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Posts posted by Adeejay

  1. The guy who supposedly looks like "Alec Baldwin" is only in this for a live in maid and the sex.  I wish he was the one with the lady who wanted roses and ordered that seemingly nice guy to get her bags.  What a bitch!  I am going to hate watching Mohamed break the single mom's heart.  I have a feeling this season will have more drama than the last.

    • Love 4
  2. And as has been said so many times, these 2 went from the giggle holding hands stage to making a baby in a matter of months.



    Months?  Try days.  Even Derek remarked that it was strange that they'd never been alone but would be living as man and wife in a day and a half. 

    • Love 1
  3. I love Richard Blais - there I said it! His season was my favorite, I love Stephanie too. I'm happy he's here.


    I like Richard too.  I am looking forward to having him around all season. 

    • Love 3
  4. Let's be honest - something about the Duggars Drew Derrick to them, and it isn't just that he liked a pretty girl.


    Funny you should say that because my sister is convinced that Derick approached Jim Bob about Jana and that he steered him to Jill, instead.

  5. Jana mentioned she had resentment toward someone in her family.


    About two years ago, Jana told a story about Jessa and her jewelry box.  Jessa used to lie in her bottom bunk and kick the upper bunk that Jana was in, over and over again. When they fought about it, Michelle told Jana to give Jessa her most important prized possession to "bless" her or "encourage" her or something.  Anyway, Jana gave her prized jewelry box to the nasty, little brat.  And, even though it had been 15 years, when Jana was telling the story, she had tears in her eyes.  It seemed she took it as “turning the other cheek and being nice to your enemy.”  However, Michelle’s rational didn’t make sense to me, because you don’t reward negative behavior.

    • Love 1
  6. Love James with his snark and spunk.


    I find James’ “I couldn’t care less or give a damn” attitude rather refreshing.  I know all the Duggar girls, but the only Duggar boys that I could pick out of a lineup are Josh, John David, Jeremiah and James.  If any of the others were to rob me, I wouldn’t be able to say who it was. 


    What I found interesting was Derek musing about the current stage of their relationship, relative to where it would be in just a day and a half.  At least he has the good sense to know that they’ve skipped several important and vital stages.

    • Love 1
  7. This is most likely Jill's influence because she's been indoctrinated her whole life and on the show with this "taking" mentality and now she's taking it into her marriage. People like this turn me off.

    I find it tacky, gauche, and self-indulgent.


    I agree that it is tacky, but that doesn't change the fact that people are going to be sending them tons of stuff whether they asked for it or not.  I was floored when I saw the amount of gifts that Kim and Kanye  - of all people - received for their wedding and baby.  What I want to know is, who are these people that are sending gifts to celebrities that are better off than they are?

    • Love 1
  8. I remember that episode. they all agreed that Alexis wasn't Asian but the rest of them were.

    Of all the Gosselin kids, I think Alexis is the only one who vaguely resembles Kate.  However, Hannah seems to be her favorite. 

    In a passive aggressive way, Anna totally called the other ladies out for not helping Jana with the bridesmaid dresses.  It was almost as if she’d been reading the blogs.  I saw the episode where the “Duggar ladies go shopping for a wedding dress”, for the first time the other day.  I noticed that while everyone was enjoying the lunch Anna prepared, Jana was unable to eat because she had Marcus in her lap and had to keep attending to him.  I just can’t get over the fact that no one seems to take her feelings into consideration.  She is constantly ignored or forgotten and they all seem to think it is okay because she never complains.

    • Love 5
  9. It's tacky, in my opinion, for Jill and Derek to put out a public registry. Your mileage may vary.



    I know it’s hard to believe, but the Duggars have thousands if not millions of fans.  In all fairness, Jill and Derek knew they were going to receive thousands of gifts for the wedding and the baby, so they probably figured that they should ask for what they really want.  Based on some of the things on their “wish list”, the word “greed” comes to mind.  The sad thing is that they are better off financially than the majority of the senders.

    • Love 3
  10. There are so many things we let slide after having more kids and you pick and choose your battles.



    I agree.  With my first child I probably read every book on child care that was ever written, sterilized everything, documented every new accomplishment and took pictures on a weekly basis.  By the time my third and last child came along, I didn’t have the time and energy for any of that.  It’s a wonder the poor guy is still alive (laugh).  We also knew that three children were all we could manage and afford.

    • Love 3
  11. Jill always struck me as being the only Duggar kid who drank the whole pitcher of kool-aid, so I was rather surprised to hear her complaining on camera – no less.  But then again that exercise was really stupid.  I have a feeling she isn’t as “sweet” as they’ve have us believe.

  12. This episode didn’t do Jessa any favor.  She came across as bossy and controlling.  Ben was clearly rattled.  I don’t think he’d ever seen that side of her.  Based on the way he backed down, he seemed to have gotten a startling realization of his future.  Yikes!

    • Love 1
  13. Let's compare the "oh, we are going to be a day late" Duggars with Mr Keller's outright joy upon seeing where his daughter was going to be living.

    I am willing to bet the Duggars won't be as inconsiderate with Jill and her spouse as they are with Josh and his.  Case in point, Josh's starter home was one step above a hovel, but Jill gets a mini mansion.  Mr. Keller’s delight while touring Anna’s home, complete with “four bathrooms – four” made me tear up.  I wouldn’t want Michelle and Jim Bob as in-laws, but marrying a Duggar seems to have some perks.

    • Love 1
  14. Don't you think Anna has evolved from some of her old thinking since moving to DC and establishing her own life and thoughts away from the Duggars?


    There is no doubt that Anna has evolved.  Sometimes when I am working from home, I will tune into the earlier shows.  It's hard to believe this is the same naïve girl with the crooked smile and cheap, dowdy clothing.  It's also hard to see what Josh saw in her.  Fast forward four years; she seems more confident and her ward robe has vastly improved.  Plus, when compared to the pasty looking Duggar girls, her kids look healthier and seem happier.

    • Love 2
  15. The experts intended to scapegoat Monet. They didn't appreciate her honesty and directness.  They rolled their eyes and looked appalled every time she spoke.



    I have a feeling Vaughn told them that Money was bubbly when they were filming, but cold and standoffish when the cameras weren’t around.  I was surprised when no one challenged him when he said that the break-up was 60% her fault, because based on what we saw it seemed to be 75% his fault.

    • Love 6
  16. It didn’t surprise me when Monet said that she wasn’t Vaughn’s type of woman and that he was more into African-American women that look like Alicia Keys and Paula Patton, because several posters commented that Monet didn't seem to be his type.  I believe it was over for Vaughn when he saw her on the paddle board in Puerto Rico.  The look on his face said it all. 


    I have a feeling Doug’s family ripped Jamie a new one when they saw the show, because whenever she talked about them she got teary eyed.  Doug is an idiot.  And like others said, if she wasn’t “hot” he wouldn’t put up with her.  I was rooting for them until she told her sister that her children were not to call him “Uncle Doug”.  Given her extensive reality show experience, Jamie knows exactly what to say and how to act in order to come across as genuine and remorseful.  She seems to be gunning for her own reality show or for them to be the “Trista and Ryan” of MAFS.

    • Love 7
  17. Dear Ben,

    Run, run as fast as you can.  They don't like you.  They seem to take great pleasure in humiliating you on national television.  You are only 19 and just  incase you haven't noticed, you are very handsome. You will meet other girls.  Jessa isn't worth it.  They are thousands of other pretty girls in Arkansas. 


    Someone who cares

    • Love 7
  18. I’ve heard of a baby registry, but it’s only for guests that are invited to a baby shower.  Jill and Derick know that they are going to receive tons of gifts, so they probably figure they might as well ask for what they really want.  Otherwise, they will get lots and lots of homemade quilts and booties. I was blown away when I saw the amount of stuff Prince George received.  I am amazed at the amount of people that send gifts to people they only see on television and in magazines, even if they don’t really need it.

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