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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Especially because Robin and Patrick knew Jake well; Elizabeth was/is their neighbor and best friend! It's absurd that these two doctors would look down at a boy (even with head and body trauma) and not realize this was a different child. If almost any doctors other than Patrick and Robin had been there, this might be plausible. But any scheme of Helena's has involved significant planning and scheming, with details worked out. She did not orchestrate Luke hitting Jake, so she could not possibly have an injured clone or whatever ready to go for the occasion, or get the timing perfect to kidnap the injured Jake from the hospital. Someone being rushed into a hospital for emergency surgery is always surrounded by people.
  2. Not just your glasses. Those two sparkle! I saw a longing for him to stay in her eyes. But I also felt like I saw it in Lucky, too. She said she was seeing "Jake," and the way Lucky said that's wonderful ... I think JJ played it like that's what he feels is right and polite to say, but he said it without any enthusiasm. (Yet there was genuine happiness in his face in reaction to hearing that Josslyn is cancer-free after 5 years.) Also, "There's that name again" re: bedtime story reading. Definitely not a voice of happiness, lol. It's like he does and doesn't want Elizabeth to move on at the same time. He left in part to get out of their old pattern - but this is still HIS family where another man is reading to his son(s) and being romantic with Liz. When he was telling Luke he just wanted to be there with his kids ...I felt like he still loves Liz, too, but can't say that because a) he feels like a dark mess who can't BE a family man in the foreseeable future b) L&L2 weren't a healthy match the last time and c) she's seeing someone and he's unaware that is actually Jason and the situation will implode anytime now.
  3. Which of course means Val will do the opposite. I assume (no time table here) that Lulu will come to the police station to see Dante, and either overhear Jordan angrily/sternly tell Val that her affair with Dante is affecting the PCPD, or Dante and Val having a conversation/argument about it, or Jordan bitching them both out for their ONS having a negative affect on workplace performance. I think the Jordan/Val or Jordan, Dante and Val scenario is most likely, because otherwise Val confiding in Jordan serves no purpose.
  4. Seriously. Lucky shows up, tells her he was kidnapped, but doesn't have time to explain that. Jake didn't save Joss; end of story. Big news, here's Jake. Then he says she'll do fine explaining to Cam and Aiden that their brother is alive, she'll be a good mother raising the boys, and leaves?! I get that we're supposed to understand it's not goodbye, he'll be in contact, but come ON. He should be there at her side to tell the boys about their brother, to help him integrate into life with the family. They haven't had the boy checked out by doctors, so they have no way of knowing if he is, in fact, okay and it's safe to have him in the house with his mother and brothers. There's no way they can know he's just fine after spending what, 48 hours or less with him? GMAB. Lucky of all people should know that is a very bad idea after the year he spent living as Helena's prisoner.
  5. Jackson, Herbst, and Geary did great today. LOVED the LnL2 tearful hug outside, and their joy at having their son back. It feels like their final scene in her doorway made right their awful last moment in her doorway when he left the role in Dec. 2011. It was very obvious that JJ and Becky were happy to act together again briefly. It's nice to see Lucky redeemed as a father in this episode - except why didn't Cam get to see Lucky?! That was bad writing - the scene with Aiden should have been with both sons. I'm assuming there will rage blackouts from some of you for Jake saying he gets that Jason was a good man before and after the accident, and Monica saying yes he was a good man. But Monica saying that Jason was the heart of the family is a slap in the face to AJ. Bad mother moment there. Nikolas acted like he could care less that Lucky was okay and Jake had been found. I'll be interested to see Laura's scene with her sons tomorrow, as I was not expecting Lucky to actually see and speak with Nikolas.
  6. I agree. Some of you may remember a scene in the Penthouse, where Elizabeth broke down and confessed to Jason that she lied about Danny's DNA test results, and explained why. I think this is a continuation of what she was feeling at that time, that she more or less buried when he was presumed dead. She wanted Jason to be with her, to love only her, make the pain (of loneliness, of loss from Jake's death) go away. A life with him was a fantasy for her; in reality they were incompatible She was always in denial about/refused to accept that he killed people many times when it was not self-defense. The scenes from the last few months tell me she feels neither Nikolas nor Ric can be trusted with her heart. She still wants to believe (after how many years?) that being in a relationship with Jakeson with fill her heart and family home with love, and will fix what's broken inside her. The "I love you" to Jakeson showed that yearning, amidst her growing guilt for lying to him and keeping him from Sam and Danny. It reminds me a lot of her reasoning for wanting to marry JJ's Lucky while feeling guilty because she was acting like a sex addict w/Nikolas and lying about it.
  7. If RC does go there, Nikolas can justify it that the boy was not living with/being raised by Helena because she got shot (by Luke), died, got put on ice for awhile (a year +)? before being revived. Jake was growing up with a nanny and a housekeeper on some part of Cassadine Island. But I think it will play that he was completely unaware, same as he was when Robin was locked in the underground lab.
  8. I absolutely agree they were never right for each other, but I don't think a child between them goes hand in hand with that - you could say the same about Tracy and Paul (Dillon), AJ and Carly (friends to lovers = Michael; then enemies), Carly and Jax (Joss), Alexis and Sonny (Kristina). Sam and Sonny (stillborn baby girl), Maxie and Spinelli (Georgie), Sabrina and Patrick (RIP Shamwow). I was personally disgusted with the killing off of toddler Jake because it was done to a) give Elizabeth a terrible exit storyline as Becky was fired and b) prop bio dad Jason who barely knew the kid/justify deciding to raise a child w/Sam despite awareness their child would always be in danger. Jake dying then, in that way, made 3 legacy characters look bad. Elizabeth was distracted looking at test results and didn't have the front door locked. Lucky was supposed to have his sons that night but had Liz take them home with her at the last minute so he could marry Siobhan immediately (the hero complex thing). Luke was driving drunk, rushing to the court house for Lucky and Siobhan's wedding. The propping of Carly, her sick daughter and the Carly-Jason relationship on top of that also irked me, but not as much as what I've already mentioned.
  9. The intention was that Jason and Sam could have a baby without looking like a douche for walking away from Jake/the justification that well Jake died anyway- not from Mob violence - so intentionally raising a kid in Mob life isn't so bad. Also, Becky was fired, so the intended story for her was 'Mommy goes crazy from guilt/despair, keeps seeing her late son and has to go Shadybrook or Ferncliff...indefinitely."
  10. Agreed. I think KeMo is at her best/Sam is at her most interesting when she's away from Mob stuff and angrily focused on other stuff - for ex. Kristina getting abused by a guy (years ago), Heather and Franco's sick minds screwing with her life, Nikolas taking ELQ from Michael. While I think the back-from-the-dead little Jake thing is absurd, I think JJ and Becky will be fantastic. I hated it that the last L&L2 scene we had was of Lucky walking out and Elizabeth crying and clinging to him. I'm thrilled JJ is back briefly. I haven't enjoyed watching TG in a long time, but I mostly enjoyed his work in Friday's episode. I feel like JJ truly brings out the best in him; that conversation was a lovely tribute to the real life friendship between JJ and TG.
  11. I forgot to comment on this - did you see how the kid was staring at her in horror, when she was talking to Carly about stuff that a toddler should not be hearing. It was hilarious. Reminds me of some of little Avery's reactions.
  12. I agree. Her anger toward Lulu for taking off on Dante, lying to him, and being so certain that Lulu was cheating on him with Dillon, made me roll my eyes. Looking so hurt while they talked, and then crying to herself because Dante wants his marriage and isn't acting torn between her and Lulu makes her look really pathetic. I think she's going down the road of being some sort of hybrid between Carly and Lisa (sneaky and vindictive yes, but I don't think she'll take Rocco to scare Lante and then play it off like they just went out for ice cream, for example).
  13. JJ got me in the heart with his tears and awe at seeking Jake (like is he real??), hugging Laura in joy, and the suspicion that maybe Nikolas could have known the whole time. Laura being all "Nikolas couldn't keep a secret this big" and Lucky's yeah, right expression - well done. I love that Laura gets to take little Jake's hand, go for a walk (although sick they were both held on that island) and gently tell him he's going to a new/his old home. I think it's a stretch, though, that Jake doesn't remember Lucky at all. JJ's acting while watching Laura and Jake walk out was awesome, but I HATE that Lucky is now written to kiss Luke's ass like he's the greatest man ever. Dude, the whole reason Helena's minions got their mitts on Jake in the hospital to begin with is because your dad ran him over with his car when he was drunk. Luke's monologue to Lucky, though (ending with telling Lucky he's the pride of his life) was great though, and invalidates all the Tracy's my great love, best time ever nonsense. I liked Luke reflecting on how amazing Lucky was as a kid - that's Luke the father I remember. What gets me is that not one of the three of them wonders, who was the kid Lucky and Elizabeth buried?!!! Jake's there and looks fine, and that's good enough for them...ookkkaaayyy. Little Jake telling Lucky he doesn't have a mother...ouch. Lucky telling him Elizabeth loves him very much, awww. Also hate that Luke gets to babysit Jake over on the side while Lucky breaks the news to Liz. Valerie is totally going crazy over losing her crush to his wife. Will Dante tell the whole truth now that Lulu is crying because she found out about the kiss from Carly...dun dun dun. Don't care.
  14. So that Elizabeth could tell Lucky's cousin, Carly, that she in fact has been in touch with Lucky via the boys' Skype calls with him up until a month ago, because Ron wants us to stop bitching about Lucky being a deadbeat dad/why is he never mentioned. Also, most important: so that Silas could let the viewers know it's been 5 years since Jake's death/the transplant...making Jake now 9 years old. I'm positive it was only written to connect with the other storyline, TG's retirement, which includes Lucky with his parents after a kidnapping and somewhat older little Jake reappearing with Helena and without an on-screen explanation. Why else would Elizabeth be in that room with Carly, thinking of Jake, and no "I can't wait to tell Jax the good news!"/ mention from Carly of why Jax didn't do a Skye call for the results of his beloved daughter's cancer screening. Such an obvious plot point because these two women are hardly friends, even if they haven't been enemies for 5 years.
  15. At the time, he said someone "who kills a child" could never be redeemed. What guilt he felt was that a little boy wouldn't get to grow up - he did not care about Jake personally because he never acknowledged Jake as Lucky's son. He knew Lucky was devastated, but Lucky's love for Jake just never registered with Luke knowing Jason's the bio dad.. When Elizabeth was pregnant with Aiden - prior to any paternity test shenanigans - Luke assumed the baby would be Nik's and flat out asked Lucky, haven't you had your fill of raising other mens' children. Luke's utter disregard for Jake way before he ran the kid over is another reason I find him being the first to see the boy alive and smile at him to be yet another disgusting and disrespectful writing choice. That should be Elizabeth and Lucky's moment.
  16. I'm at 20 on a scale of 1-10 anger that Luke is the first one to see little Jake, and have the boy introduce himself to Luke. His smile of happiness/relief did nothing for me. And no, Laura, Lucky cannot firm that this blond boy is Jake. He is not a doctor who can do an instaDNA test on the kid and Elizabeth. Helena gets to walk away from Luke and thank him for the passion?!? He should slit her throat where she stands for kidnapping Lucky for a year and helping her psycho son kidnap and freeze Lulu.
  17. Right on, Kerley Q. Liz said on stage that Robin is happily living in Paris - she had to hear that from Patrick. I don't doubt both Patrick and Nikolas would keep the truth about Robin re: Jason and Helena from Liz, because they've both verbalized that they're moving on after being abandoned by Robin and lied to/humiliated by Britt. Nikolas never asked follow-up questions about Robin, or investigated her whereabouts, because he is focused on getting what he wants. Also, Tyler does not play Nikolas as someone who invests in friendships that don't involve sex. I remember he was shocked, but hardly looked overjoyed, to discover that Robin was alive. His reaction was basically, Robin, you're alive?! I thought maybe Britt's baby was being held in this secret area! Okay, well, let's get you out of here.
  18. It's certainly not a coincidence in my opinion that this "Jake is alive!" thing happens during TG's retirement storyline. Mostly likely, first priority was to white wash Luke's drunk driving night. It wouldn't shock me that TPTB also want us thinking Jakeson will be 'torn' between Liz w/Jake and Sam w/Danny. I figure the second priority is the 'surprise' that little Jake and adult Jakeson both being alive would change the current ELQ situation. (Jake legally being Lucky's son is irrelevant where Ron is concerned because DNA is what ultimately is important.) Also, thanks UYI for that link. Looks like somebody remembered Cam because Liz told Nikolas that Lucky missed another Skype call with Cam and Aidan. "See viewers, he's totally an involved dad - Elizabeth said he Skypes with the boys once a week." - what I figure will appear in Ron's Twitter feed next.
  19. I meant redeeming/whitewashing Luke in the same way Ron tried to redeem Franco when Roger H. had those scenes in the Haunted Star with the people who mattered to Jason, showing video footage etc....he was all "see, I didn't really rape Sam...listen, I wasn't responsible for Michael getting raped" blah blah blah. Ron was determined that nuFranco would work out. The attempt was terrible. Since Luke is a long-term character and now Tony is retiring, Ron wants to retcon what I assume many viewers think is the worst of his list of sins: killing his son's little boy during a night of drunk driving. It seems likely Ron wants to present it as yeah, Luke over indulges, but it's not that bad because he hasn't killed anyone after all and Lucky is clearly over it. You all saw that father-son hug, right people, right?!? Lucky is just happy to see his parents and know they are okay. Spencer Family is healed. (Never mind the years that Elizabeth and Cameron have suffered due to missing Jake because Liz is merely the mother/Lucky's cheating, manipulative ex and Cam is the biological child of a dead guy who wasn't part of a legacy family.)
  20. I got misty-eyed at Laura and Lucky hugging and Lucky saying "Yes, Mom, I'm fine." I'm sure it was a joyous, emotional moment for GF and JJ to be on-screen together for the first time in his adult life. Also lovely to see Laura with an arm around both Lucky and Lulu. I don't care how scruffy JJ looks; I'm just so happy to see him back briefly, and with Genie. I agree with you all that it was great/ funny when Lucky tells his mom to stay down, she pops up to save Luke from getting shot, Lucky reacts in surprise and says "Or not." Interesting that Elizabeth says Lucky has been in touch with Aidan. I remember when JJ and Braden (the previous little Cameron actor) had their final scene, Lucky talked to him about going on a "trip" and the Christmas gift from Cam would keep Cam with him on that trip. Shortly after that, Cam yelled at Liz that her lying is why "Dad left." I would buy that he doesn't have a relationship with Lucky due to Lucky being so focused on working with orphans and Cam feeling that his dad abandoned him after letting him believe he was just going on a long trip. It's a good explanation for why Cam was being clingy with Ric - a guy he couldn't have remembered from his mom's past (prior to the years with Lucky) because he was a baby when Liz married Lucky. Aidan was still a baby when Lucky left that Christmas, so "Daddy" is more of a concept than "my dad who left me and that hurt." He probably wanted to do things with a male role model (Liz even said 2 years ago, July 4th episode she wanted him to have a man in his life because Lucky stays away) ... but that's not the same thing as having memories of a father who currently has other priorities. I'll guess it's way too much to hope that Lucky will have a scene with his mom, ex-wife and sons. This retcon that Jacob Martin Spencer is alive makes me roll me eyes along with you all. I assume it's to redeem Luke so that he's a not a drunken toddler killer and to play into the ELQ fight storyline - BLECH.
  21. I thought JMB's Lulu was more like young Luke, for ex. the Markham Islands storyline, the "like father, like son" snark re: Logan and Scott, dating Johnny and being exposed to the crazy of Anthony Z. ER's Lulu doesn't remind me of young Luke or Laura, and yes a lot of that is because she's been all about having babies with Dante.
  22. It is if she thinks she's like her daddy, who got involved with Felicia and long before that had that 'weekend in Hong Kong' with Holly. I think it's deliberate storyline that Luke is on this adventure with two of his exes, and now Lulu's showed up with her sort of ex. Maybe the show wants us thinking that deep down, she has Luke-like tendencies. I can't recall if she was still with Logan the first time she and Johnny had sex, but I do recall that she was drawn to Johnny at least in part because he was a little wild/adventurous.
  23. Lulu didn't lust for adrenaline; her issue with adventure was more about feeling like a "real" Spencer/missing out the Spencer Family adventure years that were before her time which Lucky had with their parents, and that Lucky was raised by Laura while Grandma Lesley raised Lulu (because Laura was in a catatonic state). I kinda think Lulu figures she's a poor excuse for a Spencer if she's not in on Operation Rescue Lucky, so she just showed up after she was told not to. I get that she's genuinely worried about her brother, but the assumption that she can help because she's a Spencer is ludicrous.
  24. I agree with you both, Melgaypet and Turtle. What makes me crazy is that Sonny is a monster with very rare good guy moments. (The one that stands out to me was LA's Kristina in a hospital bed after the bus accident, sobbing that she felt responsible for a friend's death, and Sonny was gently comforting her/ telling her she was wrong.) Yet the show makes a sweeping generalization that he's a good man who loves his kids. JJ's Lucky offered a pretty good assessment of Sonny (for someone who didn't despise him, but didn't worship him either) years ago, when talking to Claire in the PCPD. But Mac by far has the best perspective on Sonny, which is that he truly is scum.
  25. It's hilarious that Kiki is standing there in a 4th of July bikini top, but Morgan is so obsessed with Franco and DeniseAva that all he has to say with an utter lack of enthusiasm is "You look great." Also amused that now Morgan and Kiki argue about Franco, but that doesn't stop them from having sex. He is SO Sonny's spawn. Had to tune out Dr. O saying NotTodd!Franco could have any woman he wants because he's so awesome. Lulu and Dillon are annoying. And it seems like Dillon is thinking he's Rick Castle (of the TV show, Castle). Also, I just find it absurd because it's rather glaring that Dante should be in on this instead of Dillon - he was Lucky's friend and partner prior to marrying Lulu. Dillon sticking close to Luke, Laura, Holly and Lulu just looks ridiculous. I assume the "3 Jackson" re: Ethan and Lucky's pic is a wink, wink about JJ being a part of Geary's retirement send-off? Yeah Luke, Dillon is totally capable of protecting/taking care of Lulu in a situation where armed men are around. *RME* Laura has some sense; her daughter does not. The Lulu "in labor" ruse with her "husband" is in really poor taste given her history and the Lulu/Dillon history, so of course that's what RC goes with. Michael getting into Tracy's tale of woe somewhat with Jake was seriously clunky writing, and was pointless...only meant to connect with the Spencers/Holly/Dillon scenes. I like Sam being confrontational with Nikolas/having some fire and in scenes with family members. We get it, Sam, Jakeson and Michael are going to team up to get ELQ back ... and I assume Jakeson intends to do it without shooting anyone. He is behaving most un-Jason like (regardless of what Michael says).
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