Lord Kira
188 -
555 Excellent-
Yeah. The one thing I really loved about season 7 was Dick Roman. The character was just so much fun. I agree that there aren't as many must-see episodes as the earlier seasons. I came to terms with that years ago. I know that's part of the reason why a sizable portion of the fandom wishes the show had ended at 5 seasons. But I can't agree with them. If the show had ended at season 5 we never would have gotten episodes 'The French Mistake,' or 'Scoobynatural.' I agree that this season is pretty inoffensive. My gripe is that I don't like Mary, and that they sent Jack into the alternate world when I was getting invested in his relationships with the boys. My prediction for the finale and the plot of next season: Mary dies in the finale. Sam, Dean, Cas, Jack, and Lucifer make it back through the portal, but so do the angels although Michael's vessel is destroyed. Rowena decides to stay in the alternate world, stating that it would be hard for her to die there in a world without a Sam Winchester to kill her. Michael decides to get better vessel and decides to pull Adam from the cage and take over his body. The season will be about Michael trying to re-start the apocalypse while the boys are forced to reluctantly work with Lucifer who is only doing "good" to get on Jack's good side. Meanwhile, Gabriel decides to take charge of heaven and protect it from Michael and his angels. Back to the the whole ratings thing though: We always talk of ratings not particularly mattering for renewals because of the streaming deal, but another major factor is that it is relatively cheaper because unlike other shows SPN doesn't have 10+ main characters. Also, I think they still make a lot of money off of the syndication deal with TNT. Supernatural is one of the few shows that is picked up for syndication and actually succeeds there these days. Wayward Sisters will have none of these advantages. Unless they get a deal with Netflix like the one Dynasty and Riverdale have, ratings will be much more important for them than for SPN.
This "drivel" is better than seasons 6, 7, and probably a few other forgettable seasons I'm blanking on (Whatever the Darkness season was for instance). As for the show possibly ending, doesn't Netflix pay a certain amount per episode? The Netflix deal does through 2020 if I remember correctly, so I wouldn't be shocked if SPN survives until then. Its a money-maker for WB.
Ouch. Glad SPN went up, but its painful to look at Arrow's ratings and remember when it was the CW's flagship series in its early seasons. SPN will outlive the DCTV universe.
Glad SPN adjusted up. I kind of thought we'd finish out the season with .4's. This show is indestructible. lol
It was better than Bloodlines, so I guess they can be satisfied in that regard. But it still wasn't good. Okay, but not good. The opening song was horrendous. If you want Supernatural fans to associate your spin-off with the mothership, don't exchange classic rock for whatever that shit was. Claire - The opening scene was terrible. I swear it felt like she was posing for the camera to look cool at certain times. It was way too try hard. Luckily, Claire was much better the rest of the episode. Her interactions with Kaia and Alex were good. Jodi - Her worst episode. Burying the body instead of burning it seems plain stupid when you have no idea what the monster is in the first place. Plus, her treatment of Claire like an idiot incapable child was really grating. Claire, as annoying as she can be, has proven to be a capable hunter. She's of age and isn't really related to Jodi, so I have no problem with her asserting her independence. Kaia - I hated her in the previous episode, but liked her here. Its a shame she died. I don't have the any real attachment to her doppleganger. Patience - Boring waste of space. Alex - I liked her in this episode, but I admit I don't remember much about her in previous episodes. Her suddenly having a job at the hospital felt like obvious spin-off set-up. Donna - Annoying as always. Speaking of annoying, what was with all of the standing around staring at stuff when they are on a time sensitive mission. Jodi and Claire staring at each other while their friends are fighting the monsters. You are wasting time and could get your friends killed! The same thing at the end when instead of immediately going through the portal everyone stops and turns around to look at the monster. Sam and Dean were good as always. I call bullshit on Darth Dickwad taking them down. But hey, making main characters dumber to prop up lesser characters is an industry staple. The voice-over and the journal entry was terrible. Claire clearly can't do voice-overs and the whole 'these amazing women' felt way to on the nose and was definitely groan worthy. If it makes it to series, I give it a watch or two. But if this is the kind of writing we can expect, I doubt I will stick with it.
Well this episode was mostly trash. Perhaps the worst episode of the series. - Almost everyone was out of character. Team Flash giving up their phones? Stupid. Iris and Felicity pulling up in a Star Labs van? Stupid. Letting the villain go? STUPID! - Felicity was annoying. I stopped watching Arrow in season 3, but I don't remember being annoyed by her. Last I saw her was in last years crossover where I liked her. - Dinby was annoying. Why are they trying to make him a thing? He served his purpose last week, he wasn't needed here. - What really brought it down was the terrible writing/dialogue. Beating the audience over the head with the girl power and #feminism crap. No one talks like that. Who wrote this garbage? Here is a little known secret: Female characters being badass are a lot more accepted by audiences when the characters are not constantly talking about how female and badass they are. This felt like A Very Special Episode, a trend which I thought died off in the 90's. - I'm probably in the minority on this site, but I"ve never been a big fan of Iris. I'm not liking her increased prominence this season. Doesn't she have a job? Why is she always at Star Labs? - They let the villain go!? Who wrote this trash? People have been put in the pipe-line for less! Now for the things I liked: - Felicity dissing Star Labs security - the Joe/Barry scene in the jail - Caitlyn/Killer Frost. Its a shame she was shackled into the the terrible #feminism plot. - "Aww, it's only Caitlyn."
Funnily enough, I think the National Anthem protests going on in the NFL is actually helping Supernatural's ratings. I remember there being an article over the summer from USA Today stating that SPN was the #1 favorite show among republicans and the #3 favorite show among democrats. Seeing as the NFL is currently angering the republicans with the protests (I think the NFL is down 3 million viewers compared to last year), I wouldn't be surprised if some of those people switched over to watch SPN live instead of watching football. Ah, Supernatural; the one common thread currently holding democrats and republicans together. How many dump-trucks of cash is the CW going to have to drive to Jensen' and Jared's doorsteps to keep them coming back year after year? With ratings this good, they can't afford to let SPN go. Edit: Correction, it wasn't a USA Today article. It was here: Which TV Shows Do Republicans and Democrats Rate The Highest? Amusingly, Supernatural also unites us with the Russians as well. Supernatural may just bring about world peace. lol
Supernatural is a monster. The CW is going to keep throwing money at Jared and Jensen to keep them signed on indefinitely. What a beast.
I tried getting into Supergirl, but couldn't do it. I initially watched the first episode when it premiered, but the "obnoxious girl-power" was off the charts annoying. Plus, that early in the series she was basically just a more annoying, more child-like Felicity. None of the characters interested me other than Cat, James was boring as hell, and Supergirl working for the government sealed it. I I popped back over for the first Flash crossover and to be honest the chemistry between Flash and Supergirl was its only redeeming feature other than Cat quips. I'm still aware of what goes on from comments I see online though. So from the outside looking in, Supergirl seems to have pissed of a lot of different portions of the audience at the same time: 1. Most shippers don't seem to like Kara/Mon-El. I don't see much support for it compared to Kara/Lena. 2. I hear it got way to political in the second half of season 2 and into season 3. I heard some posters say it got too anti-Trump and anti-conservative. Half of the country (and thus half of the show's potential audience) is conservative. Its not a wise move to insult the people watching your show. They'll leave. 3. I heard Supergirl was too angsty and played second fiddle to Mon-El, who apparently treated her like crap. So it was a perfect storm of a bunch of different viewers with differing point-of-view's and somehow Supergirl's writers managed to anger them all.
SPN is the #2 show on the network! Who would have thought that after all these years SPN would be doing so strong? I remember in seasons 1 & 2 not having renewal news until after the finales aired. Now that was a stressful time. Not to mention the fear I had for the show when it was moved to Fridays. SPN is so steady and safe these days. In a year or two, if The Flash keeps dropping, SPN just might make it to #1.
The earlier time slot may be part of the reason the ratings have dropped a bit. I can't watch new episodes of Supernatural when the sun is still shining outside. My family just DVRs the episode and watch it at 9. Then again, I haven't really liked the Men of Letters storyline, hated Crowley being and utter moron this season, and I've loathed Mary. So maybe there are like-minded folks out there that don't feel as motivated to watch. Still, its amusing that no matter how much Supernatural has dropped... its always one of the highest rated shows the network has and keeps on making WB money.
Maybe they are positioning him to take over as Batman if the rumors of Affleck wanting out are true. I feel almost indifferent about a Nightwing movie. Nightwing is special because we first see him grow as Robin feel for him as his relationship/partnership with Batman takes its toll. We are with him as he grows up and takes on a new identity in a new city. Jumping straight into a Nightwing movie when we haven't even seen him as Robin or even interact at all with Batman feels pointless. Even worse is the fact that all of the DCEU movies pretty much suck. Now they've set their sights on one of my all-time favorite comic book characters. The idea of a Nightwing movie should not feel me with such dread.
Meh. The show was pretty generic. Not bad, not great. Just generic. Generic characters, mean cheerleaders, murder mystery, teacher/student plot, etc. Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill did most of these things over a decade ago so there is a lot of 'been there, done that' with this show. It really didn't do anything new. Archie himself is the weakest thing about the series so far. He just your typical bland, pale-faced, angsty character that all of the women love for some reason. He's like Edward Cullen or Stefan Salvatore. The acting was mediocre compared to literally every other character. Every time he was on screen I was bored. If I was a hardcore Archie fan I would be annoyed at them making Moose bisexual, but as I was never that deep into the Archie franchise the change doesn't bother me. But I feel for any fans that may be upset. I get upset at changes from source material all the time when I was adaptations of work I like. I never read much of the material with Kevin so I can't comment on him much, but I was amused at Cheryl calling him out as the gay best friend. Ha. The actor was solid though. Cheryl Blossom was the cliched mean girl that was old 20 years ago. Maybe the show will use some of her Afterlife with Archie background to make her more sympathetic. Reggie was there. The adult characters were fine. This was my first real exposure to Hermione Lodge in any form, given that my experience with the Archie world so far has been Afterlife with Archie and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (go read them). Hermione was fine. A bit predictable but the actress was good enough and she had some good moments with Veronica. Luke Perry was good. I'm glad the show avoided the cliche of having the father push his son to play sports and take over the family business. He was just upset at his son lying to. I did like his scene with Hermione and not hiring her. What saved the show for me was the Betty/Veronica dynamic, mostly because of the actresses that portray them. They are very talented and were the only characters in the show that had any chemistry. They pulled my attention in every scene the were in. The only thing that annoys me if the love triangle. I know the love triangle is a staple of the Archie franchise, but I can't see what makes Archie so amazing on this show. I can already tell the fandom with ship Betty/Veronica way more than any pairing involving Archie. The writers would be smart to have them as the focus of the show. I'll tune in next week mainly for Betty and Veronica. Hopefully it gets better.
It was okay at best. Definitely one of the weakest episodes of the series. I hate Amaya. Not only is she a Mary Sue that can defeat the whole team single-handedly, she also ends up being apologized to for being locked up after trying to kill one of them. "I'm sorry for locking you up" Really? Don't be sorry for locking up the woman who just attacked all of you and tried to kill one of your team members. Vixen acts all high and mighty because "I'm a member of the JSA" (That line is gonna end up being as annoying as "I was a barista", I just know it). Her inviting herself along and constantly judging the team is annoying and just makes me hate her more. We wasted a lot of time on Steel, who is a bit less useless than the previous episodes. At least him having powers is a valid reason to keep him on the team. Sure beats the other reason of "I'm a time detective". Who needs a time detective/historian when you have Gideon? His story was ok this episode mainly because the Japanese girl and her father were interesting, but he still had too much screentime. In fact, the whole Shogun story with the Atom suit bored the heck out of me. I was more interested in whatever message Barry Allen had for Rip. Mick, Sara, and Ray were as great as usual. I hope Mick sticks to his guns and doesn't suddenly start respecting Amaya (as she deserves none). I love ninjas too, Mick. Sara is just pure energy for this show. I thought they made her look weak in her first fight tonight (to have Amaya save the day to endear her to the audience), but her second fight was amazing. Ray was also good tonight. BR is very good at portraying anger. The show should explore that more. All in all, a weak episode saved by the usual series MVP's. Can we ditch Amaya and Steel and bring back Rip and Snart? Please?
Barry/Iris are boring together on the show. The only relationship of Barry's I liked was Linda. Bring her back.