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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. 12 hours ago, Virtually Me said:

    BTW, there is no INS. A naturalized citizen can be deported. 

    That is correct, but only convicted drug dealers and convicted murderers. 

    I actually feel sorry for Russ.  It appears that after appearing on the original show, and being called "hot",  the adulations have gone to Paola's head.  A lot of posters said she was out of his leagues and that she would eventually leave him.  It seems as though they were right. 

    • Love 3
  2. Based on the fact that Michaela was such an integral part of the game, I found it interesting that the other teams didn't inquire about her.  I thought at least one person would remark on her absence. 

    And now, there are three ladies left. 

    • Love 8
  3. 5 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

    Both Pao and Mo come for places associate with heat. Also, places like Miami maybe more of a melting pot, albeit it might lean decidedly towards the Spanish speaking as opposed to Mo. Mo might also like Florida because it has a higher older female demo, many of which might be retirees or even widowed.

    When Danielle arrived at her hotel in Miami, she stated that she could see why Mo likes Miami.  She said the warm weather and palm trees probably reminds him of Tunisia. 

    • Love 2
  4. I don’t understand why Patrick thinks he has the right to interrogate Alla about her feelings for Matt.  I understand where she is coming from.  In other countries and cultures, it quite common to marry for convenience and then love builds.  Here in the United States, we do put a lot of value on love. Hence the 50% divorce rate.

    Chantel is living in a one room efficiency, so I am wondering what she is doing with all that money that she needs to protect from Pedro.  I find it ironic that she objects to Pedro telling his parents about what is going on in their private life. Perhaps if she’d been a little more forth coming with her parents, they wouldn’t be in the mess they are in.

    • Love 18
  5. Ginger looked beautiful.  I love her dress.  I am just going to say it, when it comes to husbands, I think Jinger did way better than Jill and Jessa.   Given that Jeremy is Italian, I am willing to bet that instead of cupcakes and melted ice cream, there were real food at the reception. 

    • Love 11
  6. 2 hours ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

    Jessa comes off as someone who can be cruel. Entitled and cruel.  Totes different.

    The general consensus among people who've met the family is that Jessa is the least friendly and the most standoffish.  It's also been said that she appears to be very leery of outsiders and seems to have a chip on her shoulder.  I think she is very aware of how her family is perceived, so perhaps her behavior is a form of self-preservation.

    • Love 6
  7. 23 hours ago, lascuba said:

    Or way back when JB was talking about all the guys writing to him about the girls and teen Jessa said, "Yeah, the weird ones." (Oh, Jessa...what happened to those razor sharp instinct?) 

    Jessa referred to some of the potential suitors as, "creeps and weirdos".  I remember this because she made the comments during an interview with People magazine, and it caused quite a stir. 

  8. 17 hours ago, millennium said:

    We all saw him lie to Father Chantel, pretending he didn't understand English to avoid telling the truth.

    If he could lie to her father -- lying before a national audience -- why should we believe anything about him is genuine?

    If memory serves, it was Chantel's idea to lie to her parents and creepy brother.  Let's not forget, this is her family, not his.  Based on what we've seen of this couple, seems to me that her transgressions are greater than his. 

    • Love 15
  9. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe these are Probst words before he tallies the votes, "after I read the votes, the person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately."  So, why was Michaela allowed to confront Jay and then menacingly stare him down?  I can well imagine the uproar had it been someone else. 

    • Love 3
  10. On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 6:53 PM, GracieK said:

    I don't think the super dark hair is doing her any favors in resembling Bev. But I wasn't a fan of her blonde hair either. She needs to go to a good stylist and find a happy medium... like soft ash brown with a little bit of highlights. 

    Someone with Mel's complexion doesn't look good with jet black hair.  It's too severe and makes her look much older.  I liked her as a blonde, but I believe she would look great with auburn hair.  Devar is slender and boyish. He looks younger than 28.  With her new hair, Mel looks like she is pushing 40. 

    • Love 9
  11. I hate to break it to Brianna, but she doesn’t have “a perfect family”. Not even close. I believe the only reason her low life husband is still with her is because of the Lifetime checks. 

    Christie is no saint, but I don’t blame her for wanting to keep Terra at arm’s length. She is as fake as they come.  I can’t help but wonder why the sudden about face. 

    As always, Elena is the voice of reason.  I think this franchise needs a reboot.  Keep Elena and Tonya; get rid of the others. 

    • Love 4
  12. 3 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

     Michelle is still killer smart. 

    I seem to be missing something, because I haven't seen anything that would indicate Michelle is "killer smart". 

    Based on Michaela's reaction, for a moment there, I was worried about Jay's safety.

    • Love 10
  13. On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 5:08 AM, NoSpam said:

    Narkyia is one of the best spoken Americans we've seen on the show. It stuns me that she's chasing that scammer.

    Narkyia may be intelligent, but she lacks common sense.   

    • Love 7
  14. Juicy is mean spirited.  Then she tries to play it off as "Why are you angry?"  I hate when one person is consistently picked on and demeaned.  So what if Minnie lied when she that she was pregnant and that she lost the baby; it's not like she killed someone.  She isn't the first woman to fake a pregnancy and she won't be the last.  Let it go.  I give the Dallas show one season, if that. 

    • Love 4
  15. If I had a sister who disapproves of my husband, the last thing I would do is tell her what is happening in our private life.   Mel doesn't seem to have the guts to say certain things to Devar, so she riles up Bev and gets her to do her dirty work.  She really needs to grow a backbone and stand up to her husband.

    • Useful 1
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  16. I am having a hard time with Debbie's begging and stealing storylines. Her school has a nursery/daycare, so I don't understand why she had to drop out.  Plus as an unwed teen, she is eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program and a few dollars from the State.  

    If memory serves, after the girls were born, Vee and Kev switched places because she claimed not to have a maternal bone in her body.  So it's rather puzzling that now she is such a Mama Grizzly.  I can't help but wonder what happened that brought about the change. 

    • Love 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I was under the assumption that Chantel does not have much of an income and Pedro can not legally work at this time, she was crying about not being able to afford a wedding, etc...considering her bedroom is in her kitchen, just a hunch.  Not meant as an insult but as an observation from this season.

    Based on the fact that her bed is at the front door and her kitchen is at the foot of the bed,  I think it's safe to say that Chantel doesn't have two cents of her own to rub together.  Perhaps she used all her money to pay for the K-1 visa. 

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