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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. I think she's a nice enough person, but she doesn't have that sump sumpm that makes a guy ignore women In his peer group to go for the fine aged stuff. He could be on the level but for how long? Look at guys like Patrick Dempsey and Randy Travis.


    I am just going to go ahead and add Rob Lowe, Hugh Jackman and Tony Goldwyn (President on Scandal) to that list of younger men with older and arguably average looking wives.  Maybe there is hope for Danielle after all. 

    • Love 3
  2. Supposedly applications have been pouring in for John David ever since he joked about looking for a wife at Jill's wedding rehearsal, but I'm going to need to see the receipts on that one...


    I just spit coffee all over my screen.  You owe me a new monitor.  I have my eyes on Jeremiah for my daughter, so I am kindly asking everyone to please back off (laugh).


     I believe Jim Bob when he says that there are a lot of interest in his girls and that they are not interested. I have a feeling if Ben wasn't "cute", Jessa wouldn't have given him the time of day. 

    • Love 3
  3. I am in the minority for liking Jill it seems. I rather depend on her to be in charge or ask her for help over Jessa. 


    It’s a known fact that people simply don’t find ‘perfect’ women all that likable.  That’s why most people prefer sassy best-friend types like Jennifer Lawrence (Jessa)  to calculated and rehearsed Anne Hathaway (Jill).

    • Love 1
  4. Although the scavenger hunt was completely contrived for TV, I thought the ending was quite heartfelt and sincere.  His ask was simple and direct, as was her answer and reaction.  I was very happy for them!  


    Me too!  I preferred Jessa’s shy, simple “yes” to Jill’s overly enthusiastic, “yeah, totally.”  I hate to say it but Jill seems to have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old girl.

    • Love 7
  5. I can’t believe Julie lasted as long as she did, because she was clearly not into the game.  I am sure it was Rocker’s idea to do the show, and he asked (probably begged) her to be his partner.  What I find interesting is that Jeremy and Natalie, the two people that were probably responsible for Rocker’s ouster seem to be in a trouble now that she is gone.  Karma!

    • Love 2
  6. I don't see a big love fest between Jill and Jessa.


     I don't think Jill and Jessa are particulary close.  The reason I say this is because when Derick was going to propose to Jill, he specifically asked for Jana and JoyAnna to be the chaperones.  However, Jessa and Jinger seem extremely close.  I have a feeling Jinger got in trouble for not reporting that Jessa and Ben shared a frontal hug.  Something tells me that wasn't the first time that Jinger turned a blind eye. 

    • Love 4
  7. They were about to pray before a meal and Michelle just about lost her shit. Pretty damn funny!


    The way Michelle kept yelling, " but not you two", I thought she was going to have a heart attack.  I loved how Jim Bob took one look at Jessa's "don't mess with me" face and quickly declared that it was okay as long as they are praying to the Lord and are in the presence of their parents.  I have a feeling Jessa is going to do things her way. 

    • Love 4
  8. Things don't look good for Jamir next week!


    I was flabbergasted when they showed Chelsea's mom asking what is Yamir going to do for work and then saying that there is a meat plant that hires a lot of hispanics.   Yikes!  That is wrong on so many different levels!

    • Love 7
  9. Couldn't help but notice that unlike Jill and Derick, Jessa and Ben's wedding is not the cover story for this week's People magazine.  That honor went to Matthew McConaughey.  All the couple got was a small box in the upper right hand corner.  I wonder if the fact that a lot of subscribers complained when they gave the cover to Jill and Derick instead of the late Lauren Bacall had anything to do with this decision. 

    • Love 1
  10. In "normal" society, many would consider him too young to marry, but in their world, a 19-year-old marrying seems far more common.


    It seems to be a regional thing.  The average age of a bridegroom in NYC is 28, so some of my co-workers can’t get over the fact that Ben is only 19 years old.  Jim Bob was also 19 when he got married, and based on the fact that Ben’s father is 39, I would guess that he got married at the same age or younger.

  11. Let me see if I understand this.  Single, unemployed, hypochondriac Rhonda is going to call an adoption agency and tell them she is a polygamist and would like to adopt a child.  And then when they hang up on her (because really, how could this not be a prank call), she becomes indignant and irate?!  I can’t with these people.  It’s only the second season and already they are out of ideas for the show.  I still don’t understand why they didn’t go with the family that went on vacation with the Browns.

    • Love 11

    I would LOVE to hear more about this as I think Jana would have been a better match for him.


    Jana is pretty and she seems nice and kind, so some people are wondering why she has never been in a courtship, and why Jim Bob introduced Derick to Jill, instead. One of the rumors floating around is that Jim Bob has been rejecting all her would be suitors. They are those that think her parents don't want her to get married because they need her to "mother the little kids".

  13. I find it interesting that Jill's bridal party consisted of her sisters and sister-in-law, while Jessa's had half family and half friends and the little girls weren’t included. It was nice of her to include three of Ben's sisters and three girls who aren’t family members. While Jill seems to have “stuck to the script”, Jessa appears to have deviated.

    It’s been said that Jinger is the rebel, but I believe that title belongs to Jessa. I’ve noticed that she gives Jim Bob the side eye when he says or does something stupid. When they were at a bridal shop in New York, her mom wanted her to try on some dresses, but she wouldn’t do it. When her father said he didn’t think he was ready to “give away” another daughter, she said that they would just elope. The color of her wedding dress was blush; they exchanged their own personal vows; she refused to share her “first kiss” in public and she didn’t have a wedding cake. I have a feeling she doesn’t totally buy into this lifestyle and wants to go off and live her own life. The reason I say this is because in a couple of their private interviews, (I am not saying she pressured him) she told Ben that they should hurry up and get married.

    • Love 4
  14. In the bonus video, it was stated that Amy missed her connection to Philadelphia and was stranded at the airport in Chicago for almost thirteen hours. I was shocked because Danny didn’t seem the least bit concerned, otherwise he would have mentioned it. He comes across as being very immature and doesn’t seem to know what he is doing half the time. Telling his family that Amy has a “tan” instead of being “multiracial” was not cool. Based on the dinner conversations, that poor girl seems to be surrounded by idiots.

    I wonder why Jennifer thought she had the right to be judgmental and dismissive of Evelin, when Justin’s mother and brother didn’t seem to have a problem with her. Evelin will soon learn that some Americans aren’t as “family-oriented” and that “family” means different things to different people.

    I think Mo and Daya should automatically be awarded green cards just for having to put up with Danielle and Brett. Mo should be commended for displaying so much grace and respect amid so much ignorance and stupidity.

    • Love 4
  15. Poor Nik!  I can’t get over the way “Father of the Year” Brady manhandled him.  I am sick and tired of Robyn and her tears.  She seems to have mental and emotional issues.  I can well image the meltdown if her family hadn’t shown up for the bbq.  My heart aches for Rosemary.  She is seemingly Brady’s least favorite and to add insult to injury, her family no longer speaks to her.  Good thing she has her kids.  Rhonda mentioned how much her job means to her; it would be nice if she were allowed to continue to work, at least part time.  I can’t help but notice how overly affectionate Brady is with her; surely, the other wives notice too.

    • Love 3
  16. I dislike Bin because he brought nothing to the table.  He's 19. He has never had a moment without his mommy or his sisters helping him at every turn.  His business was a sham. 


    Then it is a good thing you are not the one who is marrying him.  Gee, I wonder why those fugly Duggar boys would be jealous of a handsome guy like Ben.  That they treat him like crap speaks more to their character than Ben’s.

    • Love 8
  17. I don’t understand why there is such disdain for Ben.  I like him.  He seems like a nice guy and a little bit on the shy side.  I am sure that he has been taught by his parents to be respectful; hence the goofy grin even when he knows the joke is on him.  Derick, on the other hand, is lauded as a great “get” - educated and intelligent.  But, the more and more I see of Derick I am beginning to have my doubts.  I was hoping he would show Jill how the other half lives, but instead, he seems to be getting sucked into the “Duggars way of life”.  What bugs me most is the notion that it is such an honor and a privilege to marry into the Duggar family.  Why?  They aren’t anything special.  They just happen to have 19 children and are on television.

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