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Everything posted by oakville

  1. That plot point was copied from the West Wing when Jed Bartlett hired Ainsley Hayes. Do the writers get in trouble for stealing plot points from other White House themed shows? Agreed. I have never heard of this Homeland Council. Doesn't the President have the ability to launch military strikes without Congress? Is it because Lloyd was a US citizen? I am pretty sure Obama was allowed to target US citizens with drones when they went to join ISIS in the Middle East.
  2. From the Marie Claire article: Despite Brzezinski's breezy competence, she and the show have had dark, challenging moments, like the Monday after the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, when Scarborough—who received the NRA’s highest ratings during his four terms in Congress—delivered a powerful monologue calling for gun control. And November 9, 2016. “The days leading up to the election were already very trying, because everybody thought Hillary was going to win, but we had been warning people that Trump could.” It clearly still frustrates Brzezinski that because she, Scarborough, and Geist took Trump and his voters seriously, they were accused of supporting him. “We were like, ‘No, we're trying to tell you that there is a swath of the country that feels disenfranchised, and is hurting, and Trump is touching them. He's reaching them in a way that Hillary's not.' She was the worst person in the world to run against Donald Trump. Had we had a Biden, had we had a Bernie, they would have beat him.” I find these paragraphs to be historical revisionism. Mika & Joe did not just warn about Trump winning, they actively encouraged him during their daily interviews. Trump called them supporters. Joe mocked "Little Marco's boots for ovver a week because he was short." They went after virtually all of Trump's opponents except Kasich, who Joe said was mean & an SOB to supporters. Joe became very upset after Sandy Hook because it occurred close to his home in New Canaan. On today's last segment he pointed out that 95% of crimes committed with guns are done by people who are not the registered owners of the gun. Gun Trafficking is a big business. There was a very strange looking lady, Andrea Bernstein with the weirdest hair style I have ever seen on Morning Joe. It looked like she was wearing a dirty grey & white mop on her head. Bernstein had a scoop on Ivanka & Don Jr inflating the values of a condo hotel project. They were almost charged with a felony , but Trump's lawyer made a donation to the district attorney to have the charges dropped. That's pretty shady.
  3. Kasie! is on wearing a big beige raincoat like Detectives use to do in the movies.Is that a scarf underneath her raincoat? Joe said Trump turns out fake news on a daily basis. Charlie" I hate Trump" Sykes is on with a new book. He has a book called "How the Right Lost its mind" with a Trump hat.
  4. Joe & Barnicle are complaining about Zuckerberg not being transparent about Face Book ads. He keeps coming up with excuses for not releasing the ads bought by Russians. Joe said he doesn't know Zuckerberg. Barnicle said that Zuckerberg is not self aware! Katty is Giddy at 8 34 am. She is happy to see Peter. Katty is excited that Trump is tweting about NBC News. Alexander bragged that he spoke to senior administration officials who work at the White House!. Where else would they work?
  5. Trump did win Staten Island. https://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/new-york Joe interrupted the panelists to say that most CEO's don't work well in Washington. They are used to being the boss & not have to deal with the media or the bureaucracy.
  6. Dr Z has Republicans over for dinner!. Mika played with GOP kids.
  7. I do wonder why Joe spends so much time in the bunker. Mika is probably "off" getting ready for her Know Your Value Tour. Joe made me laugh when he called Trump's behavior yesterday as "Comforter in Chief" & that it was a tragedy that Trump couldn't behave like a normal human being every day. They also issued a clarification with more audio from San Juan's mayor confrontation with Trump. The top story today was that NBC stands by their report that Tillerson called Trump a moron. They are planning a 2 hour NBC News Special with Brian Williams with a re enactment of the scenes.:) Trump called it fake news & Tillerson said it was petty non sense. The good news is that no Cabinet member in the history of the USA has ever made an insulting remark about the President until now. The panel agreed that no one takes Tillerson seriously because Trump always contradicts him. Joe believes that Trump is playing Bad Cop & the rest of the Cabinet is Good Cop. Normally , Tillerson would resign, but they can't afford to have more Cabinet members resign. Joe thinks Nikki Haley is running her own foreign policy. Carol Lee still stands by her report. Who will play her in Moron Gate? Joe said Kushner was supposed to be the Defacto Secretary of State. Wow! Burns came on to stay that the State Department has vacancies in key deputies. Tillerson does not respond to letters from Miss Lindsay Graham. Ratner has been on the show for 11 minutes without saying anything.
  8. I was very confused by the Facebook ad strategy. Why would you waste money targeting California? I laughed at Katty being excited at how the Russians could figure out which electoral states mattered. Wouldn't they be able to analyze past election results? Barnicle's disdain for the "working class" voters in Staten Island is absurd. He wants viewers to believe that he has the "pulse" of midle america, yet mocks them at almost every turn.
  9. I guess the writers decided to copy of the real life scenario when Obama ordered the Seal Team 6 to attack Bin Laden's compound while preparing for the White House Corresponent's dinner. Why didn't the First Mother in Law have Secret Service Protection ? Maggie Q finally got back up this week.
  10. Towards the end of the Schieffer interview, Willie asked him about journalist over reach in attacking Trump or other politicians. Schieffer said the journalists have to refrain from personal attacks on the people they write about. Joe said he gets angry when he reads the snarky comments on twitter by journalists who write the page 1 articles. Joe complained about 62% of people getting their news on Facebook. It should be regulated. Joe said Waltr Cronkite 's news show was regulated.
  11. I had to leave the house to run some errands, so I didn't see the entire interview with Schieffer. It started with him complaining about the quality of politicians today. He told them that one of colleagues daughters was dating a young congressman, but the dad was furious because he was a politician. Joe complained about online trolls who attack his family & follow his ex wife in supermarkets. Heilemann said online critics are polite in person.
  12. Mka is mad at the former governor of Puerto Rico who is a Republican. He refused to criticize Trump over his treatment of San Juan Mayor. He said she might run for Governor in future. Joe showed empathy for Puerto Rico by not showing up for the interview.
  13. George Will left the GOP after Ryan endorsed Trump. Joe told a long story about him not agreeing with Senator Lawton Chiles about health care in 1993. They were friendly after a hurricane hit Pensacola. Joe said you have to put aside personal differences when a disaster hits. Joe said Chiles was nice to him even though he didn't like his political views. Mika is mad at how Trump treated the mayor of San Juan. Will is happy that Trump's behavior is so bad that it will reduce the value of future Presidents. No one will take future Presidents seriously?
  14. Mika doesn't know what a Jedi Council is. Mika doesn't like Star Wars. Joe said Tillerson & Trump may deny the moron comment. George Will said Trump may have social autism. Mika was furious at Trump for his behavior at the press conference. Barnicle is still tired of trump. He called him the loudmouth at the end of the bar who wouldn't shut up. Isn't that what Barnicle does. ? Joe hates the Iran agreement but thinks that you have to keep it so that Korea sees that the USA stands by its agreements. The goal is to get Korea to sign the agreement. Why would Korea keep its promises? Everyone is fed up with Trump's behavior in Puerto Rico. Mika got mad at Joe when he continued to talk about baseball. Mika has important news to read & rolled her eyes at the camera. Joe started impersonating Star Wars characters. They showed clips from the Phantom Menace. Joe said Trump treats people like peasants.
  15. Wednesday recap Part 1. The pink scarf is back. ! Mika is wearing a black top with a pink scarf. Joe is wearing a suit. Joe mocked Trump for throwing paper towels at the crowd in Puerto Rico. Joe said Trump lacks basic humanity. Heileman said he lacks empathy. There is an exclusive interview with Tillerson coming up. Tillerson called Trump a moron. Joe is mad at Trump for complaining about the cost of Puerto Rico aid. Tax cuts will cost more. Muttering Mika complained about the cost of Trump's cabinet private plane costs. Joe said Trump is disconnected from basic norms of behavior. Mika & Joe never noticed that when they were friends with him for 10 plus years. Paddock had 47 weapons . Why are the Bump stocks legal? Joe is mad at these weapons.
  16. I liked all the parents on this show. Alex's dad pulling his hair out over having to deal with Pauly was hilarious. Kelsey's mom was very nice & reasonable. I also liked Brandon's parents. They told him to keep his options open about going back to school.
  17. Thanks!. believe it or not , but Pat Buchanan used to have Barnicle's job as panelist who represents working class voters. I like Brokaw but I think he should take a break from broadcasting. He is 77 years old & should retire. I can't see myself working at that age.
  18. Dana Carvey did an impersonation of Brokaw having to announce various possible death announcements of President Gerald Ford. One of them was Ford being attacked by wolves. Joe went through a period of Teleprompter Scripted rants in 2014. It was quite funny. I used to recap them & burst into laughter.
  19. The problem with Brokaw is that he is brought on the show as a "Sage of Washington" sort of like Walter Cronkite. He said it was OK to have guns & old machine guns like he has on his ranch but you shouldn't use them to massacre people, which is pretty obvious. That doesn't bring anything new to the discussion. Peggy Noonan is stuck in her glory days of the Reagan administration. Her theory is that if Saint Ronnie were President, he would say things to make people feel better. Barnicle still he thinks he is defending the poor working class Catholics of South Boston who have bills all over the kitchen table that need to be paid. He is a member of the Martha's Vineyard elite. The late Dr Z was older than Noonan , Brokaw & Barnicle but he always brought interesting historical perspective when discussing foreign policy. Joe didn't bother to explain today why he voted in 1996 to repeal the ban on semi automatic weapons. It's easy for Joe to mouth off in a NY studio but I think there are members of Congress that are afraid of the NRA & pro gun voters.
  20. Yes, but Joe got his facts mixed up. On CNN, they said that it took 72 minutes to confirm that the killer was dead. The cops found him pretty quickly but he was shooting the hotel room door, so they called the SWAT team or back up.
  21. I think this season has been a let down. I don't like the Nostos plot with Crazy Robo Cop & the Greek Party Island. How is it possible that Giorgios had no clue which girls were at his party? This show is at its best when there are big battles & I can't take Lucia & Giorgios as running the Greek Navy. I hope they get back to a geopolitical navy battle in Season 5.
  22. I think Tony is more careful now talking politics in non democratic countries. I remember that an American -Iranian Washington Post journalist who was on the show when he visited Iran ended up getting arrested after the show aired. He was mildly critical of the Iranian government. He was a prisoner for a long time.
  23. The ratings for RHOD seem to have improved. I think it's a better show to watch now than RHOC. The women aren't as mean to each other on RHOD.
  24. Sex with animals is prohibited in most US states, isn't it? Erickson had a difficult 2016 with his wife's illness & the Trump protesters outside his house. However, these type of inflammatory pundits take a risk when they go against the Trump supporters. Is Morning Joe the official show for Former GOP/Never Trump pundits?
  25. I wonder if there is a retirement home or cable tv pundits.? I realize that the show is popular with the over 50 age group based on ratings, but bringing on pundits in their 70s is getting tiresome. It was hilarious watching Brokaw, Barnicle & Peggy Noonan talk about the good old days when everyone in Wahington got along. St Ronnie saved America by joking around after being shot. Why are these three still on the air every day? Shouldn't Brokaw be retired by now? He should stay on his ranch & take it easy. He was never on MSNBC as much before Brian Williams was terminated from Nightly News. Barnicle should focus on the Red Sox. Why is Peggy Noonan back as a "special contributor" ? Can't NBC find someone else? Joe asked everyone to do do random acts of kindness today. He wants everyone to be nice to each other. OK Joe!
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