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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. I thought that she's looked amazing for more than just Friday. That day where she was talking to Liesl in her office and she was kind of at the window, the lighting was absolutely gorgeous and it framed her so well. But her hair, her makeup, all of it has been really flattering as of late. And her acting has been on point also. She's at the top of my list. I thought the same thing. The only time I've managed to care at all about this story. I felt bad for Phyllis. At least she knows he went peacefully. I just wish this story was over. Now there's really no point in dragging it out anymore. Can we please move on?
  2. I'm hoping it's CD (wouldn't surprise me) so he and Millow can disappear.
  3. He acknowledges his unpopular opinions, at least. His first unpopular opinion was liking Sonny in the first place.
  4. Can I choose the person that's out? I'll have to narrow down my wish list somehow.
  5. I never in a million trillion years would think I'd be calling for Sonny to return (I despise him), but I'm almost there because Carly is intolerable for me. And yes, it's terrible but I want him to yell at her. Not that he has any leg to stand on or room to say anything because of Nina and his lack of wanting to find out who he is, but I'm so sickened by her attitude. She's so gross right now.
  6. I think it's sounding like Jax is going to do something unauthorized and he'll have to go away for a while. Which would benefit the rest of the set if you know what I'm saying. Aside from the overdramatics of Nixon Falls and the utter ridiculousness of Carly's entire self, I didn't mind today. Britt is gorgeous, I kind of finally saw some chem with this Jordan and Shawn, and go ahead and hate me but I liked Dante and Sam. She was smiling 100 times more than she has been. I said from the very beginning they should bond over being single parents. Not sure why it took this long but maybe they didn't want to repeat other stuff. Oh, and this party is hilariously stupid. Like why do they need VIP bracelets when it's just the four of them??? LMAO. Anyway, Trina looked great and Joss...well that dress was interesting. Epic misbehavior my ass. Are these four going to do anything besides stand around and talk?
  7. I so agree with this. She worked well across the entire canvas, but especially with those three. She had a scene with Maura West that I enjoyed. Really cute as Fun Aunt Hayden too. Loved her relationship with Liz, both the antagonistic and the sisterly bond. She was more than just her pairings, but that's mostly what she got reduced to which I find sad.
  8. Most people (definitely not me) only liked her after she was paired with Finn. And there is a contingent that wants to see them together again. I'd rather eat rocks. But again, the writing for her character has never been there, since day one.
  9. Joss is a dumbass. She's not new to the mob thing. The fact that she didn't even have a clue that this might be a MOC just makes her sound even more ridiculous. And that she has no problem whatsoever with a tail. Can we please have someone in this family not be all starry eyed and Brady Bunch like with each other? It's gag-worthy and nauseating. Someone on Twitter said that Carly was talking to a doll because she has no girlfriends and I cannot stop laughing. 😂🤣 I really didn't like Ava's reaction today. She should have been angry and not acted so clueless. She isn't dumb, and she should have realized what Nik said was very possible. She's had to give up her only child to CARLY, FFS! And why shouldn't Nik set him up to be found out and possibly publicly humiliated? I really don't care if Ava and Nik get back together or not because frankly, I just don't see chemistry there. I don't see it with Jason and Carly. I don't see it with Curtis and Portia or Curtis and Jordan. I don't see it with Joss and Cam. I don't see it with Finn and Liz. I definitely don't see it with Millow. Smike and Nina are gross. Sasha and Brando (still think that's a stupid name) are pretty but white bread bland. That's a really bad track record, Show. The chemistry that I do see is either between pairings that aren't shown that much (Anna/Valentin) or ones that they are determined to scratch from the record (Jason/Britt - that is a whole separate rant that I won't go into right now. But be prepared, it is coming.) [I am in the minority that I do see *potential* with Sam and Dante - at least sexual chemistry. But I'm going to have to see them in bed to make a final determination.] I will admit that the Spencer actor has improved since the beginning. He's leaned in to the character traits and is invoking ragey feelings in me so that's definitely saying something. I don't see major sparks between him and Trina but that could change. All in all, I'm disappointed because it seemed like the show was on the right track for a little while and was showing promise, but then it quickly derailed and is now stuck in an endless cycle of letting storylines and secrets last for months and months, starting things with couples and then halting them before they really get going, and just generally being boring, endless and bad.
  10. I won't believe they're bringing back Rebecca Budig until I see her on my screen. They've written her off three times already. Which should say that there's a solid chance for her to come back, especially with the storyline taking place now. But what it tells me is that they've never truly been invested in her as an actress or her character. JMO. They give contracts to people like KM/Willow though. 🙄 And it's a double edged sword for me, because while I would love to have her back, absolutely love, she'll be paired with one of two actors/characters that I do not want. Plus the writing for her has sucked since literally day one. Why would this time be any different?
  11. Is it time for another Dear Diary entry from Carly? 😂
  12. Still catching up from today so there will be more: Spencer: "I'm a citizen of the world" Me: STFU, you pompous little entitled worm. I really need him to get punched. I don't know how much more of his act I can take. Scotty and Liesl are all kinds of adorable. I love their passion for each other and for life. Maybe if they decide to take an extended vacation, I'll run into them in St. Lucia (provided my 50th birthday trip doesn't go the way of one of these delta variant memes). Britt's expression at seeing her mom get some action/public PDA was both appropriate and hilarious. She looks great these days. I guess even though she's still upset about the break up, it agrees with her. Glad she turned down Spencer's invite to the party. That would be just a little desperate. Donna calling Jason "Daddy" was also pretty funny considering how much time he spends with his own kids. And now after less than a minute he's suddenly her dad too? Adorable little child though, although so entirely unnecessary. No. More. Babies! Jason looked nauseated (yet again) at the thought. He shut it down pretty damn quick lol. I don't get the drama about the divorce papers. They're going to be the newest prop that we never stop hearing about. Loved Ava's talk with Trina. She's definitely drawing on her experience with Kiki. Trying to rewrite history a little bit if she can. And her necklace is awesome. So Nik finally figured out Spencer's the stalker and tells Ava tomorrow. It's about damn time this story ended. We could say that about so many stories.
  13. I think he's in a different role now with the PCPD. Not exactly sure what that is, but I feel like since he came back to the force he's been elevated somewhat from what he used to be. I didn't see the Chase and Sasha lie so I can't comment on that. But Willow (and Michael, but since we're talking about how sainted she's portrayed I'll stick with her) looks HORRIBLE here. What kind of people peace out on their own 3 year old's birthday with a room full of guests to go have sex? It would be one thing if she owned it and decided she just doesn't give af about Chase or how he feels. But that's not what's happening. She says she feels terrible but she doesn't show it. The acting from Spencer has improved, I will give him that. I'm feeling ragey so I guess that's a good thing. Better than say, "And Chad Duell". I still have irrational hatred toward his hair though. It bothers me. And I will always think he doesn't deserve Trina, she's way too good for him. Still sitting here at my JaBritt table, party of one.
  14. All of this. I really need Spencer to get his comeuppance. I don't have high hopes, but we'll see. Just hoping for something to wipe that obnoxious smirk off his smug face. I'd love someone to punch him. He's very punchable. Not sure who that would be though. Even Nik isn't about to haul off and slug his own kid. I really can't wait to see this epic rager that he's promised. I really wish we would get a Regina Morrow situation, but this one is more likely to be Romper Room. Good lord, Willow is really being made out to be this Mary Sue sainted nurse when she's just a horrible person. I can't believe I used to like her at one point. She had fire and spark. I liked the way she was finally able to stand up to Shiloh. Her first time with Chase was sexy and sweet. But now they've gone full sugary rot your teeth while pretending that she's the best human to ever human. She's awful, and I hate her. Yeah, I don't know what that Naomi is cold already was all about. Makes no sense but sometimes if we complain loudly enough about an obscure detail they'll explain it in a few episodes. Thank god no Millow tomorrow and I get my Britt back and with Liesl. So 2 points there but minus 10 for the endless Portia/Curtis/Jordan blahness back and then there's Jarly. 😒
  15. It's not for sure. It's just a theory. And since they've retconned Hayden's story entirely, who knows what can happen now.
  16. Yeah, if that's all they're doing to honor SD? I shouldn't be surprised but that really sucks. My mom is the opposite of Portia. Completely tells me everything about her love life, sometimes more than I ever wanted to know.
  17. The only thing worth commenting on is Trina again looked fabulous in her swimsuit and cover up. Girl hasn't missed yet on these pool outfits. The rest? Sucked. Not going to pore over every minutiae with such a C storyline lineup as today. The writers are clearly trolling though with Michael calling himself vanilla and Chase saying he wished Willow and Michael never existed.
  18. This was something that I always wanted for this reason only. I really hated how Jason essentially became Scout's father. So I should be excited for that except when was the last time we even saw Scout onscreen? I know it's Covid, but before you know it SORAS will have set in.
  19. UO: MEK doesn't do anything for me, and neither does Martin. I don't miss or even notice when he isn't there. When he shows up, I'm mildly annoyed or completely disinterested.
  20. He's definitely too animated, too cartoonish. Even when Billy was engaged as Drew, he was low key. I liked Billy's gruff sexy voice too. CM is the opposite of sexy to me.
  21. It's like Frank purposely takes the action that will make the least sense casting-wise and troll the fans at the same time. FV: My old buddy wants a job? Who cares if we have a large enough cast to feed a small nation? Parts for everybody! Now, who should he play? Hmm, these Billy Miller stans are still whining in my ear about Drew. That would be perfect! Why should it matter that he's 3 inches taller + 10 years older than Billy and is nothing like the character at all? I'm a genius!
  22. Heh, yep I noticed that too. Not pleased with someone interrupting sexytimes. CM only a voice and still bad acting. 😂🤣
  23. I don't see CM as Drew at all. I'm going to just think of him as a new character but someone that already has ties. It's easier that way. It should be interesting that his call interrupts Sam and Dante right when they're about to get frisky. That little clip included in the spoiler article was very un-Sam as of late. She was smiling up a storm. I guess the prospect of getting laid finally made her decide to lighten up a bit.
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