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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I don't have a problem with her voicing contempt for drug dealing, because drug dealers shot up her ex-husband and left him for dead at the docks. JJ's Lucky worked for the PCPD and was investigating drug dealing and drugs stolen from GH at the time. As a nurse, I'm sure she also sees her fair share of overdoses. Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake has a long history, and still an on-going association, with mobsters Jason and Sonny. That doesn't mean she's not allowed to have contempt for drug dealing.
  2. Elizabeth is special because she is a legacy character - the granddaughter of Audrey and Steve, central characters of the Show when it started. She has grown up in Port Charles since age 14/15 and has connections to many other characters, past and present, through her history, her job as a nurse, and her sons. In fact, she is the only character still played by the original actress who was a teenage participant in the Nurse's Ball in the '90s who is still active in it every year. I feel he is undeserving of Elizabeth's love because he is an obsessive who shows that he doesn't respect others. Even if you hand-wave away what he did "because of the tumor," he is guilty of stalking (ex.:hiding in the backseat of Elizabeth's car when he was determined to date her), taunting Jason about his closeness to Jake, kidnapping Tom and locking him up with a shock collar in the name of "protecting Elizabeth" and then lying to her about it, screaming "Who cares about Sam?!" who was his victim when Elizabeth brought up something she said, dissing art therapy as a job that's beneath him, jealousy of her talking to a colleague (Dr. Munroe), begging Elizabeth not to dump him because "I need you; you make me better" and more. I see him being an awful long-term role model for the boys and a partner who will act like a child whenever he doesn't get what he wants, for the rest of her life. (His little protest/tantrum during the Nurse's Ball that Nikolas didn't put "Baldwin" in the scholarship named for Elizabeth is a recent example. The horror!) Sure he loves her, but not in a healthy way. There are have been days in the years since they got together when I think it would make Franco happy to hang a big sign on Elizabeth that says, "Property/significant other of Franco Baldwin." Elizabeth got together with him when she wanted Ric to leave her alone and when she was depressed that Jakeson/Drew and Sam got together. There is a scene where she is sad after Sabrina was murdered;she laments to him about feeling alone due to loss of friends over the years. He says something like "You have me." This was not a situation where she "fell in love" because he was this great catch and he added to her already awesome life. The Elizabeth who married GV's Lucky would never have settled for someone like Franco - a guy who once kidnapped her newborn son - or married him through the bars of a jail cell. I completely disagree that what other people think of Elizabeth's marriage to Franco doesn't matter, because she has three sons in school. Cam got into a fight with a classmate for trash talking his family. (He acknowledged that both the teachers and students thought Franco was guilty of murder.) Cam was just lucky he didn't get seriously hurt. Kids/teenagers are known for being cruel and impulsive. I kinda think it's inevitable that Franco will do something stupid and/or dangerous in the future and the kids will face backlash in school as a result. The fact that Franco appeals to no other woman in Port Charles, except maybe his ex-lover Ava, definitely does not mean that Elizabeth fell in love with a great man. He had a great moment in sacrificing himself to save Cam, but one moment does not erase an unhealthy trajectory. (I don't count using himself as bait to lure out Ryan because that was Jordan's idea that he agreed to.) Honestly, I still wish she and Dr. Matt Hunter had become a couple (I never understood what he saw in Maxie, ugh).
  3. THIS. I decided not to watch the Josslyn/Mike scenes after seeing the preview because Mike is Kristina's grandpa! Josslyn's grandpa was the late John Jax. Kristina got to be in scenes with her sisters and her grandpa's cousin Brando, but there has been no acknowledgement (as far as I know) all this time between Sonny and Kristina that Grandpa Mike is ill and dying? Kristina should have a scene of looking at photos of Avery and Donna, and telling Grandpa they will grow up knowing who he was. What gets me is that in the scene where S&C have Mike meet newborn Donna, he lists all his grandchildren to them, and Josslyn was not on the list. They smiled at him and said he was correct - it was a 'yay Mike can still remember things' moment. There was no correction that he was forgetting Joss. And then just this week in the Joss/Cam/Dev park scene, Joss told them she was going to Turning Woods to visit "Mike" - not "Grandpa" or even "Grandpa Mike." I don't think Joss has ever called him anything but Mike to his face or when speaking to her mother, Sonny, and others about him. Contrast that with Cam, who refers to Laura as "my grandma" when speaking to anyone about her and he calls her "Grandma" whenever he sees her, even knowing now that Lucky wasn't his bio father. He was raised to consider her to be his grandmother; I can recall when Cam and Jake were little boys, out looking for a Christmas tree with JJ's Lucky and Elizabeth Lucky told them a story and said "Grandma Laura." Carly and Sonny never did that with Joss re: Mike. I think Joss has only known Mike starting when she was a tween, with this actress in the role once Carly moved herself back into Sonny's house - this time with her daughter. Totally agree about Franco. Blech. Compared to Elizabeth and Franco, Nikolas and Elizabeth do fit. He knows her history and really knows her as a person - her insecurities, what she values, how hard she has worked being a nurse and single mom. Franco IMO has never been the right partner for Elizabeth. He is obsessively in love with her because he sees her and her sons as his redemption. I may be in the minority, but I don't believe either Franco or Elizabeth love each other for who they truly are. When you say Jesse, do you mean a character or a former GH actor? Totally agree! Frava have a genuine friendship and used to be lovers, so I would find them getting together more organic and realistic than Franco and Elizabeth's entire so-called courtship. Elizabeth being willing to marry Franco while he was literally in a jail cell speaks volumes about her self-esteem in relationships. What Ava doesn't understand is that Franco never deserved Elizabeth to begin with. Ava wanting to emphasize Franco's past as a serial killer to promote his art, and Franco thinking "well maybe that's not a bad thing" shows that they are both far from being healthy people. Elizabeth is rightly embarrassed that Franco's serial killer past would be publicized if Ava went ahead with her plans. That's part of why you don't marry a former serial killer in the first place, Liz. Don't even get me started on Anna's behavior, and Britt being COS. Demoting a nurse who has three children shows the kind of person Britt is. She will still justify/gloss over anything she or Brad has done. She's really no better than Carly.
  4. Totally agree about Becky and her character, Elizabeth. It's a disgrace that characters like Sam, Nina and now even teenage Trina have (or had) parents on this show but after literally decades we don't even know Elizabeth's mother's name. A storyline involving Elizabeth's family (not just to tie a new character to a long-term current one) is way past overdue. Willow was not milquetoast until she married Michael. She and Chase were great together, and the actress has the chops to pull off anger (raging at Shiloh in the courtroom) or devastation (reacting to Chase telling her that her baby died). The problem is, the only thing that Michael and Willow have to talk about is Wiley. They have nothing in common. In Michael's life, everything has been handed to him. Willow escaped a cult, became a teacher, and gave birth without her family by her side. A little bit of drama could come from Willow asking for Lucas to have an active role in Wiley's life, and she should. My WTF moment was when Willow told Michael he was the only person who could understand her fear in the hours that Wiley was missing. Um, Willow dear, you were around Lucas and Brad when Shiloh kidnapped Wiley not that long ago. Hello, Writers - you have short memories!! Willow even asked Brad to pray with her in the hospital chapel for Wiley's safe return. Lucas should have been informed of this kidnapping and would understand. Also, Anna now seems to have shifted to feeling guilty over Maxie inevitably getting hurt by Peter's lies and actions, while trying to blame Robert for not letting things go so they can all live under the illusion that Peter is a wonderful guy now and will totally stay that way as long as he doesn't think he's Alex's spawn. Excuse me? I don't want to see Robert and Anna get back together while Anna's behavior shows she doesn't deserve him, but I also don't want to see Robert with Sonny's first baby mama, Olivia. Ugh. None of Sonny's exes for Robert, please.
  5. I thought that today (actually watched live) when she watched on the spy/surveillance camera as Cyrus's minions started beating up Brando and asked in a nonchalant tone (as if seeing two people arguing) what that was about! Jason's response and immediate choice to go rescue Brando made me feel like Sam isn't good enough for him! Btw, are Jason and Spinelli in some sort of competition for who has the worst hair?! The only positive things about this show today: Olivia being sweet to Robert, and Olivia's blouse that she's wearing on the plane. As for the Michael/Willow stuff and Chase, Michael seems like he's trying to tell her he's totally into her, while she's trying to convince herself that she could fall in love with him because she wants to be the family Wiley needs, and she feels like she needs to make the best of this since she already committed (plus she believes Chase cheated on her).
  6. I disagree. Michael has never said anything about leaving Port Charles with Wiley. I don't like how he immediately claimed Wiley as his son and took him to the Q mansion, but Wiley had not spent all his time only with Brad and Lucas in their apartment. Wiley spent significant time with not just Michael but also Grandma Bobbie, Willow and Chase, other adults, and I think the assorted children who live with/visit Monica at the Q mansion. Wiley has clothes, toys, and bonds/attachments to people and places in Port Charles. So in my opinion, what Nelle intended to do was much more traumatic. She didn't care about Wiley's attachments or having a stable home or a group of loving family and friends. She wanted him for her own ego "I'm the only mother you'll ever know" (in other words..."I don't give a shit how much Willow has demonstrated she loves you or how attached you are to her"). She also spelled out that she wanted to take him away from Michael and Carly so they would be punished for not giving her what she wanted. That is an action of pure revenge, not love for a child. Did she have a real plan, or a home set up somewhere for herself and Wiley? It didn't sound like it. Michael should ask both Lucas and Willow to co-parent with him. It's absurd that Lucas and Willow have not yet had a scene together since the big reveal, given that Lucas wanted her to be in Wiley's life and they were both deceived. But of course, that would take some Show attention away from Michael, the Show's new best Daddy ever. *Rolling my eyes.* I will also defend Willow's comments saying nice things about the Quartermaine and Corinthos families, and having "fun." Aside from Chase within the last two years, Willow has only ever had her mother, who turned her over to Shiloh for sex when she was a teenager. Now since she has gotten close to Michael and been a maternal presence in Wiley's life, his parents and the rest of his family have surrounded her in a warm and welcoming manner. They have encouraged her to live in the big, luxurious mansion with Michael and she instantly has plenty of "family" support. She doesn't have to be worried if she makes enough money to pay the rent. He invites her to go out on a boat and have dinner, to celebrate winning custody of Michael. Any young woman who has not yet been exposed to the violence and daily presence of bodyguards that comes with being associated with Sonny or Jason, and has not yet had to deal with Carly constantly being all up in Michael's business, would have a positive reaction to this. I think she's especially vulnerable to being delighted and impressed right now, after (stupidly) thinking that she has been betrayed by the love of her life and her one "friend" who was really only a friend because she was Michael's girlfriend. The closest Willow had to girlfriends were the mothers of her now former students, Elizabeth and Lulu.
  7. I'm going to defend Willow here because she has every right to think Nelle is an absolute beast. Nelle used Willow's dead newborn son as a prop to punish Michael. When Willow was minding her own business at home and taking care of Wiley as his legal parents asked her to, Nelle forced her way into Willow's home, attacked her and attempted to leave with Wiley while Willow was unconscious on the floor. She knows Nelle has killed before, and most recently slashed Brooklyn's throat to get away with her plan!! Nelle shows zero remorse for any of it. Why wouldn't Willow think Nelle could abandon or hurt Wiley if things weren't going the way she wanted?! Yes, Wiley has been around Nelle before - Lucas and Brad's home, and the Q mansion. These two places are familiar to him, and so are the people there. That is completely different from being taken from your bed at night, going in an unfamiliar car with someone you don't actually know, and the only familiar thing is one toy. I would assume he did wake up crying at some point, out of confusion. Nelle said "Michael and Willow don't deserve you" and that she didn't want Carly to be in his life. From what I heard, she never said she loves him and therefore wants to save him from a Mob/dangerous lifestyle. What about what toddler Wiley deserves? I think someone who loves him would think he deserves better be abruptly yanked from everything that is familiar to him at 2 years old, to start a life somewhere else purely because she wants to punish Michael for not giving her what she wanted from him, and to punish Carly for not giving her what she wanted before that. Nelle said as much in her fights with Michael and Carly. While what she said to Michael was accurate, she also said not one word about being miserable at losing time with her son, how very much she loves him and has missed him. She didn't rant that she thought kidnapping was the only way to give Wiley a chance at a safe life that would be impossible for Michael to provide as long as he's associated with Sonny. She gave him crap over not fighting for her. Her anger/hatred over not getting what she feels entitled to is much stronger than whatever she may feel toward her son. She is a sociopath. What if Wiley had stayed up all night crying, and Nelle got sick of it but Michael never showed up? Would Wiley still be alive? This is why I can't root for Nelle as a custodial parent. I root for her making the Carly and Sonny and even Michael's lives miserable because that's KARMA, but I don't root for an innocent toddler to be left in her care. I really wish there was a way for Willow and Lucas to have custody. They would be great co-parents. I also don't buy for a second that after being in a loving, mature relationship with Chase, Willow would EVER want to be in a relationship or marriage to Michael unless Wiley's life was in danger. Also- was that cabin set the same one that was used when Michael killed Claudia/Josslyn was born? And I'm REALLY glad the teen triangle is about WL/Cam. The kid brought in to prop Sonny was sooo not worth two teenage girls competing over. I have to laugh, though, at Josslyn's face that her friend Trina would dare to have feelings for a guy Josslyn might want! What nerve!!
  8. Actually, many years ago a different re-cast Nikolas was into Elizabeth after JJ's Lucky "died" in the fire. I think he kissed her. However, she got close to Jason. She was sort of casually seeing GV's Lucky (after they divorced) when she and Nikolas got involved, but then Lucky freaked out about Jake nearly getting injured by Edward's car and turned around and proposed to Elizabeth because he wanted his family back together. I never got onboard with the Elizabeth and Franco stuff. Franco fixated on Elizabeth and Jake as Jason's ex and kid. He was obsessive and creepy/stalkerish; Elizabeth felt alone when Jason-Drew and Sam got together. So she gave in to his persistence and "fell in love." But with the way Franco behaves and his attitudes, he is no role model for Elizabeth's three impressionable sons. At least Nikolas when he is at his best, gets along with people mostly, has many connections in Port Charles, is well educated, and doesn't stalk women or lock a man up with a shock collar out of "love" for a woman. I shudder to think that those three boys will learn to behave about women the way Franco behaves about their mother. I also hate the way he implied to Elizabeth that being an art therapist is some low-life job he has settled for after being a high-profile artist. I have known art therapists (as related to my job) and they are very hard-working, highly educated people. In the real world there is no way in hell a guy like Franco could ever even aspire to get such a job. Whereas Nikolas has never in any way demeaned the work of a medical professional. As another poster stated, even Carly is too good for Franco. I will add ... just barely. She keeps choosing Sonny, after all.
  9. I would like to see a scholarship in Robin's name from Dr. Monica Quartermaine (and maybe Michael) on a major anniversary of HIV+ and AIDS research, when KMc is visiting. That would be the most meaningful, given that Monica's late husband diagnosed Robin and all the times survivor Robin has had a hand in saving Monica and Alan's deadbeat criminal son's life. I'm glad the nursing scholarship was in Elizabeth's name because she's the granddaughter of Audrey and Steve and has cared for how many hundreds or thousands of patients. Franco's reaction to the attempted hug between Nikolas and Elizabeth shows yet again that Franco and Elizabeth are not a healthy couple - that Franco will always be waaaaay too possessive. How dare Elizabeth hug a long-time friend/former lover? How dare the scholarship not have Baldwin as Elizabeth's last name/his own name even though colleagues at the hospital have known her long-term as Elizabeth Webber, the granddaughter of the late beloved hospital doctor Steve? Franco, as usual (except for the one time he saved Cam) is all about his own ego and insecurities. Yes, I know he really cares about the three boys now, but even that started out as him trying to force his way into Elizabeth's life to feel better about himself and taunt Jason about being close to Jason's first-born son. I like that the scholarship news came not long after Elizabeth compassionately counseled Sonny to let Mike go. Such a terrific scene between two veteran actors on this show; it was good to hear him call her a trusted friend since I assume he thinks of her mostly as his best friend's first baby mama. I also was shocked, and liked, that Carly tearfully thanked Elizabeth for whatever she said to Sonny to get him to change his mind. It is an extremely rare moment when Carly is genuinely gracious/grateful to someone. ETA: For those who don't understand, the reason I am calling Franco possessive is that he's been jealous of seeing Elizabeth have one-one-one conversations with, hugging, or touching in any way Jason, Drew, Dr. Griffin Munro, and Nikolas (prior to the Nurses's Ball scenes). He snarked to Kiki that he didn't like Dr. Munro talking to "my girlfriend," and the first words out of his mouth after Nik returned was passive-aggressively complaining that his "wife's ex" is back.
  10. THIS!! I just watched some recent scenes, and Elizabeth and Franco's behavior is completely consistent with their history. Her most significant lines show that she wants Franco's past ignored and for everyone to accept the narrative that Franco's past has no connection to who he is now. She told Nikolas that Ava's efforts now, and Franco's happiness at Ava's enthusiasm, is painful after she has spent years telling the world that Franco is a different man now. She told her friend Terry that the man Ava is promoting is "not my husband." Elizabeth gets offended and very defensive whenever there's a mention of Franco's past or Jason (or Sam) won't embrace the narrative about Franco that makes her happy. She wants the world to believe Franco is a good man, and that she has a healthy relationship/family. She really bristled after Franco got arrested for Kiki's murder, and Cam acknowledged he was in a fight at school because both teachers and the kids thought she was an idiot for believing in and marrying a former serial killer who once kidnapped her newborn son. She chooses to dismiss all of the unhealthy behaviors and poor choices he's made since the tumor was removed because she's in love with him and Jake and Aiden had already fully accepted him as their stepdad. An emotionally healthy woman would have walked away for good when he held on to her and said, "I love you, I NEED you, you make me better.' Her relationship with Franco isn't the first time she's behaved this way. She got mad at Ric after the Alcazar trial, for Ric saying to her face she's been protecting and lying for a killer. She insisted Jason had never been convicted (at that time, they were all still declaring that Lucky was Aiden's bio dad). Elizabeth even said something absurd like Jason's job "doesn't touch his soul." When Jason has done something she doesn't like, she decides it's because of Carly or Sam's influence. From her own history with Nikolas, she knows he's capable of evil like paying someone to try to shoot Hayden. She wants to be his friend again, and for him to only be a good guy like he was a long time ago. It's easier to blame Ava for being selfish, manipulative, etc. than to acknowledge that Nikolas and Franco are making choices in life that she don't fit with who she wants them to be. I would honestly rather see her with nuNikolas than Franco. They have chemistry, and Nikolas knows her well and understands her past. Howarth has always played Franco with Elizabeth like he's a needy man child, wanting Elizabeth and her children to adore him so that he can feel like there's more to him than a former serial killer. Unrelated thoughts: Has CD's face thinned out? Or does it just seem that way because of the COVID hair? He looks older, like Michael could pull off appearing to be a CEO now. What is with the tragedy of Maxie's hair?!! The temp Sam confused me; I thought GH had cast a new character or re-cast someone from the show's history.
  11. C'mon now @GHScorpiosRule the CEO of a multinational corporation (or whatever the Show claims about ELQ) doesn't have time to pay attention to such trivial details as celebrity haircuts, unless such details have to do with his parents, Jason or Josslyn.
  12. Yes, she was convincing as the grieving mother who went off the rails after her son died. I've gotta say, I was thrilled that GH's former "Patrick" beat "Jason" as lead actor. I shook my head that the clip of Oscar's death that GH picked for competition for an Emmy focused on the dead boy with Drew and Kim, when all three actors no longer work at GH. I was really taken aback when former "best actor" Maurice Benard and the former "best actress" introduced the next award. Benard both looks much older than his age, and the way he speaks seems wooden/like a struggle to be real, genuine, present and enthusiastic. I have thought that his performance on GH showed that he's not invested these days in being a good actor, but now I actually wonder if there is something genuinely wrong with him. The contrast between him and the actress was glaring IMO.
  13. The last scene of Ric that I remember is his line to 'Jake' that "you're marrying my ex-wife," I think the day before the wedding that didn't happen because "you're Jason." I think he entered Sonny's hospital room and was never seen again? Ric wanting to get back together with Liz when he returned to be near Molly was weird, because in their last interactions years ago she called him "cruel" and wanted nothing to do with him after he brought baby Jake's paternity into question during the Alcazar murder trial. At that time, he showed contempt for her for her loyalty to Jason. Their first scenes together when he returned showed no indication that they'd been in touch/made amends in the years he'd been away; he talked like he'd never actually gotten over her.
  14. I agree. I think Francis was put in a very difficult position, both as a woman facing the public and as an actress who had to play Laura falling in love with Luke. This spring, NLG chatted with/interviewed TG (while they were in quarantine in their respective homes) and Geary said he can remember being the guest star at some mall event after Luke raped Laura. He said female fans were yelling at him "Rape me, Luke!" He asked them to stop (which they did).
  15. She told someone (I think Julian) right after they got married that she wanted revenge on Nikolas for pretending to be a ghost when she was institutionalized and manipulating her into telling him where the Helena painting was by saying "Kiki is in hell with me but she'll forgive you if..." She felt that Nikolas using her grief and guilt over her daughter's death was unforgivable.
  16. For those of you longing to see classic GH, you should watch ABC's "the Story of Soaps" On Demand. I just watched the second half live and was pleasantly surprised to see Robin and Stone's love story highlighted prominently (but didn't care for the brief Finola Hughes commentary because she wasn't on the show at that time in history).
  17. She told Brad that she was giving her newborn son to him and to Lucas to raise, that she didn't want Michael to raise "my son." What she actually meant was, "I'm giving you my son for safekeeping, and then when I get out of prison I'm coming for him." She didn't care that he was in a home where he was loved after she made the choice that he should be there. By intending to take off with Wiley, she disregarded all the bonds he's formed with people and thus his sense of security. That's not love as far as I'm concerned. I don't necessarily agree about the conversation. It is rather well-known at this point that Nina was pregnant and it's not firmly/officially known what happened to that pregnancy. It's well known that Nina has been obsessed on and off with being a mother. For someone who thinks like Nelle and wants what Nelle wants, there is no better target for manipulation for empathy and gaining an ally. I sort of assume that scene was more about the Show setting up an "I know/I've bonded with my child already" plot point for Nina whenever the reveal happens that Nelle is hers. Also, I just think Nelle is generally delusional in life. I remember that Nelle had concerns about Wiley's surgery. Monica approached her with articles, and Nelle walked away dismissively. Nelle said something about not wanting to hear from Monica's surgeon colleagues - it came off to me like well she's your grandmother so whatever she says, and whatever anyone connected to her says, is suspect. Monica is a surgeon,so she does have expertise. And yes she's a grandmother, so she is invested in Wiley's good health. It's not like she's eager for someone to cut into her toddler great grandson. It's not a life threatening situation right now, but it would help his quality of life. It's not as if Michael's family was pushing for Wiley to get a nosejob.
  18. THIS. Willow intended to walk away from Wiley after the truth came out, but then Michael and Sasha pressured her to stay in his life and in her heart she didn't truly want to walk away. She wasn't excited to be a family with Michael and Wiley; she reluctantly agreed to it for Wiley's sake whereas Michael is clearly happy they got married. Nelle has thrown Brad under the bus, knowing that out of two of them he is the "innocent one" and claiming to be his friend. She knows that Wiley was/is attached to Brad and Lucas as his parents, but intended to leave town and for Wiley to never see either of them again. I can't recall a single conversation Nelle has had about Wiley that wasn't about deceiving/getting revenge on Michael and Carly or trying to prove she has the ultimate authority over what happens to Wiley because she is his biological mother. Even in the conversation with Martin, she made it sound like visiting Wiley in the hospital was about putting on a show for the nurses so they could be called as witnesses in court. She referred to him as the "kid" and Martin told her not to do that, and to cry in court. It all makes me think she doesn't actually care about a mother-son relationship or if Wiley will have a good life. Say what you will about Michael and Willow, but they are both attached to him because of the bonds they've formed with him. Willow, especially, does not see Wiley as an object/some "kid." If the Show really wants to keep drawing parallels between Nelle and Carly, Nelle will show up to court with her new significant other/husband - her bio mother's (ex) husband, Valentin. Speaking of marriage, did Michael ever legally marry Nelle? I just remember she was pregnant, Michael and Nelle were having a wedding ceremony in the Q mansion (right about where Michael and Willow got married), and Carly interrupted it. So I don't recall if they finished and then it was annulled, or what.
  19. I agree. The tears (of sadness) glistening in her eyes that she's entering in a loveless marriage with Michael in front of his family (minus his sister Kristina, Grandma Bobbie, Uncle Jason and of course Uncle Lucas) and without anyone there to support her came off very real to me. And Josslyn can EFF OFF with the "Willow is good enough for Michael" stuff. You brat, Willow is way too good for Michael. I don't get why Nelle would want to marry her son's 'former grandfather' Julian. I'm not sure Julian was ever around Wiley enough for Wiley to know who he is/trust him. Is it because Julian is a business owner in Port Charles and as a result would seem financially stable?
  20. IMO that line should have been "...getting Scout to sleep through the night [since she lost her father]." Scout is no longer an infant or even a toddler, but waking up repeatedly through the night would make total sense for a little kid missing/feeling insecure without the father who was so devoted to her. I feel sorry for Scout having to accept Jason as her new/replacement father.
  21. Elizabeth absolutely wants people to forget Franco's past. She does believe he has changed. For years she has been desperate to believe she has/had good judgement, both as a responsible mother and as a woman who thinks people have really reformed deserve a second chance. Yet I think there's also the part of her that is bothered by the perception of her as "the nurse who married that serial killer - what a pathetic, naive woman she is." I recall that back when she was involved with and in love with Jason, she would say stuff like "such an honest man" and that his job (killing people) didn't "touch his soul." She had a scene with Jason in the PCPD interrogation room after he killed Alcazar, where she basically said to his face she wanted to stay in denial about him killing people. It just comes down to that Elizabeth can't deal with acknowledging that men she has loved willingly hurt and/or kill people - e.g. Jason murdering Alcazar/whomever, post-tumor Franco putting Tom in a cage and shocking him with a collar to torture him. Of course Sam blames Kristina, because she needs to see herself as a selfless, protective sister. She is delusional regarding her family - her sisters and mother, her ex and her kids. Agree. Elizabeth was an artist way before she ever met Franco, but when the Show put her with Franco he became the Star, the Artist in their relationship. I believe the set location that used to be her studio became Franco's Art Space (and where he locked up/hid Tom in the cage). She should remember that she loved to paint and could try to do so professionally. Also, if Elizabeth got some more education she would be well qualified to be an art therapist at GH. Franco as so-called art therapist is a joke. Someone with his criminal history and post-tumor behavior should never get that sort of position in a hospital. But of course this is a soap, where a criminal who helped hold a GH doctor prisoner and tortured her with electric shock, and who shot a nurse in that nurse's own home, got to be chief of staff. I know it's not going to happen, but I really want Willow alone to get justice for what Nelle has done. Michael's own behavior has a lot to do with why he and Nelle are where they are now re: Wiley. But Willow was correct when she said to Nelle, 'you used my baby as a prop.' Nelle did in fact used a deceased newborn as a prop to hurt Michael. She willingly married Willow's rapist (not knowing he would end up dead), in an effort to get her hands on ELQ shares. She also forced her way into Willow and Chase's home and assaulted Willow, then got away with it. She has verbally tried to taunt her and insult her on various occasions, whether it's 'you're so selfish that you gave your baby up and that's why we're here in court" or 'your baby is dead, deal with it, Wiley is mine and I'll do as I please." I would like to see Nelle lose her battle for custody, and then spend time behind bars specifically for the assault on Willow. I then want to see Michael holding Wiley in the hospital, Lucas happens to walk by and Wiley yells out "Daddy" as he reaches his arms out, straining away from Michael. And I also want a horsie.
  22. Especially since Earth Day was literally last week. Ugh. I want Robert, Finn and Chase to have a "Three Men and a Little Lady" type situation with Violet as long as Chase and Willow are broken up, Hayden is out of the picture and Anna has her head up her ass regarding Peter. Seriously, either Robert or Finn being in love with Anna when her behavior is so. very. stupid. really bugs me. I genuinely like the grandfatherly, fatherly and uncle affection I see from the three men.
  23. I hope Willow does not turn out to be Nelle's twin or Nina's bio daughter because Nina has too much arrested development emotionally to try to be a mother to Willow, and Nelle is ... Nelle. The creepy factor has already been done on this show - Alexis and Sam, who are mother and daughter, both slept with brothers Sonny and Ric, and both had Sonny's daughter except Sonny and Sam's daughter was stillborn. Sisters Elizabeth and Hayden both slept with Nikolas; Elizabeth slept with Drew and Hayden tried but Drew rejected her. Brothers Jason and AJ both slept with Carly, Keesha (I think), Sonny's blond sister, and Elizabeth.
  24. I agree, yet her attitude is consistent. When she wanted to go (back) to work at Perk, Sonny told her someone had that job and she was put out that Sonny wouldn't just give her the job/fire or re-assign the employee since she was ready to work. Elizabeth's scenes with Mike and also Sonny were terrific. Herbst is wonderful in scenes as a compassionate nurse, as a compassionate friend/mentor type (the scene with Willow at the baby's grave), and as a mother with any of the three boys. I appreciate whenever we get to see that she has/had a life outside of her relationship with Franco. Willow has been through so much already - she does not deserve to have Carly and Sonny, and Joss and Kristina as in-laws. Her being "stupid" by believing that Chase is having an affair with Sasha is not really the issue in my mind. The real problem with their relationship now is that she shouldn't be with someone who would lie to her and go along with an idiotic plan in order for their relationship to be over so she'll do "what's right for her and Wiley." He knows Sasha already has a history of being an idiot because she was Valentin's partner in deceiving Nina. Chase has shown he doesn't respect Willlow's free will and judgement. Michael seems mostly in love with Willow at this point, so I expect Willow will lean on him because Chase's poor judgement has broken her heart. Can Sasha please leave town now?
  25. THIS. I swear I remember that Michael liked Willow, but then she got together with Chase. He and Sasha hooked up and then started dating. I am getting the impression that Michael settled for a relationship with Sasha because Willow was not available. I believed that Willow and Chase fell in love as she came to trust him while she was working to let go of her baggage from being in a cult/being Shiloh's victim. She happily moved in with Chase, and they agreed about wanting to have children in the future. I saw none of that depth in the Michael and Sasha relationship. The claims that they were in love rang false.
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