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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. So Cam knows that Trina kissed Dev during a school dance? And that Dev and Joss kissed during the winter? I didn't realize those moments had been acknowledged.
  2. Of course. She's all for hurting/using innocent people as a means to an end, whether it's Robin with the torture, holding Elizabeth hostage in her house and shooting her, or using Dante as her "take down Peter/Heinrick" weapon. I hope Robert and Dante take her down.
  3. Yes, that is what I meant, thanks. I think he has the acting chops to make a storyline compelling, to show layers to what he is feeling. He can make me believe he genuinely has feelings for both Joss and Trina. I just don't get that from the actors in the roles of Joss and especially Dev. I guess the combination of weak acting and bad writing for Dev just make him an unappealing character to me. He came on pleading for Sonny to vouch for him/take him in, then when Sonny and Carly decided he should go to high school w/Joss, his reaction was "no I'm too important/I've got skills, I should immediately be working for Sonny." Then he was in Sonny's wife's hotel, and tried to steal from Laura's purse when she stepped away to make a phone call...but Jason caught him. Now he's mad at and trying to manipulate Cam, who genuinely is a good guy, because Cam kissed Joss, who is essentially Dev's foster sister. Dev's upset because the pretty girl who lives in the same house with him, whom he's only known about a year, isn't into him? Boo hoo. He's only acting like he's Cam's friend. He's not a good kid. I don't see both girls being in a state of limbo; the kiss with Joss just happened a few minutes ago, after they've had some not-purely-friends moments. He hasn't even processed it and it seems neither has Joss but her smile means she liked kissing him. Trina herself said to her mother she's confused about her feelings regarding Cam, and she figures he is also confused. She is saying this to her mom months after she and Cam agreed they're just friends. It seems like all three are confused/uncertain about what they want. I don't see either girl standing around thinking "I feel stuck because I think maybe he likes me but I see him flirting/going out on a date with my best friend." The closest was Joss feeling jealous/left out of a close bond when Trina told her that she and Cam kissed. I think Dev partially succeeded by making Cam feel bad, but he didn't give in to Dev's demand that he friendzone both girls. He said he has to think about how to move forward. Yes, she's Jackie. You'll enjoy Robert's beaming smile as he and Jackie came face to face. She didn't slobber; Lulu did. She said that Lulu's pitch got her attention because that's her (Jackie's) area. I find it hard to believe that Lulu has ever read something written by a prominent/experienced reporter because that implies she's learned something about being a real reporter. I agree with @dubbel zout about the ridiculous propping of Michael. Willow seems to be trying hard to convince herself that she could fall in love with/be romantic with Michael someday since she's already in this, agreeing to adopt Wiley. Willow, dear, you have so much to learn about how Carly functions. You thought Shiloh was a manipulative, controlling liar? Just wait.... Did Chase ever officially ID Nelle's body?
  4. I completely disagree. Dev's line implied that Cam wanted to kiss someone, and since Joss was there he went for her instead of Trina. Dev doesn't know a damn thing about Cam and Joss's history or recent conversations, and we know Joss certainly doesn't confide in him. He was not part of the dynamic when Cam and Trina were kidnapped, to have any idea of the complexities they have been and are experiencing. He was acting like some young underclassman who was mad that he saw a popular high school senior he's been friendly with kissing the girl he has a crush on. Cam is not stringing anyone along - that implies "I'm not really into you at all/anymore but I'll let you think I'm invested because of X reasons." He just openly said to Dev he's confused, and isn't sure what he feels for either girl. Yes. I believe she kissed Dev because she was open to moving on from Oscar and Trina told her that Dev liked her/she thought Dev was behaving as though he liked Joss. Dev stopped her, no explanation. Then recently, he tells Brando he likes a girl (the description is obviously Joss) but he blew it when she made a move. Anyway, I find Joss being into Cam much more believable than her everrrr being into Dev. I would like to see the Trina-Cam-Joss triangle playout without interference from Dev.
  5. Yes Cam and Joss have history, but I don't get the impression that whatever his more-than-friendship feelings for her are add up to just a teen boy's dream. While Joss and Oscar were broken up, Cam and Joss were having some fun and they kissed. Both were into it. WL's acting was on-point today as he spoke to Dev. If the show was trying to make Dev seem like a sneaky jerk, I believed it. He was certainly acting like Sonny today. The way he got nasty toward Cam after witnessing that kiss, I half expected him to call Cam a playboy, or "Candyboy." This Joss-Cam-Trina triangle is none of his business as he was not part of all their times together; he doesn't get to demand that Cam friendzone both girls. I don't feel sorry for Dev that's he pissed off and really jealous that Joss friendzoned him and then kissed Cam. He's not entitled to any kind of romantic relationship with Joss especially because they're supposed to be family per his hero Sonny's actions. Cam, dear, - Dev isn't your friend. That's quite clear. I'm really wondering if Dev is going to tell Trina that he saw the kiss to hurt the Joss/Trina friendship, or say stuff out of spite to make Joss or Cam doubt each other's feelings/intentions and friendship. I don't believe for one second that Dev actually cares about Trina's feelings. He just wanted to make Cam feel like he's a bad guy/crappy friend. This. I really like seeing Elizabeth have an honest conversation with another mother, and thinking only about her son - his feelings, what he's been through. Even when Elizabeth gets a chance to have conversations with other women, it pretty much always has something to do with Franco when it's not mostly or all about him. Elizabeth was a mom raising Cam way before she ever met Franco. I enjoy seeing scenes that are only about her as a mother and one or all three of her boys.
  6. C'mon now, give her more credit. She can totally smack him with one of her stilletos! That would cause a cut. That is in-character for Nina; she has never really stopped thinking like a young 20-something (?) woman who went into a coma. Her maturity as a woman is definitely stunted. You could see it in how Nina 1 interacted with teenage Molly during the brief "marriage" to Ric, and you have seen it with Nina 2's interactions with Sasha's and now Jax's ex-wife and daughter. That was set-up with how Trina was giving Cam "I don't want to be here" vibes even before they set foot on the Haunted Star, whereas Cam and Joss have been sparkly toward each other for a while. It seems that WL and EM are very comfortable with each other, because the (COVID-non) kiss looked much more natural than the awkward actual kiss Cam and Trina shared a few months ago. I think WL has been doing a good job of playing that Cam really cares about both girls as his friends, and feels a connection/attraction to both of them, which creates an angsty situation for him. I actually like seeing him feel some normal teenage stress instead of the trauma of a kidnapping or the stress caused by hearing his mother get bashed at school and his life in upheaval because of Franco's actions (or not considering consequences, depending on your perspective). I assume Trina is going to see them kissing, feel hurt and run off? I laughed at Dev feeling rejected by Josslyn's smiling "everyone thinks we're family" stuff. Dev, remember isn't that the point of the cover story meant to protect you from getting killed? Also Dev, why not go and try to date a girl who is not the one teenage female living in the same house with you?
  7. Ethan can't really be taken seriously; he's re-writing history with the little knowledge he has of Robert as well as Holly. He said something about Holly being an "unconventional" mother. Ummm, Ethan, do you recall during your time in Port Charles that you said your adoptive parents, whom you loved, raised you? Ethan did not meet birth mother Holly until he was, what in his mid-20s? There was no mothering/parenting happening in whatever relationship he established with her. Ethan's comments about wanting Holly as a partner in cons or vice versa, and his con-man ways being his reason to not come back to Port Charles comes off to me as immature bragging/exaggeration so the love of Holly's life will think he's 'cool." He wants Robert and Olivia to think he's taking after Luke, and Holly.
  8. Yes, I think if Elizabeth agreed to let Cam get a job, it would be at Kelly's. I get that Lulu's comment to Elizabeth remembering the four of them as teenagers means that Joss, Cam, Trina and Dev are (according to the Show) supposed to be the current Emily, Lucky, Elizabeth, and Nikolas but that's not really accurate IMO. Emily was like Joss as far as being from a rich, well-known family, but she was not spoiled and entitled like Joss is. Cam fits as Lucky for several reasons. Trina has some of the teenage characteristics of Elizabeth such as interest in art and surviving a traumatic experience with a guy friend she likes helping her move on from it, but Dev is no Nikolas (as played by TC). The only commonality is that both grew up in foreign countries and came to the U.S. as teenagers. Dev is mostly just there for Sonny's ego, to be of use to Sonny's criminal organization at some later date.
  9. Trina told Cam last year that she thought Dev was cute. She made comments indicating she liked Dev. She hung out with Dev and kissed him during the school dance at the Haunted Star, when Cam and Joss snuck off to drink and "forget their troubles." Joss did not see Trina kiss Dev. Trina told Cam that she let Dev know she was interested, and he rejected her. Scott had moved on from Laura and fallen completely in love with Dominique. He was thinking of his young man self, who had his marriage to young love Laura cut short by Luke. Scott and Laura each had gained a lot of life experience, and many years of not being apart of each other's lives, by the time he said that. They were no longer those very young versions of themselves. Scott wanted to reclaim his life with 20-something Laura, which is not reality. I watched the scene and it seems like she's saying "the kiss between you was a one-time moment where you got closer to Trina and I was left out, when all four of us are supposed to be in the friendzone." A scene before that, when Trina and Joss were at Kelly's and talked about it, showed that Joss was really jealous at the idea that Cam and Trina had gotten closer and possibly developed romantic feelings for each other. Josslyn wanted Trina to tell her that kiss was a reaction to a moment and she didn't have feelings for Cam; Trina side-stepped the question. Now Joss is looking for Cam to reassure her that Trina is definitely just his friend, that he doesn't have feelings for her. Joss definitely likes him. They kissed, mutually, back when they were spending more time together at the time Oscar dumped her because he was sick and pulling away. Why she ever fell in love with boring, uncharismatic Oscar when Cam was right there in front of her is beyond my understanding. In Josslyn's silver spoon life, I doubt she has ever even been to Walmart or McDonalds, or had to go to the grocery store to think of those possibilities. She thinks of working as 9-5, like her Mom at the Metrocourt or Michael working at ELQ. In Port Charles, whenever a teenager wants to work, they get a job at Kelly's as a server. ETA: @GHScorpiosRule, did you watch the preview for Monday's show? Peter/Heinrick's bitchface reaction to Robert's return is hilarious.
  10. Absolutely; having someone stalk/spy with a camera to benefit him is exactly Franco's style. I'm sure he would brag about it. The last time I remember him attempting blackmail was to get Laura to leave town with him. He said he'd always been in love with Laura (really, I don't recall that when Dominique died in his arms!) and if she left Shadybrook and Port Charles with him to start a new life, he wouldn't pursue Lulu for "murdering" Logan. Yes. Of course./Sarcasm. Franco and Scotty bonding over blackmailing Nikolas and Ava is embarrassing. Cam has had feelings for Joss for however many years and they kissed when she and Oscar were broken up, so I would not expect that a night of trauma, some close moments and then a kiss while Cam and Trina talked about their trauma would totally erase his years-long attraction to Joss. I am skeptical about Cam and Trina being a real couple because Cam and Joss are both part of legacy families, and their moms have the Jason history involving lots of drama. I imagine Carly not reacting well to the idea of her daughter falling in love with Elizabeth's son. The only time I could see her being okay with "Elizabeth's kid dating my kid" would be Jake because he's Jason's. I think she would be onboard with Jake dating Avery (she thinks of Avery as hers) and Danny dating Donna one day. I hereby speculate that Cam and Trina individually decide during the dance to confess to the other they're interested in dating each other ... but then Cam and Joss will have a cute, sparkly moment together while dancing and Joss will kiss him (which Trina will witness).
  11. Dev pulled away from first Trina and then Joss when they kissed him, so who knows if actually likes Joss. Trina first told Cam how Dev was cute and cool she thought Dev was, and she kissed Dev first, it makes me question her judgement. I think Joss may "win" Cam due to their history and also because there's more drama to be gained if Liz's son is dating Carly and Jax's daughter. Liz is friendly/colleagues with Portia (and Liz and Taggert respected each other), so no drama there.
  12. Details please - don't tease me....um, us.....like that! I am under the impression he was totally over Sasha the moment she was a "cheater" and Willow became available. He was crushing on Willow when she started dating Chase, so he settled for sleeping with/casually dating Sasha. Their so-called romance didn't build up the way Willow and Chase's did. Still, the preview of Willow asking Sasha if she's "still in love" with Michael is funny to me because I think in reality the two breakups and then the Michael and Willow marriage just before the custody court date happened was just a few weeks ago, not months or years. She already did that when she went crying to Sonny (while divorcing Jax) that "Jax is going to take my little girl away from me." So, Sonny had someone break/disable Jax's plane and it crashed. My favorite Kristina and Alexis scenes ever resulted from that. Kristina confronted Sonny when Jax was missing/possibly dead and did some awesome truth telling. Then Carly felt some twinges of guilt and anger that maybe Jax was dead and went to Alexis to say "let's keep our kids away from Sonny." Alexis did some awesome truth telling about Carly's relationships with Sonny and Jax. I believe that scene won NLG an Emmy. I wish that bit of history would get repeated from time to time and brought to Josslyn's attention, because IMO it's much worse than "Sonny had Jax deported."
  13. 😂I'm just trying to figure out where this is going, and it seemed like Maxie's overall lack of enthusiasm about another baby + Anna's rant to Robert spelling out Peter's guilt + Peter's anxiety about being exposed = he is going to be exposed and Maxie's "permanent connection" to him will subsequently be lost. Also, to the poster who asked about Maxie taking bitch lessons from Sam and Carly - it's unnecessary because Maxie has had bitch behavior down since she was a teenager. The memory that sticks out to me was when the Webber boys were little. She said something to Elizabeth about how Matt, Maxie-s then boyfriend, would never be attracted to someone with baby spit-up/smells on her clothing.
  14. I don't believe Dev has feelings for Joss either. Maybe because there is zero chemistry in the moments he's been close to Joss/Eden. His acting doesn't sell what is written in the script. He also has zero chemistry with the Trina actress. I also don't believe he would go to Brando about a girl because he hasn't previously even had a one-on-scene with Brando to my knowledge. Sonny talking to Carly about how he doesn't want to "hurt" Avery with this news I think was just supposed to be more Emmy bait for MB. Avery is 4 years old, and has seen Mike here and there. I think the only time he was alone with her for awhile, he kept calling her by her deceased aunt's name. She did not have a strong connection with this man, to be oh so hurt and sad or devastated that he's gone. In contrast, my cousin's 4-year-old daughter saw (until COVID) her grandparents every week. They were "nanny care" when my cousin and her husband were at work, were present for all holidays and birthdays, etc. I imagine it would be very difficult to have a conversation with her if one of her always-there grandparents became ill and passed away. The time for Sonny to be all worried about hurting Avery was when her sister Kiki was murdered. Kiki was the one who spent a lot of time with Avery and gave her on-screen hugs. Molly's reaction to most situations is giant eyes. It's ridiculous. When she was watching with giant eyes as TJ asked Brando to play basketball in the future, you would think Molly is pregnant and fears that TJ will somehow figure out he is not the father in that conversation. Hey, don't underestimate the perks of on-call/drive-home service when you're in the Mob! That would have been the logical thing, yes. But I doubt the writers or even Sonny remember Kiki at this point. They are not related. Dev is essentially Josslyn's foster brother. It's beyond a bad idea to have two teenagers in the same house dating/crushing on each other. Dev needs to actually talk to teenagers not named Joss, Cam, and Trina. Seriously. A long-time family friend had serious osteoporosis (various falls and injuries over the years). However, she passed away years ago because of something that got into her lungs and compromised her breathing. They are on good terms, more or less. Lulu stopped hating Elizabeth for cheating on Lucky a long time ago. The last time they really interacted regularly and were friendly with each other was approx. a year ago, during the "our children Charlotte and Aiden are cousins but enemies because Charlotte is bullying Aiden" storyline. I think Lulu telling Elizabeth that Laura would be glad to help her out financially if needed, and bringing up her memories of being the little sis during the Nikolas/Lucky/Elizabeth/Emily teen history, was intended to show that these former SILs are on good terms. ETA: I guess Maxie is being chem tested with Brando, to give her a place to go when the Peter situation blows up. She seems to find Brando attractive, is totally unenthusiastic about having a third kid and possibly a new, bigger car for kiddos. I guess the rage and pain when Peter is exposed will cause a miscarriage? I was wondering if the mystery hand who knows Robert/is holding Holly hostage will turn out to be Jerry Jax. Maybe he's working with Alex, who knows.
  15. If the actor's in his 30s, I guess it's believable that Brando became a father at about age 16. I personally have a cousin whose son was born when she was 15 (she was pretty good at hiding the pregnancy from all of us). I totally agree. The only thing they have in common is they both have an adult child who's been injured because of Sonny shooting his gun, and are both grandparents. Robert rightly pointed out that Olivia's life experience is as a civilian in Bensonhurst and Port Charles. (She knows only the basics of his history as a spy, father and husband. She just thinks it's fun to play spy.) Is their trip the first time she's been outside of New York? Yup, Frisco is the director and he is really indebted to the Scorpio brothers because: A) Robert got him into his WSB career. B) Mac has been Maxie's father for 20 + years now, ever since Frisco permanently abandoned Felicia and Maxie to devote himself to the WSB. (I don't count Georgie because Frisco only participated in conceiving her).
  16. I didn't say anything about those four being great peers. But it seems rather weird for Brando to go from being buddies with Carly and bonding over baby Donna, and appearing to become some sort of allies/friends with Sam and Jason, to wanting to spend time with the police commissioner's son and Sonny's half-brother's daughter esp. considering they don't have his life experience. Although I can absolutely understand TJ wanting to hang out with Brando considering his only guy friend on the Show ever before this was Morgan. The whole thing is just beyond stoopid. And makes Robert!Fucking!Scorpio! Look stoopid!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 This Show has some lazy writers, so both Anna and Robert have been made to look stupid, or like crappy people, for plot point purposes. Examples include Robert's "eh, she had Mac and she turned out well" response to Anna saying they should have been there for Robin as she was growing up. Anna's "this means I'm old - the horror - I need to go drink at Luke's casino" reaction to finding out that Robin was pregnant with Emma when she knew how much having a baby meant to Robin. Making no attempt to see Robin when Robin "dumped Patrick and Emma" and was "living happily in Paris." Anna and Robert together getting outsmarted so they were locked up together and couldn't figure out a way to escape so Robin was a prisoner of circumstances. All of Anna's behavior regarding Peter. Now the Show runners think Robert needs to be "convinced Holly is dead" so this is the lame way they do it despite the fact that Robert just went through this same scenario with his supposedly dead daughter in 2012 and they should know the history enough not to approve this from writers. This related to what has always bothered me about Robin: her unwillingness to acknowledge that her parents and their choices directly impacted how she handled things in her relationship with Patrick, and that she has severe abandonment issues. She told baby Emma "if you ever need a hero, he's your guy" and would refer to either or both of her parents as heroes. My response is always that Robin didn't need "heroes," she needed parents to raise her and be there for her no matter what. Anna has so barely been there for Robin in her adult life that she remarked (after her first/maybe only experience of hearing Robin speak at the Nurse's Ball) that hearing Robin speak with passion for the cause was moving. REALLY?!
  17. Seriously. The wide-eyed horror when she sees TJ and Brando being friendly, and extreme nervousness when she's in proximity to Brando is really over the top.🙄 So, Robert hears about a burned body that matches Holly's size and he is given Holly's "for show" wedding ring, and absolutely believes she's dead to the point he's apologizing to Ethan? It's not like this exact same set-up was used earlier this decade to convince Patrick, Mac, Robert and Anna that Robin was dead, or anything. Patrick was even given Robin's wedding ring. And it's not like the exact same set-up was used previously on Robert's best friend Luke, to convince them all that teenage Lucky was dead and "even the WSB" said so. Holly being locked in a room and screaming at a camera to let her out is an exact rip-off of the last scenes for JJ's Lucky before JJ left the show. Brando agreed with Sonny that he will continue to pose as "father of Dev," and Dev is supposed to be a high school senior (according to Cam recently, re: the teen quad). That makes Dev 17 to 18 years old. So unless Brando became a dad when he was approx. 8 years old, how in the world are Molly and TJ his peer group? I thought the audience was supposed to understand he's a 40 something/close in age to Sam, Jason, and Carly?
  18. NO Thank you! Robin doesn't need two retcon siblings (I'm still hoping "Peter" turns out to be Alex's kid.) Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought Ethan was invented because TG wanted Luke to have a son not played by GV (who was in the role of Lucky Spencer at the time NP started in the role of Ethan). Same. Did WK and IR have some sort of major falling out? The Show's narrative over the years is that Ned is Jax's best guy friend and Alexis is Jax's best lady friend. It's jarring to me that Jax hears from Willow that BL got her throat slashed and BL confirmed Nelle did it but Jax didn't go running to Ned's side to offer him support. As far as I'm aware, Ned has never even acknowledged in the last few months that Jax is back in Port Charles. To me that is as glaring as Kristina not being mentioned or seen at all during the "Mike is dying of Alzheimer's" storyline. There really needs to be at least one scene of Ned, Jax and Alexis instead of Carly and Nina monopolizing the majority of Jax's time. Ethan looks much better than he did when he was a GH cast member. Olivia was in a relationship with Johnny Z. when Ethan and Johnny were friends. Also, Ethan is Lulu's brother and Lulu was dating "Dominic" (later revealed to be Dante, Olivia and Sonny's son, when Sonny shot him) at the time Ethan was on the show. Kristina also had a big crush on Ethan when she was a teenager and (I guess in part because she was Dante's sister) Olivia tended to get all up in Kristina's business like a self-appointed stepmother. THIS. The only honesty I could see regarding Mike's previous relationships in Port Charles was the warmth between him and Elizabeth. I think my favorite Max Gail scene was the "Friz" non-wedding day when Mike saw Elizabeth and brought up his memories of her and Lucky. Elizabeth was fond of Mike back in the days she worked at Kelly's and hung out with Lucky, Emily and Nikolas. Mike was also running Kelly's when popular waitress Georgie Jones was murdered. I hope Mac, Felicia and Maxie get to have a moment of remembering Mike's connection to Georgie. Maybe the Show could have one honest moment, - Sonny vowing to his children that he will never go years without seeing/speaking to them like it was with him and Mike?
  19. It's fine if Ava thinks of Elizabeth as simpering and doesn't care to say nice things about her. I have a problem with her saying "giving into Elizabeth's simpering ways" as if Elizabeth has been trying to seduce Nikolas for months. It's the kind of female-blaming I loathe especially considering that Ava has been purposefully getting close to Elizabeth's husband and hoping that Nikolas would make a move on Elizabeth so that she would gain financially but oops oh well my friend, Elizabeth's husband gets his heart broken. That's shitty especially after she let Franco think for at least a decade that he was Kiki's father and he was hurt to find out that was not the case. THIS. Unlike Michael and Josslyn, Mike is the one grandparent Kristina has ever known. She is the eldest granddaughter, who should mention Avery and Donna in goodbye scenes as she looks at their photos on her phone. I would actually like to see her reunite with big brother Dante right outside out Mike's room, Dante and Kristina should have the last goodbye scenes. Dante is the one who found Mike and Avery when Mike's disease was progressing and he wandered off with Avery. Also, after all the fuss about Gladys being Mike's cousin, mother of Brando whom Sonny bribed for Dev's sake, and then he bought Gladys a car so she could "go visit Mike" as often as she wanted, does she get to say goodbye? On an unrelated note, I'm sorry BL is even speaking period. After she drugged and tried to rape her friend Dante for money, she is lucky Dante's mother would tolerate her existence in the same room again let alone give her a free room. I don't care that BL is Ned's daughter. Olivia has been Dante's mother a helluva lot longer than she's been Ned's wife.
  20. Get your pillow ready, Ciarra. I watched part of the Show today because I unexpectedly had some free time and that was NOT a good choice. Sonny and Carly getting all excited that Mike opened his eyes makes me want you to go after both of them. However, @GHScorpiosRule should definitely watch to see Robert in a tux. Robert in his tux and Olivia in her red dress were the only positive things I saw. Seriously, Olivia questioning Robert's skills as a spy and scoffing that she can handle herself with Raj because she's been hit on before made it clear she is not a good potential match for Robert. Honey, this isn't Bensonhurst. Robert is right that you're a civilian in a strange place with dangerous people, and he doesn't want to explain to your husband that you got kidnapped. Robert, for the love of all that is Holy please shove married Olivia away if she tries to kiss you. She certainly seems like she wants to cheat on Ned with you, Robert. Ava should be smacked for "did you give in to Elizabeth's simpering ways" question. How could Elizabeth be some seductress of Nikolas when she and Nikolas are the ones trying to manipulate Franco and Elizabeth to cheat? And she showed zero remorse/sadness at the possibility of Elizabeth and Nikolas sleeping together, which means her supposed friend Franco would be devastated. Ugh. That hate sex was not exactly a shocking twist, Show. I literally gagged at Carly's dream where "Mike found a daughter in her after Courtney died, and she found a father in him" and their mutual tears. Spare meeee. Same for Sonny wondering to Carly if Mike's dreaming of dancing with Adele in the family kitchen. WTF?! I feel bad for Chase that he apparently is settling for BL. He calls her manipulative, she says yes, he shrugs and accepts it and and takes her wherever she wants to go. Lovely.
  21. Franco hid in her backseat on 8-17-16. It gave her a scare, and she was angry because it was a creepy move and she definitely locked her car. His response was well, your window was open a little bit so that gave me the opportunity to break-in and this was the only way because I have to talk to you. She told him she didn't think she could be with him because his past continues to pop up and that makes her uncomfortable. He then launched into the "please believe in me" clinging/begging behavior ... and here we are. The elevator incident that Teevee329 mentioned was before that, on 7-14-16. He was confronting her about believing/not believing in him. Another scene in my opinion that told me she was getting together with Franco because of her own issues was on 7-29-16. Franco asks why she's on a date with him after she pushed him away. She responds that Ric was giving her a hard time because she was friends with him, and that she was putting her boys at risk. She got angry and called Franco to spite Ric. She flat out said that she thought she should give Franco the benefit of the doubt. An emotionally healthy and mature woman who thinks she deserves a great man doesn't get together with a guy to spite an ex even though she has real doubts about the guy, or go out with a man who forces her to be alone with him - twice in a stalkerish way - so she'll talk to him/re-assure him of his worth as a human. I don't know about Franco's general popularity with an audience, but I do believe Show runners can double down on a character or storyline to get their way instead of acknowledging they've made a mistake. These are excellent points, @ouinason! I totally agree with you about Franco w/Liz and Ric w/Liz. However, Franco irritates me more than Ric did because in my opinion RH plays him as a perpetual man-child caricature. He is this guy obsessed with being the only man who matters to Elizabeth and her sons, who reacts in anger that people aren't just over his serial-killer past, who chomps on food while talking, who thinks his art therapist job is beneath him, who makes weird facial contortions, who resorts to pouting often. I think my favorite line from Elizabeth to Franco ever was when he spoke about accepting never having love after breaking up with Nina, and in response she called him out for being a self-pitying whiner. Yet she tends to tolerate that behavior from him through their marriage. The only time in the past that I felt like RH's acting conveyed that he is a regular, real guy who is not always self-focused was in his scenes with BM's Drew when they were kidnapped by Betsy's ex the child molester and when Drew's son was ill/dying. It seemed like BM brought out the best in RH. I also find RH more or less tolerable when he is in scenes with MW as Ava. I prefer acting that comes off as organic, like teenage Robin with tears in her eyes acknowledging quietly to Laura Spencer that her parents aren't coming back, or Elizabeth in moments of quiet fear and then joy/relief at seeing her son Cameron is safe after a kidnapping, or the look on Dr. Tony Jones's face as he listened to BJ's heart after the bus accident. What I'm saying is, yelling, flailing, whining and weird facial expressions do nothing for me. I have the same reaction when Sonny throws barware, whisper-threatens someone, etc. I honestly don't care if Elizabeth gets with Nikolas or not. It just makes me feel a little better about her character to see her connecting with a former/current friend/former lover who knew her first love, was there when two of her kids were born, remembers her friendship with Emily. Elizabeth's life has been mostly consumed with Franco in recent years. Her only "friends" are Terry who was never a part of her life growing up in Port Charles and is rarely seen, and her co-worker Epiphany who the show decided should be a stand-in for Emily or Robin from time to time. Franco doesn't really know or understand Elizabeth's past and what has shaped her, at all.
  22. Yes, I mentioned Franco hiding in the backseat of her car to @lala2 in a previous response. But I get that RH's Franco has fans regardless of his creepy and illegal actions.
  23. Totally agree with "Nope!" Does he have any sort of degree that qualifies him to be an art therapist? I think not. A background of turning dead bodies into art does NOT count. The art therapists I have known have multiple master's degrees and a deep commitment to what they do. Just by the fact that Franco scoffed to Elizabeth he's an art therapist now instead of a "real artist" shows he doesn't deserve the job in addition to not doing the work to earn the position. I totally agree. She was a stupid, immature brat for giving away her shares and how she behaved with her family, and she was just plain stupid to confront/yell at Nelle without backup when she is aware of Nelle's history. I bolded your first sentence because I don't understand it. I should have been more clear I guess that I meant the Show thought they could force the audience to accept the narrative that Franco was redeemed/now a good man whom the audience should really like because he got together with legacy character Elizabeth after being involved with train wreck women like Carly and Nina. He did creepy and/or illegal things while he was with them (for example, being Nina's accomplice in running away with baby Avery after she forced Ava into labor and kidnapped Avery). Of course Jason murdering and being a mobster is bad, but it's not really a concern for Elizabeth's kids because Jake rarely sees Jason as far as we know (the last time I recall Jake being in Jason and Sam's home with them and Danny was Halloween 2019), and Cam has seen him in the last year due to unusual circumstances - going to court, and also being a kidnapping victim along with Trina. I'm not sure if Aiden even knows Jason other than he's Jake father. Franco, on the other hand, is the boys' live-in stepfather. Jake looks up to him. Their home got raided by police as a result of Franco getting arrested; Elizabeth herself said that was traumatic for them. Elizabeth will never be the kind of person who doesn't care what the rest of Port Charles thinks.
  24. I might agree with you about the Show's intentions for him to be a gray soap character, if not for the fact that this actor was brought back as another character after previously being on the Show as a character from OLTL. I think it's very clear the Show intended to force the audience to accept an actor they liked from another show, by pairing him with Herbst's legacy character Elizabeth after pairing him with Carly and also Nina didn't work out. The hoopla over what he did to Tom is because it is very sick thinking to decide to kidnap a man, lock him in a cage and put a shock collar on him after he has gotten out of prison and is going about life. He was not stalking or threatening Elizabeth. As for the jealousy - I can maybe understand him being jealous when she and Drew hugged and had close conversations since he once lived with her and was going to be a stepfather to her kids. But he has also been jealous of any other man she hugged or sat/stood close to except for Lucas (because he knows Lucas is gay). Elizabeth is a nurse at GH as a well as a mother, which means she is going to talk to male patients, doctors, nurses and the fathers of other children. I was appalled when he sulked to Kiki that Dr. Munroe (Elizabeth's colleague, who at the time thought he was Charlotte's father) is "talking to my girlfriend." Franco acknowledges that he is flawed, but he also acts like it's offensive that Sam, Jason or anyone else still has a problem with him because he used to kill people. If you've paid attention to Elizabeth long-term (I guess you haven't), you know she has self-esteem issues dating back to her teenage years with Sarah and abandonment by her parents. I absolutely think part of the reason she married Franco is because she thinks he'll never leave her like her parents did. The self-esteem problem has been obvious at various points in her relationships, and definitely popped up when Franco said she's not an artist. That is also something I hate about RH's "Franco" being forced on the audience. Elizabeth could have had more storylines involving art in some way. Instead, she gets to be a supporting player in storylines focused on a former serial killer "artist" - and the set that used to be Elizabeth's art studio got turned into Franco's. "Good news" that Franco isn't killing again is a really low bar for him to be an appealing character or to show that their relationship is healthy. I don't think of it in comparison to Jason because Elizabeth was never in a years-long public romantic relationship with him. Cam is going to graduate from high school soon, but his little brothers will be in elementary and high school in Port Charles for years to come so it's entire possibly that they could get hurt as an indirect result of Franco's actions/decisions in the future. I'll agree to disagree with you about Elizabeth, esp. the part about her thinking she is with a great man. She wants all of Port Charles to think she has good judgement and isn't some poor duped woman, which is why she's been so determined that Jason and others should believe Franco is a good man. She more or less acknowledged she can't trust Franco to think about the future and consequences, when he lied to her and worked with Jordan to lure out Ryan. She flat out said well I still love Franco and my boys accept him, so he can come home (without the two of them resolving the very real trust problems).
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