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Everything posted by Mom24kids

  1. I had a friend who had her daughter at 15. (She went on to become an RN) Her daughter had a baby at 15. So grandma at 30. The granddaughter had a baby at 15. So my friend us a Great grandma at 45. Her granddaughter got her degree in nursing also. I wonder about the GGD.
  2. What I noticed was at the end at Christian and Maria's anniversary party. Maria held that baby girl and she was GLOWING!I thought "She is fantasizing about holding her own babay." I think these two will be fine. They are just poor actors.
  3. I think Mr. Mason will take over the Drews farm and fall for Mrs. Patmore. Then Daisy has a Mother figure and a Father figure!
  4. I love my aprons. They save my clothing when cooking and cleaning. I am a clutch but I make an awesome gravy for pasta!
  5. I just wanted to clarify the difference between a Certified Nurse Midwife and a Certified Professional Midwife. A CNP Is a Registered Nurse who has completed 4 years in the Science of Nursing. Then completes 2 more years in the study of women's health and Midwifery. A CNP can the work in a hospital setting. She/he can also treat female problems before during and after pregnancy, as well as treat pre and post - menopausal women for a variety of female related complaints. She/he also has certain prescription writing allowances. A CPM completes 18 months to 2 years of training in a Certificate Program to assist with pregnancies in a birth center or home setting. They are trained to observe for any complications that may arise and send the Mother to the hospital if needed. A CPM can accompany a Mother to the hospital and the act as a Dola but does not practice in the hospital. Both are important in a birth scenario and can be knowledgeable in the field of Midwifery. Approximately 28 states recognize CPM's. If Mom is healthy and having an uncomplicated pregnancy the a CPM can be a great choice.
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