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Everything posted by tvgoddess

  1. Plus Jason looks absolutely miserable 95% of the time he's with her. The look on his face today after the kiss, he looked like his favorite gun had been taken away. I don't have a specific quote, but I know someone (again, sorry for my lousy memory) said in the last few scenes something about it being hot and was the sun too strong (maybe Brando said it to Sasha? understandable why I wouldn't remember their boring conversation).
  2. I get that the town is over Jason and Carly so they're all having a non-reaction. It does make for extremely boring soap though. And that is my number one no in plotlines. By the way, all this Austin and Q stuff? Extremely boring too.
  3. Spinelli knows it's a MOC. He still thinks it's a "perfect union". GAG.
  4. She's been polar opposite from the other day to today. She said she had no joy in her life so she wanted to hear about someone else. She sure perked up pretty damn fast. I watched the Floating Rib explosion scenes, and I saw how devastated Dante was about Lulu, right when it happened. Then it was like it never happened. They haven't even discussed Lulu in months. When was the last time he even brought her up? This thing about the entire town being oh whatever, no big deal about the MOC is majorly boring. Really, not a single person is pissed off about it? I guess that will only get to be Sonny once he remembers. But the way things are going, someone suggested on Twitter that he would just say "cool" when he shows up. Why are they ignoring the soapy part of this story? YAWN. And WTF with Sam grabbing Carly's hands and being like please let me know if I can do anything. Say what? I've given up on Sam having any kind of pulse but will someone please express some kind of emotion besides "oh yeah, makes sense I guess". GAH.
  5. Gladys with her new hair color looks vaguely (not entirely so don't come at me) like Jodie Foster. She definitely looks younger (15 years at least, according to herself). But her physical appearance is where my love of Gladys ends. She is horrible. Leave your grown kid alone, stop money grubbing, and get a life. You almost died, you'd think you would reflect and be grateful. It's pretty bad when Jason tells you that you don't have to be involved in the business, that you can still have a life with Ellie, and Spinelli decides that he'd rather be all in. My god, Spinelli. I did think it was interesting that with his past history of love declarations he knew immediately what the situation was with Carly. I didn't peg him for being that aware. Why is Sonny's twin taking up so much time on my screen? I cannot take much more of this storyline. I don't know how you guys have done it for this long. I'm only a few weeks in. I like the new pool set but it does not look like it's outdoors. It looks like it's literally inside the hotel. But it's fun to see the outfits and nice to know it won't strictly just be for the teens. That Curtis and Portia storyline has got to go though. Either move forward or end it. Stop having the same ridiculous conversations over and over again. I'm guessing we won't ever see the "spa" portion of the MetroCourt Hotel Pool and Spa.
  6. We don't need ANY more babies. We haven't needed the last three. Evergreen.
  7. I really need to start using this phrase.
  8. Anyway, I see the same old shit. But whatever.
  9. I'm going to laugh at Carly. All damn day. And at Scummy trying to justify it. They can both get thrown into the middle of an ocean with hungry great whites. Happy Shark Week, y'all.
  10. Oh, please tell us more Nina about how hard giving up Avery was for YOU. And Maxie, she ripped Avery out of AVERY's MOTHER's WOMB after drugging her, then kidnapped her and fled to another country. She wasn't a surrogate or an adoptive parent, for fuck's sake. Jesus. Revisionist history much, Show? But this Maxie stuff is by far the most interesting of these stories. It's classic soap. Too bad that KSt had to go out for a while, and I wouldn't want anyone else to step in. She's doing too good a job. Spencer is not growing on me. I really don't like the little punk. And this casting? Not a fan. I mean, was this really the best they could do? That jacket looks five sizes too small for him. Is this Nixon Falls crap supposed to endear us to Sonny? Because no. And while these people are perfectly nice, who gives a crap? I really like Valentin. He said what he wanted to say, he didn't care about anyone else, and then he peaced out. So, Roger's still playing Franco, huh?
  11. I wasn't really interested in today (Austin, Nixon Falls), but I decided to tune in for Ava and for Trina. And a little bit for Maxie and BLQ. This show really gets worse and worse with things that irk the hell out of me. So now not only are Ava and Nina BFF's, but Ava is staying with Nina in HER old penthouse??? I'm so glad that Maura feels the same way as I do. Because I really can't stand seeing this shit. And don't think they can butter me up by both of them railing against Carly. Even though I love hearing anybody bitch about Carly. They are speaking for me. Ava does look fabulous though. LLC also looks really good. And Monica's blazer! Laura is always so comforting. I love just having her on. Spencer's hair and his acting need work. A lot of work. Trina referencing George Glass reinforces my love for her. I have a strong affinity for The Brady Bunch. Love Trina and Ava's friendship and relationship.
  12. Thank god. I despise Jax. Moreso the actor, but they blend for me. @Bringonthedrama said it very well above. This isn't about a ONS (which it wasn't, if the MOC hadn't magically appeared, they were well on their way to starting something). She completely let down her walls and let him see her. She hasn't done that with anyone else. Her past relationships have always involved either scheming or lying about something. This is the first time there has been none of that. They connected very deeply in their time away, but were already starting to open up before they ever left. Britt's especially hurt because of her past, she doesn't trust people easily. Their bond wasn't physical, it's emotional. He's upset because he knows he hurt her, even if he's trying to warn Jax off of doing the same thing. As someone who has had a mother in the hospital very recently, and has had to deal with doctors over and over, no I wasn't wondering at all. And I agree with everyone saying that Sam was bitchy to Austin. But did I care? No. Because Austin sucks. Totally not here for his character or for RH's next character eating iteration. Maybe if they pair him with Ava. But I doubt they will.
  13. It's amazing how the women's hair on this show can look so fantastic (Britt, Liesl, Sam) and the guys hair looks so incredibly awful. Austin? No. Why, just why? And if Dante doesn't get that strand that hangs over cut off, I'm going to reach through my screen and do it for him. Even if they did say Hayden's name a bunch today, I still don't believe she's coming back. Sorry. Maybe I'll believe it when I actually see it. Love how BL set Maxie straight. And I love how she's being so sympathetic to her at the same time. She's really evolved. The angst was dialed up to an 11 today. I don't even care if people didn't like it because KT is killing it. And she looks freaking gorgeous. And so does Liesl, damn it. How did these two become my favorite mother/daughter relationship?
  14. I think he means controversial because there are inexplicably Carson fans out there. I can't imagine being pro-Corinthii on anything. These people are an interesting breed.
  15. I'm going to fantasize about this tonight before I go to sleep.
  16. I didn't see it as her apologizing to Carly at all. I saw it as Britt laying out the situation and telling Carly that she doesn't want anything to do with Jason anymore, at all. But that wasn't good enough for Carly and she had to twist the knife by completely making up shit about her and Jason. I agree that she needs to avoid Carly, although she does live in her hotel. (I really hate that there are so few home sets on this show.) Aside from her family members, the rest of the town should avoid her like the plague.
  17. I forgot about that. I loved that part. A+ to this entire well-worded post of beauty! 👏
  18. No one can ever come off worse than Carly, IMO. Hee. I do like some of the new pairings, but I find this comment hysterical. I was so bored by this show and I'm not as bored anymore, so it's a plus in my book. I don't expect it to stay that way for that long, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. What is boring is this nonstop endless handwringing over Peter. I'm over it. Curtis should have gone to apologize to Jordan, but of course he won't. The story sucks, but I'm a Davis Girl sucker, so the Alexis/Molly hug brought out the feels. I don't give a flying fuck about Austin. Kelly T's facial expressions are on point. Really loving the way she's accurately portraying the anger and the hurt. Fuck off, Carly. Always. Some people on my TL actually thought that Carly was going to do the right thing and tell Britt the truth. LMFAO. As if Carly ever does anything selflessly, and especially in regards to Jason. I laughed and laughed. EDIT to add: Previews - now that Dante is dry and out of the water, what is with that few strands of hair that is hanging off to the side? It is ungood.
  19. We'd all be jumping in to drown her ass.
  20. Ava and Portia bonding over their love of Trina and being friendly makes so much more sense to me than Ava bonding with the woman who drugged her, ripped her baby out of her womb and then fled the country with the kidnapped newborn. Can we please have more of the former and less of the latter? I promise I won't say anything bad about Finn for a whole episode. Ava, you know how much I love you. You look flawless today. And I give you points for giving Nik that ugly face when you mentioned how you had to send Avery to live with Carly. But please don't say stupid shit like you know she'll be safe with Carly, of all people. You know what's going on. You stood as the decoy, for god's sake. I hate how they write my favorite to be stupid. Not much more to add about today. You guys kind of covered everything. I disagree on some stuff but don't really care enough to voice it. I'm not writing Spencer off just yet only because I want to see the fallout from his stalker crap. With Nik as gaga for Ava as he is, maybe he really will beat the crap out of him. He has my blessing.
  21. A la Jane and Sydney on Melrose Place? I'd be down for that.
  22. Absolutely her parents should focus on getting her well. That should be their only concern. It would be a shame to lose her. I think she's one of the most talented of the younger kids and that includes the graduating teens.
  23. So, I wonder when Scarlett Fernandez will be able to return to the set? That was a horrible injury she had.
  24. He turns interesting female characters into whining, boring saps. And the dark side I was more referring to how Liz is with Sam. It had nothing to do with him. I'm sick of the Chase story, which is made horrible because of Millow and I don't want to hear anything else about Peter. So unless they're going to come up with something super fantastically interesting (which I doubt with these writers), I'll pass. Thanks.
  25. Liesl's need for gossip is always delightful. KG is equally skilled at comedy and drama and I love how she fully commits to every single word she delivers. Three. Jason, Jax, and Julian. She must have a thing for the J's. I just don't see any chemistry with Finn and Liz. And they're both so saintly good, I keep wondering what possible conflict could they have? Don't mention Hayden, because she isn't going to be there and they aren't going to write it that way. What do you have left? A snoreworthy couple like Sam and Silas. It's a shame too, because I have been enjoying the recent darker side of Liz. But of course he ruins another female character. I enjoy messy, and they aren't messy at all. I forgot about KSt having to be out for a while. Wonder when that's going to start. I'm kind of down for Maxie completely losing it. Someone please tell me that IR is leaving soon. I don't know how much more of him I can take on my screen.
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