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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. Most of the houses are cute and close together but compared to most areas in the Bronx (with the exception of Riverdale, where I lived) it must look like a suburban paradise to Jessica.


    There are actually some very nice, middle class, safe and beautiful neighborhoods in the Bronx.  I don't think it would really make a difference where Jessica grew up, because she seems to be touting several bags of issues.  When she told Ryan that her ex-boyfriend's family thought he was too good for her, he actually smirked.  Jessica seems to have a lot of confidence when the cameras are on, because that is when she goes for his jugular.  I believe that is what made him so angry.  I can't stand Ryan.  He appears to be arrogant and thinks way too highly of himself.  However, I can understand where he is coming from.  The camera aren't around 24/7.  If something is bothering her, how about waiting until they are alone and letting him know how she is feeling. Instead, she holds it until the cameras start rolling, thereby making him look like an even bigger douche.  Unless that is her intention. 

    • Love 6
  2. And Kate's already delivered a baby girl. That was fast! Kate appears to have had the quick and unproblematic birth that Jill was hoping for (hospitals and real doctors aside).


    That was the first thing that popped into my head when I heard that Kate delivered in less than three hours after entering the hospital, and walked out ten hours later.  Jill must be dying.  Hee!

    • Love 5
  3. It's kind of interesting to read on here that a lot people think that a woman should have a home cooked meal for her husband on the table. I mean it's nice to do, but it's not a woman's "job" to have a meal for her husband.


    I believe you are taking things out of context. Jessica said that she enjoys cooking, but so far she hasn't made an effort to do so,  subsequently, they are having sushi for dinner every single night. 

    • Love 6
  4. So now Pettifleur is black.  Since when?  If memory serves, when she was listing her "roots", not once did she mention the word "black".  She seems fascinated with the "bee" word.  I can't with this woman.  She seems to be trying really hard to be controversial and it isn't working.  Hopefully, they won't bring her back for season three. 

    • Love 6
  5. I'm also wondering who's voting for Chris. I didn't think he was well-liked as a bachelor.


    I think that only a fraction of Bachelor/ette fans post on the message boards, and most of them tend to dislike the lead.  It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Chris is pulling the most votes. 

  6. What's up with Lydia's marriage? She NEVER mentions Andrew anymore and last season she was bragging about how wonderful a husband, architect, provider, father, etc. he was and now she never even utters his name.


    From what I understand, Andrew wasn't happy with the way they were portrayed on season one, and didn't want Lydia to return for season two.  I believe he "allowed" her to return under the condition that she tone down her behavior and that he didn't have to be part of the show.

    • Love 1
  7. Around the 42 minute mark last night, my heart started pounding.  Something just didn't seem right, so I turned over to "Welcome to Myrtle Manor".  I am glad I did, because I don't think I would have been able to handle it.  RIP Mc Dreamy.  Thanks for the memories. 

  8. God help Sean if he does sleep with Davina, because she will just point out how it didn't match her expectations. And then she will make him talk about it with her for 14 hours.


    I have a feeling that if Sean was "sleeping" with Davina, being in Manhattan would be a lot more tolerable.

    • Love 4
  9. Wow!  A little makeup and a softer hairstyle can do wonders.  I've always thought Jana was gorgeous, but never noticed that Jinger and Joy are both quite attractive.  I think with the exceptions of Jill and Josie, the Duggars girls are very pretty. 

    • Love 5
  10. I was born and raised in NYC.  When we moved to the suburbs, the rent on our two bedroom apt in Manhattan was $315. When it was being increased to $335, my dad decided that he'd rather spend that "kind of money" on his own home. Heh!  Granted this was back in '79, but still.  I just cannot comprehend paying $3600 for a studio.  I don't care if it's on Central Park West or Fifth Avenue.  That is just crazy! 


    Ryan D said that he usually spends about $50 to $60 a day for meals.  He was willing to pay up to $2500 for his share of the rent.  Which begs the question, what does he do for a living?

  11. After the weddings, if I were a betting woman, I would have put good money on Sean and Davina as the only couple that would last.   Now, I don't believe they are even going to make it to six weeks.  Davina keeps saying that Sean should get out of his own way, but I think she should get out of her own head. 

    • Love 8
  12. Marjorie seems like a lovely young lady.  Given that she is now courting a Fundie royalty, I am not saying that she should look like Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, but she could have dressed a little better. The dress looks cheap and her shoes are hideous.  She reminds me of Anna before the move to DC. 

    • Love 1
  13. I am extremely happy for Josiah.  He seems like a very nice and kind young man.  Josiah first appeared on my radar when he was the first to hug and congratulate Ben on his courtship with Jessa.  Josiah and Ben seem to have a close relationship.  At the wedding, I noticed he was the one straightening Ben's jacket and bow tie.  Marjorie is a lucky young lady. 

    • Love 4
  14. Ben's a kid and he's a guy. Most guys do not sound articulate during their teen years. He's growing on me. I actually like Ben a lot more than Derrick, who has an education and real job, but is coming off as slack-jawed and dull as all the Duggar boys. 


    When Ben and Derick were first introduced, I was more impressed with Derick.  However, as time went by and we got to know them better, my impression of Derick took a major hit.  I thought that because he was "worldly and professional", they'd adapt to his way of life, but it's been the complete opposite.  Ben might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he seems to be sweet, decent and kind.  For all the talk about Jessa being bossy, she seems to be leaning away from the Duggars and embracing the Seewald.  Can't say that I blame her. 

    • Love 2
  15. Someone please remind me why they were "expertly matched?" Because this is gonna be a disaster.


    That is why I can't stand these so called "experts."  I can't help but believe they put Jaclyn and Ryan R together for the drama.  Seems to me the drama would have been more intense had they paired her with Ryan D.  Just imagine those two together.   My heart breaks for Jessica and Ryan R, because they are clearly looking for love.  Those two would probably have been right for each other. 

    • Love 2
  16. I want to like Jill, I really do, but she is making it very difficult.  At the rehearsal, when the wedding planner called the names for the lineup, she just had to announce, “Pregnant lady coming through; waddle, waddle.”  Derick should not have been allowed in the girls’ dressing room to paint Jill’s toe nails.  It was inappropriate.  What if some of the girls weren’t fully dressed?!  There were a lot of talk about Jill nabbing a professional man and Jessa nabbing a boy, but based on their behaviors, Jessa and Ben appear to be way more mature than Jill and Derick.

    • Love 14
  17. I thoroughly enjoy Jessa's wedding.  My eyes were watering throughout. Ahem. Must be pollen season. What stood out for me were: Jim Bob telling Jessa she was the most beautiful bride he'd ever seen and then catching himself and adding along with Jill and Michelle.  And, when Jessa and Ben were getting ready to leave their reception, Michelle hugged Ben and told him that she loves him.  I don't remember her saying that to Derick. 

    • Love 3
  18.  I certainly don't look down on those with GEDs, so hats off to any of the Duggar children who have successfully passed.


    From what I understand, folks keep calling Child Protective Services on the Duggars, just like they do with Kate Gosselin, so they are under intense pressure to comply with the law. 

    • Love 4
  19. I don't particularly care for Christy, but I couldn't help but notice that Tanika was siding with Terra and seemed to blame her for everything.  Had she watched the show then she would have known what a nasty piece of work Terra can be, at times.  She seems to think that because she is pregnant, that gives her a license to say and do whatever she darn well pleases withour repercussion. 

    • Love 4
  20. I noticed that Ben commented on meeting the Duggars for the first time:

    "I knew about the Duggars but I never thought I'd get to meet them."


    I guess what Ben meant was that like most people in Arkansas, he’d heard of the Duggars, but never really expected to meet them.  According to a blog on TLC, the families first met in passing when the Duggars visited the Seewalds’ congregation in Hot Spring.   While in Little Rock for an event, the Seewalds visited the Duggars’ church.  After the service, Jim Bob invited them to continue the fellowship at the Duggars’ place and the rest is history.

  21. This struck me last night, too. I don't think MEchelle is all about Derick; thus, she's not really all about Jill and her new life.  And clearly, she also has the hots for Bin, so she's probably living a little vicariously through Jessa. 


    It always struck me as odd how affectionate Michelle is with Ben, considering she never goes anywhere near Derick.  At first I thought it was because she didn't know him very well, but then again, she doesn't really know Ben very well either.  I would wager if the situations were reversed, Derick would not have been invited to move on to their property. 

    • Love 1
  22. Two scenes stood out for me.  Ben’s mom saying that when he told her he was interested in Jessa, she told him he didn’t stand a chance because she could well imagine there were tons  of guys breaking down her door.  And, after Jim Bob announced to the family that Jessa and Ben were now courting, Josiah walked over to Ben, gave him a hug and said welcome to the family.  I thought that was a nice thing Josiah did, because John David said when he started “flirting” with Jessa, he didn’t like him and gave him the cold shoulder.  What a jerk!

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