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Everything posted by dahling

  1. Eileen grew on me, she's just serious and confident (with good reason). Didn't care for Nathan sniping on her in his talking heads when he was teamed up with her in the team challenge, and she was nothing but complimentary about him behind his back. I think the disparity in skill was a combination of the conceit of the show (blue ribbon winners from various fairs) and just casting (of course we want a gay barber from Idaho). This was passable. Aunt Sandy was cray cray and I liked the other two judges. I'm down for another season.
  2. I was getting a different vibe from Terry's voice.
  3. The new title of this show should be "A doctor tells fat people to lose weight."
  4. Michael can keep losing weight on his own, but it will likely be a little less each month than the month before. If he sticks with martial arts, that will help. His wife's picture is in the dictionary next to 'cloying'. Sweet lady, but something's weird there. I wonder if this is one they had in the can from previous seasons and had deemed it too boring to air.
  5. If Paula's Facebook page is any indication, she's living her best life 7 years out from surgery. https://www.facebook.com/pjami47
  6. "I don't have the time to do the program because I have to take care of my daughter" -- well of course this is BS, we all know it is, but let's think about her daughter. Someday she's going to see this and understand it. Her mother may be alive, or may be bedbound, or may be dead. Think of all the years and thousands of dollars of therapy it's going to take to strip away that guilt. Even if she knows it's BS the way we do, mothers can do a helluva number on daughters with crap like that. I did spend the first 10 minutes thinking I was going to root for this lady. Oh well.
  7. Apparently she saw this show as a back door audition for American Idol. 2 hours of watching her back talk to the good doctor is Not Good Television.
  8. Self-indulgent tripe.
  9. I read it as fear. Or maybe that was me projecting my fear onto whichever poor unfortunate soul was trapped in a room with her.
  10. Remember when this show had people on it who wanted help? Remember Melissa? How she lost so much weight but then backslid into the 200's and got sad and mopey and didn't wear lipstick or fold laundry and was raked over the coals for it? Awww. What days those were. Everybody responsible for producing this show needs to have a heart-to-heart zoom meeting and figure out what the hell their collective problem is. Not the least of whom is the sound editors who backdropped her abusive, threatening (seriously threatening), f-bomb laden rant in the waiting room/car with the the sad, soft, tinkly piano music of regret. As if it was a deeply emotional scene, instead of a borderline criminal act. I can't believe Dr. Now went back into a room with her. I was scared for him. I hope there were security guards standing beside the camera crew. She lives 90 minutes from me, and I am terrified. This isn't the show I signed up to watch.
  11. Maybe he did and it was even more boring than what made the final cut.
  12. Also, from the beginning, when Megan and mom are shopping in the grocery store at the beginning, Megan's mom says something like, "Megan has a sweet tooth. I try to get her to eat healthier snacks, like chips, but she does have a sweet tooth."
  13. Mom is liable to catch some flies the way she sits with her mouth gaping open, especially when gazing up at Dr. Now. Maybe she is awestruck. What a couple of blaaaaaaah people.
  14. But seriously, thanks for the tidbit, it might be more interesting than anything we've seen so far this season. The bar is low. 😁
  15. I thought Dottie got quite a sympathetic edit, unlike some of the other miscreants. Sad to see she's jumping on the lawsuit bandwagon.
  16. Has there ever been a more righteously indignant family member than the fiancee? How dare he ask about her weight -- she's the thin one! "I'm doing my own plan -- but it's not high protein low carbohydrate." I'm guessing her own plan was eating whatever she wanted but ripping Tommy a new one over a small pizza. She was bigger at the end than at the beginning. We all know how it works out when people do it their own way.
  17. Another mush mouth, another 2 hours of tire spinning in the mud. Do better, show.
  18. They must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel with participants this season, if they were left to cobble together 2 hours of "show" from the non-event of Seana. I fear for the rest of the season. There's so much more going on here than we were shown. I very much suspect relapsed drug use was behind Seana's mom kicking her to the curb so abruptly. She's one spring short of a cuckoo clock for putting her clearly depressed and developmentally delayed daughter on a plane to Houston with no place to live, not a soul in the world to support her, and no plan. "You got this!" WTF, mom. She doesn't got anything. Dr. Now continues his path to sainthood. "I see you are alone, so move to Houston so we can help you." How many other losers decided to move to Houston before being accepted into the program, and were read the riot act? He's extremely insightful and is able to tailor his treatment to the person instead of one size fits all. I love that he offered to help find her a place to live, and I wish she would have taken him up on the group home offer, just to help her meet some other people. Living alone in Houston is not what she needs. Loved Dr. Now's disdain at Derrickus's ridiculous preening over how he was in charge of Seana's diet, cooking, and housecleaning. Mumble, mumble, mumble. My husband's cousin has a lower lip stud and it creates a weird lisp from an otherwise intelligent sounding young woman. Turns out that 2 lower lip studs make a lisp twice as bad (go figure).
  19. Honestly, I think the sound mixing was way off on this episode, because everyone sounded like they had a mouth full of marbles. It was hard to watch.
  20. I'm confused. Why did we not see a calling out of her enabler (Dawn)? Why was there no insight about what she was actually eating? The one thing we saw was a demure "egg white omelet with peppers" but the serving size looked massive, and I saw sausage in it in the close up. My TV is big. I wondered why Dawn and "Joyce Mom" (did she have a name? how demeaning) just sat around in the apartment staring into space, but duh drugs. For once, I watched the therapy scene, to see Joyce confront her mom and then.... waaaah waaaah (sad trumpet noise)... utterly useless. If Lola had called me "Joyce Mom" (insert my child's name), I would have been all, "my name is Dahling, mmmkay?" Dr. Now has probably heard it before, but "my body can't lose weight on 1200 calories" was a new one to me. That goes right next to the "the surgery didn't work" bingo square. He dealt with it with aplomb, but I don't see how he manages to deal with these people day in and day out without the occasional f-bomb. Maybe he saves them for when the cameras are off. Or maybe he's actually a saint.
  21. I always fast forward through the therapy parts, because I have a cold, cold heart, and I don't care why they eat. But at Dr. Now's office visit after therapy, did Gina really say the therapy was helping because she was "learning to put herself first"? Did that happen? Was that really Lola's advice? Gina has never put anyone but herself first -- and god forbid anyone else even think about it. This whole family was in the top 10 of the strangest packs of people ever shown on this show. I'm not bestowing sainthood on Beth -- there's some pretty serious mental illness there to choose and stay in that situation. And she looks like a boy I knew in high school named Hunter, so I'm going to have to call her Hunter from now on. I didn't really want to see Gina dancing, but I'm a little disappointed that the videos appear to have been taken down. Fake, fake, fake. Waste of 2 hours.
  22. I was struck by how manipulative she is, along with being an unabashed liar. During her initial "60 pounds in two munt" weight loss period, all her voiceovers were nothing except how hard she was working. The one meal she prepared for the cameras was an extremely austere baked chicken and squash. Some of the participants at least admit to "a few slips" or something similar. Not her, she's a supahstah. Then to have the gall to act nonplussed in Dr. Now's office when she only lost a fraction of the required amount -- and when he questioned her about her eating habit, blamed it on protein bars (ummm I think that has no chance of being true), and bringing up her one on-camera meal of chicken and squash. Who wants to bet that one meal was the only Dr. Now-approved meal she ate in two months? I don't recall another show where the subject just gave up because "the surgery didn't work". That's a pretty breathtaking statement.
  23. Mmmm, I think you mean "unruffled". Nonplussed actually means "confused, not knowing how to act" (pretty much the opposite of what it sounds like it means). Here's a cool article on it. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/nonplussed Back on topic: Lindsay, before visiting Dr. Now: "Paul and I are good for each other because we're both addicts and we know how it feels." Lindsay, after being read the riot act by Dr. Now: "Paul has no idea how I feel."
  24. Semi-professional cake maker here -- and Melissa's cake was a dumpster fire, at least visually. It was the most embarrassing "winner" this show has had. Possibly one of the worst things I have ever seen. The judges said all 3 cakes tasted good. There is no way on this earth that Melissa's cake tasted so much better than the other two that it overcame its visual deficiencies. It's television, not taste-o-vision. Food Network is clearly so embarrassed about this "winning" cake that I can't even find a picture of it on the entire interwebs. So here are some screenshots. Melissa's cake is unpresentable. I know, time constraints, blah blah blah. I'm not faulting her for making a crappy cake. I'm faulting the judges for crowning it the winner.
  25. I'm still mad about how they left Dottie's WATN at the end of last season: Her, in obvious pain and despair, attempting to recover from skin surgery in a lonely hotel room. And, scene. What the ever-loving F. I thought they would come back to her this season, but I guess that's expecting too much from this amateur clown show.
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