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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. 34 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

    I'd love a Christmas in Morocco special, but Nicole can't get a passport for the kid without the babydaddy's signature/permission.

    I have a feeling May's father isn't in her life.  I hope I am wrong. 

    • Love 2
  2. I just can't stop crying.  I didn't cry when Jill and Jessa got married, so I must be getting soft.

    Since when does the bride and groom hang out on their wedding day? I thought it was customary for them to wait until they were at the altar before they saw each other. I cried when Jinger was walking down the aisle and when her sisters were fixing the train on her gown.

    Jinger’s wedding was my favorite. I prefer her bridesmaid dresses to those of Jill and Jessa.   I thought for sure one of the Bates girls would be in the wedding party.

    Couldn’t help but noticed that Jana and John David were paired.  It would have been nice to see her with one of the other guys.  I think that’s the best Michelle has ever looked.

    I noticed Jinger pulled away during their "first" kiss.  Willing to bet it wasn't their first.

    • Love 15
  3. I believe the only time we saw Alexei break a sweat was when he found out about the strippers at Loren's bachelorette party.  When everyone else was yelling at Mohamed, he just sat there all calm and cool.  I have a soft spot for Loren; she comes across as spoiled and neurotic, but I have a feeling she is sweet.

    I am starting to believe that Melanie likes to irritate and aggravate her sister, Bev.  Otherwise, she wouldn't have told her how much she has spent on Devar, and that he ran off after getting his green card. 

    It's unfortunate that Kyle believes Noon is his only family, when his Aunt Missy seems to really care about him.  Kyle breaks my heart.  There is something profoundly sad about him.  I don't remember ever seeing him smile. 

    I believe Mohamed and Danielle scammed each other. He wanted a green card; she wanted a young, hot husband.  Mo still has his green card, but Dani doesn't have a husband.  Based on the fact that he got the better of the deal, perhaps he should spare us his righteous indignation.

    • Love 3
  4. 6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I re-watched this past episode and it struck me just how stoned Jorge was when he was talking to the cameras on the parking garage roof, (I think production knew it too).  Maybe, just maybe Anfisa throws him out when he is lit up?

    Jorge didn't  look stoned to me.  He seemed stress and bone tired.  He was clearly punch drunk due to lack of sleep. 

    • Love 5
  5. 15 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    And it affects May who I think Nicole's mom has a soft spot for and is protecting her more than Nicole. 

    I believe Nicole uses her daughter to emotional blackmail her mother.  "Mom, May and I are going to Morocco for five weeks."  "You can go but May is staying right here." "Okay."  All Nicole has to do is to threaten to take May half way across the world, and her mother will cave and co-sign/give her the money for Azan's K-1 visa. 

  6. 3 hours ago, greekmom said:

    And to the poster above who said that they can leave the property exclusively to Chantel. Unfortunately , that can’t be done.  Inheritance becomes communal property so Pedro would have rights to it.

    Absolutely.  A co-worker and his brother inherited their family home in Los Angeles. Given that he has no intention of leaving Manhattan, my co-worker signed over his half to his not as successful brother. Long story short, the brother got divorce and now his ex-wife owns the home. 

    Chantal’s parents probably own a lucrative business, and are hell bent on keeping it in the family. Can’t say that I blame them.  However, their treatment of Pedro was horrible. They made that poor guy seem - less than.  I don't think they'd like it if someone were to treat River the same way.

    • Love 6
  7. 49 minutes ago, Trace said:

    I'm no Mo fan, but it pisses me off that everyone on the show conveniently forgot that it was Dani who brought up the hygiene problems.  Mo said it was very personal and didn't want to talk about it. Then they pile on him like that?  I personally can't stand Mel.  I think she's a total bitch.

    Shauna was the one who kept pushing Mohamed about why he stop sleeping with Danielle.  When Mohamed said it was personal, Dani blurted out that he posted on social media that she smells.  Mo came across as a real ahole.  He has a self righteous air that I've never noticed before and has a habit of saying he is being disrespected. 

    • Love 8
  8. I have a feeling that Mohamed made Danielle signed the papers for him to get his green card before he had sex with her again. In all fairness, when Shauna asked him why they stopped having sex he refused to answer, but she kept pushing. Plus, Dani is the one who told the world he said that she smells.

    I believe a drunk Devar can still kick Mo’s butt. When everyone was getting worked up with Mo, Alexei just sat there calm, cool and collected. 

    I have a feeling most of these couple will be divorced in five years. 

    • Love 2
  9. There seems to be a huge age gap between Jorge and his sisters. Anfisa is mean, rude and destructive.  Jorge looked petrified while speaking to the producers at the door.  He was practically begging for help. I can’t help but believe if that was a man treating a woman the way Anfisa treats Jorge, everyone would be calling him abusive.  I would bet good money that he would give anything to be with an American feminist. When Jorge showed up with the cash to send her home, I can’t help but believe Anfisa panicked. The thought of going back to Russia for the rest of her life probably flashed in front of her eyes. I hate to say it, but these two are an episode of “Snapped” waiting to happen.

    Seeing Alla and her sister running towards each other brought tears to my eyes. I hope her sister can stay for a while.

    I can’t with Nicole.  She isn’t all there.  I feel for her daughter, because her idiot mother doesn’t seem to have any qualms about putting her in harm’s way.  I am glad her family is an integral part of their lives.

    I can’t believe Lowo’s friend told Nakiya that he wanted to get back with his baby mama. However, assaulting Lowo wasn’t cool. 

    When they first enter the gazebo, I thought it was rude of familia Chantel to ignore Pedro.  However, I teared up when River shook his hands. 

    • Love 21
  10. On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 6:15 PM, biakbiak said:

    I can't believe her daughter is only 16. She looks like she is in her late 20s early 30s.

    Actually, Sheree has two daughters; Tierra is 31 and Kaleigh is 16.  Perhaps the daughter you are referring to is Tierra.  I enjoy Sheree's THs.  She seems quick-witted. 

    • Love 1
  11. I believe Todd when he said that Joe told him he was "high". 

    I was surprised when Matt and his "oomph" returned.  Every reunion they make these grand hasty exits, only to return to the couch and/or the show with their tails between their legs.

    Terra seemed unusually quiet.  She appears to be much calmer after getting the DWTS gig. I noticed that Jasmine kept trying to insert herself in the conversations without much success.  I don't believe Tanya called Plastics.  And as always, Elena was the voice of reason.   

    • Love 3
  12. 12 hours ago, Lola16 said:

    The 38K that Melanie mentions she spent, wasn't just on trips to see Devar, it was also on the K1 Visa. She said so in the last episode. Supposedly, other couples have spent close to 30K on that alone. So that would be about 8K in travel costs. Not so extreme.

     Mel said that she visited Jamaica 19 times.  I am quite certain those trips cost way more $8k.  Granted that there are other costs associated with a K-1 visa, but the actual application fee is only $375. 

  13. On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 8:21 AM, laurakaye said:

    On the plus side, Meri does look thinner.  If this means she is happy and working on leaving Kody, then I say good for her.

    "See what you are missing, Kody."  I think Meri is trying to compete with Kody's young, thin wife. She seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. Good for her.  She looks great. 

  14. On ‎11‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 8:49 AM, Almost 3000 said:

    I thought Jessa's dress was beautiful so I'm confused by several posters who say Jinger had the only nice Duggar dress. Now if we're talking bridesmaids, Jill and Jessa's were unfortunate.

    Truth be told, Jessa's dress is my favorite.  However, Jinger's dress is beautiful and it suits her personality.  Jessa may be the "hot" one, but in my humble opinion, Jana and Jinger are so much prettier. 

    • Love 9
  15. 4 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    Who knows, maybe Hunter's dad has agreed to fund his education?

    Let's say that Hunter's dad agree to fund his education, then perhaps Melanie should have put the money in a trust fund for him, instead of spending it on a life guard.  If I am going to spend $73,000 on a man, he'd better look like Jon Hamm, Colin Firth or Patrick Dempsey.

    • Love 8
  16. 9 hours ago, AliShibaz said:

    I have always thought that someone very clever came up with this idea of having to choose one or two other people to go on a reward together with the person who won the reward. Why? Because it causes very bad feelings towards the person who makes those choices.

    I don't know when these people are going to realize it's a trap.  On Survivor Cambodia: Second Chances, Tasha, Jeremy and Spencer were  royally pissed that they were left out of the reward trip. They started working together and eventually got rid of all the people who went on the reward.  They wound up being the final three.   

    • Love 3
  17. On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 4:15 PM, Kokapetl said:

    Jessa isn't cruel. I've never seen her exhibit any cruel behavior. She can be quite cool and remote when she's uncomfortable. 

    Her engagement scavenger hunt is a perfect example.  Jinger didn't seem to have the least bit of problem interacting with the clue holders, but Jessa appeared ill at ease. 

    • Love 4
  18. On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 5:18 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

    All she did was reveal something very personal about herself.  And, can you imagine her poor daughters? 

    And, Mo, KIND OF took the high ground by not actually mentioning the issue. Dani took it upon herself to clarify it.

    In the court of public opinion, Danielle seems to be winning, so for the life of me, I just simply cannot understand what she hoped to achieve by revealing something so intimate and personal. If anything, she most likely jeopardized her chances for an annulment, because  evidently they had marital relations.   

    • Love 2
  19. On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 3:04 PM, gonecrackers said:

    Melanie is just annoying with her tough girl act in this whole thing; the previews are disturbing - what is she going to do? Beat up Mo?  It's none of her business & she should just calm down; her reactions are over the top.

    I like Mel; she seems like a kind and good person.  However, I think the $38,000  that she admittedly spent on Devar was money that could have been put towards Hunter's education.  And now, she is going to co-sign a $35,000 loan so he can attend Diving school.  My head!  I think she should be one of the last people to call someone else manipulative, because I believe her husband is using "good loving" to manipulate the heck out of her.  In my humble opinion, the only difference between Mel and Dani is that Mel has the means to take care of her "foreign purchase". So, ama need her to step down off her high horse and surrender her soap box. 

    • Love 11
  20. On ‎11‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 8:00 PM, annewithaneee said:

    Haha I'm glad to hear people defending the "sand dunes are a bitch" thing. I've trekked up dunes before, and especially once the grade gets steep, you can basically look at the one you're about to climb and multiply its height by five. It's not like climbing a normal hill, because that sand gives in with every step, so it can take you five steps to get the length of one normal stride on solid ground.

    Based on the angle of the camera, that sand dune looked extremely steep.  Not to mention the fact that they had to walk quite a while in the sand, before actually starting to climb.  I have a feeling that dune would have been a challenge even for people that are more physically fit.  And, given the type of clothes Nicole was wearing and her lack of fitness, I think Azan could have been a little more understanding.  I felt he was too hard on her. 

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