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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. I subscribe to People magazine.  One of the perks is the daily “People News” by e-mail.  Anyway, I just saw the subject of one of today’s news:  “Jessa and Ben Seawalds’ Relationship Dos and Don’ts.”   So after three months of marriage, they are such seasoned veterans that they are now giving relationship advice.  This is as laughable as the book the girls “wrote” on dating.  I am tempted to send People an e-mail, asking if this is a joke.

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  2. As for the next Bachelorette, they could just skip this season and bring back Claire from Juan Pablo's season. She is awesome and when last seen talking to the raccoon on Bachelor in Paradise I think she stole the show. 


    I think I would enjoy seeing Claire handing out the roses.  However, with the exception of Trista, the lady who finished second has never been chosen to be The Bachelorette.  So far, we've had winners of The Bachelor (Jen, Emily and technically DeAnna), ladies that finish third (Jillian, Ashley and Andi) and fourth (Meredith, Ali and Desiree).  Go figure! 

  3. Chris doesn't strike me as a dumb guy.  I think he knows that a girl like Britt would never be interested in him outside of this setting.  Plus, the fact that his sisters didn't pick her for the Cinderalla date and Ashley I's comment probably gave him pause. 

    • Love 4
  4. I've said it before and I will say it again - I don't believe Ben is the mental midget he is being made out to be.  After all, he did bag the "hottest" Duggar girl.  Just saying.  Let me see if I understand this.  Jill gets a mini mansion, complete with new and updated appliances, and Jessa gets Grandma's old cottage complete with mold, mildew and a stained mattress.  Really?  If I didn't know better, I'd say Jill is Jim Bob's favorite and that Jessa is just one of his 19 children /snerk/. 

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  5. But at the moment there were 3 more spots for hometown dates, Chris just gave one of the 4 available roses to Kaitlyn. Was this enough reason for Britt to explode on him and the girls that much? Even if she had received that group date rose, didn't she know that there were 3 more roses to be given to 3 more girls? It's really immature and stupid, in my opinion, to demand to be number one in this situation. I think Britt just used this incident to create drama and leave on her own before hometown dates. I would bet Britt had decided before the show that she would never be in a hometown date.


    I don't believe Britt had decided before the show that she would never be in a hometown date.  I think she failed to realize how this process works.  On the group date in South Dakota, the ladies were visibly upset when Chris and Britt disappeared for hours, and then she emerged with the rose.  I have a feeling the producers told him to cool it with her - for now.  Up to that point, Chris had so blatantly favor Britt, that the other ladies felt they didn't stand a chance.  The main job for the Bachelor/ette is to make all the contestants feel as if they are "the one", which is why some of them are so devastated when they are eliminated.   For example, Sean said he knew Catherine was the one very early on, but he didn't want to tip off the other ladies, so he made a point of never giving her the first rose.  I am sure Chris was instructed to give the rose at the skating rink to anyone but Britt.  She on the other hand, was so used to being a special snowflake, that the idea she wasn't number one sent her reeling.   


    I believe Kaitlyn and Becca are in the final three by default.  I would bet good money those slots were reserved for Britt and Jade.

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  6. Well, that and TPTB told him to dump both Ashley and Kelsey in that dust-bowl and to rat out Ashley so there would be Kelsey drama. That was a set up and not Chris's idea. TPTB did Chris's thinking for him on that fake date.


    I have a feeling TPTB have been pulling a lot of strings this season to create drama.  I can't help but believe it was their idea for Jade to share her secret with mean, vindictive Carly, because those two ladies didn’t appear to be especially close.  Stands to reason that if she had to share it would be with someone like nice Whitney or sweet Becca.  Thankfully, the drama they were hoping for didn’t happen, because they failed to realize that the only one Carly had it out for was Britt.

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  7. Chris strikes me as the kind of guy who would want a hot chick to impress his buddies and make them jealous.  However, with regards to his final three, I believe Rainsong said it best:  “He was the kid in the proverbial candy store who's emerged with a 2-cent piece of sugarless gum.”  Ouch!

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  8. We were disappointed that they didn't come to Canada for Kaitlyn's visit, but he Canada's pretty sticky about crossing the border with a DUI. 


    At least they're finally travelling- I'd be more than a bit pissed if I'd been picked for this season.  


    I didn't know that they stamp DUIs in your passport.  I was wondering why they didn't leave the US. 

  9. Based on the look on Chris' face, I believe he expected Jade to tell him she "acted" in porn. So Carly succeeded in getting Britt to leave, too bad she went as well.  According to an old Chinese proverb, "When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves:  one for your enemy and one for yourself."  I am willing to bet that a week ago, the three ladies Chris intended to take to the fantasy suites were:  Britt, Jade and Whitney.

    • Love 6
  10. As for "breaking the rules," remember in one of the first episodes Chris H. told the women where Chris lived and told them to "take advantage of every chance you get to spend time with him." And to MAKE time. He did everything but tell them to not let Chris have any alone time at all. Then those two women snuck into his house and antics ensued. TPTB are really fishing for a naked swim in the ocean this season to boost ratings and cover up for the dullness that is Chris S.


    If memory serves,  Chris H. told the ladies that "nothing was off limits" on the second episode.  I fail to see how he would know at that point that this season with Chris S. would be so dull that they would need to boost the ratings.  I feel sorry for Chris.  I believe he got a raw deal, because most of these ladies do not strike me as being very bright.  

  11. After this week and the way she and Chris ran off, I really feel for the woman who ends up with Chris - if it's not Britt. Maybe it's just lust and he's taken with someone who inhabits a very different world, but his "connection" with her is so beyond anything I see with any of the other women. He can't keep his hands off her. Even if she's not the type of girl who'd fit in with his family and his world, I bet Britt's the one he thinks of when he's on his own. I can't imagine the women feeling anything other than "second best."

    I couldn't agree more. If Britt isn't the recipient of Chris' final rose, she will be the one that got away.

  12. I liked when Ashley said that she wasn't from Pleasantville and she kind of nailed Kelsey when she said she's just as smart even though she doesn't use big words--without the benefit of hearing Kelsey's talking heads. But then she went full princess diva meltdown to a horrible degree. 


    I especially liked Ashley 's commentary, "I have a master's degree from a good place."  How very articulate.  I don't for a moment believe that woman is still a virgin.  She should just save that for her family. 

    • Love 1
  13. I will point out that it is easy to have a great time when you're the one getting the attention, getting your hour of one-on-one time, dancing on stage at a concert and getting a rose. I just want to give the other girls the benefit of the doubt. Of course, Britt has every right to take advantage of her one on one time and I'm sure it felt great - but it is easy to have a great time when things are going your way. That is not to say that the other girls should of been debbie downers, but I'm sure it was hard sitting there, with cameras in your face, downing alcohol and giving interviews with producers probably practically begging you to cry.


    I don't see how any of this is Britt's fault.  Don't hate her because she is beautiful. 

    • Love 3
  14. Say what you want about Britt, not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but she seems to be warm and friend. She is always cuddled up to one of the other ladies.  I believe the reason the others, well mostly Kaitlyn, Carly and Whitney despise her is because up to this point, she clearly has this thing in the bag.  If she doesn't win, she will be the next Bachelorette. Guaranteed!

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  15. I agree with the posters that said Chris disappearing with Britt was production driven, because I don't believe this is something he would have done on his own accord.  They purposely pull these stunts for the drama and it worked.  I don't buy that any of these ladies would be willing to live on a farm in the middle of small town, Iowa. 

    • Love 4
  16. I found this episode awkward and intense. Clearly these ladies have never seen the show or know the premise. Chris did the right thing in sending both ladies home. I didn't particularly care for Kelsey; I found her manipulative and Ashley was too immature. For someone who has a "master's degree from a good place", she is very inarticulate. I am eagerly awaiting the episode(s) where Carly and Kaitlyn are left roseless.

    • Love 5
  17. I have a feeling we are starting to see the "real" Cortney. Despite her seemingly sunny deposition, something about her always read false to me. The look she gave Jason when he mentioned "her" debts was rather chilling. That she didn't know probbies are on the bottom of the list when it comes to time off seemed odd, given that her father and brother are firefighters. My heart goes out to Jason. On his day off, he had to tidy up and fix dinner. Wonder what she does on her days off.

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  18. I am not surprise Kody made Robyn his legal wife.  The moment that woman came into this unit she changed the dynamic and completely took over.  It’s almost as if the 18 or so years before her arrival didn’t happen.  One of my favorite sister wives’ moments was the tepid response and cold shoulder Robyn received from the audience at Oprah’s show.  I don’t feel sorry for Meri.  After all, she was the one who brought her in and willing gave up her husband.   The public really didn’t need to know that Kody swapped his first wife for the fourth, nor would have been any the wiser, so I wonder why didn’t they keep it a secret.

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  19. Blowjob Face!  Ha!!  Awesome.  That's the name for Britt from now on. 


    [snip] I think Britt is drop dead gorgeous.  However, I find it hard to believe that someone who looks like that would have to resort to a reality television show to find a man, so I question her motives for being there.  I enjoy this show; it is my guilty pleasure.  Call me crazy but I don’t watch shows I don’t enjoy.  I can’t remember a season when folks didn’t complain about the Bachelor/ette.  Given its horrific record when it comes to lasting relationships, why not just sit back and enjoy it for what it is – mindless entertainment/total train wreck.

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