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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I give those two young actresses a lot of credit - I rarely cry while watching TV or a movie but I totally believed their heartbreak, anger, shock, etc and they had me in tears for Bay and Daphne's loss. My heart went out to Bay and Emmett in the scene at Angelo's place, and to both girls when Daphne lip-read "brain dead," and to Bay calling her bio-grandmother for the first time ever ... to give her the sad news. Bay looked like she'd had her heart ripped out.
  2. Dani is one disgusting pedophile. Loved Brandon's response to her, and that he refuses to let her put all the responsibility for the ONS on him. And after her scene w/Stef, I really want Stef to find out about the ONS and rip that toxic b's head off. But first Lena can tear into her. I think we all knew Callie didn't truly want to have sex with Wyatt, even before she had that panic moment and started withdrawing from him. Loved Lena with Brandon! Reassuring him, calm, no judgement about the pot. Good to see Callie has a friend who gets her, to confide in a little. Then that sweet, silent emotional moment w/Jude, awww that tugs at my heart. I guess Stef's relieved to know Mike's not a killer. Am I the only one who thinks this Hayley girl is both insecure and a little cray-cray? Jesus is just a teen ass.
  3. I assume this is to push a Morgan/Kiki reboot along - he'll be so grateful that she volunteered to convince her dad to donate her brain dead cousin's heart to save his dying friend, The Dominator. I saw that Morgan looked down when Michael sat close to and comforted Kiki today, like we're supposed to see a hint of renewed jealousy.
  4. Wow, Tracy makes Carly seem like she was slow and compassionate about going after organs (Jake and Joss donor storyline), for the sole purpose of blackmailing a physically vulnerable person try to save her own ass. To Alice: "A heart! And you have me to thank for it!" That gleeful look, UGH! JT and KeMo were terrific together today. I see a strong friendship that could definitely turn into more, their tears got me and that seemed like an emotional friends-with-potential type hug to me. Silas and Nina, BLECH! If Silas is going to be easily manipulated by his "disabled" wife, just walk away from Sam please. The Nina/Rafe scene...yeeeeeesh. They BOTH need to just go away. I like Morgan throwing Tracy attitude. Go Morgan! She so deserved what he said. Lulu has confirmed what we assumed - all is forgiven because she and Dante are now happily raising Rocco. *RME* Glad Lucas walked away; he's too hot for those two repulsive characters.
  5. Nathan, Patrick, Lucas shirtless in separate scenes ... okay Show you get a point or three for not completely sucking today. Maxie must be severely depressed and all this 'enlightenment' stuff is just a cover for someone who feels completely broken ... that's the only explanation for her tunnel vision re: Levi and getting testy w/Lulu at the suggestion she's attracted to Nathan. Maxie looks pretty in that sweater and jeans though. I like the potential Dante-Nathan friendship. Also rather shocked that Felix is capable of non-obnoxious moments. I think that scene with Patrick is the first time in the character's existence that I haven't thought he was horrible/a caricature. But I still find Felix and Brad to be repulsive characters. Looks like the Morgan-Kiki thing, take 2 is starting. Patrick and Silas at war, with Sam in the middle, could give KeMo some good material to act. Silas crying and telling Rafe that Drake will pay makes me roll my eyes though. I don't care that Rafe is brain dead, and even I thought Tracy's small smile at the news was gross.
  6. I think the couple's relief that Timothy has signed the donor contract, Lena saying she still has this baby to look forward to, and Mariana's excitement over getting a baby sister/ girls soon outnumbering the boys 'officially' in the home (at this moment Callie is not legally an Adams-Foster, and Robert signing those papers seems up in the air) is a set up for Lena having a miscarriage. Seems like Brandon and Callie could be a solid couple, once they've both matured a bit and dealt with their baggage. Brandon's obsession with the Braille "relationship" was not a good look for him, esp. at a time when that was the last thing Callie needed. At this moment Wyatt is looking desperate to me, for Callie's love, or stability in general, not sure. I don't like either guy being pushy/desperate for Callie to love him. The girl's been through so much as it is. Poor Jude, his birth father/their dad gives him up officially after what, 6 years of not seeing him, so the Adams-Foster fam can adopt him. Then he finds out his beloved sister has a father and half-sister not far away, who want to get to know her, and he is left out. From his perspective, this man Robert has a legal claim to Callie which can prevent Callie from becoming an official member of his new family, and this girl Sophia has as much sibling claim to Callie as he does. His worst fear is being separated from Callie. For all he knows, Robert could immediately fall in love w/his long-lost daughter and see a bond quickly form between Callie and Sophia, then decide to take Stef and Lena to court for full-custody. Jude is aware that the Quinn Family is financially well off, so fear that the Quinns could take Callie away from him is not irrational. I think her "my dad" and "my half-sister" wording in their conversation pre-Quinn caused him some emotional trauma.
  7. Actually there's an easy way to blame Sonny for Levi. Sonny giving Dante and Lulu money for all the fertility stuff (eagerness for a grandson to carry on his gummy bear Mob legacy?) is what started the Maxie pregnancy storyline. Everything that followed lead to Maxie deciding she needed to get out of PC for a while (so her portrayer could go on maternity leave). A few months later, she brings Levi back to PC w/her, as a souvenir to assault our eyeballs. See? All Sonny's fault.
  8. Bahahahaha! This is the funniest line I've read in quite a while! Thank you!!!!
  9. Ugh re: every character today except for Molly, Sam, Alexis, TJ, Dante, Michael and Monica. With the way Morgan was speaking/reacting, you'd think he's the brother w/brain damage. It's nice to see Monica be a doctor, even if she does take like 3 hours to come out and say "heart transplant." Impossible to take the Silas-Dr.O-Patrick-Sam scene even slightly seriously. Go DIAF, Dr. O. Michael Easton really was just like 'this is lame/I don't give a shit' with his last line today.
  10. Actually what Robert said is that he never would have left had he known Colleen was pregnant - meaning he wouldn't have met/married the current Mrs. Quinn and had Sophia w/her. He wasn't saying he'd easily dump his current wife if Colleen had survived and come to him with Callie. He is naturally feeling a lot of guilt and loss at the moment; I'm sure Mrs. Quinn feels stung that in that conversation w/Stef, Robert was clearly not even thinking of his younger daughter and his wife. Yes, the younger daughter has clearly been raised to be highly goal-oriented, compete, live up to expectations that are often associated with wealthy/high-brow families. Mrs. Quinn looked very uncomfortable when Callie mentioned juvie, which made me think she's concerned that a teenager who's been in some trouble could taint her perfect child ("has a lot of homework" = please get her away from daughter). I was half expecting Mrs. Quinn to refer to Callie and Jude as 'strays' when she said Stef was generous for taking them in. Callie hasn't talked about college because she's just been in survival mode since her mom's death. That's not something Robert understands due to his wealthy achiever family background and the way he and his wife have been raising their daughter. Those are the types who have money/trusts for the kid's college years all set up before the kid hits the teen years. I'm sure he just assumes that college is a given for Callie, as it is for Sophia.
  11. What I got from the blech Nina-Kiki scene was that Kiki doesn't necessarily believe Nina is being totally honest about not resenting her existence ... but more than that thinks Nina is just odd/not 'all there' after a 20-year coma. Seems like Nina will try to get rid of Kiki and get caught, or Nina will hurt Kiki to the point of her being rushed to GH so Sonny, Ava, Morgan, Michael, and Silas can all be at the hospital together fighting each other (no idea it was Nina's doing), with Sam trying to calm them all down. (They all respond okay to Sam, except for Ava w/her jealousy.) Cheap melodrama over a worthless and annoying character-sounds about accurate for GH to me.
  12. Band girl who's only met Callie for a few moments feels a vibe between Brandon and Callie, Callie doesn't say "ILY" back to Wyatt, Brandon is all "Callie is my sister, same as Marianna, we're all family"... we get it, Braille is endgame. The young actress is doing a job showing Sophie's eagerness/desperation to have a close relationship with Callie. Callie's conversation w/Sophie about Wyatt tells me she really wants to be in love w/him, but she's not getting over Brandon. And asking her permission to play the song with his band ... same. Lena and Marianna - nice bond. Good foster mom-bio dad conversation - Mrs. Quinn looks like she'd been slapped at hearing him express to Stef how much he loved Colleen. I just wish Callie had heard that part! Glad he confirmed he'd been spineless when he was young, although he still comes off that way. I think his wife wants him to give up his rights to Callie, and he's *not sure* he wants to but doesn't have the courage/balls to tell her that. I think Stef's right that Mrs. Quinn is uncomfortable that her husband fathered a baby with a woman he loved way before he ever met her. But geez, it's not like Colleen's going to rise from the dead and be a threat to the Quinn marriage. Emma totally figured out from Marianna's face that Jesus is already hooking up w/a girl. I agree w/the poster who wrote that the Lena and Stef need to be concerned there. One baby on the way is enough for that house!
  13. Right now Patrick needs someone who is guilty to be a target for his pain and anger from the time of the lab explosion until Gabriel's death, and for the moment he can't yell at Dr. O, Victor Cassadine or anyone else who's screwed w/his life and family. This kid is absolutely guilty of running Patrick's car off the road. I still remember his anger at Noah for Matt's expressed feeling of being an unwanted son (I guess in part because Noah didn't love the mother), and that Patrick told someone - maybe it was Elizabeth - that he would not take after his dad in that regard. So I think his rage at Rafe is also 'penance' for not wanting Gabriel because of timing and the fact that he would have that baby w/Sabrina the distant second choice instead of Robin. I guess seeing Sabrina re-living the day before their wedding, and then the cardboard box..er..baby casket made Patrick's rational side go out the window in favor of ensuring that the driver get severely punished this very second. Patrick's not the type of guy to just react like "whatever" to a friend's teenage sister coming into the ER with potential head trauma. Even regardless of his friendship w/Sam, Patrick and Robin have known Alexis pretty well for years.
  14. Sam pleading with Molly to wake up in the post-crash moments, Alexis and Sam holding each other in comfort at Molly's bedside, and TJ holding unconscious Molly's hand ... the only good from today. Makes me miss Lexi A. as Kristina; she should be there worrying over little sis after the various incidents where Molly was crying/worrying at Kristina's hospital bedside. KA's WTF face to The Nina's asking eagerly if, "They're dead?!" did amuse me slightly. Yes, Keeks, she does hate you and want you gone, one way or another. (Well, the audience understands that one.) And yes, she wants Rafe dead (ok, we get that too) so he'll keep his mouth shut, and she wouldn't mind if Molly's dead because then Sam would be in a lot of pain and it would drive a wedge between Silas and Sam. Had to turn off Lulu and Olivia and the Corinthos crap. I just can't.
  15. What would make too much sense is showing the 2013 July 4th show, which Britt just brought up to remind Nikolas about how they met. The BBQing of Molly's doll baby and Mac's line as he scraped the grill are absolutely worth seeing again. Britt's horror in that moment was hilarious.
  16. Yeah Patrick needs to pull his head out of his ass; he knows Robin leaving wasn't really her choice, and it's plot point stupidity that's making him act like Robin could just leave that clinic and she doesn't want to because Jason's the most important thing to her. Bull! His reasons for wanting her to come home are all about the mess he created while she was "dead" - this woman who idolizes him, had his baby pre-maturely and is a wreck, the baby being in ICU, and Emma being scared about the car accident, Sabrina's pain, and the baby. If Emma had been really hurt or traumatized, or say if Grandpa Noah or Grandpa Robert showed up in Port Charles due to a crisis and the family really needed Robin to be there, then I could understand Patrick's anger/frustration and think it made some sense that he thought she just wasn't trying hard enough to come home. But this is all about Patrick not getting what he wants, and ignoring the obvious so that Ron can make Robin look like a crappy wife and mother. Blech. I don't think Britt asking Spencer to help her get back together with Nikolas is okay because he doesn't know WHY Nikolas broke up with Britt. Does he even know that "Ben" is actually his cousin, Aunt Lulu and Uncle Dante's kid?! The major details would be too much for a little kid to take in, but he's old enough to be told that Britt betrayed Aunt Lulu when she was Aunt Lulu's doctor, and lied to Dad and Aunt Lulu about Ben the entire time she was living at Wyndemere. He might be less likely to help her if he knew the truth. Sure, he likes Britt based on his limited knowledge of her, but the big reason he wants to help her is because he doesn't want Liz and his cousins around because Cam "won" Emma's heart. *RME*. This show is way more tolerable on a day w/o Sonny, Carly, Shawn, Duke, NotTodd!Franco, Luke/Fake Luke, Ava, Sabrina, Felix, Levi, current Lulu, and Kiki,
  17. I found three positive things to say about today's show. 1) Maxie/KSt does look very pretty in that shade of blue. 2) Jason and little Brooke are absolutely believable in their roles as Daddy Patrick and Daughter Emma - great parent/child chemistry. I get the hate for him speculating about him and Robin to Emma, but "I'm not alone - I have you" made me go Awwwwww. 3) TC did a good job w/Nikolas looking very uncomfortable about putting his arm around Britt in response to Spencer's 'whispered' demands. Yep, Britt is not looking any less pathetic to me.
  18. I'm actually wondering if Patrick's outrage at the person (now Rafe) who "killed my son" has more to do with lots of guilt than loss. In a scene with Robin, he'd said "that baby" and he wasn't happy (just generically supportive) about finding out Sabrina was pregnant. He wasn't focused on the unborn Gabriel until Sabrina showed up at the Scorpio-Drake house to go to Emma's dance recital ... plot point writing since the birth was pre-mature later that night. I think he must feel like crap somewhere inside because (since Robin wasn't the one pregnant) this baby's birth wasn't being awaited with great love and anticipation. Patrick was just getting to the point of accepting that he would be a father again, and was ready to open his heart to this baby, so now he's all twisted up inside (plus telling Emma yes you're getting a baby brother, no you're not, this time you really are, nevermind because your brother died).
  19. Yes, the blonde is the re-cast Kate/Connie. That beefy guy is Johnny Zacchara, played by Brandon Barash. He's now married to KSt (the character "Maxie") and they have a baby girl. It's ironic that KSt got pregnant while Maxie was in the middle of her pregnancy w/baby Georgie. Johnny was blackmailed into marriage by Kate/Connie, and he went off to jail. Lexi, Haley and Kelly had great Davis sisters chemistry and yes, they all looked like they could be sisters and daughters of Alexis.
  20. Lola - No, Kristina got back into college last fall when the (second) actress got fired. Molly or Alexis really should have a line about Kristina's fun/exciting internship in ___ because it's now summer and she's still not in PC. *Sigh*. I thought Lexi A. (first actress) was great in the role.
  21. NOOOO dubbel zout - it must be Morgan and Kiki - I can NOT deal with her being an insult to the name. And I agree with you. I figure Ava will end up having Sonny's baby if it goes full-term. That's Baby Mama #7 - or higher- for him?
  22. LOL! Love it! Yeah I think Morgan still feels a little disgust/anger regarding her - the nausea/disgust/anger is now 99% directed at his dad and Ava.What I meant is that I got a hint that he likes talking to her, and was remembering how he felt about her/how they were together (off-screen) before he was hiding out at Ava's place in NY.
  23. It's a little ironic that Molly wonders aloud who would run someone off the road and just drive away, both because she's talking to Rafe and because her elder sister did the same thing with Claudia, and the fetus died. Either Molly doesn't remember that or never knew about it. Haley P. is doing great work, and looks lovely in red. Glad Maxie stood up to Levi, defending ELQ and Edward, esp. because he saved Emma's life. I like that she got genuinely ticked off at him for making generic assumptions. Levi knows zero about the company or Edward, but as always thinks he is all-knowing. So now he's making assumptions about Michael - can a crane please fall on him while he's protesting waterfront development? I'm sure the late Abbey would approve of death-by-crane for a manipulator/abuser. Ugh@Kikikaka. Appealing to the ex-husband you left (while he's shirtless) for his brother in order to get free housing, and referencing how much you've appreciated his help. That's such a Carly move. I do think this is leading to another Kiki-Morgan "thing"/triangle. BC conveyed that Morgan still feels *something* for Kiki. I got the impression that talking together like that about family is how they were together before Michael showed up at Ava's in NY looking for Morgan. Patrick describes Sabrina as a woman he "care(d) very much for" -please let that mean he's realized he never truly loved her and Purina is totally history. Also, it's nice to see JT showing signs of life. Wow, NotTodd!Franco stole Sonny's Orange Glow. Yikes not a good look for Howarth. (Couldn't watch the rest.)
  24. Turtle - Can you imagine Sam attempting to explain to someone that yes, she was once involved with Sonny and they had a daughter who was stillborn, but what's relevant today is that he's her college-age sister's dad, her little sister's uncle, and her new baby cousin's grandfather (or dad) as well. Awkward doesn't even scratch the surface there... Assuming the baby is actually born, I just want to see Carly's head explode in reaction to Monica saying, "Sam, Congrats on the birth of your cousin! *Smirk toward Slagbeast, just a foot away* It didn't occur to me that Carly is his/her grandma." She would of course be thinking 'Karma, that the mother of Carly's grandchild is a woman she hates, both of her own sons hate her now, and Josslyn went to live with Jax permanently because of the Franco situation.'
  25. I really want someone to tell Alexis on-screen that Ava is having either Sonny or Morgan's baby - NLG's WTF?!?!/Ewww face would be epic. Then she gets to tell Sam and Molly that for once, all 3 of her girls are getting either a cousin, sibling, or niece/nephew (Ava is Sam's aunt, Sonny is Kristina's dad and Morgan is her brother, and Sonny is Molly's uncle and Morgan is her cousin). I imagine their reactionary expressions would be screen-cap worthy as well. I can just imagine Sam being like "I have no words..."
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