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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. 3 hours ago, leighdear said:

    I think Jordan is as into JoJo as Bentley was into Ashley and Brooks was into Des.  

    And Graham was into DeAnna and Frank was into Ali. There seems to be a pattern.

    • Love 1
  2. 6 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

     JB may have highly "suggested" Derick and possibly Jeremy to her, but she turned them both down.

    That wouldn't surprise me in the least.  It also wouldn't surprise me if Jana was the only daughter to stay single.  The marriages she witnesses daily, have probably soured her on the institution. 

    • Love 6
  3.  Not sure why Mykelti would be pulling away from Meri, but her mom is Christine. 

    Lately, Meri seems to have adopted the habit of blaming everything on Christine, because "she can handle Kody better."  I think it is more along the lines of "Kody is always angry with Christine, so what's one more thing." 

    • Love 3
  4. Jeremy is rather easy on the eyes.  Good for Jinger!  I don't feel sorry for Jana.  I have a feeling she has been turning down courting requests.  The reason I say this is because I've noticed that she tries to be as inconspicuous as possible.  I didn't notice that she was one of Michael Bates' bridesmaids until sharp eyed viewers pointed her out.   

    • Love 2
  5. That was depressing!

    Jake is such a dbag. I wonder why he invited Ami to Utah if he knew he wasn't ready to start dating again.  I have a feeling that for the next seven years, his 11 year old daughter Taylor, is going to make sure he doesn't get close to anyone. 

    Based on the way Valene  was always posing and fact that she was always camera ready, led me to believe she viewed this as an audition.  "What about me?  I have feelings too."  She is as phony as they come.  Too bad Mike couldn't see it.  I think he is making a big mistake. Huge! 

     I don't believe John was the least bit attracted to Denise, and hearing Elijah say that he wanted her to leave, certainly didn't help.  I was glad she walked out of there with her head held high.  She deserves so much better.

    Too bad Sara didn't tell Jason, Mary Ellen and his gawky, awkward daughters where to go and how to get there.  

    Paul was right.  He can only give so much.  Kallie seemed to really care for him, so I hope they make it work.

    • Love 6
  6. Mormons do not drink tea, coffee, soda and alcohol.  When I was a teenager, I had a huge crush on Donny Osmond, so I made a point to learn about the Mormon faith. 

    Meri and Kody seemed so awkward sitting together.  It appears as though the only time they see each other is when they are on the "sister wives couch".   It's going to take time and hard work for them just to get half way back to where they were.

    • Love 5
  7. Poor Mykelti.  She seemed so disappointed when Christine didn't react the way she thought she would.  I hope she realized that there is a huge difference between Caleb and Tony.  Given that her uncle was married to Caleb's sister, they've known the family for years.  On the other hand, they don't really know Tony.  She needs to give her Mother time to get use to the idea.

    • Love 11
  8. In the Season 5 Tell All, the wives got very upset when the host, Tamron Hall asked whether there would be a fifth wife.  At the time Kody said, "I really don't think so, that's not in my stars."    Based on the way he said it, I got the feeling that was a constant topic of conversation.

  9. 4 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

    And why is Christine so happy and looking so good.  Maybe she is the one with a side piece!!  Nah, I don't really think so, but something is going on.  Mood enhancers?  Her mother living with her?  

    I believe Christine is happy because she is the only wife who is getting Kody's "attention". Kody said that at the moment, there is an "emotional disconnect" with Robyn; Meri is in the dog house and Janelle doesn't seem "romantically" interested in him.  Christine seems to be a kind and decent person; she deserves to be happy. 

    • Love 2
  10. 14 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

    I got sick and tired of Jenelle praising the hell out of Kody and siding with him regarding that stupid rock tower.

    That is what annoys me the most about Janelle.  She is always praising Kody and blowing smoke up his behind.  She seems to think he can do no wrong.  And yet, their relationship appears to be more business than personal.   

    • Love 2
  11. I am not feeling any of these couples. Jake and Jason's daughters are brats; not to mention, Jake doesn't appear to be the least bit attracted to Ami.

    Seems to me that Paul is looking for a housekeeper with benefits.  I would be concerned as to why his ex wife walked out, leaving behind her four young children. 

    I noticed that the first time John saw Denise in person, he didn't seem excited.  At the time, I thought he was holding back because of the cameras.  But based on the fact that she had been there a week and he still hadn't kissed her, I can't help but wonder what is holding him back.   I have a feeling that he was disappointed when he saw her in person (her kangaroo onesie probably didn't help).

    Valene can leave at any time. I hope Mike has the good sense to realize that she is not the one for him. 

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    If Joe Darger is on one extreme end of the spectrum, and Kody is the other, I think Brady Williams would fall in the middle.  I wouldn't seek this way of life, but I think I would be happier in Brady's family. 

    Brady blatantly ignores Robin and Rosemarie.  They seem miserable.  Plus, he doesn't hide the fact that Rhonda is his favorite.  I would have to go with the Kodster.  I think he would be easier to manipulate or ignore. 

    • Love 3
  13. On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 10:17 PM, leighdear said:

    If these were the best 26 guys the casting people could find for the show, I shudder to think about the guys in the reject pile.  This group overall is substandard. 

    I can't decide which group is lesser attractive - JoJo's or Ashley's.  JoJo seems like a nice lady.  I think she is one of our better Bachelorettes.  It's unfortunate that she doesn't have Jillian's caliber of guys.  At the moment, I can't see any of them being the next Bachelor.  I hope we don't end up with another Ben.

    • Love 1
  14. On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 1:39 PM, kassa said:

    Christine was the most thoroughly immersed in that paranoia, and it continues.  I think it's a step forward when she can acknowledge that things she previously feared are now safe.

    Perhaps Christine's paranoia has something to do with the fact that she is a blue blood polygamist and that her family has been entrenched in polygamy for generations.  She has been indoctrinated into the lifestyle.  What I find ironic is that when it comes to "outsiders", she appears to be the warmest and friendliest. 

    • Love 1
  15. For a guy who is supposedly "Americanized", Mayr is behaving like a traditional Indian man. I was surprised he didn't call Maneka, "woman" at some point.  The way he kept cuddling her in Puerto Rico, led me to believe he really cares about her and is just putting on an act for the show. 

    I don't see how Taylor is going to be an air hostess, considering she can't reach the over head bins to close them. 

    Vicki did herself and Ben a disservice.  She shouldn't have agreed to marry him.  He comes across as immature and she comes across as rigid and impatient.  I don't believe either one is ready to be a spouse.

    • Love 4
  16. 51 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    It's funny how you guys all seem to know who "Chase" is but Robby is just the GQ Pretty Boy.  I am the opposite, I think Robby is the most beautiful and seriously have zero idea who Chase is.  

    Robby reminds me of dbag, Nick Peterson, the guy who scammed Rachel in Bachelor Pad 3. 

    Chad ripped Evan's shirt - no big deal; Chad threatening the guys - he's not serious; Chad threatens Jordan - he has got to go now.  Interesting!

    • Love 4
  17. 24 minutes ago, mamapajama said:

    I took it as, "I though I just (now) had a son.  But no, I just (now) had a daughter."

    It was the way she said it.  She seemed disappointed.  Someone up thread mentioned that it was probably hard on Meri to see Janelle get pregnant first.  It must have been very difficult for her, because Christine did too.  It was, Logan, Aspyn and then Mariah. 

  18. I don't see any of these relationships working out.  Jake is not attracted to Ami; Paul is looking for a housekeeper; John seems to be looking for a babysitter; Mikey is the boss of Mike and Tatto Dad's ex is way too involved in his relationship.  The ladies should just cut their losses and leave. 

    • Love 5
  19. 13 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

    I see two things making Christine so happy these days.  First of all, Meri put herself in last place with the catfish mess.  Secondly, the bloom is off the rose between Robyn and Kody.  I think the honeymoon may be over, at least for Robyn.  So now Christine can be besties with the only other wife with any energy and they can giggle together and complain about Kody.

    I was surprised to hear Kody say that," lately, there has been an emotional disconnect with Robyn."  I can't help but wonder if was because of the pregnancy or the fact that now that she is the legal wife, she doesn't have to try as hard or care as much.  It also explains why Christine is so giddy.  I have a feeling she is getting all of Kody's "attention", because clearly, Janelle couldn't care less and Meri is in the doghouse.  One of the things that bothered me was Meri recalling Mariah's birth. She said that one moment, she thought she had a son, but then found out it was "just a daughter".   I found that remark sexist and offensive.

    • Love 14
  20. 1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I agree with what you're saying, except I think that while Meri actively tried to make herself superior to the rest, nobody else actually bought that they were not as good as Meri.

    Based on what I've seen and read about polygamy, and according to Nicki on "Big Love" (laugh), the first wife  and her children are revered and treated like royalty.  I found it annoying that whenever the older girls worked on a project together, they'd always defer to Mariah, even though Aspyn is the oldest.  At Christmas, for whatever reason, Mariah was always the first to receive her present.   That is why I was under the impression that there is a hierarchy. 

    • Love 4
  21. On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 10:09 AM, Jellybeans said:

    I think Jessa looks happy in these pictures with her son.  

    Jessa does look happier and more content these days.  Jinger said that since she had Spurgeon, she is much nicer.  And while she probably really cares about Justin and Jordan, with Spurgeon it is a whole different ball game.  After all,  it is one thing to be a sister mom and quite another to be a real mom. 

    • Love 2
  22. Vicki's mom wears a wig.  Oh, the irony.  I don't see any chemistry between Ben and Vicki.  I think he is just looking forward to getting laid. 

    I agree with the poster that said Maneka seems delicate and fragile.  I bet if someone were to say, "boo" , she would jump. I want to like her, but her need to blame everything he says or does as being "too American" or "Americanized" isn't helping.  Her first husband was "100% traditional Indian" and it didn't work out, so perhaps she should shut it. 

    I can't with Taylor and her mom, who reminds me of Camryn Manheim, by the way.  I can well imagine what they were like back in her pageant days.  I am willing to bet they were the ones everyone talked about and tried to avoid.  If Taylor is your flight attendant, you should probably refrain from asking for the whole can of soda. 

    • Love 2
  23. 1 hour ago, auntl said:

    I think that Christine and Janelle were just as religious as Meri when they lived in Utah. They just couldn't afford to send their kids to the private, religious school. It comes back to Meri getting more than her fair share. Meri had one child to feed and clothe, they had six. She had money left over for private school, they didn't.

    I wish I could give a thousand likes for this post.  That Meri is allotted the same amount of money as Janelle and Christine is beyond ridiculous.  Mariah's old bedroom was the size of a ballroom, while the other kids were three to a room in much smaller rooms.  I can't help but believe that Aspyn, Maddie and Mykelti grew up feeling inferior.  Mariah was all for polygamy when her mother was first wife, but now that she has been demoted and  replaced she has had a revelation and is against it. 

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