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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. This news doesn't surprise me, given that the Duggars were a cash cow for TLC.  When I read that the cancellation cost them an annual profit of over $20 million, I knew they'd find a way to bring them back.  Should be interesting to see if the big sponsors return. 

    • Love 3
  2. Between her Kafkaesque perpetuation of the "affair" dispute and her disingenuous abuse monologue, the blooms have been falling off the rose for me for a while with respect to Eileen. But I can't believe it took me this long to realize her constant professions of a need for "closure" and "resolution" are just her euphemisms for instigation, producer wet work, and pot stirring.


    She is a nasty piece of work, that one.  If someone were to open her closet, you wouldn't believe the skeletons that would come falling out.

  3. "You are so pretty, that people are always blowing powder up your ass; someone has to bring you down to earth."  Puhleeze!   Ro looks like every other woman I see every day on the Lexington Avenue 4 and 5 subway lines.   I would like to see what she looks like without her weave and 20 pounds of makeup. 

    • Love 5
  4. I wonder if John preferred the other lady, because he didn't seem excited at the reveal when he saw it was Chandler.


    Christina doesn't seem to be into Tom.  I agree with the posters that said she wanted a wedding and not a marriage. 


    I found it interesting that Mitch's friend wouldn't admit outright that he is straight.  If anything, the way he "hemmed and hawed" answered that question. 

    • Love 1
  5. According to his LinkedIn resume, David was a sales rep for the Phoenix Coyotes from May 2007 through October 2007. The charges were filed on August 17, 2007.

    I have no connection to anyone with the Show. I am just a big fan of the show who recently found this forum.


    Funny how your very first post is to slander David.  Wonder why. 

    • Love 2
  6. David was 100% correct when he said that, "Ashley was just looking for an excuse to justify why she wanted out and absolving her of her guilt."  I noticed that she didn't have a problem communicating when she was ripping into him.  I found it hilarious that she would bring her friend on the show to tell us how badly "Ashley wants to be married."  While I don't doubt that she does, it's clearly not to David.  I guess we shouldn't believe what we've been seeing these past weeks.  Given that Ashley seems to hate the ground he walks on and the air that he breathes, David really needs to stop with all his, "my wife" nonsense.

    • Love 17
  7. So let me see if I understand this.  The same day the Gallaghers get evicted, their good friends and neighbors, Vee and Kev just happen to take in some refugees, so they all had to find other lodgings?!  How convenient - story line wise.  I can't for the life of me understand how this show is considered a "comedy", when it's one of the darkest shows on television.  

    • Love 2
  8. Ashley seems mentally unstable.  She is not attracted to David. She doesn't want a relationship with him.  She can't even name one thing she likes about him.  He is not allowed to touch her and she hasn't made the slightest effort to get to know him.  So, it doesn't make sense or stand to reason that she would be upset after hearing he had been in contact with another woman.  I would bet good money that she didn't invite her friends to the barbecue because she doesn't plan on staying with him, so she didn't see the point. 


    Vanessa seems moody and she has trust issues.  She is going to drive Tres away.   It wouldn't surprise me if Sam and Neil decide to stay together. 

    • Love 13
  9. It has been said that a man doesn't have to be attracted to a woman to sleep with her, but  for a woman, there has to be some attraction. However, studies show that when being set-up on a blind date, a man's first question is, "What does she look like?" and a woman's is, "What does he do for a living?" 

    • Love 2
  10. Every time I thought  Ashley's attitude and behavior couldn't get any worse, she managed to prove me wrong.  After "living" with David for over three weeks, she couldn't even think of one nice thing to say about him, let alone three.   How about:  1)  He is kind.  He has never said one bad thing about her. 2) He is thoughtful.  He offered to pay the rent and expenses, to alleviate some of her stress.  3) He is patient.  Otherwise he would have left her by week three.  I am glad he finally came to his senses, because I found his cheerful and positive attitude utterly absurd.  I don't understand why he had to wait for Dr. Cilona to tell him that  she wasn't physically attracted to him.  I guess the fact that she kept him at arm's length and wasn't making an effort to get to know him weren't big enough clues. 


    Neil's admission that he wasn't attracted to Sam didn't surprise me.  I have a feeling most of the grooms weren't attracted to their brides, but were too polite to say so.   The women on the other hand, don't seem to have that problem.

    • Love 4
  11. So if the guests pay for the honeymoon, they must really hate David and Ashley.


    I believe this had to do with Ashley's comfort level.  Based on her reaction to the stripper at her bridal shower, I doubt she was willing to go to a location that would require her to wear a bathing suit in front of David and the crew.   Plus, it would seem like an actual honeymoon.  Production would most likely expect her to go frolicking in the ocean with "Quasimodo", and that could lead to  - gasp - physical contact.  So, it was off to Arizona with text books and i-pad in tow. 


    I believe the couples are responsible for paying their own rent, because last season, Ryan D. and Jessica toured several apartments in Brooklyn, before they found one they could afford. 

  12. I read an online interview that when Jon sued for custody of just Hannah it was because she couldnt take Kates cruelty anymore.


    I found that article rather puzzling.  During "Jon and Kate Plus Eight", viewers used to complain that Kate blatantly favored Hannah.  In all the family photos that were taken when the kids were toddlers, Hannah was either sitting in Kate's lap or holding her hand.  I wonder what happened to change all that. 

    • Love 1
  13. I've watched every episode...and from what we have seen on camera, David is a gentleman, a nice guy, is patient, and should be sainted. His frustration is wholeheartedly understandable. It's not his fault he was paired with a humorless fembot.


    What I wouldn't give to see Ashley paired with Ryan D. 

    • Love 3
  14. I will also say that I cannot for the life of me understand the dislike for Richard Blaise at all.  He seems dorky and friendly and happy as a person.  The venom he inspires strikes me as so bizarre.  YMMV, I suppose.


    I've always wondered about this, because Richard is one of my all time favorite Top Chef contestants.  He seems likable, funny and dorky.  What am I missing?

    • Love 2
  15. per other sites, the wave is changing in Ashleys favor.


    Really?  Based on what I've been reading, Ashley is more hated than Sam, and I will gladly send you the links to these sites.  With regards to her looks, she is at best a "7" for Atlanta, would be considered a "5" in New York and a "4" in Los Angeles. 

    • Love 4
  16. i also feel that with the leaks and the upcoming episode titles we will find out that David is accused of contacting another woman, Ashley will say she knew something was wrong with him.  She will tell David that he is not her type/


    Given how cold and standoffish Ashley has been to David, I can't believe she had the nerves to complain that he contacted another woman.  Clearly, there is something wrong with this woman. 

    • Love 9
  17. Plus I doubt that Neil is actually 'living' at Sam's house in any real sense. It just means they shoot the pretending to live together scenes there.

    I have a feeling that was the only way they could get Sam to cooperate in order to get footage for the show. Based on her lack of makeup, bedraggled hair and clothing, she probably tried to deter filming by being "not camera ready".

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