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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. I'm not positive (would have to go back and check the source), but it seems reasonable and I know that Victor Cassadine wasn't just brought up for no reason at all. So he might definitely play a part. In other very upsetting and unwanted news, it looks like from the preview for this week that Unfrozen Popsicle is back. 😒😒😒😒😒
  2. (Bruce and Lila forever!) Ahem. Yeah, I definitely can't see NB playing this Spencer. I'm glad for the recast. I don't know how to say this delicately, but NB besides being short is not a heartthrob type.
  3. Since I missed the deep dive earlier on Britt vs. Mean Girls - The bottom line although she needed to hear some of it, the nurses were 1) childish and 2) unprofessional. And I realize that they aren't at work, but this is a superior. You just don't do that. Not if you want to keep your job anyway. Obviously didn't get to see all of today with the pre-emption, but loved the soapiness of what we did get to see. Chase coming back in and seeing BL in the chair was LIFE! And Maxie showing up at the Nixon Falls 1 customer bar. Wait, is she their only customer? It didn't hit me right away but someone pointed out that now they both have something on the other. It was all just delightfully soapy and I was thrilled. "Spence" is the new "Mikey". I cringe every time I hear it. And Esme is beyond disturbed, you can tell. Not sure if she's going to try and take out Ava or Trina, or both. And I mean, she wants them dead. She's being all sweetness now, but there is evil in her. LMAO at her sightseeing in Port Charles. "So here's where they dump the bodies into the harbor..."
  4. When I saw Britt chugging back those shots, I thought she and Ava would make good friends. Hated by most of the town, they both despise Carly, and they can hold their alcohol. Then I remembered that Britt used to be with Nik, and figured that could be kind of awkward. Ava's friendship with Portia though is a million times better than hers with Nina. I'll never accept it. I still hate it. I also think that if Michelle Stafford were still in the role, it never would have happened. Cynthia Watros has this innocent expression about her all the time. And yes, she used to play psycho on GL, but she never has here.
  5. Doing another Buffy rewatch (because aside from what a trash human Joss Whedon is, it's always time for another Buffy rewatch), and look who showed up in season 3 of the episode "Helpless": Jeff Kober! He played this vampire who was super creepy and was placed as a test for Buffy to defeat while she is incapacitated slayer-wise, meaning she doesn't have her powers anymore. Stupid Watcher's Council. Anyway, he was excellent. Really dug into the role and was genuinely horrifying. And that's saying a lot for this show.
  6. It's not like Ava is some innocent little lamb who's never plotted or schemed. Having money and privilege doesn't give Spencer and Jr. Miss Esther (from the horror movie Orphan) anything on her. She definitely has more invested than just being Spencer's girlfriend. Why is Ava being blamed and not Nik? She has some screws loose. She might end up playing Spencer when this is all said and done.
  7. It seems like Spencer is behind everything except the car. It really sucks that Ava is being outwitted by a couple of teenagers. It makes her look so stupid. I kind of enjoyed today, even with everyone being shitty to Britt. It was inevitable that all that would come back to bite her, and I liked her kind of egging on Epiphany to give it to her. Given that most of the entire table is pro-Jason, they don't have much room to stand on. Carly is so pathetic. Is there anything about this wedding that is just about us? No, bitch! It's a MOC. And then she gives him the weepy eyes because she's losing her friendship. 🙄 Tomorrow looks hideous. Nixon Falls and Millow back? Kill me now.
  8. Drew: SAM!!! I'm alive! Can you believe it????? Where's Scout?! I have to SEE her!!! Sam: *mumble* Yeah, I guess. I think she's at Monica's. *mumble*
  9. He seemed a little cartoony in his struggle with the guard. Not at the end though. Again, my hatred is probably clouding my judgment. If he continues to improve, I'll give him props. And on a related note, they just showed him and I'm already tired of him being captured. Doesn't bode well. Let him escape and get to PC already. I'm hoping for some hilarity between him and KeMo.
  10. The fact that he is asymptomatic leans toward him being vaccinated. If he was infected with the delta variant and he was unvaccinated, he would likely be in the hospital. Not saying this is 100% or anything, just looking at the trends.
  11. Britt isn't getting kidnapped. Liesl and Scott are. So it sounds like someone's speculation rather than spoiler. They either already have or are filming the wedding.
  12. I still haven't seen all of yesterday's episode (fell asleep when I was trying to catch the second half - obviously it didn't hold my interest), but I wanted to comment on two possibly UO's: 1) MC is the weak link in this story. His acting is mediocre at best. It's not so much that he isn't Nikolas the character, although he really hasn't struck me as such, but he hasn't done very much to impress me either. 2) Unlike everyone else here, I wasn't overly impressed with CM either. Did he do anything overly bad? No, but I'm not going to single him out or proclaim "he's the perfect Drew!" after only one episode. Plus, my judgment for acting well on this show is always going to lean towards the women. With very few exceptions, they act circles around the men time and time again, constantly. It's sad really, that it's so clearly obvious yet nothing is done about it. Nicholas Alexander Chavez (still getting used to the name) doesn't have any TV experience but he is theater trained. So it's not like they just picked up a Ryan Paevey off the street (no offense to him, he's a lovely guy). He sent in a tape and they were impressed with it, it's a Mark Teschner casting choice. I'd rather have a million theater trained actors than boyfriends of lead female characters who claim to be Juilliard trained or actors being given their third and fourth roles on the show after Frank runs into them in the parking lot or the grocery store. I realize I'm being a bit of a hypocrite, as I dragged NAC's acting the first few days/week on the show, but I've since turned around. He's turning out to be quite good. And his acting is far superior to that of his TV father.
  13. It was a false positive. She still had to quarantine. She was pretty pissed about it because she really wanted to work, but realized there was nothing she could do.
  14. Here's the primer on the Five Families. Everything you ever wanted to know and then some. It does appear that there was only four families at today's meeting. It looks like whoever is representing the Russian contingent was absent? Unintentional Comedy Gold.
  15. I only saw the first half so far, but I take back everything I previously said about Nicholas Alexander Chavez. This kid can act. He's better than MC, who doesn't ever seem to emote very much. Mrs. Wu wants to eliminate Carly. Mrs. Wu is my spirit animal.
  16. It was way before my time, so someone correct me if I'm wrong. He got her hooked on drugs and made her strip in his club. I feel like there's more to it than that though.
  17. Don't forget Patrick. I love this post so much I'm going to marry it. And not in a pointless MOC, not in an I'm only marrying you because I have to since you didn't die but as soon as you take 5 steps I'm out of here, but a really true I'm in love with you so much it hurts marriage. Maura's six months younger than me, so thanks for that. She isn't too old to run marathons, which is why she has such incredible legs. Her face doesn't look shiny on my screen at all. A heroine? I wouldn't go that far at all. The majority of the town still despises her. Yes. A thousand times yes (sorry, I had to). It's driving me crazy that these women keep getting pregnant at their ages. It is not realistic at all. In the Jax vs. Sonny debate, Sonny will always be the worst because of what he did to Karen. It might be a million years ago, but that's on his permanent record. I haven't watched today yet, sounds kind of boring.
  18. I loved Greenlee and Leo too. They're my favorite daytime pairing of all time. Same. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it.
  19. But what was she screaming at exactly? The lights going out? My reaction to that would be, "oh crap". I did like her commitment to it though. Full on Jamie Lee Curtis.
  20. They're still a day behind and haven't been able to catch up. This party is so incredibly dumb. I'd rather watch the bodyguards offscreen. And as much as I loathe Jax, shut your entire mouth up Carly and have several seats. Your righteous indignation is laughable. EDIT: I try not to give KeMo crap about it, but I could hardly understand a damn thing. And now she's passed it on to Dom. Speak up, kids! And enunciate.
  21. I didn't think this was the case but I went through the entire cast (contract and recurring) and literally there isn't anyone else. But even though she's in a new pairing, it's barely gotten started so I can see him and Sam interacting for a while. FWIW, I don't think they're bringing Lulu back (recast or otherwise) any time soon.
  22. I am so not looking forward to Ryan Lavery.
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