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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. I am starting to understand why this season was postponed. It's not very entertaining and most of the players are forgettable. Visiting family members has always been a highlight.  I wonder why that segment was eliminated.  Hopefully, next season will be better. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

    As far as credit goes, I would have to say that Christine, who home-schooled and took care of most of them when they were young, is probably one of the reasons behind this anomaly.  All of the older kids (except Mariah, and again - discounting Robyn's kids) seem to have a very close bond with Christine.  She comes off as an airhead a lot of the time, but she did something right with those kids.

    I couldn't agree more.  Based on their talk show appearances, Christine comes across as the nicest, warmest and the friendliest.  I've noticed that she is always the first to hug the host.  It pains me that Kody seems to barely tolerate her, because she appears to be a genuinely good person. 

    • Love 12
  3. 11 minutes ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

    Wait. I missed the memo that Jessa was nicer now. She still seems like the same old witch who is about to hand out poisoned apples.

    In episode 7 (The Reunion), Jinger said, "since giving birth to Spurgeon, Jessa is much nicer." It wouldn't be a big deal hearing that from one of her other siblings, but coming from Jinger it was surprising, because viewers were led to believe they are "super close". 

    • Love 4
  4. Caleb probably reminds Kody of his late brother.  Based on what I've seen, I don't believe he has a close relationship with any of Janelle's and Christine's boys.  One of the biggest complaints against him is that he shows more affection to Dayton than he does to his own sons.  I would like to know how they really feel about him, because Logan seems to distance himself from the family and we've seen him clash with Hunter, Paydon and Garrison on camera. 

    • Love 6
  5. Right after they started courting, Jessa and Michelle went to visit the Seewalds.  Guinn confessed that when Ben told her he was interested in Jessa, she told him she didn't think he had a prayer, because there must be dozens of guys breaking down her door.  She wasn't completely off the mark.  In a September 2013 interview with People magazine, Jessa said that guys approach their dad all the time asking to court them, but most of them were "creeps and weirdos".  The "creeps and weirdos" comment caused quite a stir. 

    • Love 2
  6. I think it is hilarious that Meri is trying to spin this as, "I was a victim, but I've taken back my power". I don't buy that she was keeping quiet to protect the family.  Based on her smug demeanor at the restaurant in Alaska, she thought Sam was real and she was ready to bounce. 

    • Love 17
  7.  I think they changed the order of the episodes, because the second hour appeared to have been filmed directly after last season's finale and Meri wasn't featured in the first.  I believe the reason why Kody didn't try to get closer to Meri when she was pulling away was because he simply didn't care.  Janelle seems to be the only one who isn't sympathetic to Meri's plight.  Saying that she can't believe Meri would fall for something like that, is basically calling her stupid.  Meri was a fool for confiding in Robyn.  I have a feeling she relayed every last detail of their conversation to Kody.   I find it interesting that Christine said that Robyn and Meri were very, very close; emphasis on were.

    • Love 13
  8. The character of Maddie has always been my least favorite.  I find her to be a selfish ingrate.  I just can't get over the fact that from the moment she found out Deacon was her biological father, she completely turned her back on Teddy, the man who raised her from birth.  Given how hard she fought to get her parents together, it doesn't make sense that she would turn on them just to have a career. 

    I've been following Hayden P's career since "One Life to Live", Chip Esten's since "Big Love" and Jonathan Jackson's since "General Hospital", so I am happy to see them gainfully employed.  However, I am at the point where I no longer care whether or not the show is renewed.

    • Love 4
  9. 2 hours ago, toodles said:

    This kid is stuck in a huge way.  I don't have a clue as to how this will play out, but I think this won't end well.  Especially for their children who will be right in the middle.

    Lately, Ben seems different.  When he made the comment about getting married and being a father in the space of one year, he appeared wistful.  I don't believe all is well between the Seewalds and the Duggars.  I have a feeling the Seewalds had a rude awakening.

    • Love 4
  10. 13 hours ago, InfiniteMystery said:

    Also, it seems to me every week Cydney is ticked off by anyone who supposedly bosses her around, yet she bosses everyone around, goes off and gets her way. It is her way or the highway as much as it was pinned on Tai.

    I find Cydney to be bossy, bad tempered and hard headed. She has a problem taking orders, but doesn't seem to have a problem giving them.  If she makes it to the final, I can't see her winning. 

    • Love 5
  11. 21 hours ago, sometimesy said:

    Jessa seems like the older sister. She dominates the other girls.

    I think Jessa dominates the entire family.  According to Jinger, before she gave birth to Spurge, she was mean and bossy.  Her parents seem deathly afraid of her, hence her ill-advised marriage to an unemployed teenager.  Before the crackup, she appeared to be the family's spokesperson.  They all deferred to her.  Come to think of it, they still do. 

    • Love 6
  12. Given that there were probably 10 minutes of new material, there really isn't much to snark about.  I don't see how TLC can justify renewing this show, especially since it doesn't have a lot of sponsors.  I have a feeling the Dillards are using birth control.

    • Love 6
  13. Given that they knew Wanya was safe, they really shouldn't have had three African-Americans in the bottom. They should have chosen Jodie or Ginger, instead. 

  14. On 4/25/2016 at 6:54 PM, leighroda said:

    This is related to the book so I'm putting it here...

    So I was watching a rerun this morning, where they go on vacation with the dargers and they go into (for the mazillionth time) the whole abusive kitchen thing... And I was thinking... I know they allegedly go into more detail in the book, but what exactly was so "abusive"? I don't doubt it was at all unpleasent, or offensive, but I highly doubt "abuse" is the right word for the situation... And I found myself just getting angry that they kept pushing "abusive"... But I was wondering if anyone who braved reading the book had some insight.

    I read the book, and their issues seemed bigger and more complicated than just "dishes soaking and/or being put in the wrong cupboard." Janelle and Meri were sisters in-law.  After her divorce, Janelle approached Kody and Meri and told them that she felt she belonged with them.  Meri said that even though she knew there would be other wives, she wasn't expecting anyone so close to home.  She admitted to feeling resentful and seemed to believe that Janelle had her eyes on her husband since the moment they met. The thing is, Meri would have the world believe that she is okay with her husband having other wives, but I don't believe that to be the case. 

    • Love 8
  15. 29 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

    As Ben was saying how "crazy it was that at 19 he was married and at 20 he is a dad" he had this look like a high-school kid who knocked up his girlfriend and her parents made him marry her.

    I believe Ben loves his little family, however, based on his solemn demeanor, reality appears to be rearing its head. Being married to Jessa Blessa probably isn't how he'd imagine it would be.  In all fairness, they both seem to be having buyer's remorse. 

    • Love 5
  16. I wonder why we weren't informed that tonight's show would be basically a recap.  I had no desire to see Jessa and Ben's wedding for the umpteenth time.  I wish someone would tell Ben that it's "Jessa and I".  It was rather surprising to hear Jinger say that before Jessa gave birth to Spurgeon, she wasn't a very nice person.  I thought they were "besties".  Jessa's comment about "people digging up bones" with regards to Josh, sounded to me like she was blaming others for his behavior.  Ben:  "It is early and bright."  Jessa:  "It's not bright."  She seems to delight in making him look dumb and foolish on National Television.   I notice his family is MIA.  Can't help but believe there is some tension between the two families.  

    • Love 5
  17. The new season starts on Sunday, May 8th, from 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM.  Based on the previews, Mariah and Meri are on the outs, Robyn feels betrayed by Meri, Madison is getting married and Garrison is joining the Armed Forces.  It looks as though it is going to be an emotionally raw season.  Can't wait.

    • Love 2
  18. So lily white Bin wants to be an inner-city missionary?  When I was done laughing, I had a question pop into my mind:  did he do church like the Duggars? 


    Believe it or not, they are "lily white" ministers leading "the flocks" in inner city neighborhoods, so it's not like Ben would be the first.  The question is, "does he have what it takes?"

    • Love 3
  19. Of all the older Duggar children, Jessa appears the least friendly and most suspicious of outsiders. Ben seems open to new experiences.  Jessa might actually thrive in a place like St. Louis.  It would probably do her good to be outside of the "Duggar sphere". 

    • Love 5
  20. Ummm...like...ummm...like the ladies from India spoke like...ummm... better than the like...the Duggars ummm...do.


    Those ladies are first generation Americans and are most likely better educated. 

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