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Everything posted by dahling

  1. Wow, I guess y'all hated this episode since there's like one on-topic post in this entire thread. Jennifer has no redeeming qualities that I can see. Abandoning her daughter in Houston to move in to a shithole in Killeen with Da-Wayne, and not even telling her that's what she was doing ranks right up there with some of the most despicable acts we've seen on this show. Did she even show up at the hospital after Marissa's gall bladder surgery? Bah. I hope she regains it all. I'm rooting for her to fail. How dare she whine about Marissa going back to California so she wouldn't have to be alone. Marissa, visiting Jennifer's love nest in Killeen for the first time. Jennifer: "Do you like it?!" Marissa, doubtfully: "Yeah, it's cute..." Arrested Development narrator: "It wasn't."
  2. This episode reinforces my general impression that Dr. N is pretty much a saint. No, I don't always agree with him, and I think he can be too dismissive of pain, but... he threw everything plus the kitchen sink at Sean. Every tool in the toolbox. He never gave up on him, he never abandoned him. He, of all people, seemed to understand that Sean was utterly alone. And yet in the end, some people can't be helped. We suffered a loss this year, a childhood friend; an attorney from a good family - a nice, genuinely good person, who couldn't get past his demons and kick the drugs, despite having had every resource, multiple in-patient rehabs, and every chance in the world. It wasn't enough. He died with a needle in his hand. And he had so much more than Sean. I hope Sean's spirit is at peace. He's in a better place now. He has to be, because he was living in hell.
  3. Lee: "It's not my fault that Rena's face ran into my frying pan."
  4. Janine has cloying, inappropriate simpering down to an art form.
  5. I don’t make a habit of clicking obvious spam email, but my finger accidentally grazed my iPhone screen, bringing up the following image. When I saw it I was so confused. Dottie? What are you doing here in my junk mail? Now she’s “Don’s Wife”. 😂
  6. When I defended Melissa it wasn't because I thought she could be motivational (she can't, in her current state. So. Much. Crying.). It was because I didn't expect her to be spinning all her plates and dealing with all her myriad issues AND have perfect lipstick and no dishes in the sink.
  7. What a super weird episode. Girlfriend lost virtually 100 lbs in 2 months and then effectively quits? How could she fit in that little green clown car she drives but needs a mega-SUV rental? Where does her money come from? Chrisshun? I am bringing this up specifically because on the show when she was berating him for leaving she said something about him leaving right before the rent was due. Did she have no money after he left? I just don't get it. As far as taking sides in the Maja/Chrisshun throwdown, can I just hate both of them? There was not one moment Chrisshun seemed to even approach "liking" her, from the first minute we saw him. Was there a really long time between when he applied for the show and when they got accepted? Because he was clearly over it. She is a hose beast and he is a nasty, sulky man child. But oh, that fight in Dr. Now's office. "Mooooooooooom, Chrisshun's ruining everything!" That was one for the ages.
  8. Amen. After my grandma was diagnosed with diabetes, my grandpa gave up sweets, even though she insisted it wouldn't bother her if he had them. On Saturday mornings he would go out with a friend and treat himself to a doughnut, because he loved them so. But he would only do it outside her presence. That's what love is, RAY.
  9. This episode was a total zzzzzZZZZzzzzz but there was a moment of unintentional hilarity when Little Miss Thang demurely lied to Dr. Now about her eating habit, topping off her lie with the biggest and best cherry ever: "toast with sugar free jam" and then batting her eyelashes as though she wanted a gold star or something from the Good Doctor. Thank God this man has x-ray vision for bullshit and no tolerance for cutesy-wootsy mannerisms.
  10. He said himself that he had stopped working and gone on disability. Not sure why he couldn't continue to do the web design work, but those were his own words. I feel dazed and confused about the episode. I thought I was watching My 600-lb Life, but the subject was a college graduate who owned a home and took care of himself. He faced his demons head-on and worked the program like it was his only job. I suspected during the Skype call that his mom was totally stoned. She loves him, but she can't pull herself out of her personal hell enough to be of any good to him. His dad went from about a 3 on my initial impression to a 10++++ YAY DAD at the end. Hopefully he and Justin can continue their close relationship, because Justin needs one parent to participate in his life, and it will never be his mom. Go, Justin, go. You killed it. I loved your goal of becoming a pilot. Do it, do it, do it.
  11. Starcasm's page is so loaded down with ads and spam that it took me 5 minutes to get to this. Wowza, Dottie.
  12. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the judgment that a mother should have taken her 3 kids and left her husband, based only on precious few statements from Brianne, who as much as I liked, I do not view as a reliable narrator. We don't know 99.9% of the real story, and I feel like the narrative that's being crafted here is so far from reality that it's practically science fiction. All I know is that the ambush in the restaurant was bullshit.
  13. This girl is adorable. I was cheering for her the whole time. Plus, a lot happened this episode! Two hours of content, imagine that! However, the scene where she confronted mom in the restaurant is bugging me. First of all, if the day had already been going as terribly as she narrated, then she should have changed her plan to have "the talk" over lunch. Maybe she felt she couldn't, because the camera crew was there? But imagine you're her mother (which I can, because she is my generation) and your daughter, with a camera pointed at your face, says, "Let's talk about how you were a terrible mother. Go." The mother was unprepared and ambushed. The proper setting for this would have been therapy. Additionally, the mother isn't responsible for what the father does, so it's hard to see how anyone thought this could be effective without the father being present. The mother was putting a lot of time and energy into helping her daughter get better, participating in the filming, and then BAM "you suck". I might have walked out, too. I hope this girl keeps working the program so she can go home to her family and live happily ever after. Edit: On the British show Fat Doctor, they frequently discuss that they remove the gall bladder at the same time they do the weight loss surgery. Maybe Dr. Now does it too but it doesn't make it into the show. But I'm sure their gall bladders are ticking time bombs, if they aren't removed.
  14. This echoes my thoughts as the episode went nowhere for 1 hour 55 minutes. This is more like mid-season filler. Can't believe they opened with this. If they had to open with this because it's the best they got, then I may not make it through the season.
  15. Not all premade fondant tastes the same, in fact taste and quality can vary widely. Some taste quite good. Marshmallow fondant is an easy homemade substitute, but it's a different beast than "real" fondant. It lacks elasticity and can be difficult to work with without a microwave nearby. I guarantee these contestants are using pre-made. Jason's and Maeve's cake was the least sloppy and amateurish. But, brown. Have they learned nothing?
  16. That would not achieve the same effect as a heating core. But it would keep the cake from browning on the top.
  17. Highly recommend using heating nails specially designed for the purpose. I used a flower nail back in the day, but it eventually corroded and broke apart, because that's not what it's designed for. https://www.webstaurantstore.com/ateco-1449-stainless-steel-cake-pan-heating-core-august-thomsen-pack/1441449.html?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping&gclid=CjwKCAiA9efgBRAYEiwAUT-jtBPDiOZZEG_oryry_1xar4ZdqeFAdiq1PEcXeDDf_BFNe8g1BF0LKhoCm_MQAvD_BwE I have never heard of putting a spoon on a baking sheet.
  18. Creating a tiered decorated cake is a process that takes days, not hours. Your cake doesn't need to be "cooled" (which takes hours), it needs to be cold. A room temperature cake is mushy and hard to cover with fondant. No wonder there were sags and gaps and bubbles and overall these cakes looked like crap. No one does it like this. Honestly I prefer the GBBO's "showstoppers" that are more like "twenty thousand muffins in 12 flavors in 6 hours", because once a muffin bakes, it's done. This was a horribly sub-par finale.
  19. Two hours is a completely inadequate time to make from scratch, cool, frost, and decorate a cake. Failure to meet a professional standard is guaranteed.
  20. You must not have noticed it was brown. Brown no makie Nancy happy. Nancy thinks in basic thought blocks, like a preschooler. Brown = poop. Red and green = Christmas. Poop loses every time.
  21. It's pretty much the same formula these days: get accused, lose your job and your reputation, and then nothing else happens. To be accused is to be convicted.
  22. Everything is relative. Weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week is very healthy for a person who is not anywhere near 600 pounds. Good job. p.s. Exercise won't help as much as you think it will with weight loss, but it will help you feel better!
  23. OMG Julia. Paraphrasing: "You're supposed to knead dough when you're angry. But I could never be angry with my dough, because I love it." <leans closer to workbench and whispers, "I love you."> That is why I watch this show.
  24. Gretchen screwed up, tried to get another secretary (a stranger) to voluntarily take the fall, and wondered why that didn't work? Did I understand right that then Gretchen went to Samantha and asked Samantha to exact revenge on that secretary? What? Samantha buried evidence on a client she "knew" wasn't guilty - and she would do it again? Good thing the Constitution guarantees us a trial by a one-person jury of our defense lawyer. Oh wait, it doesn't say that at all. What? I think I'm out. I just have to figure out how to reprogram my DVR. This show is nothing like the show it was in the first couple of seasons. The only thing it has in common is some of the same actors.
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