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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. They seem to have a lot more advertisers than they did last season.

    I wish Jessa would stop saying, “with 19 children, my parents had to do this or that.”  She makes it seem as though they had 19 small children all at the same time.  By the time the last four came along, the first five were in their mid to late teens.  Heck, Josh is 21 years older than Josie. 

    I wish the media would stop treating a Duggar getting pregnant as “News”.  It’s what they do.  That is their claim to fame. 

    • Love 18
  2. This season is going to be one great big train wreck. 

    Nicole is in for a world of hurt.  Azan doesn't seem to like plus size women. 

     Chantel is gorgeous.  She bears a striking resemblance to Dr. Baron of “Atlanta Plastic”.  I believe she could do much better than Pedro.  He seems shady. 

     I was rooting for pudgy Jorge until his anti-American women spiel.  I hope his Russian fiancé takes him for all he is worth. 

    • Love 10
  3. On ‎8‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 7:26 PM, BitterApple said:

    I'm all for sass within limits. I think Tori and Carlin go from spunky to obnoxious very, very quickly.

    It's not just Tori and Carlin. The way some of the older kids speak to their father makes me cringe.  Say what you want about the J-Slaves, but they would never speak to Jim Bob in that manner.  

  4. On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 0:33 AM, lordonia said:

    Jeeze, Nick. If the behavior we've seen is him feeling comfortable, I'd hate to know what he finds awkward. I don't blame Sonia for being upset after she told him she "really really" liked him and he refused to reciprocate. That's pretty cold and another instance of the attitude he displayed on their wedding day when he was unable to tell her she looked pretty. God forbid he say something nice to his wife's face.

    I found Nick’s response to be honest and refreshing; Sonia is the one who seems to have issues.  She was upset that he didn't say she was beautiful at the ceremony and was worried that he did not find her attractive; she got upset again after he said that it was only Day 5 and that they should take it slow. Insecurity is not a good look on anyone and if she doesn't reign it in she is going to be by herself.  Nick's approach is certainly more realistic than Lillian telling Tom they are perfect for each other.  I don't believe Heather and Derek are going to make it to Decision Day.

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  5. On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 0:31 PM, DixonVixen2359 said:

    Andrea's boyfriend really is a piece of crap. All the boyfriends on this show with the exception of Morlin are losers. 

    I was waiting for someone to point out to Andrea's boyfriend, that if he wasn't an unemployed, lazy piece of s*it, she wouldn't have to be out there twerking.  The nerve of that low life.   Sorry to hear about Emily's baby. 

    • Love 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Reality Steve is another dog with a bone on this, he's so obsessed to be right that they're not even together anymore,  he'll retweet anything that is against Jordan in anyway.  It's like he has personal issues with Jordan the way he's been reacting.

    I am not surprise RS is going after Jordon.  He always goes after the "popular" guy.  He really did a number on: Jerry from Jen's season, Ed from Jillian's and Arie from Emily's.  In my opinion, the guy is a jerk.  His main goal is "clicks". 

    • Love 4
  7. 7 hours ago, seasick said:

    There was one season where the F1 came first.  I believe it was on a Bachelor season, but not sure. The F1 was proposed, then ushered away to wait while he/she dumped the other.  Wish I could remember.  It wasn't a bad idea and I wish they'd try it again.  Help me out here if anyone recalls who it was.

    Seasick, That was Jesse's season.  After Tara, got violently ill on the way to the rose ceremony, her limo was delayed, so Jessica had to go first.  While he was saying goodbye to Tara, Jessica was shown peering through a window.  Given how awkward that whole scene appeared, I have a feeling that now they schedule the limos at least two hours apart. 

  8. 16 hours ago, lavenderpenguin said:

    I don't understand why JoJo would think it was a good idea to extend the invitation to the Fantasy Suite, have Chase pour out his heart, and then send him home. It would have been so quick and relatively less painful to just send him home before FS at dinner, or at the RC. No need to add insult to injury by sending him home five minutes after he'd just told you he loved you.

    Based on "Unreal", it wouldn't surprise me if they put pressure on the Bachelorette to get the "lunkheads" to not only fall for her, but to get them to say "I love you" and to also propose. Touchy, feely JoJo has done a remarkable job of leading the guys on, hence their bewilderment when she cuts them loose. 

    • Love 2
  9. I don't remember ever seeing Whitney smoking, so I was surprised when Will asked her if she was still a smoker.   It explains why she didn't call Kerryn a hypocrite for saying how unhealthy it was being over weight, while holding a lighted cigarette. 

    • Love 8
  10. 13 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    for some reason, all I could think about tonight was some of the past seasons REALLY BAD hometown visits, there were so many, and so many that the siblings or parents put a damper on the romance, most famously Meredith when she met Lanny's Mom. I wonder if there are you tubes out there of that. I LOVED Lanny but she couldnt ditch him fast enough afterwards. All these Moms seemed to really like Jo-Jo and she does make a very nice impression.

    Those were the days.  I think Meredith's visit with Lanny's Christian, conservative Mother is an all time Bachelorette classic.  JoJo comes across as warm and approachable, so I can see why the families like her. 

    • Love 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, VanSensei said:

    Waiting for the day that someone's hometown is some Midwest town with eight houses and a yet-to-be-demolished empty strip mall.

    I take it you didn't see Chris Soules' season.  Sorry, couldn't resist.

    • Love 7
  12. The show is so boring that they have to resort to the old, "To Be Continued" in order to get viewers to hopefully tune back in.  But based on the comments, clearly, most of us don't give a pluck. 

    • Love 3
  13. Typically you can't touch your pension until you reach the age of 65, though many pension plans allow you to start collecting early retirement benefits as early as age 55.  Janelle most likely cashed out her 403B (savings plan for Government and Hospital employees).

  14. 7 hours ago, TomGirl said:

    I know they usually bring back the F2-F4 as the next bachelor/ette, but I'd rather see Derek or Wells than any of the remaining guys at this point.

    Not always.  They didn't pick any of the guys from Ali's season, instead they gave Brad a second shot; and they didn't chose any of the ladies from Ben's season, they chose Emily, instead.  Hopefully, they will pick from another season, because I can't see any of these guys as the next Bachelor.

    18 hours ago, hyacinth said:

    I have watched like 19 seasons of The Bachelor and 11 of the Bachelorette and I've never been so bored.   

    JoJo's season is boring, because I believe Fleiss and Company like and respect her; much like they did Trista and Emily, and are loathe to show her in a less than flattering light. Even her hometown visits appear to be drama free.  By comparison, they clearly did not like the last Bachelorette. She was depicted as trashy, vulgar and crude; unworthy to visit the families of her final four.   

    • Love 1
  15. The dramas seem manufactured.  I can't help but believe that the producers are giving Vicky and Ben controversial topics to discuss.  They are both in college, can barely make ends meet, and yet, she wants to have a baby?!  Whatever!  Taylor accepted a job offer without first discussing it with her husband.  I wonder how much longer we will have to wait before Mayur proclaims to Maneka in his best Tarzan voice, "me man, you woman."

    • Love 2
  16. Let me see if I understand this.  JoJo sent Wells and Derek home, but kept Luke, James and Alex?  Really?  She either knows exactly who she wants or doesn't have a clue.  Alex is so whiny.  Even when he gets a rose, he still isn't happy. 

    • Love 11
  17. 24 minutes ago, Bajovane said:

    About Christine and Mykelti - wow.  While I can understand how impulsive Mykelti must be - it has to sting how different they are with her and Madison with their intendeds.  It will be interesting how that plays out.

    I've always thought Christine the warmest and most nurturing of all the wives, so I am surprise that she took such a hard stance with Mykelti. There's probably a lot we don't know about their relationship, because I've noticed that she doesn't speak glowingly about her, the way she does Aspyn. I have a feeling that if Mykelti was reassured that she could always come home - no matter what, she wouldn't be marrying the first "Tony" that came along .  I agree with the poster who said this decision has Kody's hoof prints all over it. 

    These people talk out of both sides of their mouths.  They would have us believe that the children have four mothers, and yet, Meri admits that she would have a problem with her daughter living with one of the other moms. 

    Now that Robyn is the legal wife, she doesn't seem to be hiding her contempt for Kody;  which helps to explain why he seems so angry these days.  At first, I thought his surly demeanor was because of what happened with Meri and the catfish, but I am starting to believe it has more to do with his relationship with Robyn. 

    • Love 6
  18. Two things stood out for me.  Kody believes Meri got too attached to him.  A weird thing for a husband to say about his wife.  And, Robyn needed a break from Kody. I guess after she became the legal wife, she no longer felt the need to put up with his antics. 

    • Love 4
  19. I wonder what David saw in Taylor.  I feel bad that Ben had to sleep on the floor.  I hope they think of another arrangement soon, because I can't see him doing this forever.  I don't particularly care for Vicky. I don't think she is right for Ben.  I wonder why she chose a way of life she seems to resent.  

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