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Everything posted by dahling

  1. Also, if memory serves, in Chay's first episode, the aunt and uncle were the most supportive people in his family (the mother is a hot mess). In the second episode Chay accused them in a roundabout way of posting hate messages about him on Facebook, so Chay drove to their house to confront them, which made me very uncomfortable. Now they are allowing Chay to live with them (so much for hate) but Chay's mad because they don't eat like they need to lose 300 lbs. Chay sounds like an ungrateful little shit to me.
  2. It shouldn't matter if Chay lived in a Krispy Kreme. The fact is that the world is full of food that Chay can't eat, and Chay needs to stick with Chay's own plan. Driving through for burgers and fries isn't laziness or exhaustion: it's addiction, plain and simple. Chay's going to have a really rough time of it while that's out of control. The gall of asking Dr. Now for a surgery revision! "I'm eating burgers and fries so I need another surgery to make me stop." That's not the way it works, Chay darling. (I can't remember if Chay originally had full GB or sleeve?)
  3. Some wise person on these boards commented during Chay's last follow-up episode that if Chay thought it was hard living as an overweight man, wait 'til Chay lived life as an overweight woman. Bingo, right on the nose. So many excuses. Every fast food restaurant has a salad. Or even if you must have the burger you don't have to get the fries, too. I get that's what Chay wants, but Chay knows better. What a depressing little shithole Chay moved into at the end. Yeah, I'm sure that'll help tons. Laura - lost so much weight and yet looked like the crypt keeper, poor thing. :( She also still walked quite gingerly, even at 180 lbs. I keep wanting to call her husband Gilbert. Who the hell is he to tell her she can't go to cosmetology school and get a job? Run away Laura, and you go do your thing.
  4. Sarah's mother sure sounds like a big ol meanie, letting her daughter, daughter's internet fiance, and granddaughter move in with her. And probably providing much more financial assistance than that. How dare she have an opinion about the wedding she was probably paying for? How dare she care? Oh, in Joe's words, that's "asinine". And then something about taking all their wedding money and finding their own place? I assume he meant wedding gift money. Knowing about Joe's GoFundMe and how Sarah has attempted to become the Queen Bee of one of the M600PL groups on FB made me dislike them both intensely. Also I don't think "asinine" means what he thinks it means, and he said it like 9 times about Sarah's mother. Neither Joe nor Pauline made much progress since the last time we saw them, and there wasn't a lot to talk about with their weight loss, and we got 2 hours of them faffing about doing essentially nothing. Zzzzzzzzzz
  5. I have no idea why anyone would find this a source of disappointment, except people who like to watch other people fail. She lost 275 lbs on her own, she was engaged in water PT and "making good progress" (DRINK y'all). Surgery would accelerate her weight loss and give her a better chance for mobility. Her progress was slow, but she was absolutely one of the more committed people we've seen on this show. Other non-walkers that spring to mind are Lupe and Marla, neither of whom seem interested in life outside a chair.
  6. Milla lost 275 lbs in 2 years, from her bed, with no physical activity whatsoever. That's pretty impressive discipline to stay on the diet plan. I remember being disappointed that her first episode ended with her getting approved for surgery. Similarly, her follow up ends with her actually getting the surgery. I hope this helps accelerate her weight loss so she can make more progress toward being mobile. I was actually cheering for her when she was walking in the pool. I loved that the therapist asked how long it had been since she walked. Milla responded "3 years" and the therapist smiled and said "welcome back". That was a nice moment. Go, Milla. I don't know anything about her or her husband other than what was on the show, but I think they must have done something right to have raised this group of loving, caring, uncomplaining children. My goodness. I will say that there should have been a way to get her out of that bed to say goodbye to her husband. Charity and Charley - circling the drain together. "Wanna just get some fast food?" "Ok". Charley is an adult, there's no law that she has to live with her mother and uncle/stepdaddy (yuck). I will say she carries her weight pretty well, I would have guessed she was around 300 lbs, not approaching 400. Time to cut the cord, Charley. Get out while you are young, in control of your own destiny, and have all your teeth.
  7. How devastating for Nikki's friend to die from WLS complications. Especially after she had "mentored" him into it. However I do appreciate the reminder that the surgery can and does cause complications. My neighbor almost died from hers. I am still extremely happy with my personal decision to change my head instead of my plumbing. So tragic and what a waste of a life. He looked like a delightful person. Nikki is the only person I have ever truly felt could not go on without skin surgery. That stomach was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Bless her heart, what a trooper. Best wishes to you, sweetheart, you deserve everything good in life.
  8. Not families with a parent that weighs over 600 lbs. That is exactly the point of these excursions that take place at the end of nearly every moderately successful episode. I get that it is hard for people who are not super morbidly obese to understand how obesity steals your life from you and makes you and your family a prisoner to it. That trip to the zoo was as unthinkable as a trip to the moon when Chad was at his highest weight. That's the whole point. Becoming normal. I really rooted for Chad, he seemed so grounded and focused. I mean, the episode was boring as hell, needed to FF a lot, but still happy for him.
  9. I was also gobsmacked by the post in Kirsten's thread that said you can't lose weight by exercising. Just goes to show, you shouldn't take weight loss advice from random people on the interwebs. Also, this study that came out in the last week confirms that running is fantastic exercise; in fact, no other form of exercise matches its benefits. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/12/well/move/an-hour-of-running-may-add-seven-hours-to-your-life.html?_r=0
  10. With respect, both of them expressed disappointment at her negative pregnancy test, although Lupe did temper hers by saying she was a little disappointed.
  11. Thank the merciful fates that Lupe wasn't pregnant. My head was screaming during that part. They've been having unprotected sex? They're DISAPPOINTED she's not pregnant? Dear sweet Jesus, who would have taken care of that baby? I'll tell you who - a foster parent, eventually. Lupe's poor, broken body was in no condition to carry a baby, much less care for one, and Gilbert can once and for all fuck off and die. I'm totally shocked Lupe actually left him, but really happy for her that she had what appears to be a nice cousin in San Antonio to escape to. But I'm still worried she'll go back.
  12. You can exercise away calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. If your weight is stable, you change nothing and add a 100-calorie workout to your daily regimen, in 35 days you will have lost a pound. (A pound of fat = 3500 calories.) What you can't do is exercise away a 3500+ calorie meal of fried rice and cheesecake, or 6 large pizzas a day. If you use the simple rule that a 180-lb person burns 100 calories by running a mile, you see that it's simply not possible, time or stamina-wise, to burn that many calories. But exercise of course has many physical benefits and is another great tool in the weight loss toolbox. Especially if you build muscle mass, that burns more calories at a basic level than fat. TL:DR You should exercise, it will help everything - but you can't out-exercise a bad diet.
  13. I absolutely believe Steven fell off that golf cart. When you are that size, that seat would feel like sitting on a balance beam, and he was probably struggling just to keep himself on it, pushing with his legs to keep from sliding off. Then add in the slight incline tipping him toward the back side, and yeah of course he fell off. It's not something a normal-sized person can understand. Now, there was something totally hinky about the filming of it, the switch of cameras and the cut in the middle of it. Who knows. But damn of course he fell off that stupid cart. And yes even crappy apartment complexes have golf carts.
  14. So, one little golden nugget I uncovered in this 4 hour turd bomb. When Dr. N was skyping with Justin, Justin said he was pretty sure he hadn't gained. Dr. N responded that that was very unlikely, because people who are 600 pounds are not maintaining. They're either gaining or losing. This is so true of me, even though I've never been 600 pounds. I have very rarely managed to maintain in my life... maybe for a couple of years here and there, but the battle with food always comes roaring back. I gain and gain and gain until I decide to lose. I'm at the end of a 3 year weight loss journey right now and beginning to transition into a maintenance plan, and that scares me worse than dieting. Eating the exact amount I need to exist, no more, no less, that is like a white unicorn. Seriously. And I thank Dr. N for saying it/confirming it. It helped me.
  15. Wow, they're burning it off fast. They started off the season with a 2-show block too, so it seems planned? I wondered why the Mother's Day themed episode was airing 2 weeks before Mother's Day.
  16. Jason, a home baker, won the last season of Holiday Baking challenge. It can be done. But not by Fausto.
  17. That was not enjoyable to watch. What the hell? Did they run out of money to pay the crew for enough time to film this one properly? 90 minutes for puff pastry, fails all around. Bad TV. At least we don't have to watch Fausto cry any more. So uncomfortable.
  18. "You weigh over 500 pounds, you are not going to starve to death." -- Dr. Now
  19. Seriously, @Jillybean, what the hell kind of baker hates cookies? The lady who hated bunny rabbits, that was weird but not anathema to a baking show. If you hate cookies, step away from the mixer and perhaps take up another hobby. Like sewing.
  20. You quoted me, so I'm guessing that was directed at me. I said he was the worst, and I never tried to excuse what he's done to his family. I'm just saying that he's in an unimaginable amount of pain. I can be disgusted and repulsed by him while having empathy for his pain. It's a good exercise.
  21. Really, guys, James was one of the worst, anywhere, ever. In every way. That said: - one can't compare the recovery of a broken foot/ankle bone between a <200 lb person and a >500 lb person. Do you know what 300 extra pounds actually feels like to move around, in the best of circumstances? No? Maybe give it a try. Then break your foot and try again. - one can't compare any kind of surgery to his pain. Pain from surgeries varies, depending on the body, the surgeon, the personality of the person being operated on. After my gall bladder was removed, I was up taking care of my toddler daughter the next day. My husband laid in bed for a month after his (not that I'm bitter). My FIL's hip surgery was a piece of cake, he was up and walking the same day. My mom had her knee replaced a month ago and is still on heavy duty pain killers and stuck in the house. So what? James's body is an oozing, festering mass of inflamed flesh. I see nothing but pain there - every moment of every day. I'd probably cry "mah legs" too. So much judging based on specious comparisons. And really, there's no comparing him to anyone, anywhere. He's a disgusting, pathetic man-baby but damn he's in a lot of pain. And yet food still has a strong enough hold to be more important. Damn. That's really sobering.
  22. A few weeks ago I posted that Nicole and her family were the most marginal group of people I'd ever seen. That didn't last long.
  23. [PSA] It's a chain that does lice removal, we have one in Austin. And they are wonderful and provide a much-needed service. Yes, we live in a society where you can pay someone to pick your head clean of lice. One visit, no chemicals, all done. The one in our neck of the woods is in a very nice suburban area, so that is not any type of indicator of what kind of neighborhood Dr. N's office may or may not be in. Lice happen everywhere. I prayed it would never happen to my kid. Then it did. And thanks to that place, it wasn't as bad as I was always afraid it would be. There's also one in town called The Fairy Licemother which provides a similar type service, but with a much cuter name. /PSA
  24. Lose 11 pounds... Gain 10... "I've gained back almost everything I've lost" -- she was speaking as if she had lost 150 pounds in the first place, instead of 11. I've never seen anyone so inordinately proud of 11 pounds. Free Mahlayzwysia. I'll take her.
  25. It's possibly a tie with the old TWoP Little House on the Prairie thread: "Pa, Ma, and That Mime Who Raped Sylvia"
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