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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Correct. Sam said the problems were 'not of our making' (so I guess she's choosing to forget that Jason treated her like crap re: Danny-in-utero), and it seems like he knows about Helena's evils of the past and present (mentions of Lucky) but not Franco's. In conversations with Jakeson, Sam has gone on about her great love with Jason, and talked about Danny, but I don't think there's been a mention specifically of Franco or that Jason died not knowing Danny was his. Maybe he only knows that Carly was engaged to Franco? The first time they met, Carly came into the the art therapy room at the hospital looking for "my fiance."
  2. I find her love for the man who raped her, has killed how many people including the man who raised Nikolas, all but abandoned Lulu for many years, and risked Nik's life (when Laura was conveniently not in the room) for information on Lulu far more offensive than her hatred for Hayden. Her loyalty toward Nikolas and animosity to Hayden, because she wasn't and isn't some innocent lamb in this situation, is not surprising.
  3. I agree that the news is probably going to be they are setting another wedding date (due to Liz being pushy). If it was about Liz being pregnant, she would have a scene involving a dizzy spell,feeling sick to her stomach, or reacting to a smell prior to Thanksgiving. Also, Michael's girlfriend and Jason's fiance being pregnant at the same time would be ... not good. So it's gotta be a "we're still in love and getting married - Sam is totally a non-issue" announcement. But I expect a Liz-Sam or Liz-Carly throwdown sometime around then too.
  4. I agree with TeeVee; she wants to know what's going on with Nikolas and ELQ, including Nik's possible thoughts on what Jason being alive means for the company.I don't think Tracy cares at all about Liz, although she may have heard from Hayden (before Monica) about the Liz and Jake wedding getting canceled and why. Spencer told Emma he heard all about the dramatic events at the wedding from Hayden (instead of his father doing the responsible thing and telling him). So Hayden may have gossiped to Tracy, too. Today was just a reminder that Show turned Nikolas and Patrick into thoughtless fathers, and legacy characters Lucky and Robin - who loved their kids more than life - into the Skyping parents. Ugh.
  5. This time, he only remembered being in bed- I assume that's because Sam was touching him and reminding him that he couldn't obey Helena's order to kill her because he remembered being with her/the bed in the penthouse. So I think that's acceptable in this situation.
  6. I felt like slapping both Nikolas and Elizabeth. Elizabeth deserved every bit of Hayden's taunting. Too bad Liz continues to blow off Laura's wise words. Patrick, you're a shitty father and an idiot - not necessarily in that order. So heartbreaking to hear Emma talking to Spencer about the loss of her mom, and now possibly losing Sam when all she wants is a happy family. Spencer being grateful for Grandma Laura and Emma being grateful for her grandmother was sweet. I hope we get an actual explanation of where Robin is - not just some generic lab doing generic work against her will. Tracy still hating on Anna, when Luke's out of the picture for both of them, is just pathetic. Is she seriously worried/jealous that Paul and Anna are going to hook up? I did like the twist that Hayden is working for Tracy, not Paul. One sentence from this Jason about how his brain has been working is way more articulate than any sentence in the last 10 years SBu played the character. Good job by KeMo with the emotion, and good job by both actors with that kiss. Sam is still completely, madly in love with Jason and what she feels for Patrick is nothing in comparison. I was thinking, re: previews, Heatlifer must be laughing hysterically that Sam tells Patrick she and Jason kissed while over at Wyndemere Liz encourages Jason not to "pressure" himself to reconnect with Sam when he sort of catches her conspiring with Nikolas. Ugh.
  7. Something about the beers belonging to Gunnar, if I heard correctly.
  8. He has deluded himself into believing he has a chance for the reasons he stated in the church - that Sam isn't the ride-or-die chick anymore because she has Danny, that they've been building a happy,secure/stable family life (the unlike what you had with Jason was implied IMO) with the two kids, and that Jason isn't the same guy she fell in love with after everything that's happened. When he said to Liz re: himself and Sam, "What we have is real," I think it was his PC way of saying hey, Jason's just a memory who doesn't fit in the safe, happy life Sam and I have built together. He can't make her happy in the place she is in her life now. It will just take a little time and work for her to realize that." His behavior now reinforces what I already thought - Patrick's respect for Sam's love for Jason, and respect that Jason is Danny's true father, was contingent upon Jason being dead and therefore not true competition. Yes Patrick has a history of being jealous of Jason, but I think that's because Jason has known Robin much longer and was there in her life at a time when she was afraid she was going to die. Jason's influence helped Robin move forward, take care of herself and create a life for herself. So I can understand why Patrick thought that set of circumstances and the emotions tied to them would mean forever competition with Jason. She told Nikolas during the Nurse's Ball she's afraid that getting memories back and becoming Jason Morgan again would mean his life would belong to Sonny, Carly and Sam - that there would be no place for her.
  9. LMAO!! Please never change, HeatLifer. I think Danny called Patrick "Daddy" today to establish the Jason v. Patrick rivalry over the kid as well as Sam since, as you pointed, out, Sam, Patrick, Danny and Emma are supposed to be this perfect family now. Patrick's lines to Sam today screamed 'we have a life and this family together now, but I guess I can tolerate Jason being in it since yeah, I guess Danny should know his true father.' JT played Patrick with a highly dismissive tone regarding Jason, and I heard it again in his conversation with Elizabeth. Patrick is now sounding more like Elizabeth, but not so blatantly terriitorial/crazy.
  10. LOL that Dillon was going on about how much Lulu's input on the movie meant to him, and she's just like "you're welcome" in an IDGAF voice. I liked her acknowledging that they've only had a few laughs, and pointing out that he does not care about her feelings or her marriage. Hoping he got blue balls from that. So the spoiler about Liz was really about an off-screen phone call, and her leaving the house so that Monica and Jason could have two sentences of a conversation? Yet another big letdown from the show. UGH at Patrick's message for Robin. LOL at Patrick's WTF face to Liz's non-request that he keep Sam away from Jason. Rolling my eyes that Liz is now pouting about her failed wedding in addition to lying and being all "we have a son too." LOL at Patrick being offended Liz thinks Sam will want Jason back. Too bad Sam didn't overhear him say today, "What we have is real." Both Liz and Patrick are delusional/arrogant. KeMo's doing a good job with the tremendous love Sam clearly still feels for Jason; I'll give the writers credit for showing that it's Alexis, not Sam, who is thinking it would be a big loss if Sam had never formed this 'stable family' with Patrick. Although it was nice of her to tell him his old apartment is available if he wants it. I thought Sam would start bawling with joy when Jason held Danny. Anna and Jordan are both having a fabulous hair day. Preview: Robin with tears in her eyes. :(
  11. Close. He remembers what Nina has done; told Alexis he'd let Nina run the magazine into the ground, and then write it off to fix his tax problem(s).
  12. Jeff was well-known in the music industry so his death had to be acknowledged by Juliette and other professional connections. The only person who was sobbing over him was Layla, which is because she's a young girl with self-esteem issues who believed herself to be in love with Jeff and that the feeling was mutual. It's great seeing Will be a friend to Layla, to Avery, and tell off Gunnar. Gunnar had it coming; Will was spot-on. I enjoyed Avery and Will singing to Cady. Right before that, it looked like Avery had been sobbing. Guess I missed something - did he just sign the divorce papers or hear that Juliette had been wasted/destructive at Luke's party?
  13. Dillon wants to be with Lulu, not have a ONS. I think Lulu is being impulsive/lashing out as Laura just warned Dante she would do if she was pushed. She's repeating what Carly and Luke have both done in the past. She wants to block out the pain, using sex. She's her father's daughter for sure. She also wants to hurt Dante in return. I will guess throwing herself at Dillon just once and then walking away will be a F- You to him, too. Assuming she actually has sex with him in the next episode, I expect she'll say after "You humiliated because you wanted me. Ok, you've had me. Now get out of my place out business. I want you out of my life."
  14. I agree with you. Dante's behavior sucks. I was just responding to the poster who was disgusted by Lulu apparently telling her mom about what her husband's done while leaving any of her guilt out of it/disregarding her husband's feelings at that time. I was just pointing out this is in character for Lulu, that she has a history of disregarding others and putting herself in potential danger because of this desperate need for daddy's love/attention. I really wish Luke's cheating and impulsiveness had been brought up in the Laura-Lulu conversation instead of mildly referencing it in the Laura-Dante conversation.
  15. Ignoring the circumstances and pain of loved ones is typical of Lulu, though - esp. when her actions have to do with Luke. When Lucky's heart was broken over the loss of Jake, Lulu pushed him to put his pain aside and go after their father because she was all "I need my dad in my life." Dante was along for the ride, including when Lulu put herself in danger at a brothel because she wanted to get her daddy back. This time, it was her idealized hubby hurting her because, on impulse, she wanted to go play hero and bask in Daddy's praise for helping re: Lucky. Running off to Canada and knowingly putting herself in danger again is understandable I guess because it's her family, but allowing her skill-less old friend/ex (a guy she hasn't seen in how many years) to come with her while lying to the man she's committed to who would protect her family and has actual people-saving skills is absurd.
  16. Jason removing Sonny's hands from his like Sonny's hand is possibly contaminated/Sonny has no clue about personal space made me laugh. Jason telling Carly and Sonny "NO" and walking out on them as they're begging him to step back into his old life is a beautiful thing. AND he mentioned hearing about the beginning of Jason Morgan from Monica! So Lulu is having a Carly-esque self-destructive moment? Lovely. Laura is not wrong in how she's advising Dante, but I expected some anger from her instead of calm. I guess that's how you turn out after spending so many years with a douche like Luke.
  17. I don't think the audience is going to hear Patrick acknowledge his real feelings about ending things with Robin to any of the Jason lovers in Port Charles, esp. not in a conversation with Sam, because it would expose how much he truly hated Jason and was disgusted she would sacrifice time with her own family to save him for anyone - even Danny. What he told Sam was a revision of history twisted by his current anger with maybe one surface line of truth, "Love wasn't enough" meant to make her believe that trying to reunite with Jason was likely hopeless and something she would end up regretting (versus choosing to marry his sparkly awesome life-saving self). He honestly sounded like a more sane version of Liz (in how she tries to keep Jason with her) to me.
  18. I guess I was inferring a bit - I took "love wasn't enough" as referring to Robin leaving to save Jason and then staying at the clinic to continue the work. I feel like he blames Jason, and Robin and their connection for him losing the life he had with Robin and Emma. It seemed like the stuff he was saying had everything to do with his feelings regarding Jason being history/inferior (plus wanting Sam for himself of course), the anger he has toward Robin now and the idea "Robin left me for him, now Sam wants to go back to him, so I lose both of them? Hell no!! Jason doesn't get to win."
  19. That's not quite what I saw. Yeah he wasn't whining for her to *instantly* choose him, but he was definitely implying that her marriage and feelings for Jason were history whereas what she has with him is real and now. (That seemed pretty blatant when he was all, 'we'll figure out if you're still legally married.') I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he did hate Jason and has always believed himself to be the better man. Patrick saying "it wasn't the same" re: Robin is crap. He got furious that she didn't come back running back to wipe his non-existent tears when the premie he conceived with Sabrina died. Later, a combination of his hatred for Jason and his overblown ego didn't allow him to see that perhaps Robin was under duress when she was in that lab and telling him to leave the clinic. The biggest thing that changed between them in the two years she'd been gone, apparently, was his ability to read her behavior. He figured things out pretty quickly under similar circumstances with Jerry Jacks some years before the two had Emma and got married. What stood out to me is that Sam clearly respects the love/marriage/family Patrick had with Robin, and has shown respect for Robin being Emma's true mother as well as Jason being Danny's true father. That is in sharp contrast to Patrick wanting to make Sam Emma's mom and his current words about the JaSam marriage as well as his own. The scenes told me that this is all about Patrick's feelings and Patrick getting what he wants - Jason out of the picture in Sam's life, if not Danny's.
  20. This is what has me confused. Michael and Sabrina were together at Elizabeth's house, watching her open up the shoes, etc. Then they were going to the wedding, all dressed up. Next thing I know, Michael is testifying in court for Sonny instead of sitting in a pew, watching his mom be apart of the drama...er.. being wedding a guest. Sabrina is no where to be found. Did I miss something?
  21. Elizabeth's house and the Scorpio-Drake house are in the same neighborhood, but we've never been told specifically how close together the houses are situated. I remember Liz let them know that house was available, at the time that Robin acknowledged they needed a house because her apartment did not have room for the baby. *Sigh* I hate that the friendship with those three that I used to enjoy, years ago, has also been destroyed with all this WTFery.
  22. I understand her general motivation, but kissing someone and letting them touch you - not even going past that - is the act of someone who is either depraved or the ultimate con artist, or both, if you know that this person tried to kill you.
  23. "I don't want you to make the same mistake I did." - F' OFF, Patrick. You don't get to talk Sam out of wanting to go back to Jason and figure things out. I hope Robin slaps him good when she comes back. Then slaps him again for making her hand hurt. I'm gonna go hang out in HeatLifer's IhatePatrick corner now. I LOVED Sam leaving the house without a word to Patrick-while he's in the bathroom - and hopping on the motorcycle to take it to Jason. LOL!! I also laughed at Liz looking forlornly out the window. I can't decide who is most awful in this episode - Liz, Patrick, or Nikolas. I guess Nikolas because for him to have any anger/attitude toward Hayden after he tried to have her killed ... there are no words. Or as some of you say, rage blackout. Also, didn't Hayden overhear Nikolas admitting that he paid someone to shoot her? If so, her wanting Nikolas is just really sick. I'm not surprised though that Nik wants to screw the woman he tried to have killed. Yelling at Sonny and then "Both parties are completely reprehensible" - What a fabulous judge!!! *happy dance* Of course Carly just expects Jason to step right back into his old place in CarSon's life. His first priority is not you or Sonny, dumbass.
  24. Do you mean the audacity because Jakeson should do it? I would say audacity if she asks/begs for a favor re: Jakeson.
  25. Yes, she was chatting with Molly and TJ at the Halloween party/fundraiser - before Dillon played the reel and the drama started. I think she just knows of TJ because he's dating Molly, the sister of her late father's ex-girlfriend.
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