She leaves them in the car when she goes in to cheer. (OMG, was I the only one fearing Ali was going to put the TrashTruck into gear and peace out with the baby? lol) Then she goes into the bedroom to have her drama-filled convo with Germy but leaves the kid standing on a rocking chair? Really? Could you just maybe get her situated in front of the tv or something? I understand not having that convo in front of your child but you have to make sure she is SAFE. How can she have 3 kids, been a mom for all of these years now and still have no idea how to be a mom? I honestly believe she NEVER interacts with ANY of those girls. Why do you even have kids if you are just going to ignore them and scream at them and put them in time out all the time? For all of the people I know that couldn't have kids… seeing Leah ignore her 3 is just ugh. AND PS MTV: Leah is one of those chicks that gets through life never being called out on her crap. You are not doing her any favors. Make her own up to what she does, maybe she could learn and grow (doubt it but one can hope). Instead you rewrite history on a "reality show" so people can sit around saying "Poor Leah". Whatever. I don't like Germy, he always seemed to be a bit of a D-bag, but even he doesn't deserve what she has done. And she goes around constantly slamming Cory (while ignoring all she did wrong in THAT marriage).. that bugs me. In every scene with Cory and Miranda and the girls, they are playing with the girls. The girls look clean and dressed and their hair is brushed. Like, seriously. Take a little responsibility for what YOU do and stop blaming Cory. He should have those girlses FULL time. Is it wrong that I am counting the minutes to the next season so we can meet the new winner boyfriend Leah has found? With two more kids to add in to the mix? hahaha. I think evil twin will be stabbing someone if they moved 2 more kids in. She's such a piece of fudge! Yay for Chelsea for winning at court but we knew Adam had no chance in hell. How the judge didn't do anything about him blatantly ignoring his supervised visit order, I don't understand. Seeing people wear flannel to court. In fact, the constant wearing of flannel has me thinking I NEVER need to visit either Dakota. Ever. (Just like Leah's rhinestone sweater is an indication that there is a lot of Fashion Don'ts happening in WV. And her Mary Kay eyeshadow, put on with a cement trough, straight up from her eye to her eyebrows was priceless. I guess they don't teach you how to apply MaryKay when you start selling it? Maybe Evil Twin can give her some lessons. OMG, who let's babies play with makeup like that? uhh uhh, no little girl needs to be dressing herself up with makeup at that age. Scary. I don't want to see her teen years. ) Anyway, Adam and his MethBuddy are creepy. And the burning trash in the yard, what???? Is that a thing in the Dakotas? I was like, "OMG< call the fire department. That must be how wildfires start!" but then, nope, its just another day in the Dakotas. Alrighty then. Janelle, just whatever. I bet the cops were even rolling their eyes at those two. So glad they don't live in my neighborhood. Kail… and her 10,000th vacation of the year. I guess she didn't want to spoil the vacation centered around her birthday so she got along with Javi this week. He is such a kiss ass to her. Why? Not that I like him at all. Seems so slimy. And her thinking Jo wants ANYTHING to do with her when he has Vee? lol. Ok. She's gonna be so jealous of Vee, mark my words. No Babs for weeks.. I'm missing her funny comments.
  15. My kids are 21 & 17 and I still won't just up and take off on the fam for some solo vacation with my friends. Selfish much? I couldn't even enjoy myself if I took off to do something fun and left my hubby home.... I want to share fun stuff WITH him. We are in this struggle together.... One of us eats, we all eat. I just don't understand this insane chick Kail. She almost killed herself rushing into a pregnancy and marriage with Javi and now he bugs her just by existing. Maybe this is why marriage and children should be left to the more mature people in this world. I'm not even saying older, because I got married at 18 and we've gone 26 awesome years so far so I know it CAN be done that young but you have to have a ton of maturity and selflessness. Our first vacation didn't come for 6 or 7 years and then it was a Disney trip because my son would enjoy it. (& as much as we wanted kids, we waited until our lives were properly set up for having a kid. It took 5 years to get to that point and I remember sometimes worrying that we would never get to that point where we could finally have a kid.) Kait possesses ZERO maturity, in any situation. And if my spouse threatened me with the d-word.... I'd help him pack his shit. You don't threaten each other in a normal marriage. Duh. I can't even fully comment bc I fell asleep on this epi (during a Kail scene, naturally)... Had to watch the debates! Leah's excuse "I have trouble hearing the alarm" is crap. I could sleep thru anything too but you learn. And with 3 youngins in that house, I'd be sleeping light anyway. Listening for them. To this day if my 21 year old wakes up sick, I will hear him immediately but when he comes in late, I don't wake up at all. It's a mom-instinct. Which explains why Leah doesn't have it bc she is definitely a shitty mom. Her sleeping late has more to do with her Oxy habit then her sleeping habits, IMO. And as far as therapy, she had someone at her house already.... Let her stay with Satan-twin and Baby Adderall while you take the other twin to therapy. Life doesn't stop because one of your kids puke. All of the cursing during her call with Corey when she seemed loaded up on her "migraine" meds.... Wow. Listen to yourself for a minute Leah. You are Out. of. control. Your house looks dirty as can be. Your baby is never dressed. Your car is an upcoming Hoarders epi and your Hair and general style are just a hot mess. I feel like Corey is trying to show restraint and not put all of her dirty business out there but she is just trying his patience. And why is MTV editing shit and not showing us that Germy has left her ass, and why he left? I call bs to claim to be a reality show and then leave out a MAJOR life event like your second marriage breaking up. She wants that reality $, then it's all fair game and part of the story. I shudder to think of the stuff we aren't hearing about since what we are seeing is so bad. Next girl that texts and drives with their kid in the car should get knocked tf out. That's not even funny and MTV should put a stop to it. If you don't care about yourself and your kid, well, what about the other innocent people on the streets? Chelsea is the only normal girl on this show. aubree is too cute. And of course Adam doesn't give a damn about visitation rules and sadly, judges don't always enforce that stuff from what I've seen with friends. They sometimes give the dads way too many chances. Adams friend looks sketchy as hell, for real. Whoever said him and Adam look like a pair of kidnappers is right! And parking on the snow mound is super douchey. Janelle.... What can you even say? She was so embarrassing on that school conference phone calls. Calls in late and she's like, " can you tell me everything you've discussed while I was too busy to call in on time?"... Then she tried to throw shade at Barb, " well Jace is always happy at my house but when he goes back to her house, that's the problem".... Ummm, ok. You barely know your own son, trick. Keep it moving, he doesn't need you taking over his life. Barb is far from perfect but she deserves sainthood for putting up with Janelle's mouth.
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