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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. IMO it's not about him caring about Jason or Robin right now - it's about him being certain that (regardless of his feelings/emotions) Robin is a brilliant doctor and therefore couldn't possibly get it wrong about something this big. I really and truly expected Patrick to be adamant that Jason is dead because Robin told him so (right after they looked at the computer program, but before Jakeson pulled out the DNA results paper). I expected him to be all "he is dead; Sam and I are in love." I expected him to bring up Robin because she has the background of being the truthteller (paternity secrets and more) and the legacy character with virtue.
  2. Forgot to comment on that - Anna's sarcasm toward Paul was the best line of the day. I did lol. Great response for his "we're kindred spirits" b.s. Anna should get credit for not having a projectile vomiting reaction.
  3. Was that the preview? Not just pathetic, really poorly choice of words because she just found out a few minutes ago that Jake is Jason. "Yes, Patrick, I stopped loving you 10 minutes ago, the moment I realized I was looking at Jason's face." Hey dipshit, pretty sure she's been showing you all along with her behavior that she's been trying to talk herself info loving you but you cannot compete with her great Jason.
  4. If you didn't know the situation, I think it mostly just looks like shock - sort of how some people are so stunned after an auto accident that they don't say much and don't get really upset or feel pain until later. I thought Nikolas would get more immediate anger from everyone because him being in the know was very obvious - he was so utterly nonchalant about the news - no wide eyes, no fake shock, no tears for Liz. "I don't know where you've been the last few years" came across really weak and then the meh, whatever, we're leaving attitude. They really are dumb.
  5. Sam and Liz both being 'OMG, Danny and Jake were drawn to you, somehow they knew" ... eyeroll worthy. Nik's evil laugh when raging Jakeson grabbed him in an headlock ... eyeroll worthy. Well, at least Jakeson showed some display of emotion instead of being so passive all the time. KeMo did a great job; Sam definitely stole the show from Liz. Patrick who? LOL. I think she forgot Patrick was even there. I think it does not register with Sam that Nik does. not. care. that she won't ever forgive him if she finds out he kept Jason away from her all this time. Yes, Liz looks more desperate with every moment. Jakeson declining getting married and walking away from both women is the most real he's been. I think I hear some hysterical laughter from all of you at Patrick's sad face over being Sabrina'd before Sam and Patrick have even spoken. I won't even address M&M licking Sonny's ass is court because I had to turn it off. Warning: don't watch if you are prone to rage blackouts.
  6. FilmTVGeek Well, compared to many in Port Charles, she is. This is a town where people whose crimes like murder, kiddie kidnapping and nearly killing someone while being reckless/drunk behind the wheel get white washed/dismissed/forgotten routinely. Liz has consistently worked as a nurse in the long-term to support herself (that alone makes her more respectable than such females as Carly, Sam, Maxie, Skye), hasn't murdered anyone or caused destruction while drunk/high, has never abandoned her kids or blatantly had a favorite child, and doesn't plot to screw people over for her own gain - until this Jakeson storyline. Nik showed himself to be cold/ruthless after finding out Liz was pregnant, when they they thought Aiden was his. He treated Liz like an incubator to be managed and controlled - not like a person - between announcing to Lucky that he wanted Liz to marry him, calling her doctor, getting on her case that she shouldn't be working and therefore jeopardizing "my child" while pregnant, treating Lucky like gum on his shoe when he wanted Lucky's sons and Elizabeth and baby to become a family with him and Spencer at Wyndemere. Nikolas acting the way he has with Hayden and the takeover of ELQ just reminds me of his managing/controlling/manipulating behavior when he wanted Liz for himself and wanted to not feel second-best to Lucky. I still believe he wanted to "win" Liz away from Lucky to punish Lucky for Laura choosing to leave him with the Cassadines and go back to Luke and have/raise Lucky. I didn't say Liz is justified, though. I think (from Billy's first moments as Jason in that hospital bed 'til now) Becky H. has done a good job of presenting Elizabeth as a sad/desperate/lonely emotionally unstable person in need of serious therapy. When Liz first got attached to Jakeson, she didn't know who he was. Her attachment, while unhealthy, was 'innocent.' If Liz set her sights on *winning Jason* from the moment he woke up (knowing full well who he is), then I would see her as being more like Hayden. Hayden went into the situation getting paid to target Jason, knowing what to say to try to take him away from Liz, etc. She was never innocent. The bitchy attitude is stupid, but not astonishing. In real life it's not uncommon for unhealthy/delusional people to provoke those who could have them arrested/put away ...simply because in their state of delusion they feel a sense of entitlement.
  7. Correct, but Maureen saw Sam looking at her when she grabbed Jake and took off. Maureen later told Jason she assumed he found her because Sam told him she witnessed the kidnapping. So, in theory, Maureen could make her statement/testify that Sam saw her kidnap Jake but didn't scream for help or tell the police (or anyone else).
  8. I'll reply to you about Liz as Wendy requested. If I recall correctly I don't know if Jason could have gone through with it in the way he wanted to, at the time he wanted to. Sam told him she was going to tell Lucky that Jake was not his son; Jason counter-threatened that if she did that (endangered Jake by outing Jason as the bio dad) he would have the PCPD arrest her as an accessory to Jake's kidnapping. But I assume he would have to track down Maureen and force her to make a statement for that to happen. Nikolas eventually admitted it because she persisted. I think there would need to be proof she knew and didn't turn him in, but when he confessed they were one-on-one alone and it's not like she was recording him. I believe she *theorized* to Laura about it because she'd had time to think and connect the dots. But as far as I know, she has no proof and hasn't had a 'guess what, Nikolas admitted to me he hired someone to shoot Hayden' conversation.
  9. No idea. Probably yes if, say, she saw/knew the shooter and helped him escape or contributed to paying him off and there was proof or she was sending a shooter payments to stay away. I don't know how the law would work for a woman marrying an amnesiac man who is using a different/made up name, who was declared deceased. Now if Elizabeth was still legally married to Lucky (even though they haven't lived together in some years) but falsified paperwork to make it appear she was divorced, and she married Jakeson, that would be bigamy.
  10. Zander was involved with Sonny's organization. Lucky was interested in Sarah before Liz, and slept with or had relationships with other women (including Sarah) after dating Liz but before and after being married to her. Jason and Robin were over and Jason was no longer raising Michael when he and Liz got closer, after Lucky "died." Robin was certainly not a criminal, but Jason acted like Robin had violated him by telling the truth about Michael's paternity. I'm pretty sure you're right about Alexis. I'm not sure about Gia; I remember she was in conflict with her brother, the police officer Taggert. The Nadine situation with Nik I can't label because she was his nurse; he was in that tumor storyline and talking to Ghost!Emily. I honestly thought Courtney had a somewhat criminal background/life because of her mother, and later the involvement with the Mob peeps (including shooting that cop).
  11. Hayden didn't know his background, sure, but she also seemed to feel zero remorse for what she was doing. When confronted by Jakeson, she basically shrugged and said "Hey you're a nice guy, it wasn't personal, I did it for money. Sorry. See ya." Elizabeth was genuinely shocked to hear that Hayden had been shot. She wasn't in on his plan; he made the decision because he didn't want to deal with Hayden's demands anymore. In retrospect, given what Nik said to her before Hayden got shot, she wondered. As for keeping quiet, why wouldn't she? She has no proof and Nikolas has shown (Niz affair, pregnancy with Aiden, and now) that he's ruthless and will use his money and power to achieve whatever he wants. I think her hostility toward Hayden stems from Hayden getting paid by Ric (who has a rather messy history of lying to Liz and causing her to end up in the hospital). Hayden was paid specifically to come between Liz and Jakeson. She lied to Liz's face about having sex with Jakeson (after he rejected her) to drive Liz back into Ric's arms. (I still think it's gross that Hayden was happy to take Ric's money and have sex with a stranger.) Then Hayden overhears Nikolas and Liz at the Nurse's Ball and switches to extortion w/him since Ric is no longer paying her. Hayden certainly didn't deserve to get shot, but she's hardly an innocent lil lamb. Showing up to taunt Liz right before she walks down the aisle proves that. Liz has lied and schemed because she's lonely/sad/desperate and wants a life with Jakeson to make her happy. Hayden has been all about $$, and sex. So I understand the bitchface, even though they both look bad in this months-long highly irritating storyline.
  12. Well, that's understandable IMO since the other women those men have dated/married/slept with were criminals or Carly. (I would lump Carly in with criminals but I'm not sure if the stuff she's done is illegal. Immoral def., but illegal?)
  13. THIS is seriously a fabulous description of the "symbols" of their (Jasam's) wedding day and so-called epic love. LMAO!!! What can I say, sometimes it's the little things in life that make me happy.
  14. It was more like he passively aggressively guilted her by saying he didn't hold the abandonment against her since she had been trying to protect her family. He told her he's now trying to protect two new families that have formed, and she should be able to understand that motive. Yet I think Laura mistakenly sees Nik's love for little sister as pure, practically sacred. I think she's a little in denial of how low Nik can go (probably in part out of guilt, because she didn't raise him). I felt like what he told Lucky was almost worse: hey you're free to go if you want, because Liz has Jason and they've become a family with the boys.
  15. Why must they choose, yowsah1? I have some expectation that both Liason and Jasam fans will be pissed off. ETA: Is it true that Brooklyn, the actress who plays Emma, is staying after Robin and Patrick leave? I guess that's the final F-Y to the Robin character, that she's missed so much time with her daughter but doesn't get to take her when she leaves. So, what, Anna and mostly off-screen Mac and Felicia get to raise Emma, with Daddy's ex-fiances dropping in from time to time to say hell? Pffffttt.
  16. I meant Laura should slap Nikolas, and the others can fall from the ripple effect. I really wish Laura knew Nikolas considered exploiting his beloved sister Lulu's messy past by getting her to charm/seduce Dillon into giving up his ELQ shares. That would certainly make Laura want to slap him. Someone should tell Lulu so she can slap her brother, too. I feel every chick should be a literal thing in this case!
  17. TeeVee - Can I vote for Laura to slap like a domino line?? She should slap Nikolas because his behavior has been heinous, whereas Liz, Dante, and Valerie are more delusional/stupid/pathetic and immature liars/schemers. But B,C, and D didn't plot to screw over a bunch of people and also have someone killed. Nikolas is in a league of his own.
  18. I would prefer her to say, "Stop lying to me, Nikolas!!" with a smack over the head at the same time. Laura knows Lucky well enough that he would not be okay with what Liz is doing, and that Nik telling her Lucky approves is bullshit. Lucky was still trying to wrap his head around what Nikolas told him when he went off to look through Liz's window. He never said it was okay. What he actually said was if Elizabeth and Nik had already made their decisions about Jason and were fine and settled with it all, why tell me the truth (knowing he could blow it out of the water). Basically he was saying you don't want to do what's hard, but you know you're wrong, so you're placing this in my lap so that I''ll either do what's right and take the burden off you OR I'll be an asshole too for knowing the truth about Jason but walking away from all of you and this mess.
  19. Yeah, I'm positive Laura and Nikolas haven't heard about the Lulu/Dante/Val drama yet. So far, Sabrina and Michael are the only ones who went to the party who are also going to this wedding, and they left before Dillon played the reel. I actually think Laura going to see Elizabeth makes sense, given their history and the fact that Laura is genuinely worried about her grandsons, all of whom are old enough to be upset/traumatized/scared during a fallout. Cameron's only a couple years younger now than when young Lucky found out about Nikolas; Laura most likely remembers how ugly that time was. (I think Rocco is old enough to pick up on tension between Mommy and Daddy and that he and mommy are going somewhere, but that's it.) Laura was the only mother figure Elizabeth had as a teenager; Lulu mostly grew up without Laura and the meaty, emotional scenes of the past between Laura and Lulu were when JMB was in the role.
  20. Patrick said Nikolas used to be a good guy when he was a close friend to Robin, what happened to that guy.
  21. I think I I can hear some cheering from here when Scott said he wants to do this because of "What Sonny did to my daughter..." So happy for those of you disappointed that it seemed like a root instead of rock would hurt Carly. That trip, hit, and falling unconscious was such fun to watch. I'm a little amused that Sam got the "my crush just complimented me!!" smile and look in her eyes when Jakeson told her she looks incredible. Very amused by the sorta cringe/pull away reaction to Patrick's grab around the waist and kiss. But WTF with Sam calling Anna to use her professional connections to help find Carly. Anna has no use for Sonny or Carly, so that rings about as true as Liz telling Sabrina and Michael, Felix, Epiphany that they are the greatest friends (no, it's proof of the poor quality of "friendships" on GH), and then Epiphany getting tears in her eyes about Liz in her wedding dress/Liz and Jake getting married. I'm shocked that Patrick brought up Robin at all, even in context of shading Nikolas to his face. And a tip, Patrick - when your fiance says you look "good" in a tux and you have to prompt her for stronger praise, she's just not that into you. Laura also looks fantastic!!! She doesn't even need to be dressed up to look great. Bringing up Laura's 'attachment to Lucky and Liz's love' to cover for the chat with mom - considering he drove Lucky away - was an, um, interesting choice. Genie was terrific today - I think her affection for Becky shines through. Laura's line about loving Elizabeth like a daughter makes me sad for Liz, whose own mother has never been there. Liz's "abandon" confirmed what I've thought has been Liz's core issue since age 15. Elizabeth's skin and hair look truly fabulous. Bonus reason to smile: Aiden in a tux!! Soooo cute!! I'm just about positive that's the first time we've seen little Jake and Aiden on-screen together. Previews: Hey look it's the real Kevin Collins!!!
  22. I'm a little surprised by the wedding promo because I truly thought Carly would be a) at Jakeson's side b) directly behind him or c) wrapped around his leg when he says "I'm Jason ... Jason Morgan." I'm curious to see if Carly either tries to take Nik's head off or vows revenge on him in the immediate aftermath of the Jake Doe as Jason reveal. I figure a Liz-Sam and/or Liz- Carly catfights will happen at some point too. I suppose it's too much to hope for that Carly will kiss Robin's ass in gratitude during KMc's brief return. Speaking of, did I miss news of when Kim is specifically supposed to be back?
  23. Oracle - I agree with you, re: how Nik thinks of Liz, as opposed to Sam. However, Jason's mother Monica and Jason's nephew, Michael, are still borderline family for Nik because he has not gone through with a marriage since he was married to, then engaged to, the now late Emily. Nikolas was friends with Emily, and thus connected to the Quartermaines, for nearly the same amount of time he's known Liz. Nikolas and Emily had their wedding in Monica's home. That all tells me he owes loyalty/truth to Monica as much as he does to Elizabeth. Nik would have never even met the "great love" of his life if not for Monica- she brought Em into the family because she came to treasure the little girl while her mom, Monica's dear friend Paige, was dying of cancer. I can understand Nik justifying not telling Sam, but not the withholding the truth from Monica.
  24. That sounds logical. People will be on information overload as it is. Also because we know that Nikolas has known the truth since Jan/Feb, and kept it to himself for selfish business reasons. His ex-in laws and cousin deserve his rage immediately. I think Sam should go off on Nikolas first - it's a helluva slap in the face to find out your cousin has known for approx. 9 months that your husband is alive and lied to your face. Then Sam can tell off Elizabeth for keeping her husband from her and her son, and then yell at her cousin again for feeling that his friend deserved to hear the truth before Jason's own family.
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