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Everything posted by EyesGlazed

  1. Thank you yourmomiseasy. I missed that while I was freaking out along with Elliot. Still a pointless event though.
  2. I don't get it: In the last episode, we see Darlene taking a bat to Cisco because he's informing on her to the Dark Army. In this episode, it's like that never happened and everything's fine between them. What?!? In general, I'm not happy with the plot turn whereby Darlene has become a cold-blooded murderer. It seems like the show wants us to forgive her for this, because 20 or so years ago, when she was four years old, she saw this woman laugh at the end of the trial?? Sorry, but that's not an excuse. I'm kind of grossed out by her now. Agree with those who want more Leon. Though if he killed a bunch of guys in prison to protect Elliot, he is not going anywhere anytime soon. I suspected that there was something wrong with the premise that Elliot was "living with his mother" in the first half of the season, because the mother never spoke. Now we know that in "real life" she doesn't speak at all. But didn't Darlene say in a past episode that their mother was "always going on about Dad" or something like that?
  3. Agreed! That would be something new and different. And the show handled the character well this episode: they depicted nice interactions between Chris and Travis, and I started thinking Chris was going to be okay, and then I started thinking the gang of guys were going to be the evil ones, and then BLAM. Psycho Chris again. That poor farmer. I found the hotel stuff to be compelling and exciting. Good for Alicia for showing some initiative. I like the Elena character. Minor quibble: most of those balcony-diving zombies would break their heads upon landing and die for real.
  4. Chiming in with random reactions: - I think "waiting for the cat to cross the frame" and "finally the cat crossed the frame" are on their way to becoming a TV critic metaphor for the salvation of a character or plot. Like "jumping the shark" for a series or idea that's crossed over into parody. - As many others have observed, the acting was stellar and was the making of this show. I'm doing a special shout-out to Jeannie Berlin who played Helen the prosecutor. Instead of the usual Law-and-Order-style dewy 28 year old, we got a realistic, world-weary middle-aged woman who is also a skilled professional. (And who is ethically challenged and finally realizes it.) The character and the actress were excellent. Yes, I agree that a lot of the trial stuff was not true to life, but the compelling parts of the action allowed me to overlook that. - I puzzled over the show's need to destroy Chandra. What happened to her seemed out of character and out of proportion to what she deserved. Then I thought that perhaps she is meant to be the professional equivalent of Naz: a bright young person with a good heart and potential, and flaws, who gets chewed up and spit out by the system. - There were weird and interesting inconsistencies up till the end. Did anyone notice that on cross, Naz says that after he woke up in the kitchen, he walked to Andrea's bedroom "to get dressed". Then the camera switches to Stone's face. Then back to Naz. Naz was already dressed when he woke up in the kitchen. Was this supposed to cast more doubt on whether Naz was remembering correctly/telling the truth?
  5. I had to re-post some of this, StopShouting, because I luuuurrved it so much. Especially enjoyed the Rupert Murdoch line! Hey, you should write for Lifetime! Or better yet, Hallmark. I personally get emotional as well as intellectual satisfaction from my job, and I think a lot of other people do as well.
  6. What a terrible misfire of a season. And this opinion is coming from someone who loved S1. Let me count the ways that S2 was awful: 1. Using the police shooting of an innocent black man, Romeo, as a minor plot point. Then following it up with nothing: no explanation of how badly Romeo was hurt, how he got better in time to appear on the last episode, whether he went to jail or charges were dropped or what, whether there was any discipline of the police officer who shot him. What an insult to the characters and the viewer. 2. The show has escalated from having its two "heroines" push the envelope in ways that led them unwittingly to contribute to the death of a contestant in S1, to having them conceal a double murder and harbor the murderer in S2 (and btw it looked to me like Rachel was winding Jeremy up in the truck scene, like she was manipulating him to do something awful). I don't find this amusing or entertaining. 3. Quinn's breakdown over not being able to have babies/keep Booth was completely out of character and ridiculous. I suspect this one wasn't an SGS screwup; it was more likely a command "note" from the suits at Lifetime, who must pander to the idea that a woman isn't "relatable" unless she wants babies or considers her life worthless if she can't have babies. I could go on but I'm too disgusted.
  7. The first episode was stank, and I hate to say it because I'm a sucker for any kind of rock and roll based series. Soooo many cliched characters and cliched dialogue. It's not funny or endearing. The under-30 characters are annoying. The over-30 characters are labored. The trope of the evil-buttoned-up-Brit-who-doesn't-get-our-American-ways is so done. It's like a piece of Mad Men fell into this show and festered. The whole thing was disappointing. I won't be back.
  8. Great episode. The music especially at the beginning was amazing. RIP Margaery, you were almost always the smartest person in the room but that didn't save you in the end. What was FrankenMountain doing to Septa Una? I wasn't clear what exactly Cercei's evil revenge was. Nitty point, but what was the deal about the white raven being sent from the Citadel? THIS. Can someone please fanwank this for me so it makes sense? We never saw Arya getting any training other than stick-fighting with that little pyscho. How does she know how to use another's face? And if she didn't renounce her name and become "no one", then why is she allowed to use these powers? Also, we aren't shown where or how she's getting the face she used as the serving maid. Is she killing innocent women too? Did she then leave the face on the floor, or pack it in Saran Wrap to re-use for the next assassination? Yeah that was very cool. But I fear Sam won't have a lot of time to enjoy his reading, given that Winter Is Here.
  9. I found the brothel scenes to be disgusting. It's no longer enough for GOT to show tits, tits and more tits, but now they are progressing to showing us people licking and sucking tits? It was really porny and gross. It distracted me from the episode and not in a good way.
  10. Excuse me for being slow on the uptake, but I never got why Celia poisoned all those parishioners. What was her problem with them? Also: why didn't we see her get eaten?
  11. I must be watching a different show from most of you, because I'm into it!! At the start of the season I would have been mildly sad if Nashville had been canceled, but now I've been drawn in again by the soapy, soapy plots and I'm happy that it looks like it will be renewed. Maddie is the worst and I can't wait for her to discover that it's hard out here for a pimp. Cash and Frankie are the second worst and they're going to let Maddie down big time. I actually like Avery and Layla together and the love triangle with Juliette is compelling. Poor Rayna and Deacon: I want them to get through this. Luke: you're a good guy dealing with everyone's problems and you deserve a break. Scarlett and Gunnar: Yeah I'm a bit tired of the back and forth but I'll still watch you sing any time. Will: I want to see you succeed, finally, in the next season. Maybe I am just easily entertained.
  12. I was rooting for Dom to win before this episode, but I was disappointed in her collection and preferred Kini's. (This has happened to me in the past 3 PRAS seasons -- my favorite's final collection disappoints me and I'm full of doubts WHY OH WHY.) I HATED the first outfit she sent out, both the messy looking print and the shapeless sack of a dress design. But the judges were gushing over it, go figure. I liked her other print better, but I disliked all the shapelessness and uneven hems. It just left me meh. Whereas Kini's collection was kind of delightful. Yes, he has taste issues, and his undying love for jacquard and other shiny, couch-like fabrics sometimes makes his outfits skew old. But the shapes, the tailoring, the colors, all were fresh and striking. As for Ken, I would wear just about everything he designs (allowing for the fact that I'm not a modelbody), but the collection was indeed too boring for a runway. On the other hand, good for him for getting so far and for his personal growth. And I agree with the recappers, next season please give the designers more time, for pete's sake! Though I suspect the reason all the PRs don't give the contestants more time is to make them stressed, exhausted and snappish, thereby upping the drama and fighting. Don't see them changing that. Another wish for next season: Style Alyssa Better.
  13. Regarding Jon's resurrection, I don't believe the show is going to make it easy. This show makes nothing easy. We'll probably find out next week that Jon has total amnesia, or can't go outside during daylight, or no longer can feel love for other people, or some other creepy thing. I don't trust that we all get to rejoice in noble Jon Snow being raised from the dead as himself. YES YES YES! Ramsey's evil affect reminded me of someone else and it was hovering at the edge of my mind and now you just nailed it. Thank you. Agreed. I'm still hoping a giant rat eats Waldo Frey.
  14. Waaaaaaaaaaaa! I am so freaking excited that Jon actually woke up! I thought they'd tease us another 3 episodes!!! But will he still be himself?? Ramsey needs an extended, painful death RIGHT NOW PLEASE.
  15. Oh my gosh, When A Stranger Calls! What a fantastic, classic movie that was.* Thank you NuGuy514 for the shoutout and for being as old as I am. I am not going to restart the great debate in this thread about whether Deacon over-reacted with Maddie in the bar -- so please don't repeat your posts again. Enough has been (well) said. But I do want to point out that this was a good episode because it provoked complicated reactions where we viewers could sympathize with the characters a little or a lot but also condemn them for some things too. And probably that's why we have to suffer through the teen angst of Maddie and why I think the show intends us not to have much patience for her right now. Nashville is clearly not geared toward teens or tweens. It's directed at the older-adult crowd. I think we're all supposed to be throwing up our hands at Maddie's actions and debating what we would do if we were her parents. And we're doing it. Well played, show. Re Alicia Witt as Autumn: I saw her last playing a baddie on The Walking Dead - and she played the part well - so my insides were twisting with dread from the first time "Autumn" appeared. Hopefully she will not split Gunnar's skull and eat his brains. Why all the Layla hate? I agree with the posters upthread who pointed out that she is alone, grief-stricken, and can't catch a fricking break in her career, so let's cut her some slack. I like her and want her to succeed. It's about time the show let her have some career triumph or other sort of happiness. *Referring to the 1979 original, not the remake.
  16. Reality check: The Twin Towers fell before 9:30 AM on September 11th. By the time the U.S. markets opened, everyone knew there had been some kind of coordinated attack on the U.S., though no one knew who was responsible. So Axe claiming that his trading that morning wasn't bad because he "didn't know it was terrorism" is bullshit. Looks like Bryan sacrificed his principles, violated attorney ethical rules and broke the law for nothing. Chuck is a very bad mentor. Plus he was ready to betray Bryan in order to replace him with someone he hoped would be more malleable. This plotline is making me mad. Yes, U.S. Attorneys are political and they want to win and get publicity. But what this show contemplates Chuck doing is really beyond the pale. He would go to prison for sure. I bet the next thing is when the s__t hits the fan, Chuck will pretend he was really recused, had no idea what was going on, and will let Bryan take the fall.
  17. Amazing episode. Great acting by all. So tense. I was scared that one of Carol or Maggie wouldn't make it. I loved the focus on the women. What a contrast to S1 and S2, where we had to sit through all the macho crap with Rick and Shane and even little Carl. Alicia Witt did a great job, I thought. For much of the episode I wondered whether Paula was Neegan. Guess not. It was great how the actress made Paula obnoxious, tough, scary, but also human and even funny. All three of the Savior women had their redeeming qualities which made it tragic that they were killed even as I was cheering that they were killed because it meant Maggie and Carol survived. Show, you get me every time. On a shallow note, what must it be like to be hugged by Darryl? And by that I mean the stink. I'd like to see an episode where bad guys smell Darryl coming and have time to be prepared, so all of CDB stages an intervention to make Darryl shower, for the good of the group.
  18. I wanna know, what happened to the recaps? They were keeping me going!
  19. This show's got it all: HBO-mandated boobs (how many times have they flashed back to the naked lesbian sex scene by now?), shiny toys (private jets! Metallica!), profanity laced dialogue, and zero characters that I care about. It's quite relaxing to watch as I'm not invested in anything that happens on the screen. Having said that, if someone made me save one character as they all perished in a burning building, I guess I'd save Maggie Siff. Not that I even know her character's name even having watched all 3 episodes. I'd throw gasoline on Wags. Finally, I weirdly loved the rocker chick's Metallica cover. Who was that actress? Was that really her voice?
  20. Jeepers, when did Downton Abbey turn into Alien???!!! That was a bloody mess! I expected tentacles to start poking out of Robert's mouth! It is interesting that one can't tell (or anyway I can't tell) where they are going with Mary and Henry. I could see them getting together (after they deal with the social disparity and have the you-must-stop-racing-cars-I-can't-stand-to-lose-another-man-that-way conversation?) or not (because they don't deal with the disparity or Henry can't agree to stop racing). As opposed to Snithead and Andy, whom we know will end up in wedded bliss on the farm with Mr. Mason. The whole Neville Chamberlain thing was so . . . random. What I'd really like to see is Lady Mary at some gathering of nobility where she gets occasions to trade insults with and snark at other titled ladies.
  21. I'm enjoying the show even though it's sometimes silly and predictable. I don't really believe that Lara could do all that damage to the novelist, even if she is filthy rich. No one especially Stanford Univ. would want to get in the middle of some personal feud that could easily turn into a public lawsuit. Also, the abuse heaped on Spiro is kind of funny but totally unbelievable. High-up government officials are always polite to each other's faces. I do like the US Atty office scenes though. I'm glad that the female trader escaped having her career ruined by Wags. I like this actress a lot and I hope we see more of her character. Wendy and Rhodes deciding to go for ice cream instead of S&M was pretty funny. Btw, my computer keeps auto-correcting Rhoades to Rhodes, and I take that as a sign that the extra a in his name is stupid.
  22. Yeah, that was a letdown in many respects. Quinn was a great character and they shouldn't have killed him off. Especially not in this slow, torturous fashion. At least let him go out in a blaze of glory in a shoot-out with terrorists! I am a total shipper for Quinn and Carrie and am not ashamed to admit it. But even without that aspect, Quinn added a lot to the show. It was karma that Allison became swiss cheese in the trunk of an ugly old car on a back road. Yet I would have wished for a final confrontation so that she knew the jig was up and that there would be no way out. As for During's "proposal": weird! What exactly was he proposing? It seemed like it could be a business partnership until he put his hand very deliberately on Carrie's. So is it both business and romantic? Just romantic? It was cool that he wasn't pushy about it though. Sometimes I like During a lot and sometimes I think he's a bit creepy. By the way, congratulations Carrie on saving thousands of lives! It says something about the finale that hardly anyone is commenting on the foiled terror attack! Dunno what it says though.
  23. I think the use of music has been terrific in other episodes too. Most notably at the party when Noah is coking and drinking it up with Eden and things are spinning out of control. They played "North American Scum", which starts out kind of slow and low-key, though with a great beat, and then builds to a huge chorus with a lot of semi-screaming. It really fit Noah's increasing craziness and bad choices. This is a very good explanation. I was perplexed by the huge difference in POV too, but this seems right. In her POV, Alison is even lying to herself about how things went down. Perhaps Noah and Alison got married to have the benefit of spousal privilege to help cover up the crime? But I don't think it applies to events that happened before the marriage?
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