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Everything posted by Ria

  1. I don't like where the show appears to be heading with this family either. I didn't like the boast by whatever his name was (he who tore off his own arm) that his family was responsible for everything from Hitler coming to power to 9/11 to stock market crashes etc. An evil family going back centuries is borderline plausible, but a family who has been controlling human affairs to such a degree is just way overboard for my taste. In a sense, it cheapens how the events really happened by claiming it was all one family's manipulations.
  2. Cas should probably be out looking for Metatron who took off with the demon tablet. And since Cas lost him, whatever happens will pretty much be Cas's fault. Again. They are both in nerd heaven now.
  3. Ho hum. I used to look forward to episodes when Cas was working with the brothers. That was so many seasons ago. Now he seems a shell of his former self, ineffectual and powerless. One episode he's being saved from another angel by a mortal Metatron, now he's being saved from an angel by a teenage girl. I truly think they are doing their best to make him boring and pointless so that they can kill him off without too much complaint. Although to be fair, none of the other characters in this episode were remotely interesting either. Lucky for all involved that the soul sucking angel legally bought property to store his human snacks and put it in the name he's been giving out to people.
  4. Odo is a bad choice (apparently that was the sole purpose of the dungeon scene, since he's been relatively decent and clever otherwise) but Rollo's character is mixed. Besides the slave rape, at various times he's also betrayed his brother, been a drunk and frequently not treated Siggy with respect. I have to had it to the show though. As much as I love many of the characters, I still almost never root for the Vikings. Again last night I was firmly on the side of the French. Most of my favorite characters are Vikings, yet I'm not on their side. I don't think there are many shows that can pull this off as well as this show has done.
  5. I found it deeply offensive. Random beating of naked women doesn't amuse me.
  6. Dean certainly needs to know. But I suppose it would lead to a lot of questions about how he got out in the first place. And Sam and Cas have been doing quite a bit behind Dean's back, including the seance with Bobby, who is now probably in Heaven's jail because of it. Although they could have fudged on the answers and just said Cas was trying to get his grace back. I do wonder how Metatron disappeared so fast. He was standing in front of Cas as Cas was unbottling his grace and seconds later he was gone. How far can a chubby middle aged human with a bad leg get in a few seconds? Cas may not be able to fly, but don't tell me he can't find a human hobbling down the road. Metatron isn't the kind of hitchhiker truckers are likely to pick up. He looks like a homeless psycho.
  7. Same here. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to see Ragnar, Rollo or Lagertha killed off. I want them to survive because I find them interesting characters and the heart of the show. However I'm not going to root for the Vikings to succeed in invading any city knowing they will kill women and children, rape and enslave and torture at will. I was firmly on the side of the Parisians. Besides, both the Princess and the Count show potential as characters exhibiting both brains and courage.
  8. Heaven sucks. Even so, I would think Bobby's heaven would be happy days with his wife (even if she were simulation). Not drinking alone in a dumpy room. I hope he does lead a revolt. Freedom for the souls!
  9. I agree. I'm also disappointed to see them introducing supernatural elements. Vague prophecies and dreams which occasionally can be interpreted to be true are one thing. But as soon as all three women had the same dream I got a bad feeling about the way things were going.
  10. Yes, nice abs. But with the pulled back hairstyle and clothes, from a distance I thought he was General Zod from the old Christopher Reeve Superman movie. Not an attractive look, IMO.
  11. This Mark of Cain story has to be the most boring thing they've ever done. I think Cain could have made a great big bad and the actor is terrific. But of course that was not to be. So despite Cain being both master of the mark and the original human warrior for thousands of years, Dean could take him out in five minutes. And now we're still all about Dean. Who simply is not an interesting enough character to carry a story by himself. Jensen's one note acting does not help any. The dude has three facial expressions. It's also not helping that it's a given the show doesn't have the guts to make Dean evil. So the show will go round in circles for the rest of the season with everyone looking serious and worried before a solution is pulled out of thin air in the finale. This show has become a shadow of the intelligent horror show it once was.
  12. Overall I enjoyed it. The characters were complete clichés but I guess that was intentional. I didn't care for the portrayal of the women, but that is frequently how I feel about female characters on this show. Now this bothered me too. I'm not someone who finds male violence "hot" especially when directed at women. Dean shooting a young female's body over and over was repugnant to me. But that's just me. Even Charles Manson found a bride so obviously some women like cold killers. But since the show doesn't have the guts to actually make Dean evil I don't know why they even bother going down this road. The writers don't have the nerve to do more than tease the audience about the effect of the mark. It's just going to make me dislike the character if they have him behave this way and then clam up and claim there's nothing wrong, as if shooting multiple bullets into a young woman's body is just a normal thing to do.
  13. Pretty much. The show was never going to allow Dean to be evil. In fact it made a big point of making Sam commit a worse act than Dean for no reason other than to show how even demon Dean is better than Sam, and probably most of humanity. Which is why I always thought it was so pointless to attempt this story when the writers would never have the guts to truly tarnish their saint.
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