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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. I've noticed that Jason is the one who cleans and tidies their apartment; wonder what Courtney does in her "spare" time.  There is something about her that bugs.  Based on her behavior in Vegas, I believe had it not been for the continuation of the show, she would have left him by now. 


    The scene of Doug playing a hero by pulling Jamie away from her step father was awkward, especially since she was the one who went looking for him.  Their over the top public display of affection was cringe worthy.  I assume her family and friends have television sets, so they know this is all an act. 

    • Love 2
  2. TLC is nearing over scripting this show. Now they've made Maria into a neurotic harpy. 

    The story lines do not make sense.  Had Veeral won the game, they would honeymoon in India; but it's a good thing he lost, because they could only afford a weekend in Mexico. I wonder how they were going to pay for a trip to India?  Josh and Megan can't afford a kid right now, so because they aren't being intimate for the time being, she decides that she doesn't need to take birth control, but made sure to leave her prenatal vitamins where her husband could find them.  Based on the confused and annoyed looks on his face, it seems that the Millers with the exception of Christian are being coached and fed lines by the producers.  

    • Love 4
  3. Didn't Meri bring in both Jenelle and Robyn? It's kind of interesting that Christine was the only one actively fighting to get into the family. 


    According to their book, after Janelle and Meri's brother got divorced, Janelle approached Kody and Meri and told them that she felt she belonged with them.  Meri wasn't too happy about having to share her husband with her ex sister in-law.  That was one of the main reasons the two ladies didn't get along. 

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  4. Seemed Kody was "pressured" into taking Christine as his wife and it appears as though he hasn't gotten over it.   When she didn't welcome Robyn with open arms, his resentment probably grew even more.  On the last episode, his disdain for her was quite apparent.  If looks could kill, she would be dead.  It seemed to have taken quite a bit of will power for him not to throw her off the couch. 

    • Love 1
  5. I initially thought Devar had the best intentions but I'm convinced he's using her now. 



    Me too!  I was in his corner until we learned that his mother lives three hours away from Mel; not to mention his plan to send 90% of his income to Jamaica.  I believe Devar has been trying to get to the U.S. for a very long time, and the fiance visa was the fastest route.  Mel strikes me as a kind and decent person, albeit naive.  Devar appears to have hit the jackpot, but I have a feeling he is going to blow it. 

    • Love 2
  6. That was so not cool!  Knowing that Alexa was the one going home, seems to me they should have chosen someone other than her husband to also face elimination.  The only reason they chose him was for the emotional drama.  I have a feeling this was planned on Day One.

    • Love 4
  7. Kody has said that Meri was the one who had initially brought up the idea of welcoming another wife. Boy, she really shot herself in the foot.


    Before they started dating, Kody joined Meri's church and community because he was interested in learning about polygamy.  "Unattractive", "lonely" Meri would have done anything to snag the cute guy, including lying to herself.  Meri would have others believe that she is happy being a polygamist and doesn't mind sharing her husband, but clearly, she does.  Just ask Janelle. 

    • Love 12
  8. The difference is I've got enough financial resources to keep mine, but women like Melanie and fat Danielle from season 2 will probably see their desperate husbands bail once they have their residency approved.


    In all fairness, the circumstances of these two women couldn't be any more different.  Say what you want about Devar, but he seems to actually like and care about Melanie; who unlike Danielle, is a professional woman with an actual career.  Mohamed should have been so lucky.  Devar would be a fool to mess this up. 

    • Love 5
  9. There is someone out there for everyone and Kody was not the one for Christine. He got in the way of her meeting a person who would have enjoyed how she acts.


    According to what they wrote in their book, Christine's father received several offers for her hand, but Kody was the one she wanted.  Unfortunately, he didn't have any romantic feelings for her.  However, based on the fact that Christine is polygamy royalty, it appeared that Kody was "pressured" into marrying her.  In my humble opinion, Christine seems to be the sweetest, nicest and kindest of all the wives. 

    • Love 3
  10. I don't believe Mel has problems with Devar helping his sisters, but rather that he is going to send them 90% of his income.  So in other words, she is suppose to support him while he supports them?!  Where is their mother and the children's fathers in all of this?  I can understand and appreciate helping ones extended family, but not at the expense of your own. 

    • Love 4
  11. Is this show scripted?


    I am starting to believe that it is.  Since Megan is only going to be in Indy for a year, why doesn't she just sign up with a temp agency?   Peter was the only one who seemed to actually liked and cared for Maria, so why is she repaying him by snooping on him and threatening to tell the family his secret?  Ragini was raised in the Indian culture, so why now all of a sudden is she shock and surprise to learn what is expected of her?!  I think I am done. 

    • Love 1
  12. Funny enough though that she [Robyn] does finally let them go, and they STILL have more airtime than the other children:


    I recognize Robyn's children, but I couldn't pick Janelle's sons, Gabriel and Garrison and Christine's daughter Yzabel out of a lineup.

    • Love 3
  13. Jamie has to be the most annoying person on the planet. I used to be understanding of her due to her background, but she gets no passes from me anymore. I'm only watching this wreck now because I enjoy seeing the change in Doug from bending over backwards to please Jamie to not really giving a crap if she walks out the door. Goes to show that even the nicest most patient man has a limit.


    I believe Doug would willingly put up with Jamie's crap if they were being intimate. 

    • Love 3
  14. I'm really starting to feel bad for Devar and Mel. His mom is a bit of a witch, hey?


    I don't understand why Devar's sisters depend on him financially, when their mother is alive and well and living in the U.S. For someone who hasn't laid eyes on her son for years, "Yvonne" didn't seem the least bit excited to see him.  As a matter of fact, their relationship seems strain.   I hope she  was just nervous because of the cameras.  The mother has been in the country for 19 years, so why has it taken so long for her seven children to acquire green cards?  I am going to give Melanie a pass for snapping on Devar in the jewelry store, because she seems to be under a tremendous amount of pressure.  There is a saying, "sometimes a good lay isn't worth the stress". 

    • Love 2
  15. Given that Meri was "the one who first brought up the idea of the divorce so the kids could be adopted", you'd think she'd at least make an effort to appear happy.  The look Kody gave Robyn after she chastised him in front of the other wives, sent chills up my spine.  That drawing of Kody with Robyn's kids is disturbing on so many different levels.

    • Love 10
  16. Based on what we've seen of Mariah, she comes across as a spoiled, entitled brat.  She has always been treated like a special snowflake. What I find interesting is that she is the only one who wants to enter into a plural marriage.  Not surprising since her view of polygamy has always been from the catbird seat.  I can't help but wonder how her mother's demotion is affecting her. 

    • Love 14
  17. Is it just me, or is Alexi not that into Loren? I just don't see a spark, and she is so obviously into him.


    I have a feeling that while Alexei is in love with Loren, he isn't thrilled about his current situation.  First, he is being followed by a camera crew and second they are going to be living with the in-laws.  Somehow, I don't believe this is what he had in mind when he proposed. 

    • Love 13
  18. didn't Maddy actually say Kody is 11 years older than Sobbyn?   


    For a moment there, I thought I was the only one who heard Maddy say that Kody is 11 years older than Robyn.  Kody's year of birth is listed as 1969 but depending on the site, Robyn Sullivan Brown's year of birth is listed as either 1978 or 1979.  So who knows.

    • Love 1
  19. When Kody told Maddie that Caleb was 10 years older, did she say "well you are 10 years older than Robin".  Did anyone else here that?   Still can't get over Janelle doing a 360 and being so interested in everything now.  Wonder if Meri's troubles and Robyn being the legal wife has something to do with it.  


    Kody being l0 years older than Robyn caught me by surprise, because I was under the impression it was seven or eight. 


    Janelle does seem much happier now that Meri isn't Kody's legal wife.  So much so, that she is now hugging Robyn.  Up until about a year ago, those two would never even stand next to each other.  I've noticed that at any given time, one of Janelle's boys is holding Solomon.  So cute!

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  20. I'm confused, why was Alexei back in Israel, what was the point of him going to Canada? I still don't understand why Loren had to quit her job and move to Florida in order to be with Alexei. Why couldn't she just continue her regular life with him in New York? I feel like this show is leaving out so much information.


    Loren and Alexei moving to Florida  to live with her folks seems like it was manufactured by TLC for drama.  There is no plausible reason why they couldn't reside in Loren's apartment in New York City.  She said they were moving in with her parents to save money, but how is she saving money when she doesn't have a job?  I am confuse. 

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