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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I assume that BL had the pregnancy test with her because the last actress playing BL really is pregnant and it's a convenient way to bring her back (at some point). I'm reallllly hoping Maxie's pregnancy will not last past Heinrik/Peter being exposed; that it's a plot point intended mostly for the Heinrik/Peter, Anna and Valentin story arc. If the writers have any guts, Heinrik/Peter's actions will directly or indirectly cause him to lose his child.
  2. Yup, to all of this. I was totally confused who the tall, dark haired, blue eyed medical professional was until he started yelling and Julian said "Lucas." This guy looks so unlike RC. I have no clue if he's a temp or permanent re-cast. Yeah, I totally believe Carly wants Jax to lie to Nina so Nina won't be devastated. There's no way this is really about Carly wanting Nina (and all others) to shut up about Nelle for all eternity esp. because she doesn't want to be accused of letting Nelle die if the truth comes out. Seriously, since when does Carly give a damn about anyone's feelings outside of her kids and Jason? I laughed at the preview of Michael asking why they're just finding out about this now. I don't know, Michael - perhaps because you didn't give Sasha a second thought after you two broke up, except for a second or two when she hugged you and then ran off when she heard Mike died? I assume now that the three of them are in the hospital worrying Sasha is going to die from drugs, Chase will confess that the "affair" was a lie. If not, I expect Carly will speak up.
  3. It's just nice to see Brooklyn being a decent/supportive person to a guy not named Sonny or dying relative of Sonny's. She's been such an insufferable and immature brat (with both actresses) that I was genuinely shocked. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that reaction. The Willow actress was Trying. So. Hard. to make the awful, awful script work. I felt bad for her that she had to try to act like being close to Michael and reading the legal stuff was turning her on. I swear that is sort of recycled "my love for you is stronger than...") from the Nurse's Ball some years ago when Elizabeth was fighting Helena's mental hold over Jake during his fixation on the magic set when it was rigged with someone poisonous to hurt people. I don't understand. Explain please?
  4. Glad to see Laura show real anger toward Jordan's confessions. Good eye acting from GF when Laura saw the screen shot/file # Jordan gave her. I think the case from 40 years ago that Cyrus wants must be something LnL related. My gut feeling is that she called Tracy. This is one of the very rare episodes where I liked Maxie for getting slightly emotional and giving Lulu a hard time for acting like Dante just up and abandoned Lulu and the kids without thinking and without reason. At least Lulu acknowledged she's not taking Dante back because she doesn't trust him not to leave again instead of trying to insist that she's so in love with Dustin and over Dante. The audience is going to need some headache medication from Pappa Harrison's "kids change everything" anvil. Finn is sort of sitting up and looking well right after heart surgery? Okay, show. I hate that Valentin convinced Anna to lie to Finn about the test results. It makes me wonder if this secret is going to result in Anna and Finn breaking up/Anna and Valentin getting closer. I've gotta say, I love the way Dante easily lied to Peter's face about the computer and left. Peter's last lines to Valentin, and his contented face, that all is well because of Mommy just made me roll my eyes. Now I wonder how he'll find out since Anna is determined to protect him and encourage him to be a good man by Maxie's side. The "I love him as a son" line should have caused Finn's fragile heart to have some reaction. Jason's face when he realized he was Lulu's source was funny. I thought Peter said he wouldn't publish the story?? I liked Cyrus telling Jason his mother and Bobbie Spencer were both fired for cause and re-hiring them would be bad for the hospital's rep. But the plot point of Taggert showing up at Sonny's office unannounced just moments before Cyrus did is also eye-roll worthy - in reality there's no way Cyrus would not have seen him go in.
  5. The only girlfriend Willow had was Sasha, which was because Michael was dating her and Willow and Michael are friends. Willow's mother seems to have disappeared. Elizabeth seems (both in that really sad scene at the baby's grave and recently in their conversation at the hospital) like she is trying to be a friend/mentor to Willow. Willow herself said something about Michael's family surrounding them/being welcoming to her. Maybe it was unintentional, but a combination of the writing and acting made it seem to me she was implying she felt like she would be alone without Michael and his family now that she and Chase were over. I don't think living with Qs is such a treat, but the way the Willow actress has said her lines suggests she does.
  6. Absolutely - the way they hugged, looked at each other and she took his hands in hers showed that these two characters are still in love no matter how much Willow tries to convince herself she is "falling for" Michael. It is too much to hope that Willow will drop in to visit Finn and he'll tell her that the Sasha/Chase "affair' was a lie? It really seems like the only reason (aside from being close to Wylie) that Willow is hesitant about ending the marriage to Michael is that she likes living with Michael and his Q family members, versus being alone. When is the last time she even saw her mother? Does her mother even know she married Michael? Willow seemed like her old self both in attire and speech while talking to/comforting Chase about Finn, and talking to Epiphany about her career and education. She has more to her life than Wylie and his father. Michael likes to feel like important. I suggest he go help Maxie pick up the pieces of her life when the Henrik/Peter situation blows up. GH likes love triangles involving siblings or cousins, so maybe Michael and Dante can be in a rivalry over Maxie. Just have Michael stop feeling sorry for himself about letting Willow go and have him straight out honestly say she deserves to get back together with Chase, the man she truly loves.
  7. Totally agree! Dev has been cocky ever since Sonny brought him home to Casa Corinthos. He clearly felt insulted/put down (but held his temper much better) when he bragged to Sonny and Jason about how he "handled the police" when he was questioned about the disappearance of a warehouse worker, and they were not at all pleased with his statement to the police. He was not pleased when Sonny told him 'you're not working for me; go to school!" IMO Dev's reaction to Joss's rejection is just a louder, nastier version of behaviors he has already demonstrated. I rolled my eyes at him saying Joss was "all over me" last winter. No, she planted one very brief, awkward peck on his mouth when he seemed to be hinting he felt something for her after Trina said something like "I think Dev's into you." From the clever blocking of the Joss/Cam kiss, I'm sure Dev could see she was much more into kissing Cam than the blink-and-you-miss-it moment on NYE between himself and Joss. The point is that Dev is outraged Joss would friendzone him but like Cam when he believes himself to be an awesome guy who should be with a beautiful girl like Josslyn. He's attached to Joss, but not in love with her. When he, like Sonny, has such an ego, it's extremely insulting to think that two girls may like another guy. Think of how Sonny would react to both Brenda and Carly paying a lot of attention to/praising/behaving as if they have feelings for Jax around him in the same year! I am also wondering if Dev will attempt assault, and Cam or Cam along with a couple other people will save her.
  8. Their scenes just proved to me that Dev wasn't madly in love with Joss; he didn't want to "lose Joss to Cam." His behavior reminds me of Sonny asking Brenda, who wanted a divorce, not to leave with Jax. Like Sonny, when things don't go Dev's way, he trash talks those who don't kiss his ass. I half expected Dev to call Joss the w word, which is Sonny's favorite. Joss and Trina were both friends with Cam since way before Dev ever came to Port Charles, so they both know better than to believe Dev insulting Cam (especially since Trina and Cam recently had an honest conversation about their feelings). Dev snarking at Joss about her "precious Oscar" would have been more appropriate coming from someone who actually knew Oscar and witnessed the relationship. It kinda reminds me of Britt putting down Elizabeth about Lucky leaving her and Port Charles behind, since Britt never met Lucky and certainly never saw the LL2 relationship for herself. My favorite part of the teen scene was Trina yelling at Dev and being outraged by how nasty he was to them and about Cam. I also really liked Robert straight up telling Peter this is the first time he's seen Peter approach without an agenda. LWB/"Henrik"/"Peter" demonstrated "THIS IS WHAT I THINK ACTING IS!!!" instead of actually acting quiet terror that Maxie and his unborn child could be harmed.
  9. So much ❤️ for this accurate statement!!!
  10. This is highly subjective. I'm pretty sure the only way he behaves like an adult/man is that he actually does his own cooking. He has Jason or other mostly off-screen minions handle stuff. This alone should have made Maxie and Peter wonder at the very least if Anna had suffered a head injury. Show writers had the same kind of script for GV's Lucky when Elizabeth was pregnant with Jake (before he knew about her ONS w/Jason). All of a sudden, it was like Cam - who? OUR BABY IS MY CHANCE FOR US TO START OVER, THIS IS OUR CHILD, I'M COMMITTED TO RECOVERY SO I CAN BE A FATHER TO MY CHILD. The writers tried to walk it back later with Lucky calling Cam "my son," and saying "I got to be your daddy" once JJ took over. I also disliked that. Lulu was acting like she's with Dustin now to punish Dante for abandoning their family, not because she really loves the guy and is no longer in love with Dante. Yes, they are stupid. It made me think Maxie had never heard of Anna having a twin sister. I know that Heinrik/Peter knew about the memory mapping project and that Anna has a twin; is this the first time he's ever been face-to-face with Alex? The comment that he should look after Maxie because "she's carrying my grandchild" should have really worried/upset him; he knows that Anna really loves Maxie. I, for one, was impressed that Sam could actually remember both kids names, to give Alexis the ultimatum. It seems like such an empty threat; the last time I can recall Alexis being in the same room with Scout was when Alexis and Drew were speaking in his office and Scout had become a little girl who could color/scribble in the background (as opposed to a baby unmoved by sickly-looking Oscar, the last time she was seen). I have no idea when she last interacted with Danny on-screen.
  11. THIS. IMO this history lesson would have been much more meaningful if it was focused on Lesley, Laura, Lulu and Charlotte with the family history in Port Charles. Newspapers publish event and especially Election Day-focused reporting all the time. It would have been easy to have reporter Lulu working on/finishing an in-depth "Votes for Women" commemorative article, gaining some historical insights from her mother and grandmother, and educating her elementary school-age daughter on why this matters so much. Joss could still have had a moment to be highlighted as she votes, with Lulu telling Charlotte how special it is that this year cousin Josslyn gets to vote, as they see her upon arriving to vote. Charlotte represents the future generation of female voters in their family. The problem to me wasn't just Joss, it was that Joss and Carly had to be the stars in a storyline that doesn't fit for their family, and the actresses don't have the acting chops to pull off an important storyline in a way that can make an impact. ( Spare me Carly lecturing a bunch of Port Charles women, btw.) Bobbie was a teenager prostitute (thanks to her aunt) with no parents, not a woman raised by her mother to be an empowered female. Bobbie didn't raise Carly to be an empowered female; she didn't raise Carly at all. The "power" Carly has is due to the marriages she's had and the money she's gained as a result. Carly is raising a bratty child who is the definition of entitled, and white privilege. I liked the concept of the episode. I really liked Alexis and Monica's parts in it.
  12. From your keyboard to Frank's brain. But I'm not so lucky that this would come true. Trina was definitely Leia from Star Wars, especially when she asked Cam for a "family picture" with daddy Darth Vader (Trina's actual dad, Taggert). I also assumed Joss was dressed as a cheerleader, too lazy to get an actual cool/fun costume. Totally agree about Cam and Dev's costumes.
  13. 😁🤣😂 You're too funny!! The story GH is going with at this moment is that Anna and Valentin are satisfied the test results prove that Alex - not Anna - gave birth to Heinrik. Anna decides she has to tell "Peter" immediately but not over the phone, so he can be prepared for Alex coming at him/trying to wreak havoc/whatever. She no sooner gets off the phone with Valentin (he's gone to pursue Alex) and gets the lights back on in her home when Alex appears in the black witch costume, charging from the foyer straight at her. The audience assumes that Anna is unconscious, not dead, because she does not appear to be bleeding/wounded aside from head injury.
  14. Dr. O and Peter both knew how evil and dangerous Faison was. Dr. O enabled and protected Faison for decades, so aside from Faison himself who did the actual shooting, she is the most responsible for Nathan's death. Peter wanted to taunt and lure Faison out of hiding, so yeah he's not innocent in this. As for today, what an utterly disappointing Halloween episode. What a waste of a Darth Vader helmet, Show! Here's a thought Maxie, if you're so excited to see Georgie and James being adorable in their costumes and trick-or-treating, stop calling and texting your mother from the restaurant and go take your kids trick-or-treating yourself. Good to know sitting across a table from your fiance all night is more important than witnessing your kids have this experience together. Next year in theory you won't be able to because you'll have an infant. I guess @GHScorpiosRule will be overjoyed at Anna's news - but it's bullshit that the news totally feels like the bottom dropping out of her life. I mean it's not like she and Robert have had conversations about this .... oh wait. I totally thought Alex was going to attack Peter from the back seat of his car, not Anna who knows how to react but instead just stares wide-eyed and lets herself get attacked for plot point purposes. I'm pretty sure that basement set is from Elizabeth's house that got blown up because I recall Sam lying in that same spot in front of the heater for days after she tripped and fell down the stairs running after Jake. I thought Spinelli was going searching for proof to bring to Maxie that Peter was lying about the server problem. Yeah, sure Spinelli who never met Helena has voice clips/files (?) of her. Spinelli and Sam gloating at their brilliance makes me roll my eyes. That was a lot of exposition talk, Show. Geez. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Franco? I don't. That scene with Terry was basically a recycled script from when Robin thought she was going to die of AIDS and insisted that Patrick and Emma should not know. And I hate that the Show made Elizabeth stupid/naive in that moment - she knows her friend is an oncologist!!! So how long is he going to keep this secret from his wife. I will say Ryan being dragged away from Ava screaming was well done. But the stuff with Sonny, Jason, Taggert, Julian just made me roll my eyes. Am I really supposed to believe that Julian can't figure out who Taggert is, after seeing the pic on Trina's phone, the fact that Trina interns for/is close to Ava, that Taggert's "death" (with a pic, I'm sure) was newsworthy in Port Charles and that Trina was recently in Julian's bar yelling at Cyrus for accusing her father of being a bad guy? Seriously?? No Carly or Joss, so .... there's that.
  15. It's a crappy triangle for the writers to create because one of the guys is Josslyn's foster brother ahem, "step-cousin." You're hilarious!!! They have brought up Liz and Carly's history before, when the kids got caught shoplifting and Carly felt that Elizabeth was implying Joss did it because Carly's wasn't around (she was in the mental hospital) to parent her. She told Liz not to take out her dislike of her and their history on Joss. Then after they got caught being drunk at the Halloween party on the Haunted Star last year, Carly said she just talked to Elizabeth and make some snarky comment and Joss said she didn't want Cam to be in trouble. I absolutely think the history will be utlized. I am happy for Cam, Steve's great grandson, to be the lead teen and if he needs to be paired with Carly's daughter to get more storyline, so be it. Also, I can't stand Dev. I think he's creepy, and not an actual friend to either Cam or Joss. I really wonder if it's not so much that he's crazy about Josslyn so much as he will not stand to be rejected by Joss and then watch her choose another guy.
  16. I think she was, because she chose to kiss Cam this time, and then said she was looking forward to going to a dance with someone she will actually want to kiss. I feel like you don't say that to someone unless you're sure there isn't an attraction on your side and you don't want to hear anymore about the person maybe having feelings for you. The actress was giving off strong "we're only great friends" vibes IMO. It didn't seem like Trina was making a sacrifice. Joss has never said to her "I have feelings for Cam" and Trina kissed Cam as a chem test to see if she really is into him or if the first kiss really was about the emotional upheaval over their trauma and her father 'dying." Trina said "if something ever happens between you and Joss," indicating that she's in no way positive that both Cam and Joss have such strong feelings for each other that they're definitely going to get together. I actually really enjoyed Carly's freakout in the cemetery over being "grabbed." I hope someone makes a GIF!! Couldn't happen to a more deserving person, especially since she is basically repeating her own history here (Nelle: Wiley, AJ: Michael). Yes, he did. The vast majority of Jax's scenes seem to be with some combination of Nina, Carly, Josslyn and Valentin. Jax has so much history with Ned who is supposed to be his best male friend, yet has he had a single scene with Ned in this last year? It makes me wonder if WK and IR had some kind o falling out prior to IR's return to the show and have made it clear to TPTB they don't want to work together.
  17. They were much more thorough about trying to erase AJ from Michael's life. Yeah, this storyline is playing like "well we're both lonely, and we're friends who love Wiley, so .... let's just wait to see if we maybe want to hold hands and kiss someday." Elizabeth's mother abandoned her and has been around to see bad mothers in action in Port Charles. What I didn't like was her saying she and Kiki were "friends." No, Kiki was "like a daughter" to Franco, so Elizabeth was nice to her and was a sort-of mentor to her at the hospital. Kiki was never a friend to Elizabeth, unless you count the time she told Franco to chill out when Franco was jealous at seeing Dr. Munroe speaking to "my girlfriend." I didn't like the way that Trina friendzoned Cam; she behaved like I imagine the Carly-in-training Josslyn would behave with the "You're welcome to have a crush on me" b.s. Jax is making it hard to like him, between writing his long-time best friend off as a lost cause when he sees she drinking and in trouble, the comments about understanding that Valentin would want Nina back because she's an incredible woman, and the running off to be a support to Carly. It was bad enough when he told Nina months ago "I respect the hell out of Carly." I'm not sure which is worse, his priorities or his taste in women. Totally agree. She's just all-around awful. Yes!! Cam and Joss's families have a lot of history in Port Charles and Elizabeth very recently told Franco it would be better for him to like Trina because the less time she and Carly are around each other, the better (which is accurate). That's why I thought it would be weird for TPTB to go for a Trina/Cam pairing over a slow-burn Joss/Cam pairing. There's a lot of story (read: drama) that can come out of a Joss/Cam pairing. I guess you missed most of how Carly behaved about AJ? She and Sonny were all about how AJ was nothing to little Michael, how Sonny was his father end of story, etc. She also helped Sonny cover it up when he murdered AJ. Of course this time, TPTB can't allow Carly to demonstrate growth by having learned from how she very wrongly handled AJ and Michael. YUP.
  18. I don't know if it was the writing or the acting, but that scene did not come off to me like he was being the voice of reason. He was giving Cam a hard time for kissing Joss, because seeing that kiss made him angry. Dev has never seemed care about Trina as his friend; she's Joss's best friend and Cam's friend. He lied to Cam that night (he wanted Cam to believe that Joss took off to find Trina because she was turned off), he was eavesdropping on Carly and Joss's conversation about the kiss with Cam, and now he's lying to Joss (he had no idea where Cam was or what he was up to) and lying to Cam while showing him the forgery. Ugh.
  19. Of course he's old enough to know better. He knows how Joss feels, because she told him "I'm so happy we're friends." My interpretation is he feels outraged that Joss didn't let him actually tell her how he feels, and then kissed Cam. Someone like Dev who has an ego like Sonny' can't tolerate that. Joss not wanting him is one thing, but Joss wanting another guy instead of him is utterly unacceptable. His solution is to try to manipulate both Joss and Cam into feeling like crap, with the goal of getting them to move away from each other so he can isolate Joss. A girl who is feeling alone/abandoned has no choice but to lean on and want him, right? (Sarcasm) I actually do think there is some consistency here with Dev's character. There was a time he was in the Metrocourt, and tried to steal from Laura's purse (when she stepped away from the table. He had no idea who she was - not that it should have mattered). Why would he do such a thing in Sonny's wife's hotel when he's already living at Sonny's house? Because he's greedy and believes he is smart/stealthy/smooth. Jason, of course, stopped him. I also recall a time when some warehouse worker left town, and the police came to Casa Corinthos to ask questions. Dev fabricated a story about where he thought the guy was going. Once the police left, Dev bragged to Sonny and Jason that he handled the police and expected Sonny to praise him. Sonny told him that was not the right way to handle it, and Dev was in turn offended that Sonny and Jason didn't think he was this brilliant kid they could totally trust to be a part of the business (instead of wasting his time in high school). Dev is a very cocky, entitled kid. I have a bad feeling this is going to go the way of Dev making a pass at Joss, or attempting assault and screaming about how dare she not want his awesome self but will kiss that loser Cameron Webber.
  20. Absolutely. Unfortunately, I don't think Mac wants to listen because he likes seeing Maxie happy and at this point I think he wants to believe Maxie has reached a place in her life where she shows good judgement. Mac is in a difficult position where he sort of has to be tolerant because Georgie died; Maxie and her kids are all Mac and Felicia have. If they really piss her off by not accepting Peter, she can walk away from them with her son and possibly also cut off their access to Georgie (Jr) by having a tantrum at Spinelli and Ellie. M&F have never had to share Maxie with Frisco. (I hate Maxie saying that "Dad was an absentee parent; I'm not" b.s. She needs to acknowledge that Mac is truly her father; she has flip-flopped between calling Mac and Frisco "Dad" or by their names over the years. Frisco has not been a parent to her in any way for what, 20 + years now? He never knew her sister Georgie. Also, yes she is raising James (since he is all she has left of Nathan) but until very recently she was basically the "fun aunt" to her daughter, with Spinelli and Ellie being the real parents.) Mac "sort of" has Robin; she now lives on the West Coast and IMO rates her father Robert as more important in her life than Mac by naming her son "Noah Robert" even though Mac, not Robert, has been there for Robin most of her life. Although, I don't like that Mac has tolerated Dr. O because she's "Nathan's mother", just to make Maxie happy. Maxie has totally glazed over the fact that Dr. O worked with Faison to torture Robin and hold her captive. I wish someone would point out to Maxie that her choices have been disloyal to Robin and to Nathan's memory. It's interesting that Dev has taken on the part that is usually given to a girl: the manipulator scheming to get the guy away from another girl. He's mad that it doesn't even occur to Josslyn to be alone with him (where he can try to create a romantic setting), and wants Trina and Cam to join them so it can be a fun group thing. He decides to manipulate her into feeling unhappy/possibly unwanted by her friends, I guess with the motive that she will start becoming detached from Cam and lean on him in her depression which will lead to her "falling in love" with him? I also feel like Cam should be very skeptical about Dev from now on. He was right to be appalled that Dev would "steal" Joss's "diary" and think that was no big deal. Also, nobody writes a single journal entry on a notepad with no date and no other writing in it ... Cam (in the real world) would be smart enough to know that. I hope Cam goes to Joss and tells her Dev stole her diary and showed him what she "wrote" about Homecoming. Dev talking about Cam and Trina to Joss reminds me of young Maxie being all over Lucky while telling him that Elizabeth was probably headed to see Patrick right at that moment (as Elizabeth was actually cleaning up after Lulu's party downstairs). Dev does not seem to me to be crazy in love with Joss; more like he feels entitled to be with her no matter what she wants, Cam wants, or Trina wants. His actions scream "bruised ego." I guess he thinks he'll do whatever it takes to make Joss settle for/choose him? Yet he's supposed to be a cocky guy who thinks so highly of himself, that the more likely scenario to me would be for him to date some other girl and rub Joss's nose in it. Ava picked up and kept the piece of the check with Nik's signature. I assume she'll keep that scrap to get $. I don't think BL "does" guilt; she's really selfish and immature. I assume she's going to blackmail Ned with this information. I hope Dante - at some point- gets to yell at her for trying to sabotage his relationship with Lulu in the past and deliberately hurting his mother's marriage now. Ned, however, is completely stupid for practically bellowing that "cheating on Olivia with Alexis is the secret I'll take to my grave" to Monica. Does he think that door is soundproof? The Q mansion isn't WSB property, genius.
  21. If Mac or Robert or even Nurse Amy had that line, it would be more impactful IMO. Nik's son is Sonny's nephew, so of course he's going to say something like that. Britt indulged Nik's brat son when they were a couple and still thinks Spencer is a "great kid." Well, that "great kid" adores his "Uncle Sonny" and is influenced by him, so Britt's words ring hollow to me. She claims she and Spencer talk, so it's not like she had/has no idea that the kid looks up to Sonny.
  22. I don't agree that he never bothered with her. He thinks he's clever/smart/slick and he didn't want to go back to Turkey, so he has made it his goal to ensure that Sonny (and Carly) first feel indebted to him, and second want to keep him around because he's "a good kid." Once he was confident he wouldn't be leaving Port Charles, he started to relax. Now that he's comfortable, he figured he could let his attraction to Joss be more obvious and because he has a high opinion of himself, he sort of expected she would want him (especially since he pulled away from kissing her on NYE out of so-called respect for Sonny/family, as I interpreted his response). The way he told Brando what happened, he seemed angry/resentful - as in 'she wants to be friends but then goes off with that loser Cam - excuse ?!' His reaction was not about hurt feelings. So I guess now he thinks he can manipulate her into falling in love with him because he thinks she should want him. I wonder if he's going to help Trina on her quest to clear her dad's name, and also somehow intervene when Dev tries something.
  23. I guess she asks for more dough next? In the preview Carly is giving her attitude, saying ATM closed. Thanks; I thought they had sex and then he left to get his stuff because she seemed upbeat/excited to answer the door. I didn't look carefully to see she was buttoning. I assumed she was fussing with her top to look smooth/pretty as she opened the door.
  24. I saw it as whining because she started out her one-on-one scene with Jason by talking about the rep she has/acknowledging her nicknames. I think you don't do that unless you feel self-pity. ' Kristina, as Mike's actual granddaughter who never got to say good-bye, should have been the one to get up and say she'll miss him and will make sure to tell Avery and Donna stories about him as they grow up. I hate that Joss must have a starring roll in so many storylines/scenes just because she's the daughter of She-Beast. I'm laughing because Sam couldn't make it through a day being non-judgmental. Her tone/expression and "What could possibly have been more important than Mike's funeral?" line to Alexis was so out of line. Alexis doesn't answer to you, Sam, so shut it. Mike was not actually family to Alexis and was not his friend. Just because Sam has no life except to hang on to Jason and the Corinthos family, doesn't mean anyone else should follow that example. Yes, Elizabeth was one of maybe 2-3 people who came off well during this sad storyline. Although Dante's tears that he missed saying good-bye to Mike, and missed the funeral, got me in the feels as well. He is crossing over into stalker/creeper territory, between the eavesdropping and literally digging her private thoughts out of a box. I assume he'll try to manipulate her based on what he reads. What's next, sniffing her underwear drawer when she's out of the house? It reminds me of teen Lulu being determined to clear Laura's name re: murder. Josslyn's smile/reaction to Trina's news makes me think she's happy Trina is thinking about her father and a goal instead of confessing "I have feelings for Cam." I assume Joss is going to put off/avoid telling Trina she and Cam kissed if she can, all the while trying to spend more time with Cam and/or get another kiss from him. But if Joss wants to keep this quiet, telling her mother was the way wrong move. I really enjoyed Gladys showing up and shit-stirring. Sonny and Carly can suck it up since Sonny is the one who sought her out to provide Dev a cover story. Brando is shitty for calling her after Mike died, and deliberately not telling her about the funeral. She was Mike's cousin, Sonny acknowledged Mike had a soft spot from her. She had a right to be there and mourn him. This was not Sonny's funeral, Brando (unfortunately) and sucking up to Sonny like this is not a good look. Loved seeing Dante show up at Lulu's door (before he went to his mother) when she was beaming thinking it was Dustin with his stuff to move in. I rolled my eyes at her and Dustin saying ILY to each other and her claim that Rocco thinks he walks on water. Ummm, he was devastated that his father left town and latched onto Dustin because he needed someone to fill the void. it's not hard to understand if you know basic psych.
  25. But then she ruined it during the quick "you're cleared" exam with Jason. The "I'm sure Robin or Elizabeth would be happy to tell you horrible things about me" etc. whining did her no favors. Like her mother, she feels sorry for herself. People like Patrick and Robin, Lulu and Dante, etc. and Elizabeth have legit reasons for their perspectives on Britt. I'm glad Jason mentioned Patrick and Lulu to her. A few months ago in the court room she said to Brad that what she did, and what he did "for love" was understandable/excusable. I could see that she continued to show zero remorse for what she had done to deceive/hurt people, and thought "she hasn't changed." So true. I don't buy that Willow would ever fall for Michael as played by CD after being in a relationship with Chase. I would much rather watch teenage Cameron Webber with either Joss or Trina. CD could learn a few things about playing a charismatic, romantic and charming guy from watching WL. That is sad. Chase's thought that he "can't" tell Willow the truth about his non-cheating because she and Michael have agreed she will legally adopt Wiley is an incredibly lazy way for the Show to try and push this Michael-Willow "romance" forward. Sheesh. Is it possible for a couple to have chemistry in the negative digits?
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