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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I don't see Lulu's actions re: Georgie or anything Laura might or might not say to Dante as relevant in this situation. Maxie has a history of being a shitty person in general/ friend to Lulu, so her getting angry at Nathan, saying she feels terrible for Lulu, her anger towards Dante and Val, and then especially being Lulu's "protector" by dismissing Dante and walking away with Lulu just disgusted me. IMO, when you have been the other woman in a previous relationship of Lulu's, the other woman in Lulu's brother's marriage, and lied to her for multiple months about a baby, you don't get to say one damn word against any of the players in this mess or act like you're the super loyal best friend who has her back. It should have been Laura or Tracy who dismissed Dante and escorted Lulu away. The writing for Maxie in this situation reminds me of Obrecht's behavior/attitude toward Patrick, Robin and Elizabeth after she's the one who tortured Robin, almost killed Robert in attempting to murder Robin, implanted the Lante embryo in her daughter's uterus, shot Liz after kidnapping baby Ben.
  2. Ulkis - I didn't forget the Franco cheating incident; I just didn't mention it because it wasn't a betrayal of Lulu/Spencer fam. Laura would be a great person to give Lulu empathy in this situation because of the ret-con that Luke cheated on Laura with Holly and fathered Ethan. I guess Daddy's not looking like such a hero now that you know what it's like to have your husband commit adultery, huh Lulu?
  3. Gotcha. I think they were going with Jason's most recent memories on the bridge - I really thought maybe they'd have him also flash back to the conversation on the bridge after Robin's funeral. I remember it because Jason asked Liz how Emma was doing and she replied she's really confused because kids don't really understand death. That memory would be perfect because it could be juxtaposed with Emma afraid at Halloween, wanting a mom, and the irony of Jason's wife being the one to comfort her. She yelled at Dillon on Lulu's behalf because Dillon was posturing that he did the right thing, for Lulu's sake. Valerie rightly called him out on his crap; he did it for his own selfish reasons. Humiliating her and Dante (and Val, too) at a party in her own place of business was not even remotely the kind of thing a person does when they love someone. All he cares about is Lulu and Dante's marriage imploding because he thinks Dante is unworthy of her and he wants Lulu for himself. Val said, before this, that she wanted to continue a career with the PCPD and wanted to be friends with Dante and Lulu. (Maybe she does or maybe that was just a line) but I do believe she a) never would have wanted Dante to get outed as a cheater in this way and b) didn't want to be at war with her cousin Lulu. Also, Val is aware she is new to the people of PC whereas Dante has had a family and career there for some years. So I assume she sees this as Dillon victimizing a somewhat well-known couple who don't deserve it. My disgust is because Maxie is being a ginormous hypocrite in her anger toward Nathan and disgust toward Dante and Val. In addition to having been Lulu's brother's drug supplier/lover and hating on Lulu's sister-in-law before, during, and after that, she was the other woman when Lulu's (loser) ex cheated on Lulu. Maxie lies to everyone she professes to care about in her life, a lot. Which brings me to baby Georgie. As far as I'm concerned, passing off her own baby as Dante and Lulu's baby thru the pregnancy up 'til her lies got outed at the christening is a bigger violation than one night of cheating. Even when the secret got outed, she tried to deny it. I don't care what Maxie says, she is all about herself, and knows nothing about true friendship. She will say anything to get out of owning up to her own crap, and then her parents and others end up kissing her ass anyway. So she can STFU. No, she and Nathan couldn't have found a way to convince Dante to confess to to Lulu months ago because those two twits don't have more than a few working brain cells between them.
  4. I thought his deja vu today was a direct reference to when SBu's Jason and Liz kissed on the bridge while she was comforting him, soon before SBu left the show (while Jason and Sam were married but separated).
  5. Emme was actually pretty good today with Lulu's anger, hurt, disgust toward Dante. But I think Julie would have acted it out to the point of Dante being somewhat frightened of her rage getting physical, as well as her obvious heartbreak. I like that Lulu figured out Dillon told her he wanted her and kissed her partly because he knew the "juicy" truth that Dante had cheated. Valerie was great today telling Dillon off ... and I say that as someone who doesn't even like her. Everything she said was spot-on. Dillon being all "Lulu deserved to know she's married to a cheating jerk" just makes him look pathetic. Speaking of pathetic, hello Liz. The constant fear, trying to persuade him he's wrong about this latest flash...hate seeing her going under the bus this way. But Becky is doing a great job of acting Elizabeth's rapidly unraveling mental state. "You chose Dante over me." STFU, Maxie. And go get your hair re-done. It looks awful. Why does Patrick's hair look fluffy? Seriously LMAO at Danny's horrified scream thru the monitor when Patrick says everything's right. Great job, Danny - that scream is the perfect reaction to Sam holding Emma in her arms in bed - Patrick and Robin's bed - that she now shares with Patrick. But Danny's mother, not perfect fiance Patrick, should have been the one to go calm him down after a nightmare. Line of the day: "You just keep on screwing." I can't stand Kiki, but yay for saying that to Morgan. I see what you all meant about LW being understated. I expected loud sobs of joy and huge smiles from her today and was quite surprised.
  6. I don't think Carly has ever cared enough about Kiki and her behavior to do that. Kiki left Morgan for Michael, and when she did hurt the favorite son, it was to protect CarSon's secret. The most I would expect is for Carly to rant that Kiki is reckless/worthless/whatever just like her mom. This sounds like a lazy, switched around redux of the storyline where Jason's drunk mom hit Jason's then-ex, Sam, with her car.
  7. I think some of your guess is correct, badsamaritan. In the promo, Carly is standing in the aisle in the background (bandage on forehead) and reacts in shock when Jakeson grabs Nikolas in the pew, around the neck. It seems likely she tells him who he is (or both she and Hayden do, separately?), he then tells Liz and the guests, and the Samtrick exchange is a next scene in the church. I can see Sam and Patrick are still in their wedding guest attire.
  8. I'll guess he grabs Nik because he knows now that he's Jason and he remembers the scene with himself, Nik, Patrick and Sam at Patrick's house about Jason's wedding ring. Jason had a problem with controlling his anger, so realizing his ex brother-in-law Nik has known for so long prompts the rage.
  9. Actually it seems more like Elizabeth wants to live her long-time "happy family" fantasy with a man she believes she can trust, because she wants to give her boys a good life and to create what she didn't have as a kid. She was not close to her parents, and then they ditched her and her sis w/Audrey when the girls were young teens. She and Lucky were so stuck in the past and things snowballed with the deceptions between them. Lucky left first to fulfill Siobhan's last wish, and after Liz and Aiden got well enough to come home from the hospital, he told Cam (right before Xmas) he would be back. Then quite a while later we hear he's doing mission work with kids in Africa. The line about skyping with the boys once a week came up only because JJ was back briefly for the TG retirement story - he had not been mentioned in about 3 years by Liz or her sons. Most recently, during those few days, he tells Nik he's only seen the boys via Skype for years and so he's not a real dad to them, he says he has a darkness within him, and then leaves without communicating if/when he'll be back, where he's going and where he can be reached if seeking treatment. That's not the "decent" thing to do. Elizabeth's never had the option to say, "Hey Lucky, I need you to come and be a single father to the boys indefinitely because after losing Jake, getting kidnapped by a psychiatrist I briefly dated, almost drowning thanks to an unhinged doctor, Aiden getting sick, mourning for Robin,getting shot by another crazy doctor who somehow became our chief of staff, and then Ric scamming me again, I need some time to get my head on straight." No matter how ugly/depressing things have gotten, Liz had to get up and be mom to her boys every.single. day. The only exception to that was when she was briefly in Shadybrooke while pregnant with Aiden.
  10. The 4th of July picnic was just Liz, AJ and Aiden, as you mentioned. Liz had a line about Cam being too cool to hang out with Mom. I didn't mention that because it was one on-screen event with her youngest, to rehash the Nik/Liz/Lucky mess and talk about Michael. With Ric and Jake/son, there have been multiple scenes with Cam or little Jake and mentions of them all spending time together as a family, including the 2014 holidays.
  11. Liz has been single; she and Nik sort of argued about the necessity of sex when he whined it had been months since he'd been laid and that's why he was ok with Britt throwing herself at him after they'd been broken up for a while. In recent years (from Fall 2011 'til now, Fall 2015), she's kissed/made out with psychiatrist Ewen, kissed SBu's Jason maybe twice (not in her house), kissed SK's AJ (but not in her house on-screen) and spent one night with him (in the Q mansion, not her house), got back into a relationship with ex-husband Ric, and has now been in a relationship with amnesiac Jake/son. (Yes, I know Nik has kissed her a couple of times, but she stopped him so it didn't go anywhere.) The only ones who have "played daddy" to her kids since their dad left are Ric and Jake/son, both of whom want(ed) to marry her. (I remember that Ric was extremely pushy about being her husband again and playing daddy to the boys, esp. to Cam). She has not had a constant stream of boyfriends in and out of her home, wanting to be daddies to her boys.
  12. Okay, did I actually miss a couple on a pink blanket?! Or is this just a vague reference to Sabrina in cringe-worthy princess mode when she was with Patrick?
  13. Yeah, Dillon's expression and words (at the bar, before moving toward the screen) showed he was about to run the incriminating footage. I think he had it set for the start of him talking about his feelings for Lulu to make himself look like the man/an option for Lulu once Val started with the "I acted on my feelings..." He wants Dante to be shamed in public, for Lulu to know the truth and leave that lying hypocrite Dante who doesn't deserve her. At the moment, Dillon is hating on Dante for giving him attitude about staring at Lulu's face on a screen in the dark, followed by seeing the Dante and Val exchange (which included helping her with the dress zipper).
  14. I feel like that is reserved for the Mob/Mob-affiliated characters - Sonny, Luke, Sam (Jason's ex at the time, saving Jake=redemption w/Jason, Liz, Lucky), Liz (Jason's other ex, bone marrow donation to Josslyn - Carly feeling indebted to her). Valerie isn't important to the show; she's a newbie Spencer family member. I think the show is trying to do the cousins-in-love-with-a-Corinthos man 2.0 (since the Sonny w/Kate-Connie then Olivia story went so well, ya know/sarcasm.)
  15. Wasn't disputing that, more like saying that you understated what a ginormous ass Morgan is. I thought it was extra gross/cringe-worthy because he was saying it to Maxie, but to his girl cousin and cousin's bf as well as their friend. It seems like a lifetime ago that child Molly and child Morgan performed on stage together. I guess it's to be expected though, since his mother also has no boundaries when it comes to family and sex talk.
  16. No, he said he'd get Carly to write a check if he's allowed to perform a sex scene (suggestively toward Molly and TJ's friend).
  17. Audrey's note to Elizabeth was so WTF, like she hasn't witnessed the past 10 + years of Liz's life. For one thing, hardly the first time Liz will be a wife. The locket with Liz's teenage pic opposite Audrey's was really touching/sweet, though. LOL that Jakeson's "friends" consist of his bff with no boundaries, his nephew and his wife. What a lame bachelor party. The only interesting moment was Sam's desire to kiss him/him seeing her in a not-just-friends kind of way as she hugged him at the end. Molly looks gorgeous in her costume, and all that come's out of TJ's mouth is envy that their friend and Morgan are about to hook up? Classy. Dillon is indeed a dumbass as others have mentioned. But at least the footage also makes him look shitty. I actually liked Anna chasing after Ghost!Carlos as Sabrina is melancholy over not knowing if the baby is Carlos' or Michael's. I thought Felix would have a more melodramatic reaction to that confession. ETA: Avery in her Halloween costume is super adorable. Kiki dressed as a pirate era hooker (?) and snarling at her mother - not even a smile for baby sister - is not an attractive look. Did she actually want Morgan to be lusting after her for the night? Seemed like it by her line to Molly and TJ. That's just sad. Also, you'd think Ava would want to get the hell away from Nina (especially with the baby in her arms) the moment she saw her with Kiki and NotTodd!Franco.
  18. Yup. I didn't see it but had a WTF reaction to the recap for several reasons. A man without an identity can't fill out legal documents. Also I guess adopting Cam is plausible assuming Lucky never adopted him. But Liz and Lucky were married when Jake was born, so Lucky is Jake's legal father. Lucky is also Aiden's father. We also know (thanks to TG's retirement storyline) that Cam and Aiden Skyped with their Dad once a week before Lucky got kidnapped. Lucky has not given up his paternal rights, so Liz asking Jakeson about adoption is absurd. I hate Liz getting thrown under the bus by these writers for 'love of Jason/the great JaSam love.' Ugh.
  19. Sonny never took up residence in the Q mansion, though. (Do you remember when Franco was supposed to be Jason's twin, and Ava claimed Kiki was Franco's? Ava moved in.) While Tracy hates Sonny, she never had to share a living space with him. Also, Ava killed an unarmed Connie - who I think was a friend of Tracy's? - and encouraged Sonny to kill an unarmed AJ.
  20. And just days ago, Epiphany congratulated Patrick for "finally" giving Sam an engagement ring. You'd think they'd been dating and then living together for years. It might have bothered me less coming from someone other than Epiphany - a nurse who watched Robin and Patrick get together and then marry over multiple years, was around for the Britt mess, saw him nearly marry Sabrina, then reunite with Robin, was aware that Robin left and that Sabrina and Patrick lost a premie son.... all before the relationship with Sam. 'Finally'?? Seriously?!?
  21. I assume them asking Julian about forgiving Olivia and his reply about "doing what's best" and not having hostility for their baby's sake is an anvil for Sam's story with Jakeson and the kids involved once the secret is out. (Also, the only thing Sam and Lucas have in common aside from dad and now baby brother is poor taste in men.)
  22. THIS is what bugged me; you state it eloquently. His words after, and the way he walked away, came off like "Well, come find me when you realize/accept that we belong together." And so what if Mary Beth is the one who broke up with him - she's still Bay's friend (in theory) and Bay gets to be concerned about Marybeth's and Emmett's feelings. I also hated that instead of immediately apologizing to Bay for lying to/misleading her, he says "he wasn't supposed to tell you." This is not a healthy/trust worthy person for Bay to date. I rolled my eyes at Daphne saying Bay "should" date him because he's a "great guy." Yes, Daphne, Bay should listen to you since you have such a solid record of good judgement in life and with men. Blech.
  23. Wardrobe's answer to hiding how far along TeCa is in her pregnancy is to not block her well, but instead to have her entire body on camera wearing a tent-like top? Seriously?? And then she puts her hands on her bump to show she's not in the beginning of the pregnancy. The Monica-Tracy sparring was great for Q Family fans. Monica's "it gets you every time" was fun I didn't care for the toasting of Danny, Jake's return and the anticipated 'birth of AJ's grandson,' though. I assume Sabrina's reaction to the due date question is supposed to be a confirmation this is a WTD storyline. Hayden is going to have a part in the Jason identity reveal. We get it. I'm disappointed that when Tracy had that line about "your other family" she didn't refer to Sonny as "your father's killer" or have some small dig to remind Michael he can't share this news with his dad because his adoptive father murdered him. Or did she say something and I just missed it?
  24. I'm amazed that each of Elizabeth's sons has been seen on-screen (although not together) in about 6 months since TPTB seem to have at least one kid off-screen for years.. Aiden came downstairs to see Daddy for a few minutes when Lucky returned their back-from-the-dead son Jake to the house. We've of course seen Jake because of the Jakeson crap. Then Cameron made an appearance last week for the back-from-the-dead brother's mental health is questionable plot point. I think is the Cam's first appearance since the kiddie quad storyline (thankfully!) got squashed. I hope when this Jason/Jake secret blows up, the boys don't wind up with Sam and Jakeson due to the reasoning of 'the brothers should be together, Sam's such a good mom, the boys are so attached to Jake-Jason.' I've had enough of the propping of those two characters. It would be nice to instead hear that Laura, Audrey, and Monica are all helping to take care of them.
  25. THIS. The episode provided further proof that Regina is utterly selfish and a shit mother/family member. Even before she moved Eric and his kid onto the Kennish property, she got Daphne involved by taking her to Atlanta, and thus made her non-biological daughter an accessory because then Daphne knew everything. Truly disappointing that Regina didn't get handcuffed and taken to jail.
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