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Her older shows were the best. I just made her Sloppy Buffalo Joes last night and realized I printed that recipe in 2009. It is a staple in our house. We put it over rice and it is delicious!
I think Jackie gets the award for being the most prepared to come onto one of these shows. Teresa can’t explain it correctly, so uses “stalking”, but from my perspective, Jackie did study the “show”, sort of like preparing for a competition. Comparing to Jennifer, she came on, like I think most do, thinking her life is so fabulous, everyone is going to love watching me. I think Jackie’s jabs are a bit condescending and she knows that riles up some ladies. She is a lawyer and they’re very good at twisting words.
I was considering buying Fabletic leggings, but now...I’m out!
Side note....watching The Challenge On Demand and saw a commercial for Clayton Homes. I’m not sure the drama with Janelle would make them think this was a good place to advertise, so maybe free ad spots to compensate for the attempt to trash by David?
I’ve always felt the “store” was really more an office and storage place first. As some have noted it’s not in the best shopping area and they did start the series with them moving out of her home. I don’t know if Jay is a business genius, but I’m sure they have advisors giving them tips. For instance Kelly is a stylist, so she may be giving advice on jewelry trends. Maybe some of Kelly’s payment was a spot on the show. I actually am impressed with some of the things Kristin has done. Compare her to other LB/Hills cast and she’s accomplished some decent things. Now of course LC did very well, but she had an air of success about her, so it was expected. Kristin just always seemed to be destined as the party girl. So I’m impressed by her success. Not so much the vaccine issue though!
On my drive into work today (I live in Houston - millions of people - horrible traffic) and behind me was a F250 riding my butt the whole way down I-10. Before we hit the big bottleneck of traffic that stops all of us, we were moving at least 10 miles over the speed limit, and I had other cars in front of me, so I wasn't holding him up. But I thought of Jenelle and how she'd be pointing her gun at everyone down here because this is the daily routine! As others have commented, she did this knowing the cameras were rolling, and she didn't seem agitated before all this went down, so I wonder if she points that gun at people all the time when someone gets in her way. I do think David is with her and driving most of the time, so that has probably squashed a bit of her anger issues. If I ever run into this crew, I'm buying Kaiser and Ensley fries because I think they're throwing them at Janelle and David!
Regarding Kail (or Leah, or any of them) having things like hair/makeup, travel, etc be considered “tax deductible”, don’t feel they’re getting some kind of deal. Sure, it can reduce their overall tax liability, but they’re still spending the money they earned. They’d have to spend all the money they earned to not have to pay any tax. It’s not like they’re getting some giant refund for everything they “deduct”. Blowing it on vacations, makeup, parties, cars, etc isn’t helping these girls build their futures. It’s just doing what some of them want....making them look like “big deals” right now. Just wait....
Is David that great of an actor to do a re-enactment? He seemed like he just woke up and I honestly don’t believe he’s sitting there agreeing to reenact what the crew wants. Especially when it isn’t about his perfect life. Or they’re all fantastic at their “jobs” and pulling one over on all of us!
Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel
Bblack3 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
The setup for this move to LA is so obvious. She went to rehab in Malibu before gel, so when she met Andrew last year, I think her wheels started spinning. She loved it there and I remember her wishing she could live there. So, be careless, get pregnant. Have the guy appear on your show to get him some cash to fund his “project”. Maybe buy some equipment? (Shouldn’t he have some already if he comes from money and has been in the business) Then claim “well it’s where his work is” so we have to move there. Now she doesn’t look so bad just up and leaving Leah behind in IN. Plus that lease is probably up on the house, so easy getaway. -
I always sensed that Kail didn’t have a miscarriage. Javi seemed too angry during that part of the show. She may have fessed up to cheating and reconciled for “the show”, but Javi still wanted to be a family, and she’d already really checked out.
I don’t think they’re that good at acting, but I keep thinking this is a ratings setup. David is being too calm. Why hasn’t he spewed as much anger on Instagram? I know he replied back to many people with threats, but what changed by using Twitter? Anyone else feel extra sad for Kaiser after Jenelle posted that picture of herself? Another reason he’s left out, he doesn’t even look like Jenelle, Jace or Ensley.
Thought this morning...it seems most people who've overcome some serious health scare are so thankful and grateful for their recovery. They like to educate and just overall seem more calm. Why is David wanting to "fuck people up" and so angry? It's also rich of him calling out fame whores. If you want your life so private, then stop posting on public social media and only share your life with those close to you.
I posted a while back that I wish David would get knocked out by CT, but David would never do a Challenge, he only fights women. Camilla would be a perfect opponent to Janelle. I can't stand her, but they seem about the same size, which Jenelle would think she could take her, but Camilla always seems to pull out the win! It'd be the only time I would ever root for a Camilla win. Hell it could be Camilla's redemption for being so horrible this past show.
If anyone's professional work was damaged with regard to LeeAnne, I would say it was her Dr. I know some of what happened to her was her own fault, but I don't think that Dr represented himself very well on the show. Mark's business looks pretty good on the show, from my seat on the couch anyway!
Thought Cary looked stressed when Mark was there, too. I also don't care about Mark's sexual preferences. I don't think that really harms his practice. He's not working in some industry or business where "family" image is important I think there is smoke to the nanny story, and I agree it seemed weird she spent her spare time babysitting her boss' children. Or like many nanny stories have gone, somehow they got close, she liked the way his life looked, he became infatuated and boom. Because I do think she wanted the lifestyle. And....maybe Mark wants to get in on Botched level with Terry and Paul? Mark plays a bigger role on this show than most of the other spouses.