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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. When we first met Alexei, I thought him a nice guy, but  I've since changed my mind.  He strikes me as someone who is emotionally abusive.  I have a feeling that for the rest of their married life (not very long), he is going to constantly remind her of  the sacrifices he made and what he gave up to be with her. 

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  2. Currently watching the "Matchmaking Special," and something really leaped out at me. They had a scene where they talked about how the black guys don't want to be matched with black women; meanwhile, the black women all want to be matched with black men. Is this a widespread phenomenon in Atlanta? Otherwise I'm not sure why they brought it up. Seemed like it was a bit gratuitous, since it was out of the blue and almost throwing the guys under the bus a bit (deservedly or not). It was a weird scene, anyway.


    I read an article which stated that African American women and Asian men were the least likely to marry outside of their race, so that comment didn't surprise me.   However, I don't know what to make of  the men being so adamant about not wanting to be matched with someone of their own race.  What's that about?

    • Love 2
  3. I'm sure they do, but after S2 Mohamed received his green card, I've lost faith.


    Mohamed passed his INS interview with flying colors.  It really doesn't matter whether he is in love with Danielle or not, the fact is that he knows everything there is to know about her, and could actually prove that they were living together as "Man and Wife".  A couple like Mark and Nikki should set off all kinds of bells and alarms, but as long as they meet the criteria, there is nothing the INS can do.

    • Love 3
  4. I was very uncomfortable watching the scenes with Kyle and his mother.  Shame on TLC for exploiting this family for ratings.  I can't help but believe the producers told Noon to insist on meeting her.  The cameras aren't around 24/7, so I don't understand why Kyle didn't tell her the reason when they were alone. 


    It seems to me that Alexei doesn't trust Loren.  The way he reacted to her going to a strip club seemed way over the top.  If he allows something like this to upset him so much then perhaps they shouldn't be together.  I thought the way Loren spoke to her mom was rude and disrespectful.  I would like to see how happy she and Alexei are after 31 years, that's providing they are still together. 


    I wish we knew more about Nikki's life in the Philippines and why she feels marrying Mark is her only recourse. 



    • Love 5
  5. What snarklepuss said.  These people must think viewers are stupid.  No one targeted their family.  Meri thought online guy was going to be her ticket off the compound and when that turned out to be a farce, she decided to play the victim. 

    • Love 21
  6. Meri is a human being and deserves to be loved. For many, if not most, people love is based on the quality of the person not on a person's looks or the size of their wallet.


    I did not say that Meri doesn't deserve to be loved, but rather that she was "punching above her weight". 

    • Love 5
  7. I realize that everything Robyn does irritates me but I am trying to give her some benefit when it comes to her reaction to Maddy and Cole.  She seems to be the only one who seems kinda reserved and not 100% behind it. It isn't like her having questions about the guy and wanting to know more about him aren't valid.


    I believe Robyn's intentions are far from altruistic. The Browns have known Caleb and his family for a very long time, and most likely have an insight to his character.  However as far as Robyn is concerned, Caleb is a virtual stranger, because in her world the family's history before her doesn't exist or should be erased.  I have a feeling they are forbidden to talk about their life in Montana, because it doesn't include her family unit.

    • Love 12
  8. Hey Mark, if you don't want to spend your remaining decades raising children, then maybe you should be with an age appropriate woman instead of a 19 year old. 


    I don't trust Devar.  I have a feeling he is just telling Melanie what he thinks she wants to hear.  In a private interview, he said he was going to send 90% of his income to Jamaica whether Mel likes it or not, but when she confronted him, he suddenly changed it to if they ask.  Baloney!

    • Love 12
  9. I found it interesting that when Caleb asked for privacy to speak with Kody, it was both of Robyn's daughters that were with him.  I can't help but wonder how his biological daughters feel when they see their father spending so much time with his step-daughters, while barely acknowledging their existence.

    I don't believe Meri was being totally honest.  I have a feeling she was lying by omission.

    • Love 16
  10. From People Magazine:

    After baby name comes nickname, and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and her husband Ben Seewald have already chosen one for baby Spurgeon.

    Their 1-week-old son, whose full name  Spurgeon Elliot Seewald was revealed Wednesday, will be called Quincy.


     I would bet good money that family members refuse to call the baby, "Spurgeon" because they hate the name, but are afraid or too polite to come right out and say it.

    • Love 6
  11. I googled "poverty in Jamaica" and decided it's not for me or Melanie or anyone else raised in the land of plenty to tell Devar how much he should or shouldn't be sending home.


    Melanie would be a fool if she allows Devar to send 90% of his income to his sisters and their families in Jamaica, while keeping just 10% for their family.  

    • Love 5
  12.  I found myself admiring Devar for his loyalty to his family.   It made me ask myself if maybe our own culture would be better off if more families pulled together like that.   This is a guy whose mother left the country when he was nine to go to America and send money home to support her family.  She's probably still doing it.   How can Melanie not GET that as an adult Devar sees it as his duty to do his part now?    Maybe she can order him to "STOP IT" like she did in the jewelry store.


    I don't believe Melanie has any problem with Devar sending money to Jamaica, but I don't think she anticipated that it would be 90% of his income.  What happened to the children's fathers?  If the mother is sending home money to support her adult daughters and their kids, shouldn't his contribution be less?

    • Love 6
  13. Judging by the fact that Madison is planning to high tail it to Montana to live with her fiance, and that Logan is rarely seen at the Brown family gatherings, I'm thinking that those two have their mom's sense and are smart enough to stay as far away from this freak show as possible.


    Let's not forget that Hunter is away at the Air Force Academy.  Given Garrison's "all mighty and powerful" comment about his father, I don't think he too is long for the compound. 

    • Love 1
  14. "Labor is hard," Jessa says with a laugh in this week's issue of PEOPLE. "It was very intense, very long. Everything was different than I expected."


    You don't say!  Did she not learn anything from watching Anna and Jill?  Michelle doesn't count, because after a while, I have a feeling all she had to do was sneeze.  I guess they believe the world is waiting with bated breaths for them to reveal the name of their son, like Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

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