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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. Based on their demeanors, I don't think Dani and Mo's guests wanted to be there.  Several of the ladies were throwing Mo dirty looks.  So Danny and Amy are virgins.  We get it.  Enough already!

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  2. However, believing anything that she hears from a young, handsome, visa-seeking stranger can only be explained by stupidity.


    Based on the attractive and seemingly intelligent women who've been taken by handsome, visa seeking strangers, there seems to be more factors at work here than just plain stupidity.   

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  3. I believe that while Danielle is uneducated, she is far from stupid.  I am starting to notice a pattern.  Whenever she senses that she is in deep trouble with Mo, she deftly changes the subject to his visa.  All of a sudden Mo goes from railing at her to wondering how they can fix the problem.  Smart lady!

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  4. I am not surprise that the ratings for the show is in the toilet.  I believe that in Season One we saw glimpses of their real personalities.  However, I have a feeling they didn’t like what they saw, and decided to pull back.  So now on Season Two, we have contrived situations and re-enactments.  This is Nonie’s sixth child and Carlie’s first, and yet, Carlie is the one giving Nonie advice on how to deal with morning sickness.  Alrighty then!

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  5. I wonder why it was so hard for other families (other than financial) to come yet Amy had a huge crew.


    Every year, thousands of visitors enter the US and don't leave.   So in order to be issued a visa, you have to have strong ties (property, good job) in your country of origin which will necessitate your leaving the US, plus show proof that you can support yourself while in the US.  Amy's family seems pretty well off.  And if they are world travellers, that is also a plus, because it shows that they are apt to return home. 

    • Love 7
  6. Justin and Evelin are really boring.  I don’t think they belonged on the show.  Their storyline seems contrived.  Especially since he said that the only reason he didn’t tell his family about her was because he didn’t think they’d approve.  Well duh!  I have two sons and if either one of them were to show up out of the blue with a 90 days fiancé, I don’t know what I would do.  I want to say hit the roof, but I know my reaction would be much stronger. 


    That Amy could afford to travel to Australia and have her large family attend her wedding, tells me they are well off.  I think she could have done so much better than Danny.


    I believe the main reason Danielle’s daughters wanted Mo to stay and marry their mom was because they were afraid of what might happen if he were to dump her.  Like others have said, Dani isn't as innocent as she would have others believe.  I think Mo might have bitten off more than he can chew. 

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  7. I sincerely hope Mo just wanted to know how long it takes to get a green card so that he can start working and contribute to the household.  Chelsea is one selfish lady!  I feel for Yamir. 

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  8. I can certainly understand why the girls are more popular than the boys.  With the exceptions of Jill and Josie, I think the Duggar girls are rather nice looking.  The guys on the other hand are quite unappealing.  There isn't a reasonably good looking one in the group.  Hence their disdain for handsome Ben.  I keep hearing that Jessa is the "pretty one", but in my humble opinion that title belongs to Jana.  Those cheekbones! That smile!  I agree with the poster who said that Jana bears a striking resemblance to Genie Francis (Laura, General Hospital), circa 1981. 

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  9. I don't buy for a second that Mo's family gave Danielle a dime.  Common sense dictates that if Mo's family paid Danielle, whenever they are discussing money, the first words out of his mouth would be, "what happened to the money my family gave you?"  Or given Mo's polite manner, he would gently ask, "what happened to the money that my family so graciously gave us to start a new life?" 

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  10. The cynical New Yorker in me doesn’t believe Mo’s family paid Danielle $6,000 to marry him.  Seems to me she would have done it for free.  On the episode that aired Nov. 16, Mo told Danielle that he gave up every thing to come to America and that she lied to him about her financial situation.  If Mo’s family had to give her money, surely he would know that she is in dire straits.

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  11. Missy is a helicopter parent, isn't she? She jumps all over Keith for his comments about Baylor's work ethic and then Reed for calling her a brat. Let Baylor fight her own battles and stop flittering about protecting her.


    Based on the fact that Missy has four or five divorces under her belt, and Baylor is most likely from her first marriage, I have a feeling that’s just a force of habit.

  12. And let's not forget there may be a huge element of TLC setting it up to seem worse than it is to create a storyline and drama.  Because without it, what really is interesting about watching the two of them?


    I agree.  Each couple has a storyline.  Justin and Evelin's storyline seems to be that she is family oriented and he is not.   

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